#include-once #include "DDEML.au3" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Version: 1.5 ; AutoIt Version: ; Language: English ; Author: doudou ; Description: Functions for DDEML clients. ; Requirements: DDEML ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; conversation control functions ; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _DdeConnect ; Description: The _DdeConnect function establishes a conversation with a ; server application that supports the specified service name ; and topic name pair. If more than one such server exists, the ; system selects only one. ; ; Parameter(s): $hszService - Handle to the string that specifies the service ; name of the server application with which a ; conversation is to be established. This handle ; must have been created by a previous call to ; the _DdeCreateStringHandle function. If this ; parameter is 0, a conversation is established ; with any available server. ; $hszTopic - Handle to the string that specifies the name of ; the topic on which a conversation is to be established. ; This handle must have been created by a previous ; call to _DdeCreateStringHandle. If this parameter ; is 0, a conversation on any topic supported by ; the selected server is established. ; ; Requirement(s): External: user32.dll (it's already in system32). ; ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle ; to the established conversation. ; If the function fails, the return value is 0. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _DdeConnect($hszService = 0, $hszTopic = 0) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, "DdeConnect", "dword", $_DDEML_idInst, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hszService, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hszTopic, "ptr", 0) ConsoleWrite("_DdeConnect(" & $hszService & ", " & $hszTopic & ")=" & $res[0] & @CRLF) If $res[0] Then Return $res[0] SetError(_DdeGetLastError()) Return 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _DdeReconnect ; Description: The DdeReconnect function allows a client Dynamic Data Exchange ; Management Library (DDEML) application to attempt to reestablish ; a conversation with a service that has terminated a conversation ; with the client. When the conversation is reestablished, the ; DDEML attempts to reestablish any preexisting advise loops. ; ; Parameter(s): $hConv - Handle to the conversation to be reestablished. ; A client must have obtained the conversation handle ; by a previous call to the _DdeConnect function or ; from an $XTYP_DISCONNECT transaction. ; ; Requirement(s): External: user32.dll (it's already in system32). ; ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to ; the reestablished conversation. ; If the function fails, the return value is 0. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _DdeReconnect($hConv) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, "DdeReconnect", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConv) If $res[0] Then Return $res[0] SetError(_DdeGetLastError()) Return 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _DdeClientTransaction ; Description: The _DdeClientTransaction function begins a data transaction ; between a client and a server. Only a dynamic data exchange ; (DDE) client application can call this function, and the ; application can use it only after establishing a conversation ; with the server. ; ; Parameter(s): $wType - Specifies the transaction type. This parameter can ; be one of the following types: ; ; $XTYP_ADVSTART Begins an advise loop. Any number ; of distinct advise loops can exist ; within a conversation. An ; application can alter the advise ; loop type by combining the $XTYP_ADVSTART ; transaction type with one or more ; of the following flags: ; ; $XTYPF_NODATA Instructs the server to notify the ; client of any data changes without ; actually sending the data. This ; flag gives the client the option ; of ignoring the notification or ; requesting the changed data from ; the server. ; $XTYPF_ACKREQ Instructs the server to wait until ; the client acknowledges that it ; received the previous data item ; before sending the next data item. ; This flag prevents a fast server ; from sending data faster than the ; client can process it. ; ; $XTYP_ADVSTOP Ends an advise loop. ; $XTYP_EXECUTE Begins an execute transaction. ; $XTYP_POKE Begins a poke transaction. ; $XTYP_REQUEST Begins a request transaction. ; $hConv - Handle to the conversation