#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: David Nuttall Script Function: Test application for Associative array system #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include "AssocArrays.au3" Global $iCount, $iSize Global $nTmp Global $sName Global $avArray, $avNoGrow, $asKeys AssocArrayCreate($avArray, 10) ; Create the associative array with storage for 10 elements. AssocArrayCreate($avNoGrow, 20, 0) ; Create an associative array For 20 elements, that should Not grow. MsgBox(0, "AssocArray Test", "The hash table has " & UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 & " locations.") AssocArrayAssign($avArray, "Test1", 10000) AssocArrayAssign($avArray, "Test2", 7e3) AssocArrayAssign($avArray, "Test3", 1.5e2) ; I am using 20 elements here to force a growth cycle. Actual arrays should be sized to the expected number of elements. For $iCount = 1 To 20 ; Generate random key names $sName = "" For $iSize = 1 To Random(1, 10, True) $sName &= Chr(Random(65, 90, True)) Next $nTmp = Random(1, 1000, True) ConsoleWrite("Assigning " & $nTmp & " to element '" & $sName & "'" & @CR) ; If I can not assign, drop out. If Not AssocArrayAssign($avArray, $sName, $nTmp) Then ExitLoop If Not AssocArrayAssign($avNoGrow, $sName, $nTmp) Then ExitLoop Next $nTmp = AssocArrayGet($avArray, "Test2") If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test2' has value " & $nTmp) Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test2' is not found!") EndIf $nTmp = AssocArrayGet($avArray, "Test3") If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' has value " & $nTmp) Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' is not found!") EndIf $nTmp = AssocArrayGet($avArray, "Test1") If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test1' has value " & $nTmp) Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test1' is not found!") EndIf $nTmp = AssocArrayGet($avArray, "Test4") ; Not assigned, even by random keys. Should not be found. If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test4' has value " & $nTmp) Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test4' is not found!") EndIf ; Should be reading AssocArray... functions, not reading the array directly. MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The hash table has " & UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 & " locations. " & $avArray[0][0] & " elements are used.") $asKeys = AssocArrayKeys($avArray) $sName = "" For $iCount = 0 To UBound($asKeys) - 1 $sName &= "[" & $asKeys[$iCount] & "] = " & AssocArrayGet($avArray, $asKeys[$iCount]) & @CR Next MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", $sName) ; Test AssocArrayDelete. If AssocArrayDelete($avArray, "Test3") Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' was deleted.") Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' could not be deleted.") Exit EndIf $nTmp = AssocArrayGet($avArray, "Test3") ; Removed. Should not be found If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' has value " & $nTmp) Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test3' is not found!") EndIf ; Test AssocArrayExists If AssocArrayExists($avArray, "Test2") Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test2' exists.") Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test2' is not found!") EndIf If AssocArrayExists($avArray, "Test4") Then MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test4' exists.") Else MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "The element 'Test4' is not found!") EndIf Const $sFilename = @ScriptDir & "\AssocArrayTest.txt" AssocArraySave($avArray, $sFilename) ; Wipe out the old associative array. $avArray = "" Switch AssocArrayLoad($avArray, $sFilename) Case True MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", "Reloaded array. The hash table has " & UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 & " locations. " & $avArray[0][0] & " elements are used.") $sName = "" For $iCount = 1 To UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 If $avArray[0][$iCount] > "" Then $sName &= "[" & $avArray[0][$iCount] & "] = " & $avArray[1][$iCount] & @CR EndIf Next MsgBox(64, "AssocArray Test", $sName) Case False MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "@Error = " & @error) EndSwitch If FileRecycle($sFilename) Then ; File was recycled. Good! ElseIf FileDelete($sFilename) Then ; Could not recycle, so let's try deleting. Probably the partition has no recycle bin. ; File was deleted. Okay. Else ; Could not delete. Probably read-only (How?) MsgBox(48, "AssocArray Test", "Could not recycle nor delete '" & $sFilename & "'. Please manually delete.") EndIf