;This is my script to auto login for warcraft Battle.net ;It assumes that your username is already saved because this just writes your password ;I had to use the Start->Run method because running the program directly would give me problems Send("#r") Sleep(500) ;Change this to the path of your Frozen throne.exe Send("C:\Games\war3\Frozen Throne.exe") Send("{ENTER}") ;Change these sleep times if your computer is slower/faster ;Although I wouldnt recommend setting these faster Sleep(6000) Send("!b") Sleep(6000) ;Change this to your password Send("password") Send("!l") Sleep(6000) Send("!h") Sleep(5000) ;The next bit is optional. It joins a chat channel and goes to the custom games list. Remove it if you want Send("Channel") Send("!j") Sleep(4000) Send("!g") ;Hope it helps ya