#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include"Stats.au3" Global $TimeOut_Answer = 0 Global $GAME_STATUS = 0 #Region -- Cards -- Dim $CardsArray[52][2] Global $CurrentCardArray #EndRegion -- Cards -- #Region -- Blinds Variables -- ;Global $MAX_BLIND ; No Limit Rules. Global $WAIT_SCRIPT = 100 Global $MIN_BLIND = 1 Global $CURRENT_BLIND = 1 Global $START_MONEY = 100 #EndRegion -- Blinds Variables -- #Region -- Player Variables -- ; $PlayersArray[x][0] = Player Socket ; $PlayersArray[x][1] = Player Name ; $PlayersArray[x][2] = Player Status ; $PlayersArray[x][3] = Player Money ; $PlayersArray[x][4] = Player Points ; $PlayersArray[x][5] = Player Cards Global $Inqueue_Players[1] $Inqueue_Players[0] = 0 Global $PlayersArray[10][6] For $ii = 0 To 9 $PlayersArray[$ii][0] = 0 ; No Players Next Global $FreePlaces[11] $FreePlaces[0] = 10 For $i = 1 To 10 $FreePlaces[$i] = $i Next Global $CurrentPlayerDealer Global $CurrentPlayerBigBlind Global $CurrentPlayerSmallBlind Global $CurrentPlayerPlaying Global $PlayersHasPlayed = False Global $PlayerWaitForAnswer = False ; Test if the clients has well answered Global $PlayerCount = 0 #EndRegion -- Player Variables -- Const $B_BEPOLITE = False Const $N_MAXSOCKETS = 25 Const $N_DEFAULTPORT = 42775 Const $N_MAXRECV = 65536 Const $N_WAITCLOSE = 2000 Const $N_WAITWORK = 750 Global Const $MINPLAYERS = 4 ; Can't be < 4 Global Const $MAXPLAYERS = 10 Global $bDebugConn = True Global $bDebugGame = True Global $bDebugGlobal = True Global $bTestGame = False Global $NumberOfCardsGiven = 0 Global $TIME_COUNT = 0 Global $TIMEOUT_PLAY = 30 ; In seconds ;;; Dim $hListenSocket Dim $hSockets[$N_MAXSOCKETS] Dim $hNotifyGUI Dim $g_bExecExit = True Dim $g_bSent = False Opt("OnExitFunc", "ExitProgram") $CardIndex = -1 For $TypeCard = 1 To 4 For $CardNumber = 1 To 10 $CardIndex += 1 ;ConsoleWrite($CardIndex & @crlf) $CardsArray[$CardIndex][0] = $CardNumber $CardsArray[$CardIndex][1] = $TypeCard Next ; Valet $CardIndex += 1 $CardsArray[$CardIndex][0] = "V" $CardsArray[$CardIndex][1] = $TypeCard ; Queen $CardIndex += 1 $CardsArray[$CardIndex][0] = "Q" $CardsArray[$CardIndex][1] = $TypeCard ; King $CardIndex += 1 $CardsArray[$CardIndex][0] = "K" $CardsArray[$CardIndex][1] = $TypeCard ;$CardIndex += 1 Next ;_ArrayDisplay($CardsArray) Dim $MixArray = $CardsArray For $i = 0 To Random(1, 5, 1) ConsoleWrite("Mix n° " & $i & @CRLF) $MixArray = _mix_cards($MixArray) Next ;_ArrayDisplay($MixArray) $CurrentCardArray = $MixArray main() Func _mix_cards($CardsArrayToMix) Local $indexToTake, $MaxIndex = 51 $tempCardArray = $CardsArrayToMix Local $NewCardArray[52][2] For $i = 0 To 51 $indexToTake = Random(0, $MaxIndex, 1) ;ConsoleWrite("IndexToTake" & $indexToTake & @tab & ubound($tempCardArray) & @crlf ) $NewCardArray[$i][0] = $tempCardArray[$indexToTake][0] $NewCardArray[$i][1] = $tempCardArray[$indexToTake][1] $MaxIndex -= 1 _ArrayDelete($tempCardArray, $indexToTake) Next Return $NewCardArray EndFunc ;==>_mix_cards Func _setsmallblind() EndFunc ;==>_setsmallblind Func _choose_position() Local $choice = $FreePlaces[Random(1, $FreePlaces[0], 1)] _ArrayDelete($FreePlaces, $choice) $FreePlaces[0] -= 1 Return $choice - 1 EndFunc ;==>_choose_position Func _send_player($PlayerSocket, $message, $bWait = False) If $PlayerSocket = 0 Then If $bDebugConn Then Out("! Received invalid handle for message " & $message) Else $PlayerWaitForAnswer = $PlayerSocket If $bDebugConn Then Out("SEND to Socket >" & $PlayerSocket & @TAB & $message & "<") TCPSend($PlayerSocket, $message) If @error Then _tcp_send_error($PlayerSocket) Else Out("SUCCESS") EndIf If $bWait Then $TimeOut_Answer = 0 While 1 Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $PlayerWaitForAnswer = 0 Then ExitLoop If $TimeOut_Answer > 5 Then ExitLoop $TimeOut_Answer += 1 WEnd If $TimeOut_Answer > 5 Then If $bDebugConn Then Out("Timeout while waiting success response