;~ XP/Vista user account backup ;~ Coded in AutoIt ;~ Coded by Ian Maxwell ;~ Core folder recursion routine provided by OverFlow (Jeff Herre) from www.driverpacks.net forums ;~ Thanks to Melba23 and PsaltyDS for consistently great help with any question ;~ Thanks to storme for pointing out some bugs and suggesting MYOB backup #include ;needed for $ES_READONLY #include ;needed for $GUI_GR_COLOR, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $GUI_GR_LINE, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $GUI_DISABLE, $GUI_ENABLE #include ;needed for _StringAddThousandsSep #include ;needed for $DT_End_Ellipsis #include Local $rootlen ;used to determing the string length of the root directory Local $actionitem ;used to switch between backup modes ("docs" and "other") which affects the default save location Local $otherextension ;the current extension of file being looked for Local $otherfound ;used as a flag to denote that an "other" data has been found such as TurboTax, MYOB etc. 0=no 1=yes Local $otherinfo ;the message shown in $foundinfo when $otherfound=1 (and ONLY on 1, $otherfound keep counting) Local $savelocation ;where the data is being saved Local $defaultsave ;the folder that an "other" data type is saved to ("\Other Saved Data\" & folder for specific data type) Local $backupsize ;bytes of data to be saved Local $backupcount ;number of files to be saved Local $backupname ;the name of the backup job which is used for a folder name and log name Local $formattedfile ;$basedir&"\"&$basefile in theheart() Local $failed ;total number of files that failed to copy Local $peritemfailed ;only used as a flag for if a user account encountered an error copying data, the amount doesn't matter Local $begin ;variable for TimerInit Local $dif ;result of TimerDiff() Local $user ;variable for the current user account being worked on Local $morespecified ;if 0 then no other folders were specified; if other folders are specified then $morespecified=1 Local $basedir ;the root folder being looked at Local $findit Local $foundright Local $foundleft Local $officeinst Local $sourcefilestring Local $morefoldername Local $helperfiles Local $beenchanged Local $foundmessage Local $usermessage Local $failedlog Local $callback = DllCallbackRegister('__Progress', 'int', 'uint64;uint64;uint64;uint64;dword;dword;ptr;ptr;str') Local $ptr = DllCallbackGetPtr($callback) $swirly="-" FileDelete(@tempdir&"\morefolderstemp.abcd") ;temp file used to store other folder names to back up $LBS_SORT = 0x0001 ;disable data sorting in $foundinfo $mainwindow = GUICreate("Alliance ""Backup Computer Data"" V3.974 (ABCD3)", 466, 467, 192, 24) $sourcelabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Source Drive", 16, 32, 66, 17) $targetlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target Destination", 160, 32, 94, 17) $backupnamelabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter a job name here", 16, 136, 108, 17) $backupcountlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of files", 220, 136, 80, 17) $backupsizelabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Size", 340, 136, 80, 17) $sourcebutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 112, 56, 33, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click here to select the drive to be backed up") $targetinfo = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 160, 56, 256, 21) $targetbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 417, 56, 33, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click here to select where to save the data") $jobnameinput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 160, 129, 21) $gobutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO", 288, 16, 75, 21) $aboutbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 1, 1, 17, 26) $cancelbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("CANCEL", 376, 16, 75, 21) $sourceinfo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 56, 96, 21,$ES_READONLY) $statusinfo = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 20, 99, 315, 15,$DT_END_ELLIPSIS) ;Melba23 :) $box=GUICtrlCreateGraphic(3,96,340,20) ; <--| GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x7f9db9) ; | GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 13,0) ;top | GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_LINE, 340,0) ;top | GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 13,20) ;bottom needed since $DT_END_ELLIPSIS on $statusinfo kills the box around it... GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_LINE, 340,20) ;bottom | GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 13,0) ;left | GUICtrlSetGraphic($box, $GUI_GR_LINE, 13,20) ;left <--| $foundinfo = GUICtrlCreateList("", 16, 192, 433, 265,BitOR($ES_READONLY,$LBS_SORT)) $backupcountbox = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 220, 160, 80, 21,$ES_READONLY) $backupsizebox = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 340, 160, 109, 21,$ES_READONLY) $filesizebox = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 340, 96, 109, 21,$ES_READONLY) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) dim $accelkeys[1][2]=[["{ENTER}",$gobutton]] ;Enter=go GUISetAccelerators($accelkeys) $otherdefault=0 ;sets the default for other specified folders to "no"; if additional folders are specified this becomes 1 $hostos=@OSVersion if $hostos="WIN_VISTA" then #RequireAdmin endif if $hostos<>"WIN_XP" and $hostos<>"WIN_VISTA" then msgbox(16,"STOP","This application is ONLY intended to run from Windows XP and Vista. Do NOT use it on any other operating systems, as it has not been tested to work with 7 and will not be tested on anything below XP."