#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: David Nuttall "Nutster" Date: December 16, 2007; June 23, 2009 Script Function: Associative Array functionality #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once #cs Functions List: (read comments on each function for more details) AssocArrayCreate: Create an Associative Array in a variable. The function put a 2 X n two-dimensional array in the variable. AssocArrayVerify: Verify that an array is storing an associative array. AssocArrayAssign: Assign a value into the associative array. AssocArrayGet: Gets an existing value from the associative array. Sets @Error = 1 if key not found AssocArrayExists: Determines if a given key exists in the associative array. AssocArrayDelete: Remove a given key from the associative array. AssocArrayKeys: Generates an array of the keys currently in the associative array. AssocArraySave: Save the associative array to a text file. AssocArrayLoad: Load an associative array from a text file. All functions, except AssocArrayCreate, AssocArrayVeryify and AssocArrayLoad set @Error = 2 if the associative array is not setup properly. AssocArrayVerify returns false in this case and AssocArrayCreate and AssocArrayLoad build a new associative array in the given variable. Support Functions: (not to be called directly) HashPos: A hash function to determine the location in the array for a given element. NotPrime: Used in resizing the hash table. Determines if a number is prime (false) or composite (true) Rehash_Grow: Resize the associative array, keeping the old values. _UBitShift: Bit shifting routine used in HashPos. StringQuote: Put quotes around a string, otherwise return a string. Used in saving array values. CVSParse: A function that takes CVS string and parses it into elements #ce Const $gbAA_Debug = False ; Assist in debugging the functions #cs Function: AssocArrayCreate Purpose: Create an associative array in a variable. Parameters: $aArray: The variable to have an associative array create in it. $nSize: The starting size of the new array $nGrowth: The percentage of current size to grow the array when needed. If 0, no growth happens. 30 = 30% growth each time. Return value: True if the associative array could be created; False otherwise Notes: The variable does not have to be declared as an array first, but should be declared before calling this routine. Any existing contents of the variable used for the associative array will be lost, even if it contained an associative array already. #ce Func AssocArrayCreate(ByRef $aArray, Const $nSize, Const $nGrowth = 50) If IsNumber($nSize) = 0 Then ; Need a number here Return False ElseIf $nSize < 1 Then ; Too small Return False Else Local $nHashSize = Ceiling($nSize * 1.33333) + 1 ; Hash table should start about 1/3 larger than expected number of elements While NotPrime($nHashSize) ; Hash function usually operates best when a prime number of elements are present $nHashSize += 1 WEnd Local $aTmp[2][$nHashSize + 1] $aArray = $aTmp $aArray[0][0] = 0 ; Active associative array size EndIf If IsNumber($nGrowth) = 0 Then ; Need a number here Return False ElseIf $nGrowth < 0 Then ; Too small $aArray[1][0] = 0 Else $aArray[1][0] = $nGrowth / 100.0 EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayCreate #cs Function: AssocArrayVerify Purpose: Verify that the given array stores an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array possibly containing an associative array Return value: True if the variable stores an associative array; False otherwise Notes: This verifies that the array is consistant with the setup from AssocArrayCreate and AssocArrayAssign #ce Func AssocArrayVerify(Const ByRef $aArray) If UBound($aArray, 0) <> 2 Then Return False ElseIf Not IsInt($aArray[0][0]) Then ; Current array size. Return False ElseIf $aArray[0][0] < 0 Then ; Not enough elements Return False ElseIf $aArray[0][0] > UBound($aArray, 2) Then ; Somehow too many elements Return False ElseIf Not (IsFloat($aArray[1][0]) Or IsInt($aArray[1][0])) Then ; Growth rate Return False ElseIf $aArray[1][0] < 0.0 Then ; Growth rate not allowed to be negative. Return False Else Return True EndIf EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayVerify #cs Function: AssocArrayAssign Purpose: Assign a value to an element of an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array $vValue: The value to assign to