from client " & $PlayerWaitForAnswer) ;TCPCloseSocket($PlayerSocket) ; Kick Him (time out issues) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_send_player Func _GetNewPlayer($NewPlayerSocket, $getData) ;$getData = TCPRecv($NewPlayerSocket, 512) If $getData = "" Or @error <> 0 Then _Debug_("Error while getting client infos, discontinued.") Else If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player Connected") If $bDebugConn Then Out("GETDATA " & $getData) $getData = StringSplit($getData, ",,,", 1) $NewUserName = $getData[1] ;Chech if user already exists For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][1] = $NewUserName Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Already exists Username") If $bDebugConn Then Out("New Socket was " & $NewPlayerSocket & @TAB & " and removing " & $hSockets[UBound($hSockets) - 1]) _send_player($NewPlayerSocket, "KickedMe,,,SameUser", False) TCPCloseSocket($NewPlayerSocket) ;Force disconnect (kick) Return False ; Nope... EndIf Next Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) $MessageWhenentering = $getData[2] Local $NewPosition = _choose_position() $PlayerWaitForAnswer = $NewPlayerSocket _send_player($NewPlayerSocket, "Position,,," & $NewPosition) ;sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $bDebugGame Then Out("Choosen position is " & $NewPosition) Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $PlayerCount > 1 Then _sendtoall("NewPlaye", $NewUserName & "@@@" & $NewPosition) If $bDebugConn Then Out("Already one player, adding one more") ; ReDim $PlayersArray[UBound($PlayersArray) + 1][5] EndIf If $bDebugConn Then Out("+> New Socket " & $NewPlayerSocket) $PlayersArray[$NewPosition][0] = $NewPlayerSocket $PlayersArray[$NewPosition][1] = $NewUserName $PlayersArray[$NewPosition][2] = $MessageWhenentering If $bDebugGame Then Out(":> New Player " & $NewUserName & @CRLF & "+> /////// ________________ \\\\\\") If $bTestGame Then $NumberOfCardsGiven = Random(1, 41, 1) Local $FLOP = "" $FLOP = $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] _sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) EndIf $PlayerCount += 1 Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $PlayerCount > 1 Then Local $ListPlayers = "" For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$iii][0] <> 0 And $iii <> $NewPosition Then $ListPlayers &= $PlayersArray[$iii][1] & "@@@" & $iii & ";;;" EndIf Next _send_player($NewPlayerSocket, "PlayList,,," & StringTrimRight($ListPlayers, 3)) ;_send_player($NewPlayerSocket, "GetMoney,,," & $START_MONEY & " &") EndIf If $PlayerCount >= $MINPLAYERS Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Starting new game") $GAME_STATUS = 1 ;Start game Else If $bDebugGame Then Out("Not enough players to play") EndIf ;_send_player($NewPlayerSocket, "Test OK,,," & $NewPosition,True) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetNewPlayer Func _Debug_($Infos) If $bDebugGlobal Then ConsoleWrite($Infos & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Debug_ Func main() Dim $iPort Dim $i ;;; If Not TCPStartup() Then Error("WSAStartup() failed.", False) $hListenSocket = _ASocket() If @error Then Error("Socket creation failed.", False) $hNotifyGUI = GUICreate("Dummy Notify Window / " & TimerInit()) _ASockSelect($hListenSocket, $hNotifyGUI, $WM_USER, $FD_ACCEPT) If @error Then Error("Error selecting FD_ACCEPT event.") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_USER, "OnAccept") For $i = 0 To $N_MAXSOCKETS - 1 $hSockets[$i] = -1 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_USER + 1 + $i, "OnSocketEvent") Next $iPort = 8455 If @error Then _Exit() _ASockListen($hListenSocket, "", $iPort) If @error Then Error("Error trying to listen on port " & $iPort & ", INADDR_ANY." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & " @extended = " & @extended) Out("Have begun to listen on port " & $iPort & ", INADDR_ANY. Waiting...") ; Place your code here. $GAME_STATUS = 0 ; Waiting more Players $i = 1 While 1 ;Out("Doing serious work indeed... (" & $i & ")") ;If Not $g_bSent Then ; For $j = 0 To $N_MAXSOCKETS - 1 ; If $hSockets[$j] <> -1 Then ; ;TCPSend( $hSockets[ $j ], "Zorgians are attacking from the ship #" & $i & "!" ) ; $g_bSent = True ; TCPSend($hSockets[$j], $sBigDataBuffer) ; EndIf ; Next ;EndIf ;$i += 1 ;out("Nothing") While $Inqueue_Players[0] > 0 _send_player($Inqueue_Players[UBound($Inqueue_Players) - 1], "UserInfo") _ArrayDelete($Inqueue_Players, UBound($Inqueue_Players) - 1) $Inqueue_Players[0] -= 1 WEnd While $GAME_STATUS <> 0 Switch $GAME_STATUS Case 1 ; First Turn (pré-flop) _startNewGame() Case 2 ; Second turn Case 3 ; Third turn Case 4 EndSwitch WEnd ;Sleep($N_WAITWORK) Sleep(1500) WEnd ; I presume that this code will not be executed. ; Correct me if I'm wrong. ; - You're right - EndFunc ;==>main Func OnAccept($hWnd, $iMsgID, $WParam, $LParam) Local $hSocket = $WParam Local $iError = _HiWord($LParam) Local $iEvent = _LoWord($LParam) Local $iFreeSock Local $hTempSock If $iMsgID = $WM_USER Then If $iError <> 0 Then Error("OnAccept: error while listening or trying to listen!") EndIf $iFreeSock = FreeSock() If $iFreeSock = -1 Then; No vacancies! $hTempSock = TCPAccept($hSocket) If $hTempSock <> -1 Then ;TCPSend($hTempSock, "No vacancies!") _ASockShutdown($hTempSock) If $B_BEPOLITE Then Sleep($N_WAITCLOSE / 10) Else Sleep(1) EndIf TCPCloseSocket($hTempSock) EndIf Else $hSockets[$iFreeSock] = TCPAccept($hSocket) If $hSockets[$iFreeSock] = -1 Then; This shouldn't happen. Out("+> OnAccept: Hmm thought I'd catch a connection... Oh well.") Else Out("+> OnAccept: Accepted a connection on socket #" & $iFreeSock + 1 & " (socket " & $hSockets[$iFreeSock] & ")") ;TrayTip( "Accepted a connection", "Socket #" & $iFreeSock + 1 & "; handle = " & $hSockets[ $iFreeSock ] & @CRLF & "IP address = " & SocketToIP( $hSockets[ $iFreeSock ] ), 30 ) _ASockSelect($hSockets[$iFreeSock], $hNotifyGUI, $WM_USER + $iFreeSock + 1, _ BitOR($FD_READ, $FD_WRITE, $FD_CLOSE)) If @error Then Error("Error selecting events on socket #" & $iFreeSock + 1 & ".") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>OnAccept Func OnSocketEvent($hWnd, $iMsgID, $WParam, $LParam) ConsoleWrite("gne" & @CRLF) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsgID, $WParam Local $hSocket = $WParam Local $nSocket = $iMsgID - $WM_USER - 1 Local $iError = _HiWord($LParam) Local $iEvent = _LoWord($LParam) Local $sDataBuff Local $iSent Out("+> Socket #" & $nSocket + 1 & " event #" & $iEvent & " with error #" & $iError) If $iMsgID > $WM_USER And $iMsgID <= $WM_USER + $N_MAXSOCKETS Then Switch $iEvent Case $FD_READ; Data has arrived! If $iError <> 0 Then BreakConn($nSocket, "FD_READ was received with the error value of " & $iError & ".") Else $sDataBuff = TCPRecv($hSocket, $N_MAXRECV) If @error Then BreakConn($nSocket, "Conn is down while recv()'ing, error = " & @error & ".") ElseIf $sDataBuff <> "" Then Out("") Out($sDataBuff) Out("" & @CRLF) If StringLeft($sDataBuff, 2) = "OK" And $PlayerWaitForAnswer = $hSocket Then $PlayerWaitForAnswer = 0 Else Switch StringLeft($sDataBuff, 8) Case "UserInfo" _GetNewPlayer($hSocket, StringTrimLeft($sDataBuff, 11)) Case "UserChoi" ; Double Verification ; Is the player that is playing is the player that is playing ? ... What Else ? If $hSocket = $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][0] Then ; Do nothing Else If $bDebugGame Then Out("Didn't wait a response from " & $hSocket & @CRLF) Out("I was waiting for " & $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][0] & @CRLF) Exit EndIf TCPCloseSocket($hSocket) ; Kick Him.... Return False EndIf ;Next ;$UserChoice = StringSplit($sDataBuff, ",,,") If $bDebugGame Then Out("User " & $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][1] & " choose " & StringTrimLeft($sDataBuff, 