#NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=XIcon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=Andrew's Anti Snooping Tool.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Desktop Tool #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1033 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Andrew W Script Function: Hides windows with a few fun features. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here ;Includes that we need for all of the functions #include #include #include #include #include <_ChooseHotkey.au3> #include #include #include ;#Include ;#Include FileInstall("F:\aast\11-5-2008 AAST\Version 5\bsod1.jpg",@ScriptDir & "\bsod.jpg",1) $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $ProgramName = "Andrew's Anti Snooping Tool" If _Singleton($ProgramName, 1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Warning", "An occurence of " & $ProgramName & " is already running") Exit EndIf Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("WinWaitDelay", 0) ; Sets the winwaitdelay to 0 so the windows disappear immediately Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript") Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;sets the title match mode to match handles Opt("MouseCoordMode",1) Global $VersionNumber = "" AutoItWinSetTitle($ProgramName) ; sets the title so the program can't run two of itself ;sets and initiates the hotkeys Global $ToggleOnHotKey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOn","^+q") Global $ToggleOffHotKey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOff","^+w") Global $ToggleOneHotKey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOne","^+a") Global $ToggleGroupsHotKey=IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleGroups","^+z") Global $ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey =IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleStayToggleOnHotkey","^+s") HotKeySet($ToggleOnHotKey, "ToggleOn") HotKeySet($ToggleOffHotKey, "ToggleOff") HotKeySet($ToggleOneHotKey, "ToggleOne") HotKeySet($ToggleGroupsHotKey, "ToggleGroups") HotKeySet($ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey, "StayToggleOn") ;;;;;;;;;GLOBAL VARIABLES ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;variable to determine if the main function is currently running Global $IsToggled = 0 Global $IsToggled2 = 0 Global $IsToggled3 = 0 Global $IsToggled4 = 0 Global $WindowListHidden[1] Global $Settings[20][2] ; [x][0] is on/off, [x][1] is tray item Global $Groups[1] Global $Exceptions[1] Global $GroupsListString Global $GroupsHeight = 250 Global $exceptionHeight = 250 Global $ExceptionsListString Global $FreezeObject = "" Global $WindowList= WinList() $PreviousWindowTemp = "" ;Loads the Previous Windows that are still hidden $PreviousWindowTot = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Total", 0) If $PreviousWindowTot <> 0 Then ;Changes total windows to one from the ini file $WindowListHidden[0] = $PreviousWindowTot For $x = $PreviousWindowTot To 1 Step -1 $PreviousWindowTemp = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Hidden Window" & $x, "") _ArrayAdd($WindowListHidden, HWnd($PreviousWindowTemp)) IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Hidden Window" & $x) Next IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Total", 0) EndIf ;Initiate the tray $aboutitem = TrayCreateItem("About") $helpitem = TrayCreateItem("Help") $hotkeysitem = TrayCreateItem("Set Hotkeys") TrayCreateItem("") $exceptionsitem = TrayCreateItem("Exceptions") $Groupsitem = TrayCreateItem("Groups") TrayCreateItem("") $optionsitem = TrayCreateMenu("Options") $Settings[0][1] = TrayCreateItem("Stealth Mode", $optionsitem) ;$Settings[1][1] = TrayCreateItem("Password Protection", $optionsitem) TrayCreateItem("", $optionsitem) $Settings[2][1] = TrayCreateItem("Disable Sound", $optionsitem) $Settings[3][1] = TrayCreateItem("Disable Music Only (XP Only)", $optionsitem) ;TrayCreateItem("", $optionsitem) $Settings[4][1] = TrayCreateItem("Computer Crash", $optionsitem) $Settings[5][1] = TrayCreateItem("Right Mouse Click On", $optionsitem) ;TrayCreateItem("", $optionsitem) ;$Settings[6][1] = TrayCreateItem("Disable Task Manager", $optionsitem) ;$Settings[7][1] = TrayCreateItem("Close Windows", $optionsitem) $Settings[8][1] = TrayCreateItem("Game Mode", $optionsitem) $Settings[9][1] = TrayCreateItem("Freeze", $optionsitem) ;$Settings[10][1] = TrayCreateItem("Stay Hidden (BETA) ", $optionsitem) TrayCreateItem("") $exititem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TraySetState() TraySetToolTip($ProgramName) ;Loads the Previous Settings $SettingsTemp = 0 For $x = 0 To 10 $SettingsTemp = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Settings", "Setting " & $x, 0) $Settings[$x][0] = Number($SettingsTemp) Call("InitiateSettings", $x) Next $ExceptionsTemp = 0 $Exceptions[0] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Exceptions", "Total", 0) $exceptionHeight = 250 + ($Exceptions[0] * 20) For $x = 1 To $Exceptions[0] $ExceptionsTemp = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Exceptions", "Exceptions " & $x, "") _ArrayAdd($Exceptions, String($ExceptionsTemp)) Next $GroupsTemp = 0 $Groups[0] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Groups", "Total", 0) $GroupsHeight = 250 + ($Groups[0] * 20) For $x = 1 To $Groups[0] $GroupsTemp = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Groups", "Groups " & $x, "") _ArrayAdd($Groups, String($GroupsTemp)) Next ;;;MAIN LOOP;;;; While 1 $msg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = 0 Call("_ReduceMemory") if $Settings[5][0] = True Then Call("CheckRightClick") EndIf ContinueLoop Case $msg = $exititem ExitLoop Case $msg = $aboutitem Call("AboutProgram") Case $msg = $Settings[0][1] ;;STEALTH MODE Call("checkSettings", 0) Case $msg = $Settings[1][1];; PASSWORD PROTECTION Call("checkSettings", 1) Case $msg = $Settings[2][1];;DISABLE SOUND Call("checkSettings", 2) Case $msg = $Settings[3][1];; DISABLE MUSIC Call("checkSettings", 3) Case $msg = $Settings[4][1];;Computer Crash Call("checkSettings", 4) Case $msg = $Settings[5][1];; MOUSE CLICK ON Call("checkSettings", 5) Case $msg = $Settings[6][1];;DISABLE TASK MANAGER Call("checkSettings", 6) Case $msg = $Settings[8][1];;Game Mode Call("checkSettings", 8) Case $msg = $Settings[9][1];;Game Mode Call("checkSettings", 9) Case $msg = $Settings[10][1];;Stay On Call("checkSettings", 10) Case $msg = $exceptionsitem Call("ExceptionsCreate") Case $msg = $Groupsitem Call("GroupsCreate") Case $msg = $hotkeysitem Call("HotkeyChange") Case $msg = $helpitem Call("Help") EndSelect WEnd Exit Func ToggleOn() ;If it's not running then run If $IsToggled = 0 Or $IsToggled2 = 0 Or $IsToggled3 = 0 or $IsToggled4 =0 Then $IsToggled = 1 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",True) ;Game Mode if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf ;Turns the progress bar on if $Settings[10][0] = False Then ProgressOn($ProgramName, "Activating.....", "0 percent") EndIf ;gets the list of windows and puts it into $WindowList Global $WindowList = WinList() ;loops through all the windows For $x = 1 To $WindowList[0][0] ;updates the process bar with the % of items that we've gone through $percentage = Int($x / $WindowList[0][0] * 100) ProgressSet($percentage, $percentage & " percent") ;determines if the window's title is not blank and the window is visible If $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($WindowList[$x][1]), 2) And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Program Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Sidebar" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Task Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" Then If Call("CheckExceptions", $WindowList[$x][0]) = False Then _ArrayAdd($WindowListHidden, $WindowList[$x][1]) $WindowListHidden[0] = $WindowListHidden[0] + 1 WinSetState($WindowList[$x][1], "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIf Next if $Settings[10][0] = False Then ProgressSet(100, "100%", "Activation Complete") ProgressOff() EndIf if $Settings[9][0] = True Then Call("FreezeScreen",True) EndIf If $Settings[0][0] = True Then TraySetState(2) EndIf If $Settings[2][0] = True Then Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") EndIf If $Settings[3][0] = True Then SoundSetWaveVolume(0) EndIf If $Settings[4][0] = True Then Call("computerCrash", True) EndIf if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",False) $IsToggled = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>ToggleOn ;;Hides all windows except ones listed in the groups Func ToggleGroups() ;If it's not running then run If $IsToggled = 0 Or $IsToggled2 = 0 Or $IsToggled3 = 0 or $IsToggled4 =0 Then $IsToggled4 = 1 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",True) if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf ;Turns the progress bar on ProgressOn($ProgramName, "Activating.....", "0 percent") ;gets the list of windows and puts it into $WindowList Global $WindowList = WinList() ;loops through all the windows For $x = 1 To $WindowList[0][0] ;updates the process bar with the % of items that we've gone through $percentage = Int($x / $WindowList[0][0] * 100) ProgressSet($percentage, $percentage & " percent") ;determines if the window's title is not blank and the window is visible If $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($WindowList[$x][1]), 2) And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Program Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Sidebar" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Task Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" Then