#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Maurice Koster Script Function: API-Library for the Snarl notification system #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #cs --- Snarl.au3 -- Snarl AutoItV3 include / copyright information ------------ © 2004-2008 full phat products. All Rights Reserved. Include this module if you want your AutoIt application to talk to Snarl. Version: 38 (R2.0) Revision: 2 Created: 6-Dec-2004 Last Updated: 11-Apr-2008 Author: C. Peel (aka Cheekiemunkie) Licence: GNU LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) Notes ----- This include file can be used in conjunction with the Snarl API documentation (http://www.fullphat.net/dev/api.htm) when porting Snarl support to a different programming language. As best as possible all functions are documented here, including the local and supporting ones. This module is adapted from the VB6 API (m_Snarl_i.bas). Revision History ---------------- 38.2 (11-Apr-08) - Clarified function return values. 38.1 (19-Mar-08) - Fixed bug in snGetVersion() which would return True even if uSend() failed. 39 (7-Apr-07) - Final R1.6 release 36 (14-Mar-07) - VB-friendly UTF8 string conversions finally sorted out. This change *only* affects the VB include (this one) and should *not* impact on existing VB-based applications. 35 (13-Mar-07) - snGetAppPath() reworked completely. Now Snarl itself provides the path through a 'Static' class child window within the Dispatcher window. 34 (28-Feb-07) - Added string length constants (taken from Tresni's C++ includes) - Moved out all unused code/constants/types - Added new snSetTimeout() function and associated command - uSend() timeout increased from 100ms to 500ms - uSend() now returns M_FAILED if Snarl window not found or M_TIMED_OUT if sending timed out 33 (21-Feb-07) - More commenting 32 (13-Feb-07) - Added snGetSnarlWindow() -- standardised way of retrieving message handling window - Added WM_SNARLTEST constant 31 - snRegisterAlert() -- registers an alert for a specific application - snRegisterConfig2() -- allows external image to be used rather than config window icon - We now use SendMessageTimeout() instead of SendMessage() - snRegisterConfig() and snRegisterConfig2() both set a local variable (m_hWndFrom) with the hWnd parameter passed to them - snRevokeConfig() clears the m_hwndFrom local variable - uSend() now passes m_hWndFrom to Snarl in wParam #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include ; Constants Const $SNARL_STRING_LENGTH = 1024 Const $SNARL_UNICODE_LENGTH = $SNARL_STRING_LENGTH / 2 #comments-start WM_SNARLTEST message This can be used for development and test purposes. When received, Snarl will display a simple message in order to show that communication has been established okay. Parameters for SendMessage() are: hWnd - Snarl Dispatcher Window (use snGetSnarlWindow()) wParam - Command - see table below lParam - Depends on wParam +--------+------------------------------------------------------+ | wParam | lParam | +--------+------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | Not used | | 1 | Value is displayed by the Snarl message | +--------+------------------------------------------------------+ Possible return values are: -1 - Succeeded 0 - SendMessage() failed M_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Bad wParam value #comments-end Const $WM_SNARLTEST = 0x400 + 237 ; note hardcoded WM_USER value! #comments-start Global event identifiers Identifiers marked with a '*' are sent by Snarl in two ways: 1. As a broadcast message (uMsg = 'SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG') 2. To the window registered in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2() (uMsg = reply message specified at the time of registering) In both cases these values appear in wParam. Identifiers not marked are not broadcast; they are simply sent to the application's registered window. #comments-end Const $SNARL_LAUNCHED = 1 ; Snarl has just started running* Const $SNARL_QUIT = 2 ; Snarl is about to stop running* Const $SNARL_ASK_APPLET_VER = 3 ; (R1.5) Reserved for future use Const $SNARL_SHOW_APP_UI = 4 ; (R1.6) Application should show its UI #comments-start Message event identifiers These are sent by Snarl to the window specified in snShowMessage() when the Snarl Notification raised times out or the user clicks on it. #comments-end Const $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED = 32 ; notification was right-clicked by user Const $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_TIMED_OUT = 33 Const $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_ACK = 34 ; notification was left-clicked by user ; Added in V37 (R1.6) -- same value, just improved the meaning of it */ Const $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CANCELLED = $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED ; -- M_RESULT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const $M_ABORTED = 0x80000007 Const $M_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x80000009 Const $M_ALREADY_EXISTS = 0x8000000C Const $M_BAD_HANDLE = 0x80000006 Const $M_BAD_POINTER = 