; PcINFO..... ; Created by Byteme ; AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) AutoItSetOption("WinDetectHiddenText", 1) #Include #include filedelete("c:\temp\connect.ini") if fileexists(@SystemDir & "\img123.jpg") then sleep(100) Else fileinstall("c:\pcinfo\img123.jpg", @SystemDir & "\img123.jpg", 1) EndIf SplashTextOn("Info Updates...", "Checking for updates. Please wait....", 500, 25) sleep(1000) if fileexists("\\server\share\update.exe") Then splashoff() runwait("\\server\share\update.exe") EndIf splashoff() $ps = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\internet settings", "proxyServer") $dn = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon", "defaultdomainname") $cm = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\windowsupdate\oeminfo", "wbemproduct") $ls = StringTrimRight(@logonserver, 1) if $cm = "" then $cm = "? Unknown ?" if $dn = "" then $dn = "? Unknown ?" if $dn = "" then $dn = "? Unknown ?" If Not IsDeclared('WS_CLIPSIBLINGS') Then Global $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000 GuiCreate("PC INFO.....", 677, 424,(@DesktopWidth-677)/2, (@DesktopHeight-424)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Your computer name is:", 10, 10, 160, 20) $Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Windows Version:", 10, 50, 160, 20) $Label_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack:", 10, 95, 160, 20) $Label_4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("IP Address:", 10, 140, 160, 20) $Label_5 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Logged on user:", 10, 180, 160, 20) $Label_6 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Logon Domain:", 10, 220, 160, 20) $Label_7 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Logon Server:", 10, 260, 160, 20) $Label_8 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Proxy Server:", 10, 300, 160, 20) $Label_9 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("PC Domain:", 10, 340, 160, 20) $Label_10 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("PC Model:", 10, 380, 160, 20) $Label_11 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@ComputerName, 185, 10, 85, 20) $Label_12 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@OSVersion, 185, 50, 85, 20) $Label_13 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@OSServicePack, 185, 95, 85, 20) $Label_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@IPAddress1, 185, 140, 85, 20) $Label_15 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@UserName, 185, 180, 85, 20) $Label_16 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@LogonDomain, 185, 220, 85, 20) $Label_17 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($ls, 185, 260, 85, 20) $Label_18 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($ps, 185, 300, 85, 20) $Label_19 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($dn, 185, 340, 85, 20) $Label_20 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($cm, 185, 380, 85, 20) $Icon_21 = GuiCtrlCreateIcon("icon", 0, 630, 10, 32, 32) $Pic_22 = GuiCtrlCreatePic(@SystemDir & "\img123.jpg", 310, 50, 350, 263) $Button_23 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Close", 370, 390, 260, 20) $Button_24 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Request for Service", 370, 360, 260, 20) $Button_25 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Remote Access Control", 370, 330, 260, 20) if @hour > 12 Then $hour = @hour - 12 Else $hour = @hour endif $date = guictrlcreatelabel("Time: " & $hour & ":" & @min & " Date: " & @mon & "/" & @mday & "/" & @year, 350, 10, 200, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_23 Then ExitLoop EndIf if $msg = $Button_24 Then guidelete() if fileexists("c:\temp") then fileinstall("c:\pcinfo\connect.ini", "c:\temp\connect.ini", 1) Else DirCreate("c:\temp") fileinstall("c:\pcinfo\connect.ini", "c:\temp\connect.ini", 1) EndIf if @hour > 12 Then $hour = @hour - 12 $z = ("pm") Else $hour = @hour $z = ("am") endif $t = ($hour & ":" & @min & " " & $z) $d = (@mon & "/" & @mday & "/" & @year) $input1 = @UserName $input2 = @ComputerName $input3 = @OSVersion $input4 = @IPAddress1 $file = FileOpen("c:\temp\connect.vbs", 2) $db = IniRead("c:\temp\connect.ini", "Settings", "Full Database Path", "") $table = IniRead("c:\temp\connect.ini", "Settings", "Table Name", "") FileWriteLine($file, 'Dim adoCon, rsAddInfo, strSQL') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set adoCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")') FileWriteLine($file, 'adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=' & $db & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set rsAddInfo = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")') FileWriteLine($file, 'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ' & $table & ';"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.CursorType = 2') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.LockType = 3') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Open strSQL, adoCon') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.AddNew') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("username") = ' & '"' & $input1 & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("pc name") = ' & '"' & $input2 & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("windows version") = ' & '"' & $input3 & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("ip address") = ' & '"' & $input4 & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("time") = ' & '"' & $t & '"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("date") = ' & '"' & $d & '"') GuiCreate("Report A Problem.....", 402, 633,(@DesktopWidth-402)/2, (@DesktopHeight-633)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $Radio_1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("E-Mail", 20, 20, 180, 20) $Radio_2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Mainframe", 20, 60, 180, 20) $Radio_3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Printers", 20, 100, 180, 20) $Radio_4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Internet\Intranet", 20, 140, 180, 20) $Radio_5 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("User Account Information Maintenance", 20, 