11)) Switch StringTrimLeft($sDataBuff, 11) Case "Check" $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][3] = "Checked" Case "Fold" $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][3] = "Fold" Case "Pay" $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][3] = "Paid" Case "Call" $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][3] = "Called" Case "Raise" _Player_Raised(StringTrimLeft($sDataBuff, 11)) Case Else ;Case "Raise" $PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerPlaying][3] = "Raised" EndSwitch $PlayersHasPlayed = True Case "Disconct" Case "UserChat" EndSwitch EndIf ;TrayTip("Data from socket #" & $nSocket + 1, $sDataBuff, 30) Else; This DEFINITELY shouldn't have happened Out("! FD_READ, but no data on socket #" & $nSocket + 1 & "!") EndIf EndIf Case $FD_WRITE Out("FD_WRITE") ;$PlayerWaitForAnswer = $hSocket ;_send_player($hSocket, " ") _ArrayAdd($Inqueue_Players, $hSocket) $Inqueue_Players[0] += 1 If $iError <> 0 Then BreakConn($nSocket, "FD_SEND was received with the error value of " & $iError & ".") EndIf Case $FD_CLOSE; Bye bye _ASockShutdown($hSocket) Out("Connection was closed on socket #" & $nSocket + 1 & ".") If $B_BEPOLITE Then Sleep($N_WAITCLOSE / 10) Else Sleep(1) EndIf TCPCloseSocket($hSockets[$nSocket]) $hSockets[$nSocket] = -1 For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$iii][0] = $hSocket Then _Remove_Player_From_Array($iii) Next EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>OnSocketEvent Func BreakConn($nSocket, $sError) _ASockShutdown($hSockets[$nSocket]) Out("Connection has broken on socket #" & $nSocket + 1 & ".") Out("Cause: " & $sError) If $B_BEPOLITE Then Sleep($N_WAITCLOSE / 10) Else Sleep(1) EndIf TCPCloseSocket($hSockets[$nSocket]) $hSockets[$nSocket] = -1 EndFunc ;==>BreakConn Func FreeSock() For $i = 0 To $N_MAXSOCKETS - 1 If $hSockets[$i] = -1 Then Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFunc ;==>FreeSock Func Error($sText, $bCloseSockets = True, $iExitCode = 1) Out("Server Error" & @TAB & $sText) _Exit($bCloseSockets, $iExitCode) EndFunc ;==>Error Func _Exit($bCloseSockets = True, $iExitCode = 0) If $bCloseSockets Then TCPCloseSocket($hListenSocket) For $i = 0 To $N_MAXSOCKETS - 1 _ASockShutdown($hSockets[$i]); Graceful shutdown. Next Sleep($N_WAITCLOSE) For $i = 0 To $N_MAXSOCKETS - 1 TCPCloseSocket($hSockets[$i]) Next EndIf TCPShutdown() $g_bExecExit = False Exit $iExitCode EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func Out($sText) ConsoleWrite($sText & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>Out Func ExitProgram() If $g_bExecExit Then Out("+> ////////////////////////////// Closing... //////////////////////////////") Out("+> //////////////////////////// Exit method: " & @exitMethod & "////////////////////////////") _Exit(True, @exitCode) EndIf EndFunc ;==>ExitProgram ; AutoIt Help -> TCPRecv Func SocketToIP($SHOCKET) Local $sockaddr = DllStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") Local $aRet = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "int", "getpeername", "int", $SHOCKET, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sockaddr), "int_ptr", DllStructGetSize($sockaddr)) If Not @error And $aRet[0] = 0 Then $aRet = DllCall("Ws2_32.dll", "str", "inet_ntoa", "int", DllStructGetData($sockaddr, 3)) If Not @error Then $aRet = $aRet[0] Else $aRet = "(Could not get the address)" EndIf $sockaddr = 0 Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>SocketToIP Func _EndGame() For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$iii][2] = "Waiting" Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$iii][0], "JoinGame") EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_EndGame Func _getnextplayer($IndexSrc) If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("+ Passing Index " & $IndexSrc) If $IndexSrc = 10 Then $IndexSrc = 0 Local $IndexCount $IndexCount = $IndexSrc While 1 If $PlayersArray[$IndexCount][0] = 0 Then If $IndexCount = 9 Then $IndexCount = 0 Else $IndexCount += 1 EndIf Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd If $bDebugGame Then Out("+ Next Player is " & $PlayersArray[$IndexCount][1]) Return $IndexCount EndFunc ;==>_getnextplayer Func _startNewGame() While 1 $CurrentPlayerDealer = _getnextplayer(0) _send_player($PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerDealer][0], "Dealer ,,,You're the dealer") $CurrentPlayerSmallBlind = _getnextplayer($CurrentPlayerDealer + 1) _send_player($PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerSmallBlind][0], "Smallbld,,,You're the Small Blind") $CurrentPlayerBigBlind = _getnextplayer($CurrentPlayerSmallBlind + 1) _send_player($PlayersArray[$CurrentPlayerBigBlind][0], "BigBlind,,,You're the Big Blind") $CurrentPlayerPlaying = _getnextplayer($CurrentPlayerBigBlind + 1) ; Player at the left of the Big Blind begins. ; New game started !! Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) _sendtoall("New Game", "Dummy") ;First Turn Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) _give_cards() ;We "Burn" a card $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 ;Now generate flop Local $FLOP $FLOP = $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] ; Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) _sendtoall("GetBlind", $CURRENT_BLIND) ; $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying While 1 If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("Debug --- Player[" & $ii & "][4] = " & $PlayersArray[$ii][4]) Local $SplitCards = StringSplit($PlayersArray[$ii][5], ";") Local $ArrayCard1 = StringSplit($SplitCards[1], ",") Local $ArrayCard2 = StringSplit($SplitCards[2], ",") $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = _Calc_points($ArrayCard1, $ArrayCard2, $FLOP, 3) $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying Then ExitLoop WEnd If $bDebugGame Then Out("First Player playing number = " & $CurrentPlayerPlaying) $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying Local $ExitLoopPlayer = $ii While 1 If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Then ExitLoop _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "YourTurn,,,It's your turn to play") _sendtoall("Playing ", $ii, $ii) $PlayersHasPlayed = False $TIME_COUNT = 0 While $TIME_COUNT < $TIMEOUT_PLAY If $PlayersHasPlayed Then ExitLoop $TIME_COUNT += 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd If Not $PlayersHasPlayed Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "Timeout ,,," & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $ExitLoopPlayer Then ExitLoop $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii ;Next WEnd If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Then ExitLoop ; Chech if more than one user have checked / called / raised .... Local $HighestScore = 0, $PlayerWinner, $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " choose " & $PlayersArray[$ii][3] & " points : " & $PlayersArray[$ii][4]) If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Called" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Raised" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Checked" Then $NumberOfPlayerPlaying += 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = $HighestScore Then $PlayerWinner &= ";" & $PlayerWinner ElseIf $PlayersArray[$ii][4] > $HighestScore Then $HighestScore = $PlayersArray[$ii][4] $PlayerWinner = $PlayersArray[$ii][1] EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ; Who wins. $GAME_STATUS = 2 ; Continue the game If $HighestScore = 0 And $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 Then ; No Players Played If $bDebugGame Then Out("No Players have played, start new game") EndIf $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Or $GAME_STATUS = 1 Then ExitLoop ; Show them the FLOP _sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) If $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 1 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") _sendtoall("GameInfo", "Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf ; Second turn $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $CurrentPlayerSmallBlind ; If $bDebugGame Then Out("First Player playing number = " & $CurrentPlayerPlaying) $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying ;Local $ExitLoopPlayer = $ii While 1 While 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Fold" Then If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("- Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " has fold, searching next player") Else ExitLoop EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii WEnd _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "YourTurn,,,It's your turn to play") _sendtoall("Playing ", $ii, $ii) $PlayersHasPlayed = False $TIME_COUNT = 0 While $TIME_COUNT < $TIMEOUT_PLAY If $PlayersHasPlayed Then ExitLoop $TIME_COUNT += 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd If Not $PlayersHasPlayed Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "Timeout ,,," & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $ExitLoopPlayer Then ExitLoop $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii ;Next WEnd ; Chech if more than one user have checked / called / raised .... Local $HighestScore = 0, $PlayerWinner, $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " choose " & $PlayersArray[$ii][3] & " points : " & $PlayersArray[$ii][4]) If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Called" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Raised" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Checked" Then $NumberOfPlayerPlaying += 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = $HighestScore Then $PlayerWinner &= ";" & $PlayerWinner ElseIf $PlayersArray[$ii][4] > $HighestScore Then $HighestScore = $PlayersArray[$ii][4] $PlayerWinner = $PlayersArray[$ii][1] EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ; Who wins. If $HighestScore = 0 And $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 Then ; No Players Played If $bDebugGame Then Out("No Players have played, start new game") EndIf $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Or $GAME_STATUS = 1 Then ExitLoop ; Show them the FLOP ;_sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) If $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 1 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") _sendtoall("GameInfo", "Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf ; Let's see the turn $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] _sendtoall("SEE TURN", $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1]) $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying While 1 If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("Debug --- Player[" & $ii & "][5] = " & $PlayersArray[$ii][5]) Local $SplitCards = StringSplit($PlayersArray[$ii][5], ";") Local $ArrayCard1 = StringSplit($SplitCards[1], ",") Local $ArrayCard2 = StringSplit($SplitCards[2], ",") $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = _Calc_points($ArrayCard1, $ArrayCard2, $FLOP, 4) $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying Then ExitLoop WEnd $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying ;Local $ExitLoopPlayer = $ii While 1 While 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Fold" Then If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("- Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " has fold, searching next player") Else ExitLoop EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii WEnd _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "YourTurn,,,It's your turn to play") _sendtoall("Playing ", $ii, $ii) $PlayersHasPlayed = False $TIME_COUNT = 0 While $TIME_COUNT < $TIMEOUT_PLAY If $PlayersHasPlayed Then ExitLoop $TIME_COUNT += 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd If Not $PlayersHasPlayed Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "Timeout ,,," & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $ExitLoopPlayer Then ExitLoop $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii ;Next WEnd ; Chech if more than one user have checked / called / raised .... Local $HighestScore = 0, $PlayerWinner, $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " choose " & $PlayersArray[$ii][3] & " points : " & $PlayersArray[$ii][4]) If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Called" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Raised" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Checked" Then $NumberOfPlayerPlaying += 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = $HighestScore Then $PlayerWinner &= ";" & $PlayerWinner ElseIf $PlayersArray[$ii][4] > $HighestScore Then $HighestScore = $PlayersArray[$ii][4] $PlayerWinner = $PlayersArray[$ii][1] EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ; Who wins. If $HighestScore = 0 And $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 Then ; No Players Played If $bDebugGame Then Out("No Players have played, start new game") EndIf $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Or $GAME_STATUS = 1 Then ExitLoop ; Show them the FLOP ;_sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) If $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 1 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") _sendtoall("GameInfo", "Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf ; Let's see the RIVER $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 $FLOP &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] _sendtoall("SEERIVER", $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & ":" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1]) $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying While 1 If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("Debug --- Player[" & $ii & "][5] = " & $PlayersArray[$ii][5]) Local $SplitCards = StringSplit($PlayersArray[$ii][5], ";") Local $ArrayCard1 = StringSplit($SplitCards[1], ",") Local $ArrayCard2 = StringSplit($SplitCards[2], ",") $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = _Calc_points($ArrayCard1, $ArrayCard2, $FLOP, 5) $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying Then ExitLoop WEnd $ii = $CurrentPlayerPlaying Local $ExitLoopPlayer = $ii While 1 While 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Fold" Then If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("- Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " has fold, searching next player") Else ExitLoop EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii WEnd _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "YourTurn,,,It's your turn to play") _sendtoall("Playing ", $ii, $ii) $PlayersHasPlayed = False $TIME_COUNT = 0 While $TIME_COUNT < $TIMEOUT_PLAY If $PlayersHasPlayed Then ExitLoop $TIME_COUNT += 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd If Not $PlayersHasPlayed Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "Timeout ,,," & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) EndIf $ii = _getnextplayer($ii + 1) If $ii = $ExitLoopPlayer Then ExitLoop $CurrentPlayerPlaying = $ii ;Next WEnd ; Chech if more than one user have checked / called / raised .... Local $HighestScore = 0, $PlayerWinner, $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 0 For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1] & " choose " & $PlayersArray[$ii][3] & " points : " & $PlayersArray[$ii][4]) If $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Called" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Raised" Or $PlayersArray[$ii][3] = "Checked" Then $NumberOfPlayerPlaying += 