#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Maurice Koster Script Function: Test script for the SNARL Library. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "Snarl.au3" Dim $m, $n ; Create a GUI $g = GUICreate("Hello World", 250, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hello world! How are you?", 30, 10) $button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Counter", 20, 50, 60) $button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("BOE", 90, 50, 60) $button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("BAA", 160, 50, 60) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_USER, "MY_SNARL" ) GUISetState() ; Do some registration with SNARL snRegisterConfig($g, "TestSNARL", 0) $ok = snGetVersion( $m, $n ) $e = snGetVersionEx() $globmsg = snGetGlobalMsg() $app_path = snGetAppPath() $icn_path = snGetIconsPath() ; Registers some alert classes snRegisterAlert( "TestSNARL", "BOE" ) snRegisterAlert( "TestSNARL", "BAA" ) ; Show version info ;) snShowMessage( "TestSNARL", "Hello, world! (" & $globmsg & ")" & @CRLF & _ "Major: " & $m & " Minor: "& $n & " - V" & $e & @CRLF & _ "Path: " & $app_path, 5, $icn_path & "styles.png" ) ; This message is sticky and will handle the click on the notifcation $id = snShowMessage( "TestSNARL", "Counter", 0, "", $g, $WM_USER ) $cnt = 0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $button1 $cnt += 1 snUpdateMessage( $id, "TestSNARL", "Counter: " & $cnt ) Case $msg = $button2 snShowMessageEx( "BOE", "Boe", "Whoooo!", 10 ) Case $msg = $button3 snShowMessageEx( "BAA", "Baa", "Oinck oinck!", 2 ) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If snIsMessageVisible($id) Then snHideMessage($id) EndIf ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd snRevokeConfig($g) Func MY_SNARL($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $wParam = $SNARL_NOTIFICATION_ACK Then Msgbox( 0, "TestSNARL", "Counter gone!" & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc