#include $Result = _DownloadDeviantArt() MsgBox(0, "DA Downloader!", $Result) Func _DownloadDeviantArt() $HidPicForm = GUICreate("Downloading...", 400, 400) $Obj = _IECreateEmbedded() $ActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($Obj, 10, 10, 380, 380) $s = 1 For $i = 1 To 5 ; First page is fine, the rest is not :( _IENavigate($Obj, "http://penguina-mica.deviantart.com/gallery/#_featured--") _IELoadWait($Obj) ;;;;;;;;;;; ADDED ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; If _IELoadWait($Obj) = 0 Then _IENavigate($Obj, "http://penguina-mica.deviantart.com/gallery/#_featured--" & $i) _IELoadWait($Obj) EndIf ;;;;;;;;;;; ADDED ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $oImgs = _IEImgGetCollection($Obj) For $oImg In $oImgs If $oImg.src = "http://penguina-mica.deviantart.com/gallery/" And $oImg.height = 0 And $oImg.width = 0 Then ; Check for pics that are disabled. (I.E. not logged in) GUIDelete($HidPicForm) Return "Not logged in. Please log in via IE." EndIf Next $oImgs = _IEImgGetCollection($Obj) For $oImg In $oImgs If $oImg.src = "http://penguina-mica.deviantart.com/gallery/" Or $oImg.height < 25 And $oImg.width < 25 Then ; Sort out DA original pics. $s = $s - 1 Else $Result = StringInStr($oImg.src, ".jpg") If Not $Result = 0 Then $StringSplit = StringReplace($oImg.src, "http://th", "http://fc") ; Replace preview adress with real address. $DownloadString = StringReplace($StringSplit, "/150/i/", "/i/") ; Same ^ $Download = InetGet($DownloadString, "C:\Pics\Pic" & $s & ".jpg") ; ******** CHANGED ******** Else $s = $s - 1 EndIf EndIf $s = $s + 1 ;If $s >= 25 Then ExitLoop ; I can only display 24 pics per page. ; ******** CHANGED ******** Next Next GUIDelete($HidPicForm) Return "Complete." EndFunc