&@CRLF&@CRLF&"CANCEL NOW!!") FileInstall("takeown.exe",@TempDir&"\takeown.exe",1) ;used to take ownership of private folders/files from passworded user accounts fileinstall("Import Dialup Networking Settings.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Dialup Networking Settings.txt") fileinstall("Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt") fileinstall("Import Outlook Express Messages.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Messages.txt") fileinstall("Import Outlook Data.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Data.txt") fileinstall("Import Outlook Settings.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Settings.txt") ;fileinstall("XP Import Windows Live Contacts.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Contacts.txt") ;fileinstall("XP Import Windows Live Mail.txt",@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Mail.txt") $sourcedrive="Drive to back up" $target="Choose a target location (type or browse right)" GUICtrlSetData($sourceinfo, $sourcedrive) GUICtrlSetData($targetinfo, $target) GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, "Information will be displayed here") $failed=0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $cancelbutton or $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $yesorno=msgBox(4,"Really Cancel?","Are you sure you want to cancel?") if $yesorno=6 then Exit Case $msg = $aboutbutton msgbox(64,"About","Version 3 has 2 important new features:"&@CRLF&@CRLF&"The ability to take ownership of locked, private user accounts (even in XP Home and NOT in Safe Mode!!) and"&@CRLF&"The ability to verify the successful copying of files"&@CRLF&@CRLF&"These new features, along with an improved UI, should make this tool more useful. The following data will be saved automatically:"&@CRLF&@CRLF&"All user's profiles (My Documents, Desktop, IE Favorites, and other folders)"&@crlf&"Firefox bookmarks"&@CRLF&"Emails and contacts from Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Maiol, and Vista Mail"&@CRLF&"TurboTax data (*.tax)"&@crlf&"TaxCut data (all versions) (*.t01-*.t08)"&@CRLF&"Quicken data (all versions) (*.qdf *.qsd *.qel *.npc *.adb *.eml *.hcx *.qph *.qtx *.qmd *.qdt *.qif *.qdb)"&@CR&"QuickBooks (all versions) (*.qbb *.qbw *.qba *.tdb)"&@crlf&"MYOB Data (*MYO, *.DAT, *.BOX) as well as the ""Forms"" and ""Letters"" folders"&@crlf&"Microsoft Office XP, 2003, and 2007 Product Keys"&@crlf&"Any other folders that you specify"&@CRLF&@CRLF&"A log file will be saved in the same location as the data being backed up, if any files fail verification you will recieve a warning at the end of the backup process, see the log for more informatrion.") Case $msg = $sourcebutton $sourcedrive = FileSelectFolder("Choose ONLY the drive that you want to back up, do NOT try to specify any folders", "") if stringlen($sourcedrive)>3 then ;done incase someone did not follow the above directions! :) $sourcetemp=$sourcedrive $sourcedrive=stringleft($sourcetemp,3) ;trims it down to just the drive letter plus ":\" to avoid an error EndIf GUICtrlSetData($sourceinfo, $sourcedrive) $xporvista="unsure" ;checks the OS on the drive being backed up, even if not the current OS drive, which if FileExists($sourcedrive&"ntldr") then ;is why @OSVersion is not used here $xporvista="XP" $docfolder="documents and settings" $oslabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("(XP detected)", 80, 32, 78, 17) endif if FileExists($sourcedrive&"bootmgr") then $xporvista="Vista" $docfolder="users" $oslabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("(Vista detected)", 80, 32, 78, 17) endif if FileExists($sourcedrive&"mach.sym") then $xporvista="OS X" $docfolder="users" $oslabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("(OS X detected)", 80, 32, 78, 17) endif if $xporvista="unsure" then msgbox(16,"STOP","This application is ONLY intended for Windows XP and Vista. Do NOT use it on any other operating systems, as it has not been tested to work with 7 and will not be tested on anything below XP."&@CRLF&@CRLF&"CANCEL NOW!!") ; determine if there are any private folders Do GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, "Checking for private folders") $action="own" ;xp if $xporvista="vista" then ExitLoop $allusers = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\*.*") ;find all users Do $dirty=0 ;if $dirty=1 then the folder is skipped in the search $user = FileFindNextFile($allusers) If @error Then ExitLoop(2) ;no more users if StringLower($user)="default user" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="guest" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="localservice" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="networkservice" then $dirty=1 if $dirty=0 then $thisclean=0 ;if set to 1 then it is assumed the folder is private, though it may be damaged/incomplete if FileExists($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\my documents\my music")=0 and $user<>"all users" then $thisclean=1 if $thisclean=0 then GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "The "&$user&" account is not private") if $thisclean=1 then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user $formattedbasedir=""""&$basedir&"""" $swirltime=TimerInit() $ownmessage="Taking ownership of "&$user&"'s account, please wait" SplashTextOn("Working",$ownmessage,550,50) theheart($basedir) if $action="own" then SplashOff() GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "The "&$user&" account's ownership has been transferred") EndIf ;~ $foundmessage&=$user&"'s account copied successfully"&chr(1) $usermessage&=$user&"'s account has been copied"&chr(1) EndIf until 1=2 until 1=2 Do if $xporvista="xp" then ExitLoop ;vista $allusers = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\*.