#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Dan Maxwell ; ; Script Function: ; Automatically applies money via the ACAS screen ; #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ; Options Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1); Change to OnEvent mode Opt("GUIResizeMode", 1); Keeps the GUI window from being resized by the user ; Variable List Global $iB1, $iC1, $iE1, $iV1, $iZ1 Global $sCompanyCode, $sPolicyNumber, $iClicks, $sTotal, $sFuncCode, $sTran1Code, $iTran1Date, $sTran2Code, $iTran2Amount Global $sMessage, $vPath, $sFilePath1, $oExcel, $fVisible, $sPolicyNumber, $sTempPolNumber, $sCompanyCode, $bDelete, $Admin Global $Form1_1, $iRowStartInput, $iRowEndInput, $sRowStartLabel, $sRowEndLabel Global $OKButton, $CancelButton ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Makes sure the ADMINISTRATOR is open so test can proceed MsgBox(262208, "The ADMINISTRATOR", "You must be logged into The ADMINISTRATOR in order to proceed", 30) ; Stops this script if the ADMINISTRATOR is not open If WinExists("The ADMINISTRATOR") Then Sleep(100) Else MsgBox(262160, "Error", "The ADMINISTRATOR is not open. Exiting...", 5) Exit EndIf ; Sets the window handle of the ADMINISTRATOR window for easier scripting throughout the rest of this script $Admin = WinGetHandle("The ADMINISTRATOR") ; Choose the Excel Spreadsheet you would like to reference; opens after the GUI interaction $sMessage = "Please choose the file with the policy listing" $vPath = FileOpenDialog($sMessage, @DesktopCommonDir & "\", "Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)", 1 + 4) If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(262160, "Error", "The ADMINISTRATOR is not open. Exiting...", 5) Exit EndIf ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This creates the window GUI form #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\documents and settings\sadmm\my documents\my dropbox\work\gpin\form1.kxf $Form1_1 = GUICreate("ACAS Entry Form", 349, 185, 315, 167) ; Tells which row is the first row to read (aka the beginning of your list) $sRowStartLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Which row would you like to start reading from?", 72, 24, 261, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") $iRowStartInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 24, 33, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") ; Tells which row is the last row to read (aka the end of your list) $sRowEndLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("What is the last row to read from?", 72, 80, 187, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") $iRowEndInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 80, 33, 22) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") ; Creates the OK and Cancel buttons on the GUI $OKButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 73, 136, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($OKButton, "OKButton") $CancelButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 209, 136, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Arial") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CancelButton, "CancelButton") ; Shows the GUI window to the user GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ; Dictates the behavior of the window While 1 Sleep(1000); Sets window to idle WEnd Func OKButton() ; When you press the 'OK' button $iB1 = GUICtrlRead($iRowStartInput); $iC1 = GUICtrlRead($iRowEndInput); GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1_1) Run_Excel($iB1, $iC1) EndFunc ;==>OKButton Func CancelButton() ;Note: at this point @GUI_CTRLID would equal $CancelButton, ;and @GUI_WINHANDLE would equal $mainwindow Exit EndFunc ;==>CancelButton Func SpecialEvents() Select Case @GUI_CtrlId = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case @GUI_CtrlId = $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Case @GUI_CtrlId = $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE EndSelect EndFunc ;==>SpecialEvents ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Func Run_Excel($iB1, $iC1) ; Opens the Add_Contract script $sFilePath1 = $vPath ; Sets the spreadsheet to appear or stay invisible $fVisible = 1 $oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($sFilePath1, $fVisible) ;Sets the Sheet to the actual script and not other sheets within the script _ExcelSheetActivate($oExcel, 1) ; Tells the loop to run from row # to # For $iE1 = $iB1 To $iC1 ; Variables involved in successfully filling out an ACAS acreen $sCompanyCode = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 1) $sPolicyNumber = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 2) $iClicks = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 4) $sFuncCode = ("A") $sTran1Code = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 9) $iTran1Amount = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 10) $iTran1Date = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 12) $sTran2Code = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 17) $iTran2Amount = _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iE1, 19) $sTempPolNumber = $SPolicyNumber $iV1 = ($iE1+($iClicks-1)) ; Procedures ; Goes to the ACAS screen WinActivate($Admin) WinMove($Admin, "", 0, 0) MouseClick("left", 110, 65, 1) Sleep(25) Send("ACAS") Sleep(25) Send($sPolicyNumber) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(25) Send($sCompanyCode) Sleep(25) Send("{F11}") Sleep(500) ; Creates ACAS lines for processing in the amount of $iClicks (i.e. - $iClicks = 9, 9 lines are created in ACAS) Mouseclick("left", 312, 540, $iClicks) Mouseclick("left", 80, 308, 1) ; Loops from the current row to the last row of the current policy number (aka, current row + $iClicks) For $iZ1 = $iE1 To $iV1 ; Exits the loop when the policy numbers no longer match ;If $iZ1 = $iE1 + 4 Then $sPolicyNumber = 2 If _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, $iZ1, 2)<> $sTempPolNumber Then ExitLoop ; Creates and enters the information in the ACAS blanks until the next policy number WinActivate($Admin) Sleep(25) Send($sFuncCode) Send("{ENTER}") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(25) Send("{CTRLDOWN}{DOWN}{CTRLUP}") Sleep(100) Send($sTran1Code) Send("{CTRLDOWN}{ENTER}{CTRLUP}") Send("{TAB 3}") Sleep(25) Send($iTran1Amount) Send("{TAB 4}") Sleep(25) Send($iTran1Date) Send("{TAB 4}") Sleep(25) Send($iTran1Amount) Send("{TAB 6}") Next ; Puts the total from the current transaction in the Total Credits and Net Amount to Cash boxes $sTotal = ($iTran1Amount*$iClicks) WinActivate($Admin) MouseClick("left", 495, 200, 1) ; I am adding 5 so it does not actually process (Invalid Totals)! Send($sTotal) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(25) Send($sTotal) Sleep(25) ; Processes the transaction Send("{F4}") Sleep(25) ; Because the processing of ACAS can be a random act time-wise, This msgbox allows the script to pause until it is finished MsgBox(262192, "ACAS", "Click OK when the ACAS has finished processing", 60) ; Goes to the DSCM screen WinActivate($Admin) MouseClick("left", 110, 65, 1) Sleep(25) Send("DSCM") Sleep(25) Send($sPolicyNumber) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(25) Send($sCompanyCode) Sleep(25) Send("{F11}") Sleep(500) ; This Msgbox pause allows the user to take a screenshot of the DSCM if it is needed MsgBox(262192, "Screenshot Message", "Please take a screenshot of the DSCM and press OK to move on. ", 0) ; Checks to see if we have gotten to the end of the range entered by the user If $iZ1 > $iC1 Then ExitLoop ; Next - in case the user entered the lines wrongly, is there a policy number to read? ; read the policynumber cell on line $iV1 and exit if it is blank If _ExcelReadCell($oExcel, ($iZ1), 2) = "" Then ExitLoop ; So there is another policy to read in ; But first we must reduce the count value by one, because the Next statement below will increase it by one and so we would skip a line if we did not! ; So set the loop variable as so: $iE1 = $iZ1 - 1 ; Goes on to the next policy and starts the loop all over again Next ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Closes the Excel spreadsheet _ExcelBookClose($oExcel, 1, 0) ; Closes the GUI window as the script is finished GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1_1) EndFunc ;==>Run_Excel Exit