GUICreate("Multiple Radio buttons", 500, 350) GUISetState() GUICtrlCreateRadio("This is radio A", 10 , 10, 100) GUICtrlCreateRadio("This is radio B", 10 , 35, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("A and B should be in a control", 10, 60) GUICtrlCreateRadio("This is radio 1", 10 , 80, 100) GUICtrlCreateRadio("This is radio 2", 10 , 115, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("1 and 2 should be in a control", 10, 135) GUICtrlCreateLabel("But now A, B, 1 and 2 are all mixed. How can you separate them?", 10, 150) While 1 WEnd