#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: SetEnv Script Function: Check for unwanted Ip's in the firewall log file, and then send the ip's to a server for more analyze. If thoses ip were found in others user's log file, then the system will try to stop these 'attacks'... More Infos: #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Changes ; * Replaced created-function 'StringAddToken()' by '_ArrayAdd()', ; * Replaced 2 'while' by 'For x = y to z then step', ; * Several minor bugs, ; * Now the datas between the client / server are crypted, ; * Function TCPShutdown() added, ; * Can now receive data from ReportServer, ; includes #Include #Include ; Start main thread... Loop() ; ============================================================================== ; Function RC4(0/1, datas) ; Just crypt/decrypt text using '_StringEncrypt' ; It's just that the key is loaded from config file. ; ============================================================================== Func RC4($type,$text) ; $type : 0 or 1 , $text : text to crypt/encrypt $rc4 = _StringEncrypt($type, $text, IniRead("config.cfg", "user", "passwd", "passwd", IniRead("config.cfg", "config", "RC4Level", "3")) Return $rc4 EndFunc ; ============================================================================== ; Function SendReport($SendString) ; Reporting String To server ; ============================================================================== Func SendReport($SendString) Local $RServer[2] = StringSplit( FileRead( IniRead("config.cfg","config","rServer.file", "servers.lst")), ":") ; Rserver= the report server (ip port) $RSocket = TCPConnect($RServer[1], $RServer[2]) ; creating socket If $RSocket <> -1 Then ; If no error then $send = RC4("1","login:"& IniRead("config.cfg", "user", "login", "user")) TCPSend($RSocket, $send) ; Sending ID/PASSWD $ConnectedSocket = -1 ; Setting '$ConnectedSocket' to -1 Do ; wait response $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($ReportSocket) Until $ConnectedSocket <> -1 $recv = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket, 2048) ; Getting Data If @Error Then ; If Error: Closing Socket TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) Else ; Else $decrypt = RC4("0", $recv) ;if response equals to '400:ERRLOGIN' then the login failed. Closing socket. If StringInStr($decrypt, "400:ERRLOGIN") == "1" Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) ;if response equals to '300:WELCOME' then login was a success. Reporting string. If StringInStr($decrypt,"300:WELCOME") == "1" Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket,RC4("1","REPORT:" & $SendString)) ; sending string ;if response equals to '500:OK' then I know the sended string was recorded by the server. Removing it. If StringInStr($decrypt,"500:OK") == "1" Then $Report = " " ; setting string '$Report' as blank ; if "600:ACTION:" is in datas, then the server is asking for assistance. If StringInStr($decrypt,"600:ACTION:") == "1" Then $cmdSplited = StringSplit($decrypt, ":") ;commands need to be created TrayTip("ReportServer", $cmdSplited, 3,2) EndIf ;Endif EndIf ; Again EndIf ; And Again... EndFunc ; ==> EndFunc SendReport() ; ============================================================================== ; Function Replace($ReplaceString, "replaceitem1 replaceitem2 replaceitem3 ..., $ReplaceToken) ; this function replace multi chr in string /// ; ie: Replace( "this;is'agt@e!s;t", "; @ ! g ? ; .", ":") *should* return 'this:is:a:t:e:s:t' ; ============================================================================== Func Replace($rString,$rChars, $rTokens) Dim $rArray = StringSplit($rChars," ") For $rloop = $rArray[0] To 0 Step -1 $rString = StringReplace($rString, $rArray[$rloop], $rTokens) Next Return $rString EndFunc ; ============================================================================== ; Function 'Isip($xisip)' : If item is an IP Return True, otherwise, return False ; ============================================================================== Func IsIp($sIP) Local $eval = StringRegExp($sIP, "(?:(f\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.)){3}(?:(25[0-5]$|2[0-4]\d$|1\d{2}$|[1-9]\d$|\d$))") If $eval <> "1" Then Return "False" If $eval == "1" Then Return "True" EndFunc ; ============================================================================== ; Function 'loop()' ; ============================================================================== Func Loop() ; Main thread TCPStartup() ;setting some vars Global $line = IniRead("config.cfg","config", "line", "1"), $path = IniRead("config.cfg", "config", "path", "NULL" ; Traytips If $path == "NULL" Then TrayTip("chkconfig", "Firewall's log not found."&@CRLF&" The script will probaby never find any IP..." , 2, 3) Sleep(1800) TrayTip("loop", "Starting anyway...", 3, 1) Else TrayTip("Loop", "Starting... ", 3,1) EndIf ; Setting '$DontReport' var : Ip who will not be reported. Dim $DontReport[10] $DontReport = IniRead("config.cfg", "config", "DontReport", " " & @IPAddress1 & " " & @IPAddress2 & " " & @IPAddress3) While 1 ; While If $line <= _FileCountLines($path) Then ; If var 'line' is less or equal as maxlines contain in the log file: ; Setting some var Local $read = FileReadLine($path, $line), $read = Replace($read,'@ " ; # ! ^ < > \ / + -', ":") Dim $Report[500], $stringsplit[500] $stringsplit = StringSplit($read,":") Local $stringDec = $stringsplit[0] ; While items in list For $loop = $stringDec To 0 Step -1 ; Check if item is an IP , check if item is in '$DontReport' (like localhost,, ...) Local $isip = isip($stringsplit[$loop]), $IsProtect = StringInStr($DontReport,$stringsplit[$loop]) ; if current item is an Ip AND is not protected, then adding item to var '$Report' If $isip == "True" And $IsProtect == "0" Then _ArrayAdd($Report, $stringsplit[$loop]) Next ; If total items in '$report' > 0 then, reporting unknow ip's to server for more analyze. If $Report[0] > 0 Then SendReport($Report) EndIf ; EndIf WEnd ; End Of While ; If Wend, stopping TCPServices TCPShutdown() EndFunc ; ===> EndFunc 'Loop()'