If Call("CheckGroups", $WindowList[$x][0]) = True Then _ArrayAdd($WindowListHidden, $WindowList[$x][1]) $WindowListHidden[0] = $WindowListHidden[0] + 1 WinSetState($WindowList[$x][1], "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIf Next ProgressSet(100, "100%", "Activation Complete") ProgressOff() if $Settings[9][0] = True Then Call("FreezeScreen",True) EndIf If $Settings[0][0] = True Then TraySetState(2) EndIf If $Settings[2][0] = True Then Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") EndIf If $Settings[3][0] = True Then SoundSetWaveVolume(0) EndIf If $Settings[4][0] = True Then Call("computerCrash", True) EndIf if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",False) $IsToggled4 = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>ToggleOn ;;Hides the active window Func ToggleOne() If $IsToggled = 0 Or $IsToggled2 = 0 Or $IsToggled3 = 0 or $IsToggled4 =0 Then $IsToggled3 =1 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",True) if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf $WindowName = WinGetTitle("") Local $WindowHandle = WinGetHandle($WindowName) If $WindowHandle <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($WindowHandle), 2) And $WindowHandle <> "Program Manager" And $WindowHandle <> "Windows Sidebar" And $WindowHandle <> "Windows Task Manager" Then If Call("CheckExceptions", $WindowHandle) = False Then _ArrayAdd($WindowListHidden, $WindowHandle) $WindowListHidden[0] = $WindowListHidden[0] + 1 WinSetState($WindowHandle, "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIf if $Settings[9][0] = True Then Call("FreezeScreen",True) EndIf If $Settings[0][0] = True Then TraySetState(2) EndIf if $Settings[8][0] = True Then Send("{#}{TAB}") MouseClick("") EndIf If $Settings[2][0] = True Then Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") EndIf If $Settings[3][0] = True Then SoundSetWaveVolume(0) EndIf $IsToggled3=0 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",False) EndIf EndFunc Func ToggleOff() ;If it's not running then run If $IsToggled = 0 Or $IsToggled2 = 0 Or $IsToggled3 = 0 or $IsToggled4 =0 Then $IsToggled2 = 1 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",True) if $Settings[10][0] = True Then Call("checkSettings", 10) EndIf For $x = UBound($WindowListHidden, 1) - 1 To 1 Step -1 ;hides the window WinSetState($WindowListHidden[$x], "", @SW_SHOW) ;deletes the window from the list _ArrayPop($WindowListHidden) Next $WindowListHidden[0] = 0 If $Settings[0][0] = True Then TraySetState(1) EndIf If $Settings[2][0] = True Then Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") EndIf If $Settings[3][0] = True Then SoundSetWaveVolume(100) EndIf if $Settings[9][0] = True Then Call("FreezeScreen",False) EndIf If $Settings[4][0] = True Then Call("computerCrash", False) EndIf Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",False) $IsToggled2 = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>ToggleOff ;Function to execute when the program is closed Func endscript() If $WindowListHidden[0] <> 0 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Total", $WindowListHidden[0]) For $x = UBound($WindowListHidden, 1) - 1 To 1 Step -1 IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "HiddenWindows", "Hidden Window" & $x, $WindowListHidden[$x]) Next EndIf FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\bsod.jpg") EndFunc ;==>endscript Func _ReduceMemory($i_PID = -1) If $i_PID <> -1 Then Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1f0fff, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID) Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0]) Else Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndIf Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ;==>_ReduceMemory Func AboutProgram() MsgBox(64, "About:" & $ProgramName, $ProgramName & @CRLF & "Version Number: " & $VersionNumber & @CRLF & @CRLF & "© 2005-2008 Andrew's Hangout.com. All rights reserved. " & $ProgramName & " and the " & $ProgramName & " logo are either impending registered trademarks or trademarks of Andrew's Hangout.com in the United States and/or other countries.") EndFunc ;==>AboutProgram ;Changes the setting to its opposite and saves the settings to the ini Func checkSettings($settingNum) $Settings[$settingNum][0] = Not $Settings[$settingNum][0] If $Settings[$settingNum][0] = True Then TrayItemSetState($Settings[$settingNum][1], $TRAY_CHECKED) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Settings", "Setting " & $settingNum, 1) Else TrayItemSetState($Settings[$settingNum][1], $TRAY_UNCHECKED) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Settings", "Setting " & $settingNum, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>checkSettings ;Initiates the checks next to the options so the options that are turned on are checked when the program turns on Func InitiateSettings($settingNum) If $Settings[$settingNum][0] = 1 Then TrayItemSetState($Settings[$settingNum][1], $TRAY_CHECKED) $Settings[$settingNum][0] = True Else TrayItemSetState($Settings[$settingNum][1], $TRAY_UNCHECKED) $Settings[$settingNum][0] = False EndIf EndFunc ;==>InitiateSettings ;;Creates the list of exceptions Func ExceptionsCreate() $tempException = "" While $tempException <> -1 $ExceptionsListString = "" For $x = 1 To UBound($Exceptions, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $Exceptions[$x] <> "" Then $ExceptionsListString = $ExceptionsListString & @CRLF & $Exceptions[$x] EndIf Next $tempException = InputBox($ProgramName, "Please enter in the partial title of the window you want to keep displayed" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "When you are finished enter in -1 " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enter in -2 to delete your last addition" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Items: " & @CRLF & $ExceptionsListString, "", "", 300, $exceptionHeight) If $tempException = -2 Then If $Exceptions[0] > 0 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Exceptions", "Exceptions " & $Exceptions[0]) _ArrayPop($Exceptions) $Exceptions[0] = $Exceptions[0] - 1 $exceptionHeight = $exceptionHeight - 20 Else ExitLoop EndIf ElseIf $tempException = -1 Or $tempException = "" Then ExitLoop Else _ArrayAdd($Exceptions, $tempException) $Exceptions[0] = $Exceptions[0] + 1 IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Exceptions", "Exceptions " & $Exceptions[0], $tempException) $exceptionHeight = $exceptionHeight + 20 EndIf WEnd IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Exceptions", "Total", $Exceptions[0]) EndFunc ;==>ExceptionsCreate ;;Creates the list of groups Func GroupsCreate() $tempGroup = "" While $tempGroup <> -1 $GroupsListString = "" For $x = 1 To UBound($Groups, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $Groups[$x] <> "" Then $GroupsListString = $GroupsListString & @CRLF & $Groups[$x] EndIf Next $tempGroup = InputBox($ProgramName, "Please enter in the partial title of the window you don't want to keep displayed" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "When you are finished enter in -1 " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enter in -2 to delete your last addition" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Items: " & @CRLF & $GroupsListString, "", "", 300, $GroupsHeight) If $tempGroup = -2 Then If $Groups[0] > 0 Then IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Groups", "Groups " & $Groups[0]) _ArrayPop($Groups) $Groups[0] = $Groups[0] - 1 $GroupsHeight = $GroupsHeight - 20 Else ExitLoop EndIf ElseIf $tempGroup = -1 Or $tempGroup = "" Then ExitLoop Else _ArrayAdd($Groups, $tempGroup) $Groups[0] = $Groups[0] + 1 IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Groups", "Groups " & $Groups[0], $tempGroup) $GroupsHeight = $GroupsHeight + 20 EndIf WEnd IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Groups", "Total", $Groups[0]) EndFunc ;==>ExceptionsCreate ;;Checks to see if the title is one of the exceptions Func CheckExceptions($title) For $y = 1 To $Exceptions[0] If StringInStr($title, $Exceptions[$y]) > 0 Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>CheckExceptions ;;Checks to see if the title is one of the items in the group Func CheckGroups($title) ConsoleWrite($Groups[0]) For $x = 1 To $Groups[0] ConsoleWrite($x) If StringInStr($title, $Groups[$x]) > 0 Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>CheckExceptions ;;Empty Function Func HotkeySetFuckUp() EndFunc ;==>HotkeySetFuckUp ;;; Func computerCrash($status) if $status = true Then SplashImageOn("", @ScriptDir & "/bsod.jpg",@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight,-1,-1,1) MouseMove(@DesktopWidth+20,@DesktopHeight+20,0) _WinAPI_Beep(500, 6000) Else SplashOff() EndIf EndFunc ;==>computerCrash ;;;Hides all the windows then takes a screenshot and simulates computer freeze until Toggle Off is pressed Func FreezeScreen($status) if $status = True Then $mousepos = MouseGetPos() MouseMove(@DesktopWidth+20,@DesktopHeight+20,0) $FreezeObject=_ScreenCapture_Capture(@ScriptDir & "/Freeze.jpg") SplashImageOn("", @ScriptDir & "/Freeze.jpg",@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight,-1,-1,1) MouseMove($mousepos[0],$mousepos[1],0) Else SplashOff() _WinAPI_DeleteObject($FreezeObject) EndIf EndFunc ;;;disable hotkeys so if you press twice you don't interupt Func HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate($status) if $status = true Then