; ; AutoIt Version: (just needs COM support) ; Language: English ; Platform: Win98/2000/XP/2003 (only really know 2003 and XP but Im guessing the others work as well) ; Author: Benjamin Caplins (caplins at yahoo dot com) ; Special thanks to Majai, Chaos2, and the Dev's who made AutoIT ; ; Script Function: ; VERSION 1.1 ; Fixed a small error in the delete half written og part ; Start this script at login with a bat file via active directory ; Runs itself logged with certain rights gets a crap load of stuff about your computer and puts it in ; an .ini file log...(the .cfo is just so people can't easily open and mess with it). It then uploads ; the file to a network share. It is currently set up to make a new log every week but that can easily be ; changed by changing the $logname to something that variats at a different rate. ; In theory you could parse this information into a database and use it for many things. ; makes the system tray icon nonrespnsive to user input... i.e: they cant pasue the script or exit via system tray Break(0) TraySetIcon("Shell32.dll", 135) ; All you need to do to make this your own is to change the 6 global vars ; ; specifies the location of the local log, serverpath (place start.exe here), username, full domain name, password ; $logdir and $servpath must have a trailing backslash ; NOTE: The user/pass/domain above must have full access to the $serverpath location or it will not work ; I set up a special user that i called "script", that i granted DomainUser rights to... then on the share that ; this is present on (in my case \\bgeserv\z) I stripped the Domain users rights to read/execute and gave the ; "script" user Full control... ; The user needs read/execute access so they can start the exe and the "script" needs full access to delete/write/modify Global $logdir = "C:\audit\" Global $logname = "week " & Round(@YDAY / 7) & ".cfo" Global $servpath = "\\bgeserv\z\audits\" Global $UserName = "script" Global $Password = "script" Global $FullDomainName = "CAPCORP.local" ; Restarts the script once to gain admin rights If ClipGet() <> "tr1gg3r" Then ClipPut( "tr1gg3r") RunAsSet($UserName, $FullDomainName, $Password, 2) Run( $servpath & "start.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) Exit EndIf ; Nice long sleep so it doesnt slow the computer while the Win profile is loading Sleep(30000) ; dont bother running this process if there is already a log for this week If FileExists($servpath & @ComputerName & "\" & $logname) = 1 And FileExists($logdir & $logname) = 1 Then traytip( "Start.exe", "Log exists already", 10, 1) Sleep(3500) ClipPut( "already there") Exit EndIf ; makes sure that the proper directores exist (only useful the first time its run really, unless the user found a way to scre it up) DirCreate($logdir) ; hides the files from the user so they cant inadvertantly screw em up DirCreate($servpath & @ComputerName) RunWait( "attrib +H " & StringTrimRight($logdir, 1), "", @SW_HIDE) RunWait( "attrib +H " & StringTrimRight($servpath, 1), "", @SW_HIDE) ; deletes in case the files got interrupted last time FileDelete($logdir & $logname) FileDelete($servpath & @ComputerName & "\" & $logname) ; Where the logging to a file starts IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Inventoried Computer', 'ComputerName', @ComputerName) ; com stuff... dont really understand it much except that this is how it is done ; Thank Majai for this... $objWMIService = objget ("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") ; Check For Processor $Processor = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Processor") For $objItem in $Processor IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Processor Information", "Name", StringStripWS($objItem.Name, 7)) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Processor Information", "Manufacturer", $objItem.Manufacturer) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Processor Information", "Description", $objItem.Description) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Processor Information", "Current ClockSpeed", $objItem.CurrentClockSpeed) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Processor Information", "Processor L2CacheSize", $objItem.L2CacheSize) Next ; Query OS properties $OS = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") For $objItem in $OS IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Operating System", "Manufacturer", $objItem.Manufacturer) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Operating System", "Name", $objItem.Name) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Operating System", "ServicePackMajorVersion", $objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion) Next ; Query Sound Device properties $Sound = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SoundDevice") For $objItem in $Sound IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "SoundCard Information", "Name", $objItem.Name) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "SoundCard Information", "Description", $objItem.Description) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "SoundCard Information", "Manufacturer", $objItem.Manufacturer) Next ; Query video adapter properties $Video = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_VideoController") For $objItem in $Video IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "VideoCard Information", "Name", $objItem.Name) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "VideoCard Information", "Description", $objItem.Description) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "VideoCard Information", "Video Processor", $objItem.VideoProcessor) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "VideoCard Information", "Video Memory", (($objItem.AdapterRAM + 524288) / 1048576)) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "VideoCard Information", "VideoMode Description", $objItem.VideoModeDescription) Next ; Query Bios properties $Bios = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For $objItem in $Bios IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "Name", $objItem.Name) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "Version", $objItem.Version) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "Status", $objItem.Status) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "ReleaseDate", $objItem.ReleaseDate) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "Manufacturer", $objItem.Manufacturer) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Bios Information", "SerialNumber", $objItem.SerialNumber) Next ; Query DiskDrive properties $HD = _DriveGetModel() For $i = 1 To $HD[0] IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "LocalDisk Information", "Model (Physical Disk " & ($i - 1) & ")", $HD[$i]) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "LocalDisk