in which the transaction ; is to take place. ; $data - Data the client must pass to the server. ; $dwTimeout - Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, ; that the client will wait for a response from the ; server application in a synchronous transaction. ; This parameter should be $TIMEOUT_ASYNC for ; asynchronous transactions. ; $hszItem - Handle to the data item for which data is being ; exchanged during the transaction. This handle must ; have been created by a previous call to the ; _DdeCreateStringHandle function. This parameter is ; ignored (and should be set to 0) if the $wType ; parameter is $XTYP_EXECUTE. ; $wFmt - Specifies the standard clipboard format in which the ; data item is being submitted or requested. ; If the transaction specified by the wType parameter ; does not pass data or is $XTYP_EXECUTE, this parameter ; should be zero. ; If the transaction specified by the $wType parameter ; references non-execute DDE data ($XTYP_POKE, ; $XTYP_ADVSTART, $XTYP_ADVSTOP, $XTYP_REQUEST), the $wFmt ; value must be either a valid predefined (CF_) DDE ; format or a valid registered clipboard format. ; ; Requirement(s): External: user32.dll (it's already in system32). ; ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is a data handle ; that identifies the data for successful synchronous transactions ; in which the client expects data from the server. The return ; value is nonzero for successful asynchronous transactions and ; for synchronous transactions in which the client does not ; expect data. The return value is zero for all unsuccessful ; transactions. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _DdeClientTransaction($wType, $hConv, $data = 0, $dwTimeout = 10000, $hszItem = 0, $wFmt = $CF_TEXT) Local $stResult = DllStructCreate("dword dwResult") Local $struct, $pData, $cb $pData = 0 $cb = 0 If $XTYP_EXECUTE = $wType Or $XTYP_POKE = $wType Then If Execute($_DDEML_HANDLETYPE_CHECK & '($data)') Then If 0 = $data And $XTYP_EXECUTE = $wType Then ConsoleWrite("_DdeClientTransaction: null data on XTYP_EXECUTE" & @CRLF) SetError($DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER) Return 0 EndIf $pData = $data $cb = 0xFFFFFFFF Else $cb = _DDEML_CreateDataStruct($data, $struct, $wFmt) $pData = DllStructGetPtr($struct, 1) EndIf EndIf ;If $XTYP_EXECUTE = $wType Or 0 = $pData Then $wFmt = 0 If $XTYP_EXECUTE = $wType Then $wFmt = $CF_TEXT ENDIF If $XTYP_EXECUTE = $wType Then $hszItem = 0 DllStructSetData($stResult, 1, 0) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, "DdeClientTransaction", "ptr", $pData, "dword", $cb, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConv, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hszItem, "uint", $wFmt, "uint", $wType, "dword", $dwTimeout, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stResult)) ConsoleWrite("_DdeClientTransaction(" & $data & ")=" & $res[0] & @CRLF) SetExtended(DllStructGetData($stResult, 1)) $stResult = 0 Return $res[0] EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _DdeAbandonTransaction ; Description: The _DdeAbandonTransaction function abandons the specified ; asynchronous transaction and releases all resources associated ; with the transaction. ; ; Parameter(s): $hConv - Handle to the conversation in which the transaction ; was initiated. If this parameter is 0, all transactions ; are abandoned (that is, the $idTransaction parameter ; is ignored). ; $idTransaction - Specifies the identifier of the transaction ; to abandon. If this parameter is 0, all active ; transactions in the specified conversation ; are abandoned. ; ; Requirement(s): External: user32.dll (it's already in system32). ; ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is True. ; If the function fails, the return value is False. ; ; Author(s): doudou ;=============================================================================== Func _DdeAbandonTransaction($hConv, $idTransaction = 0) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DdeAbandonTransaction", "dword", $_DDEML_idInst, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConv, "dword", $idTransaction) If $res[0] Then Return True SetError(_DdeGetLastError()) Return False EndFunc ; conversation enumeration functions ; Func _DdeConnectList($hszService = 0, $hszTopic = 0, $hConvList = 0) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, "DdeConnectList", "dword", $_DDEML_idInst, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hszService, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hszTopic, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConvList, "ptr", 