*") Do $dirty=0 $user = FileFindNextFile($allusers) If @error Then ExitLoop(2) if StringLower($user)="default" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="default user" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="desktop.ini" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="public" then $dirty=1 if $dirty=0 then $thisclean=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\Documents")=0 and $user<>"public" then $thisclean=1 if $thisclean=0 then GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "The "&$user&" account is not private") if $thisclean=1 then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user $formattedbasedir=""""&$basedir&"""" $swirltime=TimerInit() $ownmessage="Taking ownership of "&$user&"'s account, please wait" SplashTextOn("Working",$ownmessage,550,50) theheart($basedir) if $action="own" then SplashOff() GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "The "&$user&" account's ownership has been transferred") EndIf $usermessage&=$user&"'s account has been copied"&chr(1) EndIf until 1=2 until 1=2 ;office ; if StringLower($sourcedrive)="c:\" Then ; Local $product = "" ; Dim $Bin = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "DigitalProductID") ; Dim $key4RegisteredOwner = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" ; $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") ; $colSettings = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") ; For $objOperatingSystem In $colSettings ; Next ; getOfficeKey() ; if $officeinst=1 then GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "Office "&$product&" Product Key was found") ; EndIf ;end office GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, "Beginning file enumeration") $action="tally" ;find the files and add the number and size seeker() GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, "Please select the target location") GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, " ") GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "FILE ENUMERATION FINISHED") GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, " ") $actionitem="docs" Do $savemore=msgbox(4,"Specify Folders","Would you like to specify additional folders to back up?") if $savemore=6 Then ;yes $morefolders=FileSelectFolder("Choose one folder at a time!", $sourcedrive) if $morefolders<>"" Then ;make sure something was chosen if $morespecified=0 then $foundmessage&=@crlf&Chr(1) $morespecified=1 ;if 0 then additional folders are not backed up later $basedir=$morefolders $otherdefault=1 $defaultsave="Other Saved Data" theheart($basedir) $defaultsave="" $otherdefault=0 GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, "Added """&$morefolders&""" to backup job") $foundmessage&=$morefolders&" has been copied"&chr(1) EndIf EndIf until $savemore=7 ;keep going until no more additional folders are specified sleep(150) send("{TAB}") ;sets focus to $targetinfo ;end sourcebutton Case $msg = $targetbutton $target = FileSelectFolder("Choose the location you want to back up to", "") GUICtrlSetData($targetinfo, $target) Case $msg = $gobutton $readytogo = "no" $target=GUICtrlRead($targetinfo) $backupname=GUICtrlRead($jobnameinput) if $sourcedrive="" then $sourcedrive="Drive to back up" GUICtrlSetData($sourceinfo, $sourcedrive) EndIf if $target="" then $target="Choose a target location (type or browse right)" GUICtrlSetData($targetinfo, $target) EndIf if $sourcedrive="Drive to back up" then msgbox(48,"Warning","You have not yet chosen a drive to back up!") if $sourcedrive="" then msgbox(48,"Warning","You have not yet chosen a drive to back up!") if $target="Choose a target location (type or browse right)" then msgbox(48,"Warning","You have not yet chosen a target location!") if $target="" then msgbox(48,"Warning","You have not yet chosen a target location!") if $backupname="" then msgbox(48,"Warning","You have not yet chosen a job name!") if $sourcedrive<>"Drive to back up" and $sourcedrive<>"" and $target<>"Choose a target location (type or browse right)" and $target<>"" and $backupname<>"" then $readytogo="yes" if $readytogo="yes" Then DirCreate($target&"\"&$backupname) do if FileExists($target&"\"&$backupname) then GUICtrlSetData($targetinfo, $target) $logfile=$target&"\"&$backupname&"\"&$backupname&".log" fileopen($logfile,1) exitloop EndIf msgbox(48,"Can Not Create Destination Folder","There has been a problem creating the destination folder. Please make sure you can write to the destination and that it is online.") exit until 1=2 $yesornogo=msgBox(4,"Run Backup?", "Are you sure you want to proceed with backup job """&$backupname&"""?") if $yesornogo=7 then msgbox(48,"Cancelled",$backupname&" has been cencelled") exit EndIf ControlFocus("","",$gobutton) GUICtrlDelete($cancelbutton) GUICtrlSetState($gobutton, $GUI_DISABLE) $progressbar=GUICtrlCreateProgress(16,120,433,12) GUICtrlSetState($progressbar,$gui_enable) $stopbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("STOP", 