; =================================================================== ; JSON UDF's ; v0.3 ; ; By: BAM5 ; Last Updated: 10/07/2009 ; Tested with AutoIt Version ; Extra requirements: Nothing! ; ; A set of functions that allow you to encode and decode JSON Strings ; ; Thanks to wraithdu for setting me up with some SRE. It really made ; the script a lot less messy. ; ; Comments: ; Unfortunately I have no idea how to encode or even detect ; multi-dimensional arrays. I wish multi-dimensional arrays in ; Autoit were more like javascript where $array[0] would point ; to another array so accessing the array in the array would be ; coded like this $array[0][0]. But that's more OOP which AIT ; hasn't really gotten into. ; ; In order to access arrays in other arrays you must first ; point a variable to the embeded array. Example: ; ; Dim $EmbededArray[1]=["Look I work!"] ; Dim $ArrayWithArrayInside[2]=[$EmbededArray, "extra"] ; $array = $ArrayWithArrayInside[0] ; MsgBox(0, "Hooray!", $array[0]) ; ; With the way Javascript works it would be: ; ; Dim $EmbededArray[1]=["Look I work!"] ; Dim $ArrayWithArrayInside[2]=[$EmbededArray, "extra"] ; MsgBox(0, "Hooray!", $ArrayWithArrayInside[0][0]) ; ; Which is why JSON is more sensible in Javascript and other ; languages. ; ; Main functions: ; _toJSONString - Encodes a object to a JSON String ; _fromJSONString - Creates a object from a JSON String ; =================================================================== #include #include-once ; =================================================================== ; _ToJSONString($obj) ; ; Goes through an object you give it- being an array or string or ; other- and turns it into a JSON String which you can send to ; servers or save to a text file to recall information later. ; ; Parameters: ; $obj - IN - Object to be turnd into a JSON String ; Returns: ; JSON String or false on failure ; Errors: ; @error = 1 - Unknown type of variable inputed ; =================================================================== Func _ToJSONString($obj) If IsArray($obj) Then $returnString = "[" For $object In $obj $returnString &= _ToJSONString($object) & "," Next $returnString = StringLeft($returnString, StringLen($returnString) - 1) $returnString &= "]" ElseIf IsFloat($obj) Or IsInt($obj) Or IsBinary($obj) Then $returnString = String($obj) ElseIf IsBool($obj) Then If $obj Then $returnString = "true" Else $returnString = "false" EndIf ElseIf IsString($obj) Then $returnString = '"' & StringReplace(StringReplace(String($obj), '"', '\"'), ',', '\,') & '"' Else SetError(1) Return (False) EndIf Return ($returnString) EndFunc ;==>_toJSONString ; =================================================================== ; _FromJSONString($str) ; ; Takes a JSON String and decodes it into program objects such as ; arrays and numbers and strings and bools. ; ; Parameters: ; $str - IN - The JSON String to decode into objects ; Returns: ; A object decoded from a JSON String or False on error ; Errors ; @error = 1 - Syntax error in the JSON String or unknown variable ; Also, if there is an error in decoding part of the string such as ; a variable or a array, this function will replace the variable ; or array with a string explaining the error. ; =================================================================== Func _FromJSONString($str) If StringLeft($str, 1) = '"' And StringRight($str, 1) = '"' And Not (StringRight($str, 2) = '\"') Then $obj = StringReplace(StringReplace(_StringRemoveFirstLastChar($str, '"'), '\"', '"'), '\,', ',') ElseIf $str = "true" Then $obj = True ElseIf $str = "false" Then $obj = False ElseIf StringLeft($str, 2) = "0x" Then $obj = Binary($str) ElseIf StringIsInt($str) Then $obj = Int($str) ElseIf StringIsFloat($str) Then $obj = Number($str) ElseIf StringLeft($str, 1) = '[' And StringRight($str, 1) = ']' Then $str = StringTrimLeft($str, 1) $str = StringTrimRight($str, 1) $ufelems = StringRegExp($str, "(\[.*?\]|.*?[^\\])(?:,|\z)", 3) Dim $obj[1] For $elem In $ufelems $insObj = _FromJSONString($elem) If $insObj = False And @error = 1 Then $insObj = 'Error in syntax of piece of JSONString: "' & $elem & '"' _ArrayAdd($obj, $insObj) Next _ArrayDelete($obj, 0) Else SetError(1) Return (False) EndIf Return ($obj) EndFunc ;==>_fromJSONString ; =================================================================== ; _StringRemoveFirstLastChar($str, $char[, $firstCount=1[, $lastCount=1]]) ; ; Removes characters matching $char from the beginning and end of a string ; ; Parameters: ; $str - IN - String to search search modify and return ; $char - IN - Character to find and delete in $str ; $firstCount - OPTIONAL IN - How many to delete from the beginning ; $lastCount - OPTIONAL IN - How many to delete from the end ; Returns: ; Modified string ; Remarks: ; Could probably be easily turned into a replace function ; (But I'm too lazy :P ) ; =================================================================== Func _StringRemoveFirstLastChar($str, $char, $firstCount = 1, $lastCount = 1) $returnString = "" $splited = StringSplit($str, '"', 2) $count = 1 $lastCount = UBound($splited) - $lastCount For $split In $splited $returnString &= $split If $count > $firstCount And $count < $lastCount Then $returnString &= '"' $count += 1 Next Return ($returnString) EndFunc ;==>_StringRemoveFirstLastChar