0) If $res[0] Then Return $res[0] SetError(_DdeGetLastError()) Return 0 EndFunc Func _DdeDisconnectList($hConvList) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DdeDisconnectList", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConvList) If $res[0] Then Return True SetError(_DdeGetLastError()) Return False EndFunc Func _DdeQueryNextServer($hConvList, $hConvPrev = 0) Local $res = DllCall("user32.dll", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, "DdeQueryNextServer", $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConvList, $_DDEML_HANDLETYPE, $hConvPrev) Return $res[0] EndFunc ; stateless client transactions Func _DDEMLClient_Execute($szService, $szTopic, $szCommand, $wFmt = $CF_TEXT) Local $res = 0 Local $dwRes = _DdeInitialize("", BitOR($APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, $CBF_SKIP_ALLNOTIFICATIONS)) If $DMLERR_NO_ERROR <> $dwRes Then SetError($dwRes) Return $res EndIf Local $hszService = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szService) Then $hszService = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szService) Local $hszTopic = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szTopic) Then $hszTopic = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szTopic) Local $hConv = _DdeConnect($hszService, $hszTopic) If 0 <> $hConv Then Local $stData If _DDEML_CreateDataStruct($szCommand, $stData) Then ;MsgBox(0, "createdatastructure",$szCommand) Local $hData = _DdeCreateDataHandle($stData) MsgBox(0, "$hData",$hData) If @error Then ConsoleWriteError("data alloc error (0x" & StringFormat("%x", @error) & ")" & @CRLF) return $hData $res = _DdeClientTransaction($XTYP_EXECUTE, $hConv, $hData, 10000, 0, $wFmt = $CF_TEXT) $stData = 0 EndIf _DdeDisconnect($hConv) EndIf If 0 <> $hszService Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszService) If 0 <> $hszTopic Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszTopic) _DdeUninitialize() Return $res EndFunc Func _DDEMLClient_Poke($szService, $szTopic, $szItem, $data, $wFmt = $CF_TEXT) Local $res = 0 Local $dwRes = _DdeInitialize("", BitOR($APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, $CBF_SKIP_ALLNOTIFICATIONS)) If $DMLERR_NO_ERROR <> $dwRes Then SetError($dwRes) Return $res EndIf Local $hszService = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szService) Then $hszService = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szService) Local $hszTopic = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szTopic) Then $hszTopic = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szTopic) Local $hConv = _DdeConnect($hszService, $hszTopic) If 0 <> $hConv Then Local $stData Local $hszItem = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szItem) If _DDEML_CreateDataStruct($data, $stData) Then Local $hData = _DdeCreateDataHandle($stData) $res = _DdeClientTransaction($XTYP_POKE, $hConv, $hData, 10000, $hszItem, $wFmt) $stData = 0 EndIf If 0 <> $hszItem Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszItem) _DdeDisconnect($hConv) EndIf If 0 <> $hszService Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszService) If 0 <> $hszTopic Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszTopic) _DdeUninitialize() Return $res EndFunc Func _DDEMLClient_RequestString($szService, $szTopic, $szItem, $wFmt = 0) Local $res = "" Local $dwRes = _DdeInitialize("", BitOR($APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, $CBF_SKIP_ALLNOTIFICATIONS)) If $DMLERR_NO_ERROR <> $dwRes Then SetError($dwRes) Return $res EndIf Local $hszService = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szService) Then $hszService = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szService) Local $hszTopic = 0 If 0 < StringLen($szTopic) Then $hszTopic = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szTopic) Local $hConv = _DdeConnect($hszService, $hszTopic) If 0 <> $hConv Then Local $hszItem = _DdeCreateStringHandle($szItem) Local $hData = _DdeClientTransaction($XTYP_REQUEST, $hConv, 0, 10000, $hszItem, $wFmt) $res = _DdeGetDataAsString($hData) If 0 <> $hszItem Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszItem) _DdeDisconnect($hConv) EndIf If 0 <> $hszService Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszService) If 0 <> $hszTopic Then _DdeFreeStringHandle($hszTopic) _DdeUninitialize() Return $res EndFunc