the element of the associtive array Return value: True if the value could be assigned; False otherwise Notes: This uses a hash table with open addressing using linear probing. There is probably a faster way to resize a hash table than I use here. It grows the array if hash key collisions occur more than 3 times in a row or hash key collisions push the assignment off the end of the array. #ce Func AssocArrayAssign(ByRef $aArray, Const $sKey, Const $vValue) Local $nPos Local $nCollide = 0 If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: UBound = " & UBound($aArray, 2) & ", $nPos = " & $nPos & ", $sKey = " & $sKey & ", $vValue = " & $vValue & @CR) ; If more than 75% of the array is used and we can actually grow, rehash the array. If UBound($aArray, 2) * 0.75 < $aArray[0][0] And $aArray[1][0] > 0.0 Then Rehash_Grow($aArray) EndIf While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found. Fill it in $aArray[0][$nPos] = $sKey $aArray[1][$nPos] = $vValue $aArray[0][0] += 1 If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & @CR) Return True Case $sKey ; Found the correct key $aArray[1][$nPos] = $vValue If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("AssocArrayAssign: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & @CR) Return True Case Else ; Key collision $nPos += 1 $nCollide += 1 If $nCollide > 3 Then ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ; Not found, at end of array or too many collisions If Rehash_Grow($aArray) Then Return AssocArrayAssign($aArray, $sKey, $vValue) ; Assign the value that got us here in the first place Else ; Won't grow. No place to put the value. Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayAssign #cs Function: AssocArrayExists Purpose: Determine if a key exists in an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array Return value: If the key is in the associative array, return True. Otherwise return False. Notes: This uses a hash table, which is pretty fast. It could be replaced with another fast search method. #ce Func AssocArrayExists(ByRef Const $aArray, Const $sKey) Local $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found Return False Case $sKey ; Got it Return True Case Else $nPos += 1 EndSwitch WEnd ; Not found at end of array Return False EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayExists #cs Function: AssocArrayGet Purpose: Get the value of an element in an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array Return value: Value in the element if found. Otherwise, sets @Error to 1 Notes: This uses a hash table, which is pretty fast. It could be replaced with another fast search method. #ce Func AssocArrayGet(ByRef Const $aArray, Const $sKey) Local $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found SetError(1) Return False Case $sKey ; Got it Return $aArray[1][$nPos] Case Else $nPos += 1 EndSwitch WEnd ; Not found at end of array SetError(1) Return False EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayGet #cs Function: AssocArrayDelete Purpose: Remove an element with a given key from an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array $sKey: The key value in the array Return value: True if element could be removed. False if the key was not present. Notes: This uses a hash table, which is pretty fast. It could be replaced with another fast search method. #ce Func AssocArrayDelete(ByRef $aArray, Const $sKey) Local $nPos = HashPos($sKey, UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 Local $I, $k If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Switch $aArray[0][$nPos] Case "" ; Not found Return False Case $sKey ; Got it ExitLoop Case Else $nPos += 1 EndSwitch WEnd If $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) Then $aArray[0][$nPos] = "" ; Now to check potential relocated elements, due to prior collisions. Reset if not in the correct location. While $nPos < UBound($aArray, 2) If $aArray[0][$nPos] = "" Then ; End of the search. Stop. ExitLoop EndIf $I = HashPos($aArray[0][$nPos], UBound($aArray, 2) - 1) + 1 If $I < $nPos Then $I = $aArray[0][$nPos] $k = $aArray[1][$nPos] $aArray[0][$nPos] = "" AssocArrayAssign($aArray, $I, $k) EndIf $nPos += 1 WEnd Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayDelete #cs Function: AssocArrayKeys Purpose: Generate a list of the keys in an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array Return value: A one-dimensional