180, 230, 20) $Radio_6 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Password Resets\Unlocks", 20, 220, 180, 20) $Radio_7 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Network", 20, 260, 180, 20) $Radio_8 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Hardware Issues", 20, 300, 180, 20) $Radio_9 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Software", 20, 340, 180, 20) $Radio_10 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Scanner", 20, 380, 180, 20) $Radio_11 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Blackberry", 20, 420, 180, 20) $Radio_12 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Shared Data Access", 20, 460, 180, 20) $Radio_13 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("PC Re-Image", 20, 500, 180, 20) $Radio_14 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Laptop", 20, 540, 180, 20) $Radio_15 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Other", 20, 580, 180, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $radio_1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Email"') GUIDelete() GuiCreate("Email Problems...", 416, 330,(@DesktopWidth-416)/2, (@DesktopHeight-330)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $em1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 10, 320, 20) $em2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Cannot Access", 20, 50, 320, 20) $em3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Delegate permissions/access to", 20, 90, 320, 20) $em4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Spam", 20, 130, 320, 20) $em5 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Personal folders", 20, 170, 320, 20) $em6 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Contact list", 20, 210, 320, 20) $em7 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Tips", 20, 250, 320, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $em1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Cannot Access"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Delegate Permissions/Access to"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Spam"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em5 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Personal Folders"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em6 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Contact List"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $em7 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Tips"') GUIDelete() EndIf Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Mainframe"') GUIDelete() GuiCreate("Mainframe problems...", 417, 336,(@DesktopWidth-417)/2, (@DesktopHeight-336)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $mf1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 20, 270, 20) $mf2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Imaging", 20, 60, 270, 20) $mf3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Printing problem", 20, 100, 270, 20) $mf4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Sessions fail", 20, 140, 270, 20) $mf5 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Password resets", 20, 180, 270, 20) $mf6 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("LGAS/LGEN", 20, 220, 270, 20) $mf7 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Keyboard mapping", 20, 260, 270, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $mf1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Imaging"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Printing Problem"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Sessions fail"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf5 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Password reset"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf6 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"LGAS/LGEN"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $mf7 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Keyboard mapping"') GUIDelete() ExitLoop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Case Else ;;; EndSelect endif WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_3 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Printers"') GuiCreate("Printer Problems...", 325, 160,(@DesktopWidth-325)/2, (@DesktopHeight-160)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $pr1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 20, 220, 20) $pr2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Installation", 20, 60, 220, 20) $pr3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Error code", 20, 100, 220, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $pr1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $pr2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Installation"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $pr3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Error code"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect endif WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_4 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Internet\Intranet"') GuiCreate("Internet/Intranet problems...", 251, 111,(@DesktopWidth-251)/2, (@DesktopHeight-111)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $in1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 20, 190, 20) $in2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Pop-up box for user sign-in", 20, 60, 190, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $in1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $in2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Pop-up box for user sign-in"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_5 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"User Account Information Maintenance"') GUIDelete() GuiCreate("User Account Information Maintenance...", 417, 336,(@DesktopWidth-417)/2, (@DesktopHeight-336)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $ua1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Password Reset", 20, 20, 270, 20) $ua2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Unlock Account", 20, 60, 270, 20) $ua3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Directory change of information", 20, 100, 270, 20) $ua4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Request