376, 16, 75, 21) $ampm="AM" $hour=@HOUR if $hour>12 then $hour=$hour-12 $ampm="PM" EndIf filewriteline($logfile,"Backup job """&$backupname&""" started "&$hour&":"&@MIN&":"&@SEC&$ampm&" on "&@MON&"/"&@MDAY&"/"&@YEAR&@CRLF&@CRLF) filewriteline($logfile,"Operating System backed up: "&$xporvista) $begin = TimerInit() filewriteline($logfile,"Total files to back up: "&_StringAddThousandsSep($backupcount)) filewriteline($logfile,"Total size to back up: "&_StringAddThousandsSep($backupsize)&@CRLF) $thelist=StringSplit($sourcefilestring,chr(1)) for $current=1 to $thelist[0]-1 step 3 $msg=GUIGetMsg() if $msg=$stopbutton Then $yesorno=msgBox(4,"Really Cancel?","Are you sure you want to cancel?") if $yesorno=6 then Exit EndIf GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, $thelist[$current]) GUICtrlSetData($filesizebox, _StringAddThousandsSep($thelist[$current+1])) $copied = _CopyWithProgress($thelist[$current], $target&"\"&$backupname&StringTrimLeft($thelist[$current+2],1)) if $copied=0 then $failed+=1 $failedlog&=$thelist[$current]&chr(1) EndIf $backupsize=$backupsize-$thelist[$current+1] GUICtrlSetData($backupsizebox, _StringAddThousandsSep($backupsize)) $backupcount=$backupcount-1 GUICtrlSetData($backupcountbox, _StringAddThousandsSep($backupcount)) Next $dif = TimerDiff($begin) if $helperfiles<>"" Then if $helperfiles<>chr(1) Then $placehelpers=StringSplit(StringTrimRight($helperfiles,1),chr(1)) for $count=1 to $placehelpers[0] step 2 filecopy($placehelpers[$count],$target&"\"&$backupname&"\"&$placehelpers[$count+1]) Next EndIf EndIf if $usermessage<>"" Then filewriteline($logfile,@CRLF) $writelog=StringSplit($usermessage,chr(1)) for $count=1 to $writelog[0]-1 filewriteline($logfile,$writelog[$count]) Next EndIf if $foundmessage<>"" Then filewriteline($logfile,@CRLF) $writelog=StringSplit($foundmessage,chr(1)) for $count=1 to $writelog[0]-1 filewriteline($logfile,$writelog[$count]) Next EndIf if $failedlog<>"" Then filewriteline($logfile,@CRLF) $writelog=StringSplit($failedlog,chr(1)) for $count=1 to $writelog[0]-1 filewriteline($logfile,"*** "&$writelog[$count]&" failed") Next EndIf if $failed=0 then GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, @CRLF&@CRLF&@CRLF&$backupname&" is complete with no errors") if $failed>0 then GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, @CRLF&@CRLF&@CRLF&$backupname&" is complete WITH errors") $minutes=$dif/60000 filewriteline($logfile,@CRLF&"Total time of completion: "&Round($minutes,2)&" minutes") filewriteline($logfile,@CRLF&"Total errors: "&$failed) GUICtrlSetData($filesizebox, " ") GUICtrlSetData($statusinfo, " ") GUICtrlDelete($progressbar) if $failed=0 then msgbox(0,"Finished With No Errors","Finished with backup job """&$backupname&"""") if $failed>0 then msgbox(0,"Finished WITH Errors","Finished with backup job """&$backupname&""""&@CRLF&@CRLF&"Please read the log file for information on the errors that were encountered") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\takeown.exe") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Dialup Networking Settings.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Messages.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Data.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Settings.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Contacts.txt") FileDelete(@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Mail.txt") Exit ;~ ;~ ;office ;~ if StringLower($sourcedrive)="c:\" Then ;~ Local $product = "" ;~ Dim $Bin = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "DigitalProductID") ;~ Dim $key4RegisteredOwner = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" ;~ $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") ;~ $colSettings = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") ;~ For $objOperatingSystem In $colSettings ;~ Next ;~ getOfficeKey() ;gets called twice ( next line too ) because otherwise the version number ( $product ) is not known... ;~ if $officeinst=1 then filewriteline($logfile,@crlf&"Office "&$product&" Product Key: "&getOfficeKey()&@crlf) ;~ EndIf ;~ ;end office EndIf EndSelect WEnd func folderfinder() $len=stringlen($formattedfile) $foundright=0 $foundleft=0 $findit=$len Do $findit-=1 if stringmid($formattedfile,$findit,1)="\" then $foundright=$findit ExitLoop EndIf until $findit=1 $findit=$foundright-1 $foundleft=stringlen($basedir)+1 EndFunc func otherfolderfinder() $len=stringlen($formattedfile) $foundright=0 $foundleft=0 $findit=0 Do $findit+=1 if stringmid($formattedfile,$findit,1)="\" then $foundright=$findit-1 ExitLoop EndIf until $findit=1 Do $findit+=1 if stringmid($formattedfile,$findit,1)="\" then $foundleft=$findit ExitLoop EndIf until $findit=1 EndFunc func seeker() $actionitem="docs" do ;xp if $xporvista="vista" then ExitLoop $allusers = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\*.*") Do $dirty=0 $user = FileFindNextFile($allusers) If @error Then ExitLoop $peritemfailed=0 if StringLower($user)="default user" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="guest" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="localservice" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="networkservice" then $dirty=1 if $dirty=0 then $root=$sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\" $rootlen=stringlen($root)+1 $defaultsave="" $basedir=$root&"My Documents" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Desktop" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Favorites" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Shared" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Local Settings\Application Data\Identities" if DirGetSize($basedir)>303396 Then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Outlook Express" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Messages.