HotKeySet($ToggleOnHotKey, "HotkeySetFuckUp") HotKeySet($ToggleOffHotKey, "HotkeySetFuckUp") HotKeySet($ToggleOneHotKey, "HotkeySetFuckUp") HotKeySet($ToggleGroupsHotKey, "HotkeySetFuckUp") Else HotKeySet($ToggleOnHotKey, "ToggleOn") HotKeySet($ToggleOffHotKey, "ToggleOff") HotKeySet($ToggleOneHotKey, "ToggleOne") HotKeySet($ToggleGroupsHotKey, "ToggleGroups") EndIf EndFunc ;;;Right click on the X of a window to hide it Func CheckRightClick() Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) $size = WinGetPos("[active]") ConsoleWrite($size[2] & " " & $size[3]) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) $mousepos = MouseGetPos() ConsoleWrite($mousepos[0] & " " & $mousepos[1]) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) If $mousepos[0] > $size[2]-55 And $mousepos[1] <25 Then if _IsPressed("02", $dll) Then Call("ToggleOne") EndIf EndIf Opt("MouseCoordMode",1) EndFunc ;;Keep Windows Hidden Func StayToggleOn() $IsToggled2 = 1 If $IsToggled = 0 Or $IsToggled2 = 0 Or $IsToggled3 = 0 or $IsToggled4 =0 Then while $IsToggled2 = 1 Sleep(200) Global $WindowList = WinList() ;loops through all the windows For $x = 1 To $WindowList[0][0] If $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($WindowList[$x][1]), 2) And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Program Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Sidebar" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "Windows Task Manager" And $WindowList[$x][0] <> "" Then If Call("CheckExceptions", $WindowList[$x][0]) = False and $IsToggled2=1 Then $IsToggled = 1 Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",True) _ArrayAdd($WindowListHidden, $WindowList[$x][1]) $WindowListHidden[0] = $WindowListHidden[0] + 1 WinSetState($WindowList[$x][1], "", @SW_HIDE) Call("HotkeySetFuckUpInitiate",False) $IsToggled = 0 EndIf EndIf if $IsToggled2 = 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd EndIf EndFunc ;;Change Hotkeys Func HotkeyChange() MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Select the desired hotkey for Toggle On") $ToggleOnHotKey = _ChooseHotkey($ToggleOnHotKey) MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Select the desired hotkey for Toggle Off") $ToggleOffHotKey = _ChooseHotkey($ToggleOffHotKey) MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Select the desired hotkey for Toggle Selected") $ToggleOneHotKey = _ChooseHotkey($ToggleOneHotKey) MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Select the desired hotkey for Toggle Groups") $ToggleGroupsHotKey = _ChooseHotkey($ToggleGroupsHotKey) MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Select the desired hotkey for Stay Toggle On") $ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey = _ChooseHotkey($ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOn",$ToggleOnHotKey) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOff",$ToggleOffHotKey) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleOne",$ToggleOneHotKey) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","ToggleGroups",$ToggleGroupsHotKey) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini","Hotkeys","StayToggleOn",$ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey) HotKeySet($ToggleOnHotKey, "ToggleOn") HotKeySet($ToggleOffHotKey, "ToggleOff") HotKeySet($ToggleOneHotKey, "ToggleOne") HotKeySet($ToggleGroupsHotKey, "ToggleGroups") HotKeySet($ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey, "StayToggleOn") MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Hotkeys Changed") EndFunc Func Help() MsgBox(0,$ProgramName,"Program: " & $ProgramName & @CRLF & "Purpose: To maintain your privacy by instantly hiding windows. Additional features are used to support this underlying feature. " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Features: " & @CRLF & "Set Hotkeys: Change the hotkeys for each function" & @CRLF & "Exceptions: Keeps listed windows from being hidden" & @CRLF & "Groups: Hides only the listed windows" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Options:" & @CRLF & "Stealth Mode: Hides tray icon" & @CRLF & "Disable Sound: Mutes the sound" & @CRLF & "Disable Music: Disables wav sounds ( XP Only)" & @CRLF & "Computer Crash: Simulates a blue screen of death" & @CRLF & "Right Mouse Click On: Right clicking the X will hide the window" & @CRLF & "Game Mode: Minimizes full screen games" & @CRLF & "Freeze: Simulates a 'frozen' computer" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Hotkeys:" & @CRLF & "Toggle On: " & _HotKeyToString($ToggleOnHotKey) & @CRLF & "Hide Active Window: " & _HotKeyToString($ToggleOneHotKey) & @CRLF & "Toggle Groups: " & _HotKeyToString($ToggleGroupsHotKey) & @CRLF & "Toggle Stay Hidden: " & _HotKeyToString($ToggleStayToggleOnHotKey) & @CRLF & "Toggle Off: " & _HotKeyToString($ToggleOffHotKey) & @CRLF & "") EndFunc