0x80000005 Const $M_FAILED = 0x80000008 Const $M_INVALID_ARGS = 0x80000003 Const $M_NO_INTERFACE = 0x80000004 Const $M_NOT_FOUND = 0x8000000B Const $M_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0x80000001 Const $M_OK = 0x00000000 Const $M_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x80000002 Const $M_TIMED_OUT = 0x8000000A #cs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNARL_COMMANDS Enumeration #ce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; --- Standard commands -- all use a SNARLSTRUCT --- Enum $SNARL_SHOW = 1, _ $SNARL_HIDE, _ $SNARL_UPDATE, _ $SNARL_IS_VISIBLE, _ $SNARL_GET_VERSION, _ $SNARL_REGISTER_CONFIG_WINDOW, _ $SNARL_REVOKE_CONFIG_WINDOW ; --- Following introduced in Snarl V37 (R1.6) --- Enum $SNARL_REGISTER_ALERT = $SNARL_REVOKE_CONFIG_WINDOW+1, _ $SNARL_REVOKE_ALERT, _ $SNARL_REGISTER_CONFIG_WINDOW_2, _ $SNARL_GET_VERSION_EX, _ $SNARL_SET_TIMEOUT ; --- Extended commands -- all use a SNARLSTRUCTEX --- Const $SNARL_EX_SHOW = 0x20 #cs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURES #ce --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #comments-start SNARLSTRUCT This is an internal structure used to pass information between Snarl and registered applications - do not attempt to craft your own messages using this structure; use the standard sn... api methods instead. #comments-end #cs Public Type SNARLSTRUCT Cmd As SNARL_COMMANDS ' 1. what to do... Id As Long ' 2. snarl message id (returned by snShowMessage()) Timeout As Long ' 3. timeout in seconds (0=sticky) LngData2 As Long ' 4. reserved title As String * 512 ' 5. Text As String * 512 ' 6. VB defines these as wide so they're actually 1024 bytes Icon As String * 512 ' 7. End Type Public Type SNARLSTRUCTEX Cmd As SNARL_COMMANDS ' 1. // what to do... Id As Long ' 2. // snarl message id (returned by snShowMessage()) Timeout As Long ' 3. // timeout in seconds (0=sticky) LngData2 As Long ' 4. // reserved title As String * 512 ' 5. Text As String * 512 ' 6. // VB defines these as wide so they're actually 1024 bytes Icon As String * 512 ' 7. Class As String * 512 ' 8. Extra As String * 512 ' 9. Extra2 As String * 512 ' 10. Reserved1 As Long ' 11. Reserved2 As Long ' 12. End Type #ce ; DllStructure Const $SNARLSTRUCT = "long Cmd;long Id;long Timeout;long LngData2;char Title[1024];char Text[1024];char Icon[1024]" Const $SNARLSTRUCTEX = "long Cmd;long Id;long Timeout;long LngData2;char Title[1024];char Text[1024];char Icon[1024];char Class[1024];char Extra[1024];char Extra2[1024];long Reserved1;long Reserved2" Const $COPYDATASTRUCT = "long dwData;long cbData;long lpData" ; internal declares ;Const $WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A Const $SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG = "SnarlGlobalEvent" Const $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x2 Global $m_hwndFrom = 0 ; Long #cs WinAPI wrappers #ce Func IsWindow($hwnd) Local $result $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "IsWindow", "long", $hwnd) Return $result[0] EndFunc Func SendMessageTimeout( $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam, $fuFlags, $uTimeout, ByRef $lpdwResult ) Local $result #cs ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout hwnd:" & $hWnd & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout msg:" & $Msg & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout wparam:" & $wParam & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout lparam:" & $lParam & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout fuflags:" & $fuFlags & @CRLF ) ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout timeout:" & $uTimeout & @CRLF ) #ce $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessageTimeoutA", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $Msg, _ "wparam", $wParam, "lparam", $lParam, "uint", $fuFlags, "uint", $uTimeout, "dword*", $lpdwResult) ; ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout error:" &@error ) if @error = 0 Then ; ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout:" & $result[0] & @CRLF ) ; ConsoleWrite ( "SendMessageTimeout result:" & $result[7] & " - " & $lpdwResult & @CRLF ) $lpdwResult = $result[7] Return $result[0] Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;--- Private parts Func uSend($pss) Dim $hWnd ; Long Dim $pcds ; COPYDATASTRUCT Dim $dw ; Long Dim $p $pcds = DllStructCreate($COPYDATASTRUCT) $hWnd = snGetSnarlWindow() If IsWindow($hWnd) <> 0 Then DllStructSetData( $pcds, 1, 2 ) ; SNARLSTRUCT DllStructSetData( $pcds, 2, DllStructGetSize($pss) ) DllStructSetData( $pcds, 3, DllStructGetPtr($pss) ) $p = DllStructGetPtr($pcds) If SendMessageTimeout($hWnd, 0x4A, $m_hwndFrom, $p, $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 500, $dw) > 0 Then ; worked! Return $dw Else ; timed-out or failed Return 0x8000000A ; M_TIMED_OUT EndIf Else Return 0x80000008 ; M_FAILED EndIf EndFunc Func uLOWORD($dw) ConsoleWrite( "dw: " & $dw & @CRLF ) Return BitAND($dw, 0x1111) EndFunc Func uHIWORD($dw) ConsoleWrite( "dw: " & $dw & @CRLF ) Return BitShift($dw, 16) EndFunc ; ---- Public area Func snShowMessage($Title, $Text, $Timeout=0, $IconPath="", $hWndReply=0, $uReplyMsg=0) Dim $pss; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_SHOW ) DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $Title ) DllStructSetData($pss, 6, $Text ) DllStructSetData($pss, 7, $IconPath ) DllStructSetData($pss, 3, $Timeout ) DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $hWndReply ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $uReplyMsg ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc Func snHideMessage($Id) Dim $pss $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_HIDE ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $Id ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc Func snIsMessageVisible($Id) Dim $pss $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_IS_VISIBLE ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $Id ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc Func snUpdateMessage($Id, $Title, $Text, $IconPath = "") Dim $pss $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_UPDATE ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $Id ) DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $Title ) DllStructSetData($pss, 6, $Text ) DllStructSetData($pss, 7, $IconPath ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc Func snRegisterConfig($hWnd, $AppName, $ReplyMsg) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) $m_hwndFrom = $hWnd DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_REGISTER_CONFIG_WINDOW ) DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $hWnd ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $ReplyMsg ) DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $AppName ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc Func snRevokeConfig($hWnd) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_REVOKE_CONFIG_WINDOW ) DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $hWnd ) $result = uSend($pss) $m_hwndFrom = 0 Return $result EndFunc #comments-start snGetSnarlWindow() snGetSnarlWindow() -- returns a handle to the Snarl Dispatcher window (V37) Synopsis int32 snGetSnarlWindow() Inputs None Results Returns handle to Snarl Dispatcher window, or zero if it's not found Notes This is now the preferred way to test if Snarl is actually running #comments-end Func snGetSnarlWindow() ; As Long Local $result $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "FindWindow", "ulong", 0, "str", "Snarl") return $result[0] EndFunc Func snGetVersion(ByRef $Major, ByRef $Minor) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT Local $hr ; As Long $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_GET_VERSION ) ; Cmd $hr = uSend($pss) If BitAND($hr, 0x80000000) = 0 Then ; FIXED: uSend() returns an M_RESULT on error ConsoleWrite( "GetVersion: " & $hr & @CRLF ) $Major = uHIWORD($hr) $Minor = uLOWORD($hr) Return True EndIf EndFunc #comments-start snGetGlobalMsg() -- returns the value of Snarl's global registered message Synopsis int32 snGetGlobalMsg() Inputs None Results A 16-bit value (translated to 32-bit) which is the registered Windows message for Snarl. Notes Snarl registers SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG during startup which it then uses to communicate with all running applications through a Windows broadcast message. This function can only fail if for some reason the Windows RegisterWindowMessage() function fails - given this, this function *cannnot* be used to test for the presence of Snarl. #comments-end Func snGetGlobalMsg() $result = DllCall( "user32.dll", "long", "RegisterWindowMessageA", "str", $SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG ) If @error = 0 then Return $result[0] Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc #comments-start ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V37 (R1.6) Additions #comments-end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #comments-start snRegisterAlert() -- registers a specific application notification (V37) Inputs AppName - Application name, same as that used in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2() Class - Alert class name Results Returns M_OK if the alert registered okay, or one of the following if it didn't: M_FAILED - Snarl not running M_TIMED_OUT - Message sending timed out M_NOT_FOUND - Application not found in Snarl's roster M_ALREADY_EXISTS - Alert is already registered #comments-end Func snRegisterAlert($AppName, $Class) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_REGISTER_ALERT ) ; Cmd DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $AppName ) DllStructSetData($pss, 6, $Class ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc #comments-start snRegisterConfig2() -- registers a configuration handler with Snarl (V37) Inputs hWnd - Application name, same as that used in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2() AppName - Name of application to register ReplyMsg - Message Snarl will send to hWnd to notify it of something Icon - Path to PNG icon to use Results Returns M_OK if the handler registered okay, or one of the following if it didn't: M_FAILED - Snarl not running M_TIMED_OUT - Message sending timed out M_ALREADY_EXISTS - Application