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][4] = $HighestScore Then $PlayerWinner &= ";" & $PlayerWinner ElseIf $PlayersArray[$ii][4] > $HighestScore Then $HighestScore = $PlayersArray[$ii][4] $PlayerWinner = $PlayersArray[$ii][1] EndIf EndIf EndIf Next If $GAME_STATUS = 0 Or $GAME_STATUS = 1 Then ExitLoop ; Show them the FLOP _sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) If $NumberOfPlayerPlaying = 1 Then If $bDebugGame Then Out("Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") _sendtoall("GameInfo", "Player " & $PlayerWinner & " Won ") $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop EndIf $GAME_STATUS = 1 ExitLoop WEnd ; ;Let's see the flop ; SHOWDOWN ;_sendtoall("SEE FLOP", $FLOP) ;Reinitiate State of all players ; Now let's wait the choice of the players $ChoicesMade = 0 ;while $ChoicesMade < UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 ; sleep(50) ;WEnd EndFunc ;==>_startNewGame Func _Player_Raised($iRaise) $CURRENT_BLIND = $iRaise EndFunc ;==>_Player_Raised Func _sendtoall($MessageType, $MessageData, $ExcludedIndex = 100) If $ExcludedIndex = 100 Then For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $PlayersArray[$iii][0] <> 0 Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$iii][0], $MessageType & ",,," & $MessageData) Next Else If $bDebugGlobal Then Out("Exclude index n°" & $ExcludedIndex) For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) If $PlayersArray[$iii][0] <> 0 And $iii <> $ExcludedIndex Then _send_player($PlayersArray[$iii][0], $MessageType & ",,," & $MessageData) Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_sendtoall Func _give_cards() If $bDebugGame Then Out("Giving Cards") Local $IndexOfCard = 0 ;for $kk= 1 to 2 Local $CardArray[2][2] For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then $PlayersArray[$ii][5] = $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & "," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] If $bDebugGame Then Out("Giving Card 1 to " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "NewCard1,,," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & "," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1]) $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 EndIf Next Sleep($WAIT_SCRIPT) For $ii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 If $PlayersArray[$ii][0] <> 0 Then $PlayersArray[$ii][5] &= ";" & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & "," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1] If $bDebugGame Then Out("Giving Card 2 to " & $PlayersArray[$ii][1]) _send_player($PlayersArray[$ii][0], "NewCard2,,," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][0] & "," & $CurrentCardArray[$NumberOfCardsGiven][1]) $NumberOfCardsGiven += 1 EndIf Next ;Next EndFunc ;==>_give_cards Func _tcp_send_error($hSocketError) _ASockShutdown($hSocketError) For $iii = 0 To UBound($PlayersArray[$iii][0]) If $PlayersArray[$iii][0] = $hSocketError Then If $bDebugConn Then Out("Error with player " & $PlayersArray[$iii][1] & @TAB & "Kicked him...") _Remove_Player_From_Array($iii) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_tcp_send_error Func _Remove_Player_From_Array($IndexToRemove) ;Local $TempArrayPlayer = $PlayersArray ;If UBound($PlayersArray) = 1 Then ; $PlayersArray[0][0] = 0 ;Else ; If $IndexToRemove < UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 Then ;For $iii = $IndexToRemove To UBound($PlayersArray) - 1 $PlayersArray[$IndexToRemove][0] = 0 $PlayersArray[$IndexToRemove][1] = 0 $PlayerCount -= 1 ;$PlayersArray[$iii + 1][2] ;$PlayersArray[$iii + 1][3] ;$PlayersArray[$iii + 1][1] ;Next ; EndIf ; ReDim $PlayersArray[UBound($PlayersArray) - 1][5] ; $PlayersArray = $TempArrayPlayer ;EndIf ;$TempArrayPlayer = 0 If $PlayerCount < $MINPLAYERS Then $GAME_STATUS = 0 ;Stop Game EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Remove_Player_From_Array