#NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=data\ico\afk_safe.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=AFKsafe v1.0 BETA.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;~ #cs ;~ AutoIt Version: ;~ Author: Nick Kamoen (MAIL AT: nickkamoen@gmail.com) ;~ Script Name: AFK.safe ;~ Script Version: 1.0 ;~ #ce ;; CONTS ;Global Const $MF_BYCOMMAND = 0x00000000 ; In ;Global Const $MF_BYPOSITION = 0x00000400 ; In If Not IsDeclared("LR_LOADFROMFILE") Then Global Const $LR_LOADFROMFILE = 0x0010 If Not IsDeclared("LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS") Then Global Const $LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS = 0x00001000 If Not IsDeclared("LR_LOADTRANSPARENT") Then Global Const $LR_LOADTRANSPARENT = 0x0020 If Not IsDeclared("MF_DEFAULT") Then Global Const $MF_DEFAULT = 0x00001000 If Not IsDeclared("MF_POPUP") Then Global Const $MF_POPUP = 0x00000010 If Not IsDeclared("MF_SEPARATOR") Then Global Const $MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800 If Not IsDeclared("MF_OWNERDRAW") Then Global Const $MF_OWNERDRAW = 0x00000100 If Not IsDeclared("CLR_NONE") Then Global Const $CLR_NONE = 0xFFFFFFFF If Not IsDeclared("LR_DEFAULTSIZE") Then Global Const $LR_DEFAULTSIZE = 0x0040 If Not IsDeclared("LR_CREATEDIBSECTION") Then Global Const $LR_CREATEDIBSECTION = 0x2000 Global Const $IMAGE_BITMAP = 0 Global Const $IMAGE_ICON = 1 Global Const $BF_FLAT = 0x4000 Global Const $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR = 0x0000 Global Const $TRAY_ENABLE = 64 Global Const $TRAY_DISABLE = 128 Global Const $BS_FLAT = 0x8000 ;~ ;; Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "includes\_Crypt.au3" #include #include <_WinAnimate.au3> #Include #include-once ;~ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;; Other Global $dir_dat = @ScriptDir & "\data" Global $dir_img = $dir_dat & "\img\" Global $dir_ico = $dir_dat & "\ico\" ;;Declare Var Global $mGUI, $header, $version_label, $unlock, $reset, $pass, $hStatus, $w_pos[4], $tm_ctrl_ico, $tm_ctrl_cm, $tm_ctrl_afk, $op_gui, $msg, $i_data, $password_in Global $xy[2], $password_crypt, $tray_ctrl, $options, $coords[2], $read_ini, $password_decrypt, $sm_ctrl, $side_text, $hFont, $op_gui,$test,$checked ;~ $hFont = _WinAPI_CreateFont(12, _ ;~ 0, _ ;~ 0, _ ;~ 0, _ ;~ $FW_NORMAL, _ ;~ False, _ ;~ False, _ ;~ False, _ ;~ $DEFAULT_CHARSET, _ ;~ $OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS, _ ;~ $CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, _ ;~ $DEFAULT_QUALITY, _ ;~ $DEFAULT_PITCH, _ ;~ 'Verdana') ;~ If $hFont Then _WinAPI_SetFont($tm_ctrl_afk, $hFont) ;; Globals Global $ver = "1.0" Global $wHandle = "AFK.safe " & $ver Global $locked = 0 Global $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $read = IniRead("data\data.ini", "main", "setup", 0);; Locals Global $qhide = 0 Global $options = 1 Dim $tm_ctrl[8], $hImg[8] Local $aParts[2] = [135, 74], $hIcons[2] If Not FileExists("data\data.ini") Then _setup(1) If $read = 0 Or $read < "" Then _setup(2) If $read = 1 Then Global $xi = IniRead("data\data.ini", "main", "X", -1) Global $yi = IniRead("data\data.ini", "main", "Y", -1) EndIf ;; MAIN $mGUI = GUICreate($wHandle, 209, 201, $xi, $yi, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER)) GUISetFont(7.5, 9, 4, "Verdana", $mGUI) GUISetIcon($dir_ico & "afk_safe.ico", -1, $mGUI) GUISetBkColor(0x000000, "AFK") $header = GUICtrlCreatePic("data\img\header.jpg", 0, 0, 210, 54) GUICtrlSetStyle($header, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) $version_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($ver, 185, 40, 25, 25, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetState(-1, @SW_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x00F400) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) Dim $buttons[10] $buttons[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton("0", 70, 131, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[1] = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 0, 56, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[2] = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 70, 56, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 140, 56, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[4] = GUICtrlCreateButton("4", 0, 81, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton("5", 70, 81, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[6] = GUICtrlCreateButton("6", 140, 81, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[7] = GUICtrlCreateButton("7", 0, 106, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[8] = GUICtrlCreateButton("8", 70, 106, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $buttons[9] = GUICtrlCreateButton("9", 140, 106, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $unlock = GUICtrlCreateButton("Unlock", 0, 131, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $reset = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reset!", 140, 131, 70, 25, $BS_FLAT) $pass = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 0, 155, 209, 20, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_NUMBER, $ES_PASSWORD)) Global $hInstance = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("shell32.dll") $hStatus = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($mGUI, -1) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetMinHeight($hStatus, 24) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts($hStatus, $aParts) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus, "2009 © NicoTn", 0) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus, "Unlocked", 1) $hIcons[1] = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0, "data\ico\unlocked.ico", $IMAGE_ICON, 14, 14, $LR_LOADFROMFILE + $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) $hIcons[0] = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0, "data\ico\about.ico", $IMAGE_ICON, 24, 24, $LR_LOADFROMFILE + $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon($hStatus, 0, $hIcons[0]) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon($hStatus, 1, $hIcons[1]) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $TRAY_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$mGUI) WinActivate($wHandle, "") Local $icon_on = 1 If $read = 1 Then $w_pos = WinGetPos($mGUI) IniWrite("data\data.ini", "main", "X", $w_pos[0]) IniWrite("data\data.ini", "main", "Y", $w_pos[1]) EndIf $tm_ctrl_ico = _TrayIconCreate("-AFK.safe- ", @ScriptDir & "\data\ico\afk_safe.ico") _TrayIconSetClick(-1, 16) ; Show the tray icon $tm_ctrl_cm = _TrayCreateContextMenu() ; is the same like _TrayCreateContextMenu(-1) or _TrayCreateContextMenu($nTrayIcon1) $nSideItem3 = _CreateSideMenu($tm_ctrl_cm) $side_text = _SetSideMenuText($nSideItem3, "AFK.Save " & $ver) _SetSideMenuColor($nSideItem3, 0x009600); yellow; default color - white _SetSideMenuBkColor($nSideItem3, 0x00000) ; bottom start color - dark blue _SetSideMenuBkGradColor($nSideItem3, 0x000000) ; top end color - orange $tm_ctrl[0] = _TrayCreateMenu("-AFK.safe-") $tm_ctrl[1] = _TrayCreateItem("About", $tm_ctrl[0], 1, 1) $tm_ctrl[2] = _TrayCreateItem("Help", $tm_ctrl[0]) _TrayCreateItem("") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "", 0) $tm_ctrl[3] = _TrayCreateItem("Hide") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "", 0) $tm_ctrl[4] = _TrayCreateItem("Unhide") GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $TRAY_DISABLE) _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "", 0) $tm_ctrl[5] = _TrayCreateItem("Lock") $tm_ctrl[6] = _TrayCreateItem("Options") _TrayCreateItem("") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "", 0) $tm_ctrl[7] = _TrayCreateItem("Exit") _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[0], "data\ico\afk_safe.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[1], "data\ico\about.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[2], "data\ico\help.ico", 24) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[3], "data\ico\w_min.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[4], "data\ico\w_max.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[5], "data\ico\lockdown_b.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetSelIcon($tm_ctrl[5], "data\ico\lockdown.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[6], "data\ico\options.ico", 0) _TrayItemSetIcon($tm_ctrl[7], "data\ico\exit.ico", 0) _skin(1) _TrayIconSetState() ; Settings Global $qLockKey = IniRead("data\data.ini","main","qlockkey","{END}") Global $qHideKey = IniRead("data\data.ini","main","qhidekey","{HOME}") HotKeySet("{"&$qLockKey&"}", "_qlock") HotKeySet("{"&$qHideKey&"}", "_qhideon") ;; OPTIONS GUI ; options - quicklock ; - quick hide/Unhide ; $op_gui = GUICreate("AFK.safe - Options", 270, 100, $xi+212,$yi) GUISetIcon($dir_ico & "afk_safe.ico", 1, $op_gui) GUISetFont(7.5,7,0,"Verdana",$op_gui) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options",0,0,270,100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Quick lock: ",10,20,60,15) $qLockKey_input = _GUICtrlCreateHotKeyInput(0,70,15,75,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current key: ",150,20,75,20) $curr_l = GUICtrlCreateInput("{"&$qLockKey&"}",215,15,50,20,$ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Quick hide: ",10,50,60,15) $qHideKey_input = _GUICtrlCreateHotKeyInput(0,70,42,75,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current key: ",150,50,75,15) $cur_h = GUICtrlCreateInput("{"&$qHideKey&"}",215,42,50,20,$ES_READONLY) $save_settings = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save settings!",60,70,100,25,$BS_FLAT) $save_settingsEx = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save and exit!",165,70,100,25,$BS_FLAT) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) If $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then If $msg[1] = $mGUI Then Exit If $Msg[1] = $op_gui Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $op_gui) GUISwitch($mGUI) $options = 0 EndIf EndIf If $msg[0] = $buttons[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "1") If $msg[0] = $buttons[2] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "2") If $msg[0] = $buttons[3] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "3") If $msg[0] = $buttons[4] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "4") If $msg[0] = $buttons[5] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "5") If $msg[0] = $buttons[6] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "6") If $msg[0]= $buttons[7] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "7") If $msg[0] = $buttons[8] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "8") If $msg[0] = $buttons[9] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "9") If $msg[0] = $buttons[0] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "0") If $msg[0] = $reset Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, "") If $msg[0] = $unlock Then Sleep(100) EndIf if $qhide = 1 Then HotKeySet("{"&$qHideKey&"}", "_qhideoff") if $qhide = 0 Then HotKeySet("{"&$qHideKey&"}", "_qhideon") ;; OPTION EVENTS! if $msg[0] = $save_settingsEx Then If $Msg[1] = $op_gui Then $newLockKey = GUICtrlRead($qLockKey_input) $newHideKey = GUICtrlRead($qHideKey_input) MsgBox(0,"",$newLockKey&" - "&$newHideKey) Local $save_lk, $save_hk if $newLockKey = "None" Then $skip_lk = 1 $newLockKey = $qLockKey else $skip_lk = 0 EndIf if $newHideKey = "None" Then $skip_hk = 1 $newHideKey = $qHideKey else $skip_hk = 0 EndIf if $skip_lk = 1 And $skip_hk = 1 Then _save(-1) if $skip_lk = 0 And $skip_hk = 1 Then _save(1) if $skip_lk = 1 And $skip_hk = 0 Then _save(2) if $skip_lk = 0 and $skip_hk = 0 Then _save(3) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $op_gui) GUISwitch($mGUI) EndIf EndIf if $msg[0] = $save_settings Then If $Msg[1] = $op_gui Then $newLockKey = GUICtrlRead($qLockKey_input) $newHideKey = GUICtrlRead($qHideKey_input) MsgBox(0,"",$newLockKey&" - "&$newHideKey) Local $save_lk, $save_hk if $newLockKey = "None" Then $skip_lk = 1 $newLockKey = $qLockKey else $skip_lk = 0 EndIf if $newHideKey = "None" Then $skip_hk = 1 $newHideKey = $qHideKey else $skip_hk = 0 EndIf if $skip_lk = 1 And $skip_hk = 1 Then _save(-1) if $skip_lk = 0 And $skip_hk = 1 Then _save(1) if $skip_lk = 1 And $skip_hk = 0 Then _save(2) if $skip_lk = 0 and $skip_hk = 0 Then _save(3) EndIf EndIf ;~ ;; TRAY EVENTS! If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[6] Then if $options = 0 Then GUISwitch($op_gui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,"AFK.safe - Options") EndIf EndIf ;~ If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[5] Or _IsPressed("23", $dll) Then _lockdown() If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[5] Then _qlock() If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[3] Then _WinToTray($wHandle, 1) If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[4] Then _WinToTray($wHandle, 2) If $msg[0] = $tm_ctrl[7] Then Exit WEnd ;~ ;; Functions Func onautoitexit() _BlockInputEx(0) If $locked = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $wHandle, "Please unlock before Exiting!") EndIf If $locked = 0 Then _loadtray(3, "AFK.safe", "Saving!", "Save Complete!") EndIf If $locked = -1 Then _TrayIconDelete($tm_ctrl_ico) If $icon_on = 1 Then _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($hIcons[0]) _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($hIcons[1]) EndIf EndIf ;~ If $icon_on = 1 Then ;~ _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($hIcons[0]) ;~ _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($hIcons[1]) ;~ EndIf _TrayIconDelete($tm_ctrl_ico) EndFunc ;==>onautoitexit ;; Func exits() $locked = -1 Exit EndFunc ;==>exits ;; Func _loadtray($times = 20, $title = "_loadtray()", $t_msg = "Loading", $f_msg = "Done") #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Function: _LoadTray() Parameters: $times = "number", $title = "text-string", "$t_msg = "text-string" $times = The number of times u want the loading pop-up to loop. $title = The Title of the loading pop-up. $t_msg = The message u want to include with the load. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ For $i = 1 To $times ;~ TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $title, "[-] " & $t_msg, 0.100, 1) ;~ Sleep(100) ;~ TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $title, "[\] " & $t_msg, 0.100, 1) ;~ Sleep(100) ;~ TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $title, "[|] " & $t_msg, 0.100, 1) ;~ Sleep(100) ;~ TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $title, "[/] " & $t_msg, 0.100, 1) ;~ Sleep(100) ;~ If $i = $times Then ;~ TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $title, $f_msg, 0.100, 1) ;~ Sleep(2000) ;~ TrayTip("", "", 1) ;~ EndIf ;~ Next EndFunc ;==>_loadtray ;; Func _setup($id) If $id = 1 Then MsgBox(64, $wHandle & " !FIRST RUN!", "You have started AFK.safe for the first time! " & @CRLF & "AFK.safe will now automatically install the files needed!") Sleep(1000) FileWrite("data\data.ini", "; AFK.Safe - DATA FILE!;" & @CRLF) FileWrite("data\data.ini", "; !!!DO NOt MODIFY BELOW!!! ;" & @CRLF) FileWrite("data\data.ini", "; !!! CHANGING INFORMATION BELOW CAN CAUSE MALFUNCTION !!! ;" & @CRLF) $i_data = "setup=1" IniWriteSection("data\data.ini", "main", $i_data, 0) _loadtray(5, $wHandle, "Creating Files", "Done! AFK.safe wil now start!") EndIf If $id = 2 Then $i_data = "setup=1" IniWriteSection("data\data.ini", "main", $i_data, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_setup ;; Func _qhideon() _WinToTray($wHandle,1) EndFunc Func _qhideoff() _WinToTray($wHandle,2) EndFunc Func _WinToTray($handle, $function) If $function = 1 Then $qhide = 1 GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[3], $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[3], $TRAY_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $TRAY_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $GUI_UNCHECKED) WinSetState($handle, "", @SW_HIDE) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $wHandle, "Minimized to Tray", 2) Sleep(2000) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, "", "", 2) EndIf If $function = 2 Then $qhide = 0 GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[3], $TRAY_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[3], $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($tm_ctrl[4], $TRAY_DISABLE) WinSetState($handle, "", @SW_RESTORE) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $wHandle, "Restored from Tray", 2) Sleep(2000) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, "", "", 2) Sleep(100) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinToTray ;; func _qlock() if $qhide = 1 then _WinToTray($wHandle,2) _lockdown() EndFunc Func _lockdown() WinActivate($wHandle, "") $password_in = InputBox("AFK,safe " & $ver & " - Choose you password!", "Enter your password (only numbers!).", "", "*") If $password_in < " " Then _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, $wHandle, "Please enter a password!", 2) Sleep(2000) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico, "", "", 2) EndIf If StringIsAlNum($password_in) = 0 Then $xy = MouseGetPos() ToolTip("Please enter a password with only numbers!", $xy[0], $xy[1]) Sleep(2000) ToolTip("") Else $password_crypt = crypt(1, $password_in, "AFK.safe.decrypt.pass") If FileExists(@HomeDrive & "\WINDOWS\Temp\Temp1337.ini") Then FileDelete(@HomeDrive & "\WINDOWS\Temp\Temp1337.ini") FileWrite(@HomeDrive & "\WINDOWS\Temp\Temp1337.ini", "") IniWrite(@HomeDrive & "\WINDOWS\Temp\Temp1337.ini", "afksafe", "cpass", $password_crypt) GUICtrlSetState($unlock, $GUI_ENABLE) Global $locked = 1 _BlockInputEx(3) GUICtrlSetData($pass, "") _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus, "LOCKED", 1) $hIcons[1] = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0, "data\ico\lock.ico", $IMAGE_ICON, 14, 14, $LR_LOADFROMFILE + $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon($hStatus, 1, $hIcons[1]) GUICtrlSetStyle($header, -1, -1) EndIf