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Outlook Express Messages.txt"&chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book" if dirgetsize($basedir)>353188 then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Address Book" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail" if dirgetsize($basedir)>31859935 then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Windows Live Mail" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Mail.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Windows Live Mail.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts" if dirgetsize($basedir)>14966868 then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Windows Live Contacts" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Windows Live Contacts.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Windows Live Contacts.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook" if FileExists($basedir) Then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Outlook Settings" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Settings.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Outlook Settings.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook" if FileExists($basedir) Then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Outlook" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Data.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Outlook Data.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $otherfolders = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\*.*") Do $filthy=0 $foldersfound = FileFindNextFile($otherfolders) If @error Then ExitLoop if StringLower($foldersfound)=".thumbnails" then $filthy=1 if stringinstr(StringLower($foldersfound),".gimp-")<>0 then $filthy=1 if stringinstr(StringLower($foldersfound),".gegl-")<>0 then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="application data" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="cookies" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="desktop" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="favorites" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="IECompatCache" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="IETldCache" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="incomplete" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="local settings" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="my documents" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="nethood" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="recent" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="printhood" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="privacie" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="sendto" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="shared" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="start menu" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="templates" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="userdata" then $filthy=1 if StringInStr(StringLower($foldersfound),"openoffice")<>0 then $filthy=1 if $filthy=0 then $basedir=$root&$foldersfound $defaultsave="" theheart($basedir) EndIf until 1=2 EndIf if $action="backup" and $dirty=0 and $peritemfailed=0 then filewriteline($logfile,$user&"'s account copied successfully") if $action="backup" and $dirty=0 and $peritemfailed<>0 then filewriteline($logfile,$user&"'s account copied with errors") until 1=2 ExitLoop until 1=2 ;end of docfolder search ; xp done ; reserced for vista do ;vista if $xporvista="xp" then ExitLoop $allusers = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\*.*") Do $dirty=0 $user = FileFindNextFile($allusers) If @error Then ExitLoop $peritemfailed=0 if StringLower($user)="default" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="default user" then $dirty=1 if StringLower($user)="desktop.ini" then $dirty=1 if $dirty=0 then $root=$sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\" $rootlen=stringlen($root)+1 $defaultsave="" $basedir=$root&"Documents" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Desktop" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Contacts" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Downloads" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Favorites" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Links" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Music" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Pictures" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Saved Music" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Saved Games" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Videos" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"Shared" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$root&"AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail" if FileExists($basedir) Then $defaultsave="Users\"&$user&"\Windows Live Mail" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt"&Chr(1)&$defaultsave&"\Import Outlook Express Address Book.