deletion/disabling of account", 20, 140, 270, 20) $ua5 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("User account in wrong OU in Active Directory", 20, 180, 270, 20) $ua6 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Resource Room issues", 20, 220, 270, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $ua1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Password Reset"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $ua2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Unlock account"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $ua3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Directory change of information"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $ua4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Request deletion/disabling of account"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $ua5 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"User account in wrong OU in Active Directory"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $ua6 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Resource Room issues"') GUIDelete() exitLoop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_6 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Password Resets\Unlocks"') GuiCreate("Password Resets/Unlocks...", 251, 111,(@DesktopWidth-251)/2, (@DesktopHeight-111)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $pw1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Reset", 20, 20, 190, 20) $pw2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Unlock", 20, 60, 190, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $pw1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Reset"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $pw2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Unlock"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_7 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Network"') guidelete() GuiCreate("Network problems....", 292, 183,(@DesktopWidth-292)/2, (@DesktopHeight-183)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $nw1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Can't log on", 20, 10, 220, 20) $nw2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("No network connection", 20, 50, 220, 20) $nw3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Shared data files/folders", 20, 90, 220, 20) $nw4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("H-Drive issues", 20, 130, 220, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $nw1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Cannot log on"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $nw2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"No network connection"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $nw3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Shared data files/folders"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $nw4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"H-Drive issues"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_8 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Hardware Issues"') GUIDelete() GuiCreate("Hardware Issues....", 417, 336,(@DesktopWidth-417)/2, (@DesktopHeight-336)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $hw1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Monitor", 20, 20, 270, 20) $hw2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Hard drive", 20, 60, 270, 20) $hw3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Floppy drive", 20, 100, 270, 20) $hw4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("CD/DVD drive", 20, 140, 270, 20) $hw5 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Keyboard", 20, 180, 270, 20) $hw6 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Mouse", 20, 220, 270, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $hw1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Monitor"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $hw2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Hard drive"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $hw3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Floppy drive"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $hw4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"CD/DVD drive"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $hw5 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Keyboard"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $hw6 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Mouse"') GUIDelete() exitLoop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_9 Then guidelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Software"') GuiCreate("Software...", 251, 111,(@DesktopWidth-251)/2, (@DesktopHeight-111)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $sw1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Request installation of software", 20, 20, 190, 20) $sw2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Application problem", 20, 60, 190, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $sw1 Then GUIDelete() $swn = inputbox("Name of software", "What is the name of the software you need installed?") FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Request Installation of software ' & $swn & '"') exitloop elseif $msg = $sw2 Then GUIDelete() $swn = inputbox("Name of software", "What is the name of the software you need help with?") FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Application problem ' & $swn & '"') exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_10 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Scanner"') GuiCreate("Scanner...", 251, 111,(@DesktopWidth-251)/2, (@DesktopHeight-111)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $sc1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 20, 190, 20) $sc2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Installation", 20, 60, 190, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $sc1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $sc2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Need scanner installed"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_11 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Blackberry"') GuiCreate("Blackberry problems...", 