While $locked = 1 WinMove($mGUI, "", $xi, $yi) If ProcessExists("taskmgr.exe") Then ProcessClose("taskmgr.exe") $coords = WinGetPos($mGUI) _MouseTrap($coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[0] + $coords[2], $coords[1] + $coords[3]) $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) If $msg[0] = $buttons[0] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "0") If $msg[0] = $buttons[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "1") If $msg[0] = $buttons[2] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "2") If $msg[0] = $buttons[3] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "3") If $msg[0]= $buttons[4] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "4") If $msg[0] = $buttons[5] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "5") If $msg[0] = $buttons[6] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "6") If $msg[0] = $buttons[7] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "7") If $msg[0] = $buttons[8] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "8") If $msg[0] = $buttons[9] Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, GUICtrlRead($pass) & "9") If $msg[0] = $reset Then GUICtrlSetData($pass, "") If $msg[0] = $unlock Then $read_ini = IniRead(@HomeDrive & "\WINDOWS\Temp\Temp1337.ini", "afksafe", "cpass", "") $password_decrypt = crypt(0, $read_ini, "AFK.safe.decrypt.pass") If $password_decrypt = GUICtrlRead($pass) Then _BlockInputEx(0) GUICtrlSetState($unlock, $GUI_DISABLE) Global $locked = 0 GUICtrlSetData($pass, "") If $locked = 0 Then _MouseTrap() MsgBox(64, $wHandle, "AFK.safe UNLOCKED!!",3) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus, "Unlocked", 1) $hIcons[1] = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0, "data\ico\unlocked.ico", $IMAGE_ICON, 14, 14, $LR_LOADFROMFILE + $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon($hStatus, 1, $hIcons[1]) GUICtrlSetStyle($header, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) EndIf Else MsgBox(16, "AFK.safe - ERROR!", "Password is incorrect!",3) GUICtrlSetData($pass, "") EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_lockdown ;; Func _skin($id) If $id = 1 Then _SetTrayBkColor(0x000000) _SetTrayIconBkColor(0x000000) ;~ _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(0xFFFFFF) _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(0xCCCCCC) _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(0x545454) _SetTraySelectRectColor(0x00FF00) _SetTraySelectTextColor(0x00FF00) _SetTraySelectBkColor(0x000000) _SetTrayTextColor(0x00FF00) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_skin ;; Func _save($type) if $type = -1 Then _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico,$wHandle&" - Save settings","No changes made, nothing will be saved!",2) sleep(2000) _TrayTip($tm_ctrl_ico,"","") $checked = 1 EndIf if $type = 1 Then dim $s_type[1] $s_type[0] = "You are about to replace your current quick lock hotkey: "&$qLockKey&" for a new quick lock hotkey: "& $newLockKey&@CRLF&"Are you sure?" $save_check = MsgBox(052,$wHandle&" - Save Settings",$s_type[0]) $checked = 1 EndIf if $type = 2 Then dim $s_type[1] $s_type[0] = "You are about to replace your current quick hide hotkey: "&$qHideKey&" for a new quick hide hotkey: "& $newHideKey&@CRLF&"Are you sure?" $save_check = MsgBox(052,$wHandle&" - Save Settings",$s_type[0]) $checked = 1 EndIf if $type = 3 Then dim $s_type[1] $s_type[0] = "You are about to replace your current quick lock hotkey: "&$qLockKey&" for the hotkey: "& $newLockKey&"."&@CRLF&"And you are about to replace your current quick hide hotkey: "&$qHideKey&" for the hotkey: "&$newHideKey&@CRLF&"Are you sure?" $save_check = MsgBox(052,$wHandle&" - Save Settings",$s_type[0]) $checked = 1 EndIf if $checked = 1 Then If $save_check = 6 then $sLockKey = IniWrite("data\data.ini","main","qlockkey",$newLockKey) $sHideKey = IniWrite("data\data.ini","main","qhidekey",$newHideKey) Global $qLockKey = IniRead("data\data.ini","main","qlockkey","{END}") Global $qHideKey = IniRead("data\data.ini","main","qhidekey","{HOME}") GUICtrlSetData($curr_l,"{"&$qLockKey&"}") GUICtrlSetData($cur_h,"{"&$qHideKey&"}") HotKeySet("{"&$qLockKey&"}", "_qlock") HotKeySet("{"&$qHideKey&"}", "_qhideon") MsgBox(64,$wHandle&" - Settings saved!","Your setting has been saved!") EndIf if $save_check = 7 then MsgBox(0,$wHandle&" - Save Settings","You have selected not to save the hotkey(s)."&@CRLF&"Press ok to continue.",0,"AFK.safe - Options") EndIf EndIf EndFunc