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf $basedir=$root&"AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail" if FileExists($basedir) Then $defaultsave="Windows Mail" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Windows Mail.txt"&Chr(1)&$user&"\Windows Mail\Import Windows Mail.txt"&chr(1) EndIf $otherfolders = FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&$docfolder&"\"&$user&"\*.*") Do $filthy=0 $foldersfound = FileFindNextFile($otherfolders) If @error Then ExitLoop if StringLower($foldersfound)="appdata" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="all users" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="application data" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="contacts" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="cookies" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="desktop" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="documents" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="downloads" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="favorites" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="incomplete" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="links" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="local settings" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="music" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="my documents" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="nethood" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="pictures" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="printhood" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="public" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="recent" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="saved games" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="searches" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="sendto" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="shared" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="start menu" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="templates" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="videos" then $filthy=1 if StringLower($foldersfound)="OpenOffice.org 2.1 Installation Files" then $filthy=1 if $filthy=0 then $basedir=$root&$foldersfound $defaultsave="" theheart($basedir) EndIf until 1=2 EndIf if $action="backup" and $dirty=0 then filewriteline($logfile,$user&"'s account copied successfully") if $action="backup" and $dirty=0 and $peritemfailed<>0 then filewriteline($logfile,$user&"'s account copied with errors") until 1=2 ExitLoop until 1=2 ;end of docfolder search ;reserved for vista End ; find quicken quickbooks etc here $actionitem="other" ; $progdir="Program Files" $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&"Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk") then if dirGetSize($sourcedrive&"Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk")>1000 then $basedir=$sourcedrive&"Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk" $otherextension=".pbk" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\Dialup Networking\" $otherinfo="Dialup Networking settings were found" theheart($basedir) $helperfiles&=@TempDir&"\Import Dialup Networking Settings.txt"&Chr(1)&"Other Saved Data\Dialup Networking\Import Dialup Networking Settings.txt"&Chr(1) EndIf endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="Dialup Networking Settings have been copied"&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 $myob=FileFindFirstFile($sourcedrive&"myob*") Do $myobfound=FileFindNextFile($myob) if @error then ExitLoop if FileExists($sourcedrive&$myobfound) then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$myobfound $extensions=StringSplit(".box,.dat,.myo",",") for $many=1 to $extensions[0] ;"many" extensions to look for... $otherextension=$extensions[$many] $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\"&$myobfound&"\" $otherinfo="MYOB data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) Next endif $actionitem="docs" ;switch to docs for recursive searching of subfolders $basedir=$sourcedrive&$myobfound&"\forms" $defaultsave="Other Saved Data\"&$myobfound&"\forms" theheart($basedir) $basedir=$sourcedrive&$myobfound&"\letters" $defaultsave="Other Saved Data\"&$myobfound&"\letters" theheart($basedir) $actionitem="other" ;switch back to other to disable recursion Until 1=2 if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="MYOB data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 $basedir=$sourcedrive&"quickenw" if FileExists($basedir) then $extensions=StringSplit(".qdf,.qsd,.qel,.npc,.adb,.eml,.hcx,.qph,.qtx,.qmd,.qdt,.qif,.qdb",",") for $many=1 to $extensions[0] ;"many" extensions to look for... $otherextension=$extensions[$many] $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\Root Quicken\" $otherinfo="Quicken data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) Next endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="Quicken data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $progdir="Program Files" for $32or64=1 to 2 $otherfound=0 $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\tax01" if FileExists($basedir) then $otherextension=".tax" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TurboTax01\" $otherinfo="TurboTax data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TurboTax