#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Muhammed DEMİRBAŞ ::: Script Function: Using Microsoft Word, merges DOC files in a specified folder adding to end of another DOC file ::: Return Codes: 0 Success -1 Canceled "Choose source folder" dialog -2 Canceled "Choose destination file" dialog -3 Microsoft Word Application couldn't be started -4 Destination file coulnd't be opened or created ::: Remarks If #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include ; for _Word* functions #include ; for _FileWriteLog function ; Global strings Dim $agStrings[2][26] $LangTR = 1 $LangEN = 0 $LNG = $LangTR ; SELECT YOUR LANGUAGE $agStrings[$LangTR][00] = "DOC Ulayıcı 1.0" $agStrings[$LangTR][01] = "Program başladı" $agStrings[$LangTR][02] = "Birleştirilecek wordleri içeren klasör?" $agStrings[$LangTR][03] = "Kaynak klasör: " $agStrings[$LangTR][04] = "Hedef dosya nereye kaydedilecek?" $agStrings[$LangTR][05] = "Tüm dosyalar" $agStrings[$LangTR][06] = $agStrings[$LangTR][00] & " - Hata" $agStrings[$LangTR][07] = "Hedef dosya kaynak klasör içinde olamaz. Lütfen farklı bir konuma kaydetmeyi deneyin." $agStrings[$LangTR][08] = "Hedef dosya : " $agStrings[$LangTR][09] = "HATA! winword.exe'yi başlatma başarısız!" $agStrings[$LangTR][10] = "HATA! Hedef dosyayı açma başarısız!" $agStrings[$LangTR][11] = "HATA! Dosya açılamadı: " $agStrings[$LangTR][12] = "Dosya açıldı: " $agStrings[$LangTR][13] = "HATA! Pencereye geçme başarısız: " $agStrings[$LangTR][14] = "HATA! Dosyayı kapatma başarısız: " $agStrings[$LangTR][15] = "Kaydedildi" $agStrings[$LangTR][16] = "Klasörün taranması bitti: " $agStrings[$LangTR][17] = "HATA! Hedef dosyayı kaydetme başarısız: " $agStrings[$LangTR][18] = "HATA! Hedef dosyayı kapatma başarısız: " $agStrings[$LangTR][19] = "HATA! winword.exe'yi sonlandırma başarısız!" $agStrings[$LangTR][20] = "İşlem tamamlandı." $agStrings[$LangTR][21] = ">>> SON >>>" $agStrings[$LangTR][22] = ">>> ERKEN SONLANDIRMA >>>" $agStrings[$LangTR][23] = "Açıldı (1/3)" $agStrings[$LangTR][24] = "Ulandı (2/3)" $agStrings[$LangTR][25] = "Kaydedildi (3/3)" $agStrings[$LangEN][00] = "DOC Merger 1.0" $agStrings[$LangEN][01] = "Program started" $agStrings[$LangEN][02] = "Where is the folder that contains doc's to merge?" $agStrings[$LangEN][03] = "Source folder selected: " $agStrings[$LangEN][04] = "Where will the destination file be saved?" $agStrings[$LangEN][05] = "All files" $agStrings[$LangEN][06] = $agStrings[$LangEN][00] & " - Error" $agStrings[$LangEN][07] = "Destination file couldn't be inside source folder. Please try to save to a different place." $agStrings[$LangEN][08] = "Destination file selected: " $agStrings[$LangEN][09] = "ERROR! Starting winword.exe failed" $agStrings[$LangEN][10] = "ERROR! Opening destination file failed" $agStrings[$LangEN][11] = "ERROR! File couldn't be opened: " $agStrings[$LangEN][12] = "File opened: " $agStrings[$LangEN][13] = "ERROR! Attaching to window failed: " $agStrings[$LangEN][14] = "ERROR! Closing the file failed: " $agStrings[$LangEN][15] = "Saved" $agStrings[$LangEN][16] = "Scanning the folder finished: " $agStrings[$LangEN][17] = "ERROR! Saving the destination file failed: " $agStrings[$LangEN][18] = "ERROR! Closing the destination file failed: " $agStrings[$LangEN][19] = "ERROR! Failed to terminate winword.exe" $agStrings[$LangEN][20] = "Process completed." $agStrings[$LangEN][21] = ">>> END >>>" $agStrings[$LangEN][22] = ">>> ABORTED >>>" $agStrings[$LangEN][23] = "Opened (1/3)" $agStrings[$LangEN][24] = "Merged (2/3)" $agStrings[$LangEN][25] = "Saved (3/3)" $sLogPath = @ScriptDir & "\DOCUlayici_Log.txt" $sDestFileName = "Birleştirilmiş.doc" $sDestFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sDestFileName _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, "================================================================================") _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][01]) ; Ask folder that contains documents to merge $sSourceFolder = FileSelectFolder($agStrings[$LNG][02], "", 5, @ScriptDir) If @error Then Exit -1 If StringRight($sSourceFolder, 1) <> "\" Then $sSourceFolder &= "\" _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][03] & $sSourceFolder) ; Ask destination file $sDestFilePath = FileSaveDialog($agStrings[$LNG][04], "", "Word (*.doc)|" & $agStrings[$LNG][05] & "(*.