325, 160,(@DesktopWidth-325)/2, (@DesktopHeight-160)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $bb1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 20, 220, 20) $bb2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not synchronize", 20, 60, 220, 20) $bb3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Replacement, damaged lost", 20, 100, 220, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $bb1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $bb2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not synchronize"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $bb3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Replacement, damaged, lost"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect endif WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_12 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Shared Data Access"') guidelete() GuiCreate("Shared Data Access...", 292, 183,(@DesktopWidth-292)/2, (@DesktopHeight-183)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $sd1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Can't log on", 20, 10, 220, 20) $sd2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("No network connection", 20, 50, 220, 20) $sd3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Shared data files/folders", 20, 90, 220, 20) $sd4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("H-Drive issues", 20, 130, 220, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $sd1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Cannot log on"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $sd2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"No network connection"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $sd3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Shared data files/folders"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $sd4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"H-Drive issues"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_13 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"PC-Reimage"') $cm = InputBox("Model of pc", "What is the model of the pc\laptop you need reimaged? If it is a pc, you can get the model by looking at the power button. it will have GX then numbers. On a laptop, you can look on the bottom of the laptop to get the model") $dv = InputBox("Division", "What division of Dept. of Labor do you work for?") FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Need reimage- Model: ' & $cm & " Division: " & $dv & '"') ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_14 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Laptop"') guidelete() GuiCreate("Laptop problems...", 292, 183,(@DesktopWidth-292)/2, (@DesktopHeight-183)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $lp1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Does not work", 20, 10, 220, 20) $lp2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Cannot connect to network", 20, 50, 220, 20) $lp3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Needs to be registered to network", 20, 90, 220, 20) $lp4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Needs to be replaced", 20, 130, 220, 20) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $lp1 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Does not work"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $lp2 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Cannot connect to network"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $lp3 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Needs to be registered to network"') GUIDelete() exitloop elseif $msg = $lp4 Then FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"Needs to be replaced"') GUIDelete() exitloop Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect EndIf WEnd ExitLoop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ElseIf $msg = $radio_15 Then GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("Category") = ' & '"Other"') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("SubCategory") = ' & '"None."') ExitLoop EndIf Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GuiCreate("Comments..", 573, 456,(@DesktopWidth-573)/2, (@DesktopHeight-456)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Additional information\comments", 190, 10, 170, 30) $Input_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 520, 300) $Button_3 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Submit...", 230, 390, 100, 30) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $button_3 Then $q = GUICtrlRead($Input_2) FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Fields("comments") = ' & '"' & $q & '"') ExitLoop EndIf Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUIDelete() msgbox(0, "Finished...", "Your request for help has been sent. Somebody will contact you shortly.") FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Update') FileWriteLine($file, 'rsAddInfo.Close') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set rsAddInfo = Nothing') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set adoCon = Nothing') FileWriteLine($file, 'Set strSQL = Nothing') ; Close our .vbs file FileClose($file) ; Call Wscript.exe to run the .vbs file RunWait("Wscript.exe " & '"' & "c:\temp\connect.vbs" & '"') ; Delete our .vbs file when done FileDelete("c:\temp\connect.vbs") Exit exit EndIf if $msg = $Button_25 Then if fileexists(@SystemDir & "\winvnc.exe") then RUN(@SystemDir & "\winVNC.exe", @SystemDir) sleep(500) if WinExists("WinVNC", "Another instance of WinVNC is already running") Then ControlClick("WinVNC", "Another instance of WinVNC is already running", "OK") sleep(1000) EndIf $remote_Station = INPUTBOX("Remote Control", "Remote Control Address", "", "", -1, 120) RUN(@SystemDir & "\winVNC.exe -connect " & $remote_station, @SystemDir) Else fileinstall("c:\pcinfo\winvnc.exe", @SystemDir & "\winvnc.exe") fileinstall("c:\pcinfo\VNCHooks.dll", @SystemDir & "\VNCHooks.dll") RUN(@SystemDir & "\winVNC.exe", @SystemDir) $remote_Station = INPUTBOX("Remote Control", "Remote Control Address", "", "", -1, 120) RUN(@SystemDir & "\winVNC.exe -connect " & $remote_station, @SystemDir) EndIf EndIf Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd Exit