data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\turbotax") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\turbotax" $otherextension=".tax" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TurboTax\" $otherinfo="TurboTax data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TurboTax data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut01") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut01" $otherextension=".t01" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2001 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2001 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut02") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut02" $otherextension=".t02" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2002 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2002 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut03") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut03" $otherextension=".t03" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2003 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2003 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut04") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut04" $otherextension=".t04" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2004 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2004 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut05") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut05" $otherextension=".t05" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2005 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2005 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut06") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut06" $otherextension=".t06" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2006 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2006 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut07") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut07" $otherextension=".t07" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2007 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2007 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut08") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\taxcut08" $otherextension=".t08" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\TaxCut\" $otherinfo="TaxCut 2008 data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="TaxCut 2008 data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) for $toomany=1 to 3 $qfolder=StringSplit("\Quicken,\Quickenw,\Intuit\Quicken",",") for $toomany=1 to $qfolder[0] $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&$qfolder[$toomany]) then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&$qfolder[$toomany] $extensions=StringSplit(".qdf,.qsd,.qel,.npc,.adb,.eml,.hcx,.qph,.qtx,.qmd,.qdt,.qif,.qdb",",") for $many=1 to $extensions[0] $otherextension=$extensions[$many] $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data"&$qfolder[$toomany]&"\" $otherinfo=StringTrimLeft($qfolder[$toomany],1)&" data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) Next endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&=StringTrimLeft($qfolder[$toomany],1)&" data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) Next Next $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\intuit") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\intuit" $extensions=StringSplit(".qbb,.qbw,.qba,tdb",",") for $many=1 to $extensions[0] $otherextension=$extensions[$many] $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\Intuit\" $otherinfo="Intuit data was found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) Next endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="Intuit data has been copied from "&$basedir&Chr(1) $otherfound=0 if FileExists($sourcedrive&$progdir&"\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile") then $basedir=$sourcedrive&$progdir&"\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile" $otherextension="html" $savelocation=$target&"\"&$backupname&"Other Saved Data\Firefox Bookmarks\" $otherinfo="Firefox bookmarks were found in "&$basedir theheart($basedir) endif if $otherfound>0 then $foundmessage&="FireFox bookmarks have been copied"&Chr(1) $progdir="Program Files(x86)" next ; get peachtree backup info ; find quicken quickbooks etc here end EndFunc func theheart($basedir) $target=chr(2) if $action="own" then RunWait(@tempdir&"\takeown.exe "&$basedir,"", @SW_HIDE) $basesearch = fileFindFirstFile($basedir & "\*.*") if $basesearch==-1 then return 0 ; specified folder is empty! while @error<>1 $basefile = fileFindNextFile($basesearch) ; skip these if $basefile=="." or $basefile==".." or $basefile=="" then continueLoop endIf ; if it's a dir then call this function again (nesting the function is clever ;) $formattedfile=$basedir&"\"&$basefile if stringInStr(fileGetAttrib($formattedfile), "D") > 0 then if $action="own" then RunWait(@tempdir&"\takeown.exe "&$basedir,"", @SW_HIDE) if TimerDiff($swirltime)>250 Then $swirltime=TimerInit() $beenchanged=0 if $swirly="/" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="-" $beenchanged=1 endif if $swirly="|" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="/" $beenchanged=1 EndIf if $swirly="\" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="|" $beenchanged=1 EndIf if $swirly="-" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="\" $beenchanged=1 EndIf EndIf $ownmessage="Taking ownership of "&$user&"'s account, please wait "&$swirly ControlSetText("Working","","Static1",$ownmessage) EndIf