is already registered M_ABORTED - Internal problem registering the handler #comments-end Func snRegisterConfig2($hWnd, $AppName, $ReplyMsg, $Icon) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $m_hwndFrom = $hWnd $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_REGISTER_CONFIG_WINDOW_2 ) ; Cmd DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $hWnd ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $ReplyMsg ) DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $AppName ) DllStructSetData($pss, 7, $Icon ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc #comments-start snGetIconsPath() -- returns a path to Snarl's default icon location (V37) Synopsis str snGetIconsPath() Inputs None Results A fully-qualified path to Snarl's default icon location Notes The easiest way to create this function is as below; simply return the result of snGetAppPath() and tag "etc\icons\" to the end of it. Starting with R2.0 (V38) Snarl now makes better use of per-user settings by storing configuration data in %APPDATA%. Consequently the use of this function is now very limited. #comments-end Func snGetIconsPath() Return snGetAppPath() & "etc\icons\" EndFunc #comments-start snGetAppPath() -- returns a path to Snarl's installed location (V37) Synopsis str snGetAppPath() Inputs None Results A fully-qualified path to the location of the *running* instance of Snarl or an empty string if an error occurred (mostly likely Snarl isn't running) Notes Snarl creates a static control within its dispatcher window, the label of which is set to the path the executable is run from. This function simply finds the dispatcher window, then finds the static control and retrieves the control's title. Starting with R2.0 (V38) Snarl now makes better use of per-user settings by storing configuration data in %APPDATA%. Consequently the use of this function is now very limited. #comments-end Func snGetAppPath() Dim $hWnd ; As Long Dim $hWndPath ; As Long Dim $sz ; As String Dim $i ; As Long Dim $result $hWnd = snGetSnarlWindow() If $hWnd <> 0 Then $result = DllCall( "user32.dll","long", "FindWindowExA", "long", $hwnd, "long", 0, "str", "static", "long", 0 ) if @error = 0 Then $hWndPath = $result[0] Else $hWndPath = 0 EndIf If $hWndPath <> 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowText", "hwnd", $hWndPath, "str", "", "int", 32768) if @error = 0 Then $i = $result[0] ; number of chars returned $sz = $result[2] ; Text returned in param 2 Else $i = 0 $sz="" EndIf If $i > 0 Then Return StringLeft($sz, $i) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc #comments-start snShowMessageEx() -- displays a Snarl notification using registered class (V37) Inputs Class - Notification class, same as that specified in snRegisterAlert() Title - Text to display in title Text - Text to display in body Timeout - Number of seconds to display notification or zero for indefinite (sticky) IconPath - Path to PNG icon to use hWndReply - Handle of window for Snarl to send replies to uReplyMsg - Message for Snarl to send to hWndReply SoundFile - Path to WAV file to play Results Returns an M_RESULT indicating success or failure #comments-end Func snShowMessageEx($Class, $Title, $Text, $Timeout=0, $IconPath="", $hWndReply=0, $uReplyMsg=0, $SoundFile="") Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCTEX $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCTEX) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_EX_SHOW ) ; Cmd DllStructSetData($pss, 5, $Title ) DllStructSetData($pss, 6, $Text ) DllStructSetData($pss, 7, $IconPath ) DllStructSetData($pss, 3, $Timeout ) DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $hWndReply ) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $uReplyMsg ) DllStructSetData($pss, 9, $SoundFile ) DllStructSetData($pss, 8, $Class ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc #comments-start snGetVersionEx() -- returns the Snarl system version number (V37) Synopsis int32 snGetVersionEx() Inputs None Results Returns Snarl system version number or one of the following: M_FAILED - Snarl not running M_TIMED_OUT - Message sending timed out 0 or M_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Pre-V37 version of Snarl #comments-end Func snGetVersionEx() Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCTEX) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_GET_VERSION_EX ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc #comments-start snSetTimeout() -- changes the timeout of an active notification (V37) Inputs Id - Notification identifier, returned after a successful snShowMessage() or snShowMessageEx() Timeout - Updated timeout in seconds, zero means display indefinately Results M_OK - Succeeded M_FAILED - Snarl not running M_TIMED_OUT - Message sending timed out M_NOT_FOUND - Notification wasn't found Notes Timeout cannot be less than zero or greater than 65535 (18.2 hours) #comments-end Func snSetTimeout($Id, $Timeout) Dim $pss ; As SNARLSTRUCT $pss = DllStructCreate($SNARLSTRUCT) DllStructSetData($pss, 1, $SNARL_SET_TIMEOUT) DllStructSetData($pss, 2, $Id ) DllStructSetData($pss, 4, $Timeout ) Return uSend($pss) EndFunc