; ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x/NT ; Author: Nusantara Technologies (azrudi@nusantech.com) ; ; Script Function: ; Plays with RapidShare. ; #include $file = FileOpen("rs.txt",0) $counter = 1 ;Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf ;Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached Dim $sRet, $aMatch, $iTmp, $sTmp While 1 $alamat = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $mula=StringInStr($alamat,'rapidshare.com')+14 if $mula=14 Then $mula=StringInStr($alamat,'rapidshare.de')+13 If $mula=13 Then OhBoy("Server Not Found!") EndIf $bilang=StringLen($alamat)-$mula+1 $sPage=StringMid($alamat,$mula,$bilang) $sHost='rs69.rapidshare.com' $sHTTP= _HTTPConnect($sHost) if @error Then Exit _HTTPPost($sHost, $sPage, $sHTTP, 'dl.start=Free') $sRet = _HTTPRead($sHTTP) If $sRet = '' Then OhBoy(1) If StringRegExp($sRet, '(?i)


') Then OhBoy('You have reached the download limit for free-users') $aMatch = StringRegExp($sRet, '(?i)var c\s*=\s*(\d+);', 1) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then OhBoy(2) $iTmp = Int($aMatch[0]) $aMatch = StringRegExp($sRet, "(?i)document\.dlf\.action=\\'([^']*)\\", 1) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then OhBoy(3) $sTmp = $aMatch[0] $aMatch = StringRegExp($sRet, '(?i)(\d+)\s+kb', 1) If Not IsArray($aMatch) Then OhBoy(4) For $i = $iTmp To 1 Step -1 ToolTip(@TAB & $i, @DesktopWidth-100, 0, 'Waiting...', 1) Sleep(1000) Next ToolTip('') $iTmp = Int($aMatch[0]) ProgressOn('Downloading "' & $sTmp & '"', 'Please wait while downloading the file') InetGet($sTmp, @ScriptDir & '\' & StringTrimLeft($sTmp, StringInStr($sTmp, '/', 0, -1)), 1, 1) While @InetGetActive Local $iKBRead = @InetGetBytesRead/0x400 Local $iPrcnt = Round(100*$iKBRead/$iTmp) ProgressSet($iPrcnt, $iKBRead & '/' & $iTmp & ' KB') Sleep(200) WEnd ProgressOff() _HTTPClose($sHTTP) $i = 0 while $i < $counter $i = $i + 1 Wend $counter = $counter + 1 Wend FileClose($file) Func OhBoy($sStr = 'Unknown') MsgBox(0x10, 'Error!', $sStr) _HTTPClose($sHTTP) Exit EndFunc