#include #include Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 1) Tooltip('Try to find the file named: FindMe.txt in one of the directories on your desktop, if you found it double click on it..', 0, 0) sleep(5000) global $say[6]=['', 'This one', 'Pick me', 'the file is in me', 'dont pick me', 'im empty'] global $say1[6]=['', 'maybe in me', 'no not in me', 'yep the file is in me', 'look somewere else', 'COME HERE'] global $say2[3]=['', 'This is the one', 'no wrong directory'] $number1 = Random(1, 5, 1) $number2 = Random(1, 5, 1) $number3 = Random(1, 2, 1) Tooltip('creating directorys and files', 0, 0) DirCreate(@DesktopDir&'\start') For $i = 1 to 5 DirCreate(@DesktopDir&'\start\'&$say[$i]) For $1 = 1 to 5 DirCreate(@DesktopDir&'\start\'&$say[$i]&'\'&$say1[$1]) For $2 = 1 to 2 DirCreate(@DesktopDir&'\start\'&$say[$i]&'\'&$say1[$1]&'\'&$say2[$2]) if $number1 = $i and $number2 = $1 and $number3 = $2 Then $goodfile = @DesktopDir&'\start\'&$say[$number1]&'\'&$say1[$number2]&'\'&$say2[$number3]&'\FindMe.txt' _FileCreate($goodfile) _FileWriteToLine($goodfile, 1, 'you found me') Else $toobadfile = @DesktopDir&'\start\'&$say[$i]&'\'&$say1[$1]&'\'&$say2[$2]&'\too bad.txt' _FileCreate($toobadfile) _FileWriteToLine($toobadfile, 1, 'awww too bad') EndIf Next Next Next For $i = 3 to 0 step -1 Tooltip($i, 0, 0) sleep(1000) Next Tooltip('Gooooo!!', 0, 0) $timer = TimerInit() sleep(1000) $secs = 0 $clicks = 0 While 1 If _IsPressed(01) then $clicks +=1 Sleep(1000) $secs += 1 Tooltip('you are searching for '&$secs&' seconds and you clicked '&$clicks&' times', 0, 0) if WinExists('FindMe') then msgbox(32, 'Stop the time!', 'you got it in '&$secs&' seconds and '&$clicks&' clicks..'&@CRLF&'Make sure you closed all the directorys and files before clicking ok!'&@CRLF&'The game results are pasted into your clipboard') ClipPut('Game results seek:'&@CRLF&'seconds = '&$secs&@CRLF&'click = '&$clicks) DirRemove(@DesktopDir&'\start', 1) Exit EndIf WEnd