array containting the keys. This list is not necessarily in order. If no elements are in the associative array, @Error = 1, and returns false. Notes: This uses a hash table, which is pretty fast. It could be replaced with another fast search method. #ce Func AssocArrayKeys(ByRef Const $aArray) Local $nPos = 0, $I Local $aRetVal If Not AssocArrayVerify($aArray) Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf If $aArray[0][0] = 0 Then SetError(1) Return False EndIf ; Size to the number of assigned elements Local $aRetVal[$aArray[0][0]] For $I = 1 To UBound($aArray, 2) - 1 If $aArray[0][$I] > "" Then ; rem Be ready to resize if needed If $nPos > UBound($aRetVal) Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nPos] $aRetVal[$nPos] = $aArray[0][$I] $nPos += 1 EndIf Next Return $aRetVal EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayKeys #cs Function: AssocArraySave Purpose: Save an associative array in a text file. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array. $sFilename: The name of the text file to store the array Return value: Returns true if the file was saved. False otherwise. Notes: The directory must already exist and have write permission. An existing file will be overwritten. #ce Func AssocArraySave(ByRef Const $aArray, Const $sFilename) Local $fOut, $I, $bStatus = True If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf $fOut = FileOpen($sFilename, 2) If $fOut < 0 Then Return False For $I = 1 To UBound($aArray, 2) - 1 If $aArray[0][$I] = "" Then ; Skip records with empty keys ElseIf FileWriteLine($fOut, StringQuote($aArray[0][$I]) & ", " & StringQuote($aArray[1][$I])) = 0 Then $bStatus = False ExitLoop EndIf Next FileClose($fOut) Return $bStatus EndFunc ;==>AssocArraySave #cs Function: AssocArrayLoad Purpose: Get the value of an element in an associative array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array. It could be partially populated already. $sFilename: The name of the text file which holds the array. Return value: Returns true if the file was loaded. Sets @Error otherwise and returns false. @Error = 1: File not found or could not be read. @Error = 2: File format is invalid. @Error = 3: Interal problems with regular expression pattern. Notes: The function will read most CSV files and put the first two fields in the associative array as key, data. #ce Func AssocArrayLoad(ByRef $aArray, Const $sFilename) Local $fIn, $sKey, $vValue Local $sLine Local $aRawData $fIn = FileOpen($sFilename, 0) If $fIn < 0 Then SetError(1) Return False EndIf If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then ; Build the array AssocArrayCreate($aArray, 99) ; Typical starting value EndIf ; Infinite loop, broken inside While True $sLine = FileReadLine($fIn) If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("$sLine = " & $sLine & @CRLF) $sLine = StringStripWS($sLine, 3) If $sLine > "" Then $aRawData = CVSParse($sLine) ; $aRawData is a 1D array containing every field in the CSV file. If $gbAA_Debug Then For $I = 0 To UBound($aRawData) - 1 ConsoleWrite("$aRawData[" & $I & "] = " & $aRawData[$I] & @CRLF) Next EndIf $sKey = $aRawData[0] $vValue = $aRawData[1] AssocArrayAssign($aArray, $sKey, $vValue) EndIf WEnd FileClose($fIn) Return True EndFunc ;==>AssocArrayLoad ; Support functions. #cs Function: NotPrime Purpose: Determine if a number is not prime. Support function for hash table. Parameters: $nValue: The value to test for prime. Return value: True if number is not prime. False if prime. Sets @Error to 1 if not an integer. Notes: #ce Func NotPrime(Const $nValue) Local $nTest If StringIsInt($nValue) = 0 Then Return False ElseIf $nValue < 2 Then ; Lowest prime is two. Smaller numbers do not qualify. Return True EndIf For $nTest = 2 To Int(Sqrt($nValue)) If Round(Mod($nValue, $nTest)) = 0 Then ; Has a factor of $nTest. Composite! Return True EndIf Next Return False ; Is Prime EndFunc ;==>NotPrime #cs Function: HashPos Purpose: Give the position to look for the given key in the hash table. Parameters: $sKey: The key value in the hash table $nSize: The size of the hash table to work with. Return value: The hash table position determined from the given key. Notes: Based on Jenkins One at a time hash (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table, http://www.burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html) #ce Func HashPos(Const $sKey, Const $nSize) Local $nPos = 0, $I For $I = 1 To StringLen($sKey) $nPos += Asc(StringMid($sKey, $I, 1)) $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -10) $nPos = BitXOR($nPos, _UBitShift($nPos, 6)) Next $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -3) $nPos = BitXOR($nPos, _UBitShift($nPos, 11)) $nPos += _UBitShift($nPos, -15) $nPos = Round(Mod(Abs($nPos), $nSize)) Return $nPos EndFunc ;==>HashPos #cs Function: Rehash_Grow Purpose: Grow the array by the amount stored in the array. Parameters: $aArray: The array containing an associative array. Return value: True is is could resize and array. False otherwise. #ce Func Rehash_Grow(ByRef $aArray) Local $nPos = 0, $I Global $gbAA_Rehash = False If $gbAA_Rehash Then ; If already in a rehash cycle, abort due to cascading rehashs. MsgBox(48, "AssocArrayAssign", "Cascading rehash caused by poor hash function. Aborting. Revise hash function and retry.") Exit Else $gbAA_Rehash = True EndIf If AssocArrayVerify($aArray) = False Then SetError(2) Return False EndIf If $aArray[1][0] = 0 Then ; No growth. Return False EndIf ; Grow the array, reassign the values and try again. Local $nHashSize = Ceiling(UBound($aArray, 2) * (1 + $aArray[1][0])) While NotPrime($nHashSize) $nHashSize += 1 WEnd If $gbAA_Debug Then ConsoleWrite("Rehash_Grow: Used = " & $aArray[0][0] & ", After collisions $nPos = " & $nPos & ". Resizing to " & $nHashSize & @CR) Local $aTmp[2][$nHashSize + 1] ; New size. The +1 is to accomodate that index 0 is being used for housekeeping. $aTmp[0][0] = 0 ; Active array size $aTmp[1][0] = $aArray[1][0] ; Copy the growth rate ; Assign the old values For $I = 1 To UBound($aArray, 2) - 1 If $aArray[0][$I] > "" Then AssocArrayAssign($aTmp, $aArray[0][$I], $aArray[1][$I]) EndIf Next $aArray = $aTmp $gbAA_Rehash = False Return True EndFunc ;==>Rehash_Grow #cs Function: _UBitShift Purpose: Perform an unsigned bit shift Parameters: $nValue: The value to be shifted $nShift: The number of bits to shift Return value: The shifted value Notes: Found on http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58982 and used without permission. ;) #ce Func _UBitShift($nValue, Const $nShift) ; Check for the sign bit. Local $bSignBit = False If BitAND($nValue, 0x80000000) Then ; Sign bit found, unset it. $nValue = BitXOR($nValue, 0x80000000) $bSignBit = True EndIf ; Do a signed shift with the sign bit unset. $nValue = BitShift($nValue, $nShift) ; Check to see if the former sign bit needs set. If $nShift > 0 And $nShift < 32 And $bSignBit Then $nValue = BitOR($nValue, 2 ^ (31 - $nShift)) Return $nValue EndFunc ;==>_UBitShift #cs Function: StringQuote Purpose: Surround a string in quotes. All other types, that can be, are converted to string. Parameters: $vValue: The value to be checked / converted. Return value: The value surrounded by quotes if a string. Otherwise, the value converted to a string. Sets @Error = 1 if the value can not be converted to a string Notes: #ce Func StringQuote(Const $vValue) If IsString($vValue) Then Local $I, $M, $sRetVal = "" For $I = 1 To StringLen($vValue) $M = StringMid($vValue, $I, 1) Switch $M Case '"' $sRetVal &= '""' Case Else $sRetVal &= $M EndSwitch Next $sRetVal = '"' & $sRetVal & '"' Return $sRetVal Else Return String($vValue) EndIf EndFunc ;==>StringQuote #cs Function: CVSParse Purpose: Identifies the Comma-Separated Values in the given string and returns them as an array Parameters: $sParse: The string to be parsed. Return value: A 1-dimensional array with each element of the CSV string in its own element. Sets @Error = 1 if the string is not in the correct format. The return value will be False in this case. Notes: #ce Func CVSParse(Const $sParse) Local $I, $M Local $nCurrElement = 0 Local $bQuote = False Local $aRetVal[StringLen($sParse)] For $I = 1 To StringLen($sParse) $M = StringMid($sParse, $I, 1) Switch $M Case '"' If Not $bQuote Then $bQuote = True ElseIf StringMid($sParse, $I + 1, 1) = '"' Then ; Inside a quoted string, do we have two quotes together? ; Include the quote $aRetVal[$nCurrElement] &= $M $I += 1 Else $bQuote = False EndIf Case ',' If $bQuote Then $aRetVal[$nCurrElement] &= $M Else $nCurrElement += 1 EndIf Case Else If Not $bQuote And $M = " " And $aRetVal[$nCurrElement] = "" Then ; Skip it Else $aRetVal[$nCurrElement] &= $M EndIf EndSwitch Next If $nCurrElement > 0 Then ReDim $aRetVal[$nCurrElement + 1] Return $aRetVal EndFunc ;==>CVSParse