Information", "Status (Physical Disk" & ($i - 1) & ")", $objItem.Status) Next ; Enumerates fixed drives $Fixed = DriveGetDrive( "FIXED") For $i = 1 To $Fixed[0] IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Fixed Drives", $Fixed[$i] & " (Free space)", Round(DriveSpaceFree($Fixed[$i]))) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Fixed Drives", $Fixed[$i] & " (Total space)", Round(DriveSpaceTotal($Fixed[$i]))) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Fixed Drives", $Fixed[$i] & " (File System)", DriveGetFileSystem($Fixed[$i])) Next ; Enumerates optical drives $optical = DriveGetDrive( "CDROM") If $optical <> 1 Then For $i = 1 To $optical[0] Dim $letters For $i = 1 To $optical[0] $letters = $letters & $optical[$i] & " " Next IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Optical Drives", "Drive Letters", $letters) Next EndIf ; Enumerates network drives $netdrives = DriveGetDrive( "NETWORK") If $netdrives <> 1 Then For $i = 1 To $netdrives[0] IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Network Drives", $netdrives[$i] & " (Label)", DriveGetLabel($netdrives[$i])) Next EndIf ; Query Nic properties ... $IP = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = true") For $Item In $IP IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "NIC Information", "Description", $Item.description) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "NIC Information", "MACAddress", $Item.MACAddress) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "NIC Information", "DefaultGatewayIp", $Item.DefaultIPGateway (0)) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "NIC Information", "IpConnectionMetric", $Item.IpConnectionMetric (0)) Next $mem = MemGetStats() $IEVersion = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\' & 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer', 'Version') $IEPatches = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\' & 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings', 'MinorVersion') IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'UserName', @UserName) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'MyDocuments Dir', @MyDocumentsDir) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'Profile Dir', @UserProfileDir) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'Desktop Dir', @DesktopDir) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'Start Menu Dir', @StartMenuCommonDir) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'User Information', 'StartUp Dir', @StartupDir) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Network Information', 'DNS Domain', @LogonDNSDomain) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Network Information', 'Logon Domain', @LogonDomain) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Network Information', 'Logon Server', @LogonServer) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Network Information', 'IPAddress', @IPAddress1) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Network Information', 'IPAddress2', @IPAddress2) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Total Physical RAM', $mem[1] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Available physical RAM', $mem[2] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Total Pagefile', $mem[3] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Available Pagefile', $mem[4] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Total virtual', $mem[5] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Memory Information', 'Available virtual', $mem[6] & "KB") IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Internet Explorer', 'IE Version', $IEVersion) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Internet Explorer', 'Update Version', $IEPatches) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Operating System', 'OS Version', @OSVersion) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Operating System', 'OS Build', @OSBuild) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Operating System', 'OS Type', @OSTYPE) IniWrite($logdir & $logname, 'Operating System', 'Service Pack', @OSServicePack) ; Check for windows Hotfixes $Fix = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering") For $objItem in $Fix $Hotfix = $objItem.HotFixID IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Windows HotFix", $Hotfix, $objItem.Description) Next ; Check For windows Services $Service = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service") For $objItem in $Service $SName = $objItem.Name IniWrite($logdir & $logname, "Windows Services", $SName, $objItem.State) Next _ProglistINI($logdir & $logname) ; Copies the log onto the server share FileCopy($logdir & $logname, $servpath & @ComputerName & "\" & $logname, 1) RunAsSet() ClipPut("bye") If FileExists( $servpath & @ComputerName & "\" & $logname) = 1 Then TrayTip( "Start.exe", "Log Uploaded", 10, 1) Sleep(3500) Exit EndIf If FileExists( $servpath & @ComputerName & "\" & $logname) = 0 Then Traytip( "Start.exe", "Log not uploaded", 10, 3) Sleep(3500) EndIf If FileExists( $logdir & $logname ) = 0 Then TrayTip( "Start.exe", "Log not created", 10, 3) Sleep(3500) ElseIf FileExists( $logdir & $logname ) = 1 Then TrayTip( "Start.exe", "Log created locally", 10, 2) Sleep(3500) EndIf Exit ; Function that outputs all the installed programs to a log file of the name of your choosing Func _ProglistINI($inifile) Dim $i = 1, $basekey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" While RegEnumKey($basekey, $i) <> "" Local $fullkey, $subkeyname, $name, $version, $publisher $fullkey = $basekey & RegEnumKey($basekey, $i) $subkeyname = RegEnumKey($basekey, $i) $name = RegRead($fullkey, "Displayname") $version = RegRead($fullkey, "Displayversion") $publisher = RegRead($fullkey, "Publisher") ; saves space by ignoreing microsofts repetive nature If $publisher = "Microsoft Corporation" Then $publisher = "" EndIf ; doesnt waste diskspace for empty values If $subkeyname <> "" Then IniWrite($inifile, "Installed Programs", $name & " (Key Name)", $subkeyname) EndIf If $version <> "" Then IniWrite($inifile, "Installed Programs", $name & " (Version)", $version) EndIf If $publisher <> "" Then IniWrite($inifile, "Installed Programs", $name & " (Publisher)", $publisher) EndIf $i = $i + 1 WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ProglistINI ; A function that looks up the drive model numbers Func _DriveGetModel() $objWMIService = objget ("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") $coldrive = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_diskdrive") Local $pcinfo, $drinfo For $object in $coldrive $pcinfo = $pcinfo & $object.model & "|" Next $drinfo = StringSplit($pcinfo, "|") $drinfo[0] = $drinfo[0] - 1 Return $drinfo EndFunc ;==>_DriveGetModel