theheart($formattedfile) else ; Files we need to deal with if $action="own" Then runwait(@tempdir&"\takeown.exe "&$formattedfile,"", @SW_HIDE) if TimerDiff($swirltime)>250 Then $swirltime=TimerInit() $beenchanged=0 if $swirly="/" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="-" $beenchanged=1 endif if $swirly="|" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="/" $beenchanged=1 EndIf if $swirly="\" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="|" $beenchanged=1 EndIf if $swirly="-" and $beenchanged=0 then $swirly="\" $beenchanged=1 EndIf EndIf $ownmessage="Taking ownership of "&$user&"'s account, please wait "&$swirly ControlSetText("Working","","Static1",$ownmessage) EndIf if $action="tally" or $action="backup" Then $filename=StringTrimLeft($formattedfile,$rootlen-1) $namesplit=stringsplit($formattedfile,"\") $last=$namesplit[0] $thefilename=$namesplit[$last] $fname2=$target&$backupname&"\Users\"&$user&"\"&$filename Do if $actionitem="other" and $otherdefault=0 and StringRight($formattedfile,4)<>$otherextension Then ExitLoop if $action="tally" then $backupsize=$backupsize+FileGetSize($formattedfile) GUICtrlSetData($backupsizebox, _StringAddThousandsSep($backupsize)) $backupcount=$backupcount+1 GUICtrlSetData($backupcountbox, _StringAddThousandsSep($backupcount)) $sourcefilestring&=$formattedfile&chr(1)&FileGetSize($formattedfile)&chr(1) if $actionitem="other" Then $otherfound=$otherfound+1 if $otherfound=1 then GUICtrlSetData($foundinfo, $otherinfo) EndIf EndIf ; if $actionitem="other" Then $sourcefilestring&=$savelocation&$thefilename&chr(1) ; if $actionitem="docs" Then if $defaultsave="" then $sourcefilestring&=$fname2&chr(1) if $defaultsave<>"" then if $otherdefault=0 Then folderfinder() $sourcefilestring=$sourcefilestring&$target&$backupname&"\"&$defaultsave&stringmid($formattedfile,$foundleft,$foundright-$foundleft)&"\"&$thefilename&chr(1) EndIf if $otherdefault=1 Then otherfolderfinder() $sourcefilestring=$sourcefilestring&$target&$backupname&"\"&$defaultsave&stringmid($formattedfile,$foundleft,$foundright-$foundleft)&chr(1) EndIf EndIf EndIf until 1=1 EndIf endIf wEnd fileClose($basesearch) return 1 endFunc Func _CopyWithProgress($inSource, $inDest) ; Function to copy a file showing a realtime progress bar ; ; By Paul Niven (NiVZ) ; ; 05/11/2008 ; ; Parameters: ; ; $inSource - Full path to source file ; $inDest - Full path to destination file (structure will be created if it does not exist ; ; Returns 0 if copy is successful and 1 if it fails ; ; ; Updates: ; ; 06/11/2008 - Now shows SOURCE and DEST on seperate lines while copying ; - Now uses Kernal32 and DllCallBackRegister to provide faster copying ; Kernal32 and DllCallBackRegister taken from _MultiFileCopy.au3 ; See: http://www.autoit.de/index.php?page=Thread&postID=58875 $DestDir = StringLeft($inDest, StringInStr($inDest, "\", "", -1)) If Not FileExists($DestDir) Then DirCreate($DestDir) $ret = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CopyFileExA', 'str', $inSource, 'str', $inDest, 'ptr', $ptr, 'str', '', 'int', 0, 'int', 0) If $ret[0] <> 0 Then ; Success Return 1 Else ; Fail Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func __Progress($FileSize, $BytesTransferred, $StreamSize, $StreamBytesTransferred, $dwStreamNumber, $dwCallbackReason, $hSourceFile, $hDestinationFile, $lpData) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,Round($BytesTransferred / $FileSize * 100, 0)) EndFunc func getOfficeKey() Local $List[1] Local $i = 1 $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\InstallRoot", "Path") If $var <> "" Then $product = "2003" Dim $officeKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Registration" Else $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Common\InstallRoot", "Path") If $var <> "" Then $product = "XP" Dim $officeKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Registration" Else $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\InstallRoot", "Path") If $var <> "" Then $product = "2007" Dim $officeKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration" EndIf EndIf EndIf Dim $var = RegEnumKey($officeKey, $i) If @error <> 0 Then $officeinst=0 ;~ GUICtrlSetData($status_L, "Info: Unable to find REG_BINARY 'DigitalProductID', maybe no Office installed!") Return "No Office XP or 2003 found" Else $List[$i - 1] = RegRead($officeKey & "\" & $var, "DigitalProductID") If $List[$i - 1] = "" Then $officeinst=0 ;~ GUICtrlSetData($status_L, "Info: Unable to find REG_BINARY 'DigitalProductID', maybe no Office installed!") Else $officeinst=1 $key = $List[$i - 1] Return DecodeProductKey($key) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>getOfficeKey Func DecodeProductKey($BinaryDPID) Local $bKey[15] Local $sKey[29] Local $Digits[24] Local $Value = 0 Local $hi = 0 Local $n = 0 Local $i = 0 Local $dlen = 29 Local $slen = 15 Local $Result $Digits = StringSplit("BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789", "") $BinaryDPID = StringMid($BinaryDPID, 107, 30) For $i = 1 To 29 Step 2 $bKey[Int($i / 2) ] = Dec(StringMid($BinaryDPID, $i, 2)) Next For $i = $dlen - 1 To 0 Step - 1 If Mod(($i + 1), 6) = 0 Then $sKey[$i] = "-" Else $hi = 0 For $n = $slen - 1 To 0 Step - 1 $Value = BitOR(BitShift($hi, -8), $bKey[$n]) $bKey[$n] = Int($Value / 24) $hi = Mod($Value, 24) Next $sKey[$i] = $Digits[$hi + 1] EndIf Next For $i = 0 To 28 $Result = $Result & $sKey[$i] Next Return $Result EndFunc ;==>DecodeProductKey