*)", 2, $sDestFileName) If @error Then Exit -2 ; $sDestFilePath can not be in $sSourceFolder folder While $sDestFilePath = $sSourceFolder & $sDestFileName MsgBox(32, $agStrings[$LNG][06], $agStrings[$LNG][07]) $sDestFilePath = FileSaveDialog($agStrings[$LNG][04], "", "Word (*.doc)|" & $agStrings[$LNG][05] & "(*.*)", 2, $sDestFileName) If @error Then Exit -2 $sDestFileName = StringMid($sDestFilePath, StringInStr($sDestFilePath, "\", 1, -1) + 1) WEnd ; Add .doc extension if it is necessary If StringRight($sDestFilePath, 4) <> ".doc" Then $sDestFilePath &= ".doc" $sDestFileName &= ".doc" EndIf _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][08] & $sDestFilePath) ; Start winword $oDestWordApp = _WordCreate("", 0, 0, 0) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][09]) Exit -3 EndIf ; Open destination file in winword $oDestWordDoc = _WordDocOpen($oDestWordApp, $sDestFilePath, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][10]) _WordQuit($oDestWordApp, 0) Exit -4 EndIf ; Scan folder and process all doc files $hSearchHandle = FileFindFirstFile($sSourceFolder & "*.doc") $sSourFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearchHandle) While Not @error $sSourFilePath = $sSourceFolder & $sSourFileName ; Open current file in winword $oSourWordDoc = _WordDocOpen($oDestWordApp, $sSourFilePath, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) If @error Then ContinueLoop _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][11] & $sSourFileName) Else _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][12] & $sSourFileName) EndIf TrayTip($agStrings[$LNG][00], $sSourFileName & @CR & $agStrings[$LNG][23], 10, 16) ; Go to end of SaveFile and paste data $oSourWordApp = _WordAttach($sSourFileName, "FileName") If @error Then ContinueLoop _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][13] & $sSourFileName) ; Select all text and copy to clipboard $oSourWordApp.Selection.WholeStory $oSourWordApp.Selection.Copy ; Close current file _WordDocClose($oSourWordDoc, 0) If @error Then ContinueLoop _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][14] & $sSourFileName) ; Attach to DestFile $oDestWordApp = _WordAttach($sDestFileName, "FileName") If @error Then ContinueLoop _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][13] & $sDestFileName) ; Go to end of DestFile and paste data $oDestWordApp.Selection.EndKey(6) $oDestWordApp.Selection.Paste TrayTip($agStrings[$LNG][00], $sSourFileName & @CR & $agStrings[$LNG][24], 10, 16) ; Try to save destinaton file after changing for each source file If _WordDocSave($oDestWordDoc) = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][15]) TrayTip($agStrings[$LNG][00], $sSourFileName & @CR & $agStrings[$LNG][25], 10, 16) ; Get next file from folder $sSourFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearchHandle) WEnd FileClose($hSearchHandle) _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][16] & $sSourceFolder) ; Save changes without taking to care if it is saved before or not If _WordDocSave($oDestWordDoc) = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][15]) Else _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][17] & $sDestFileName) EndIf ; Close destination file and quit word _WordDocClose($oDestWordDoc, -1, 0) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][18] & $sDestFileName) _WordQuit($oDestWordApp) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][19]) MsgBox(32, $agStrings[$LNG][00], $agStrings[$LNG][20]) Exit 0 Func OnAutoItExit() Local $StrNum = 22 If (@exitMethod = 0 Or @exitMethod = 1) And @exitCode = 0 Then $StrNum = 21 _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $agStrings[$LNG][$StrNum]) _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, "") EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit