#RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=FfoxIcon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=../firefox loader.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #Include #Include AutoItSetOption ("TrayIconHide", 0) FileCreateShortcut (@scriptdir & "\firefox loader.exe", @AppDataDir & "\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\firefox loader.lnk", @ScriptDir & "\firefox loader.exe") IsAdmin () ;========================================================================================================== #Region ; settigns check $settings = FileExists (@scriptdir & "\settings.ini") If $settings = 0 Then MsgBox(48,'ERROR','Please locate firefox.exe') $firefox = FileOpenDialog ("Locate Firefox Executable", @ProgramFilesDir & "\Mozilla Firefox","forefox executable (firefox.exe)",1+2) $foxdirwrite = IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "settings", "foxdir", $firefox) EndIf #EndRegion ;========================================================================================================== #Region ;vars $saved = FileExists (@ScriptDir & "\Saved") $RegCheck = RegRead ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Firefox loader","First_Run") If $RegCheck = "" Then RegWrite ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Firefox loader", "First_Run", "REG_SZ", "1") EndIf $FirstRun = RegRead ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Firefox loader","First_Run") $saved = FileExists (@ScriptDir & "\Saved") $OS = @OSVersion $RoamingDir = (@UserProfileDir & "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox") $LocalDir = (@UserProfileDir & "\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox") $localappdir = (@UserProfileDir & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox") $appdir = (@UserProfileDir & "\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox") $inicheck = FileExists ($RoamingDir) $inicheckXP = FileExists ($appdir) $runcheck = ProcessExists ("firefox.exe") ;$ini = (@AppDataDir & "\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini") ;$profilename = IniRead ($ini, "Profile0", "Path", "") $getRoaming = _FileListToArray ($RoamingDir & "\Profiles") $profilename = _ArrayToString ($getRoaming,@TAB,1) $getapp = _FileListToArray ($appdir & "\Profiles") $XPprofilename = _ArrayToString ($getapp,@TAB,1) $RoamingUser = ($RoamingDir & "\Profiles\" & $profilename) $LocalUser = ($LocalDir & "\Profiles\" & $profilename) $XPuser = ($appdir & "\Profiles\" & $profilename) $XPLocalUser = ($localappdir & "\Profiles\" & $XPprofilename) #EndRegion ;===================== remove cache Vista =========================== $cache = ('"' & $LocalUser & '\Cache"') RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c RD /s/q ' & $cache,@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;===================== remove cache XP ============================== $cacheXP = ('"' & $XPLocalUser & '\Cache"') RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c RD /s/q ' & $cacheXP,@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;========================================================================================================== #Region ;ini check If $inicheck = 0 And $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_VISTA" And $FirstRun = "1" Then ;restore function DirRemove ($RoamingDir,1) DirRemove ($LocalDir,1) Restore() ElseIf $inicheck = 1 And $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_VISTA" And $FirstRun = "1" Then ;restore function DirRemove ($RoamingDir,1) DirRemove ($LocalDir,1) Restore() ElseIf $inicheck = 1 and $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_VISTA" And $FirstRun = "1" And $saved = 0 Then;backup Backup() ElseIf $inicheck = 1 and $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_VISTA" And $FirstRun = "0" And $saved = 0 Then;backup Backup() ElseIf $inicheck = 1 and $runcheck > 0 And $OS = "WIN_VISTA" Then ;run firefox as another instance RuninstanceFox() ;XP ElseIf $inicheckXP = 0 And $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_XP" And $FirstRun = "1" Then ;restore function DirRemove ($localappdir,1) DirRemove ($appdir,1) Restore() ElseIf $inicheckXP = 1 And $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_XP" And $FirstRun = "1" Then ;restore function DirRemove ($localappdir,1) DirRemove ($appdir,1) Restore() ElseIf $inicheckXP = 1 and $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_XP" And $FirstRun = "1" And $saved = 0 Then ;backup Backup() ElseIf $inicheckXP = 1 and $runcheck = 0 And $OS = "WIN_XP" And $FirstRun = "0" And $saved = 0 Then ;backup Backup() ElseIf $inicheckXP = 1 and $runcheck > 0 And $OS = "WIN_XP" Then ;run firefox as another instance RuninstanceFox() EndIf #EndRegion ;========================================================================================================== #Region ;Restore Func Restore() If $OS = "WIN_VISTA" Then ;create folders and backup TrayTip ("Information","Restoring new Vista/W7 data only","",1) DirCreate ($LocalDir) DirCreate ($RoamingDir) DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y Saved\Local ' & $LocalDir, @ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y Saved\Roaming ' & $RoamingDir, @ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ElseIf $OS = "WIN_XP" Then TrayTip ("Information","Restoring new Vista/W7 data only","",1) DirCreate ($localappdir) DirCreate ($appdir) DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y "Saved\Local" "' & $localappdir & '"', @ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y Saved\Roaming "' & $appdir & '"', @ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) EndIf EndFunc #EndRegion RunFox() ;========================================================================================================== #Region ;Backup Func Backup() If $OS = "WIN_VISTA" Then ;create folders and backup Vista TrayTip ("Information","Saving new data","",1) DirCreate (@UserProfileDir & "\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox") DirCreate (@UserProfileDir & "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y ' & $LocalDir &' Saved\Local',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y ' & $RoamingDir & ' Saved\Roaming',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ElseIf $OS = "WIN_XP" Then ;create folders and backup XP TrayTip ("Information","Saving new data","",1) DirCreate ($localappdir) DirCreate ($appdir) DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y "' & $localappdir &'" "Saved\Local"',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y "' & $appdir & '" Saved\Roaming',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) EndIf EndFunc #EndRegion ;========================================================================================================== RunFox() ;========================================================================================================== #Region ;RunFox Func RunFox() RegWrite ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Firefox loader", "First_Run", "REG_SZ", "0") TrayTip ("Information","Loading Firefox",1,1) $foxdirread = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "settings", "foxdir", "") RunWait ($foxdirread) ProcessWaitClose ("firefox.exe") If $OS = "WIN_VISTA" Then TrayTip ("Information","Saving new data","",1) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c RD /s/q ' & $cache,@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;clean up DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y ' & $LocalDir &' Saved\Local',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;backup RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y ' & $RoamingDir & ' Saved\Roaming',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;backup ElseIf $OS = "WIN_XP" Then TrayTip ("Information","Saving new data","",1) RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c RD /s/q ' & $cacheXP,@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;Clean up DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Local") DirCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Saved\Roaming") RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y "' & $localappdir &'" "Saved\Local"',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;backup RunWait (@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy /E/D/Y "' & $appdir & '" Saved\Roaming',@ScriptDir,@SW_HIDE) ;backup EndIf exit EndFunc ;========================================================================================================== Func RuninstanceFox() $foxdirread = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "settings", "foxdir", "") Run ($foxdirread) exit EndFunc #EndRegion ;==========================================================================================================