#include ; Before running this script, ensure the "SAP Easy Access" window is open. ; Attach to the session with the window titled "SAP Easy Access" _SAPSessAttach("SAP Easy Access") ; Put the value "/npa30" into the command field. _SAPObjValueSet("tbar[0]/okcd", "/npa30") ; Collapse the command field. _SAPObjPropertySet("tbar[0]/okcd", "opened", False) ; Get the command field's opened state. ConsoleWrite("Command field opened state = " & _SAPObjPropertyGet("tbar[0]/okcd", "opened") & @CRLF) ; Wait for 3 seconds Sleep(3000) ; Expand the command field. _SAPObjPropertySet("tbar[0]/okcd", "opened", True) ; Get the command field's opened state. ConsoleWrite("Command field opened state = " & _SAPObjPropertyGet("tbar[0]/okcd", "opened") & @CRLF)