#include #include #include Dim $username, $password, $villageid $username = "" $password = "" $villageid = "" While 1 $buildqueueex = FileExists(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt") If $buildqueueex = 1 Then Else $builds = InputBox("", "Builds") $sepbuild = StringReplace($builds, " ", @CRLF) _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt") $fobuild = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt", 2) FileWrite($fobuild, $sepbuild) FileClose($fobuild) EndIf $buildsnum = _FileCountLines(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt") $timesexist = FileExists(@TempDir & "\times.txt") If $timesexist <> 1 Then _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\times.txt") $fotimes = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\times.txt", 2) FileWrite($fotimes, "1") $currentnum = 1 Else $foforcurr = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\times.txt", 0) $currentnum = FileRead($foforcurr) FileClose($foforcurr) EndIf $fobuild1 = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt", 0) $buildid = FileReadLine($fobuild1, $currentnum) FileClose($fobuild1) $oIE = _IECreate("gr2.ds.ignames.net") _IELoadWait($oIE) $user = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "user") $pass = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "password") $server = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, 'server') $signin = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "login-btn-input") _IEFormElementOptionSelect($server, "gr2") _IEFormElementSetValue($user, $username) _IEFormElementSetValue($pass, $password) _IEAction($signin, "click") _IELoadWait($oIE) $aIE = _IECreate("http://gr2.fyletikesmaxes.gr/game.php?village=" & $villageid & "&screen=main") _IELoadWait($aIE) _IEQuit($oIE) WinSetState("Φυλετικές Μάχες - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) $frame = _IEFrameGetObjByName($aIE, "main") For $ist = 1 To 18 Step 1 $tablesss = _IETableGetCollection($frame, $ist) $arr = _IETableWriteToArray($tablesss) $ubou = UBound($arr, 2) If $ubou > 7 Then ExitLoop Else EndIf Next For $atz = 0 To $ubou - 1 Step 1 $string = $arr[0][$atz] If StringInStr($string, _wordconverter($buildid)) Then $whenwillread = $arr[6][$atz] If StringInStr($whenwillread, "η ώρα") Then If FileExists(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt") Then Else _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt") EndIf $foshi = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt", 1) FileWrite($foshi, "The reources will be available at " & StringRight($whenwillread, 5) & " obvious" & @CRLF) FileClose($foshi) Sleep(_timeuntildl(StringRight($whenwillread, 5))) Else EndIf $timeget = $arr[5][$atz] ExitLoop Else EndIf Next $links = _IELinkGetCollection($frame) For $link In $links $checkstring = StringInStr($link.href, $buildid & "&h=") If $checkstring = 0 Then Else ExitLoop EndIf Next If $checkstring = 0 Then Sleep(7000000) Else Sleep(666) _IENavigate($aIE, $link.href) _IELoadWait($aIE) _IEQuit($aIE) If FileExists(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt") Then Else _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt") EndIf $fo3 = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\sleeptime.txt", 1) FileWrite($fo3, $timeget & " Now Time is: " & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & " diladi stis " & _Sleeptime($timeget, 1) & @CRLF) FileClose($fo3) $fotimes1 = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\times.txt", 0) $currentnum = FileRead($fotimes1) FileClose($fotimes1) $currentnum = $currentnum + 1 If $currentnum = $buildsnum Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\times.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\buildingstodo.txt") Exit Else $fo2 = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\times.txt", 2) FileWrite($fo2, $currentnum) FileClose($fo2) EndIf _Sleeptime($timeget) EndIf WEnd Func _Sleeptime($iendtime, $ichoice = 0) Local $icheckpositionfhorhour, $iendhour, $icheckpositionsec, $istringlen, $iendsec, $iendmin, $iamallin $icheckpositionfhorhour = StringInStr($iendtime, ":") $iendhour = StringMid($iendtime, 1, $icheckpositionfhorhour - 1) $icheckpositionsec = StringInStr($iendtime, ":", 0, -1) $istringlen = StringLen($iendtime) $iendsec = StringMid($iendtime, $icheckpositionsec + 1, $istringlen - $icheckpositionsec) $iendmin = StringMid($iendtime, $icheckpositionfhorhour + 1, $icheckpositionsec - $icheckpositionfhorhour - 1) $iamallin = ($iendhour * 60 * 60 * 1000) + ($iendmin * 60 * 1000) + ($iendsec * 1000) If $ichoice = 1 Then $newsec = $iendsec + @SEC $newmin = $iendmin + @MIN $newhour = $iendhour + @HOUR Select Case $newsec >= 60 $newsec = $newsec - 60 $newmin = $newmin + 1 If $newmin >= 60 Then $newmin = $newmin - 60 $newhour = $newhour + 1 Else EndIf Case $newsec < 60 If $newmin >= 60 Then $newmin = $newmin - 60 $newhour = $newhour + 1 Else EndIf EndSelect If $newhour >= 24 Then $newhour = $newhour - 24 If $newhour < 10 Then $newhour = "0" & $newhour If $newmin < 10 Then $newmin = "0" & $newmin If $newsec < 10 Then $newsec = "0" & $newsec Return $newhour & ":" & $newmin & ":" & $newsec Else Sleep($iamallin) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Sleeptime Func _wordconverter($iword) Switch $iword Case "Smith" Return "Οπλουργείο" Case "main" Return "Επιτελείο" Case "wall" Return "Τείχος" Case "snob" Return "Ακαδημία" Case "Stable" Return "Σταύλος" Case "Wood" Return "Ξυλουργείο" Case "Stone" Return "Λατομείο" Case "Iron" Return "Σιδηρωρυχείο" Case "Storage" Return "Αποθήκη" Case "Farm" Return "Αγρόκτημα" Case "Barracks" Return "Στρατώνας" Case "Market" Return "Αγορά" case "Hide" Return "Κρυψώνα" case Else Return MsgBox(0, "", "i lexi den bre8ike") EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_wordconverter Func _timeuntildl($imwendtime) Local $icheckpositionfhorhour, $iendhour, $iendhour, $fh, $fm, $iallsec $icheckpositionfhorhour = StringInStr($imwendtime, ":") $iendhour = StringMid($imwendtime, 1, $icheckpositionfhorhour - 1) $iendmin = StringMid($imwendtime, StringLen($imwendtime) - 1, 2) Select Case $iendhour < @HOUR $iendhour = $iendhour + 24 If $iendmin < @MIN Then $iendmin = $iendmin + 60 $iendhour = $iendhour - 1 Else EndIf Case $iendhour > @HOUR If $iendmin < @MIN Then $iendmin = $iendmin + 60 $iendhour = $iendhour - 1 Else EndIf Case $iendhour = @HOUR If $iendmin < @MIN Then $iendhour = $iendhour + 23 $iendmin = $iendmin + 60 Else EndIf EndSelect $fh = $iendhour - @HOUR $fm = $iendmin - @MIN $iallsec = $fh * 60 * 60 * 1000 + $fm * 60 * 1000 Return $iallsec EndFunc ;==>_timeuntildl