#include-once ; Functions ; _XHTML_Start($sTitle = "Index") ; _XHTML_End($sPath) ; _XHTML_StartForm($sName, $sMethod = "", $sAction = "") ; _XHTML_EndForm() ; _XHTML_StartTable($iBorder = 1, $iWidth = "") ; _XHTML_AddTrTd($iMode = 0) ; _XHTML_EndTable() ; _XHTML_AddHeader($sText, $sSize = 1) ; _XHTML_AddLabel($sText) ; _XHTML_AddInput($sName, $iSize, $iMaxlength, $iPass = 0) ; _XHTML_AddButton($sName $sValue, $sType = "button") ; _XHTML_AddBr($iNumber = 1) ; _XHTML_StartSelect($sName) ; _XHTML_AddOption($sText) ; _XHTML_EndSelect() ; _XHTML_Custom($sCode) ; _XHTML_Save($sPath) ; _LineFeed($iNumber = 1) Global $sSource ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_Start() ; Description.....; Starts the XHTML code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_Start($sTitle = "Index") ; Parameters......; $sTitle - The title of your HTML page. ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_End() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_Start($sTitle = "Index") $sSource = "" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "" & $sTitle & "" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_End() ; Description.....; Ends the current HTML code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_End($sPath) ; Parameters......; $sPath - The html file that should be created ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_Start() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_End($sPath) $sSource &= "" & @CRLF & _ "" FileWrite($sPath, "...") If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ___ERROR("$sPath is not a correct path!") Else FileDelete($sPath) FileWrite($sPath, $sSource) $sSource = "" EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_StartForm() ; Description.....; Starts the form code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_StartForm($sName, $sMethod = "", $sAction = "") ; Parameters......; $sName - The name of the form ; $sMethod - The form send method ; $sAction - The file used for the 'submit' button ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_EndForm() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_StartForm($sName, $sMethod = "", $sAction = "") $sSource &= '
' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_EndForm() ; Description.....; Ends the previous started form. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_EndForm() ; Parameters......; - ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_StartForm() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_EndForm() $sSource &= '
' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_StartTable() ; Description.....; Starts a table code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_StartTable($iBorder = 1, $iWidth = "") ; Parameters......; $iBorder - Show border, 0 = no ~ 1 = yes ; $iWidth - The width the table should use. ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddTrTd(), _XHTML_EndTable() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_StartTable($iBorder = 1, $iWidth = "") $sSource &= '' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddTrTd() ; Description.....; Adds a Table Row or Table Data to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddTrTd($iMode = 0) ; Parameters......; $iMode - | 0 ~ Open Table row ; - | 1 ~ Open Table data ; - | 2 ~ Open Table row, Open Table data ; - | 3 ~ Close Table row ; - | 4 ~ Close Table data ; - | 5 ~ Close Table data, Close Table row ; - | 6 ~ Close Table data, Open Table data ; - | Use _XHTML_Custom() for custom open and close ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_StartTable(), _XHTML_EndTable() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddTrTd($iMode = 0) If $iMode = 0 Then $sSource &= "" ElseIf $iMode = 1 Then $sSource &= "" ElseIf $iMode = 4 Then $sSource &= "" ElseIf $iMode = 5 Then $sSource &= "" ElseIf $iMode = 6 Then $sSource &= "
" ElseIf $iMode = 2 Then $sSource &= "
" ElseIf $iMode = 3 Then $sSource &= "
" Else ___ERROR("$iMode must equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6!") EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_EndTable() ; Description.....; Ends the previous started table. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_EndTable() ; Parameters......; - ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_StartTable(), _XHTML_AddTrTd() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_EndTable() $sSource &= '
' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddHeader() ; Description.....; Adds a header to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddHeader($sText, $sSize = 1) ; Parameters......; $sText - The header text ; $sSize - The header size (Range: 1 ~ 7) ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddLabel() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddHeader($sText, $sSize = 1) $sSource &= '' & $sText & '' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddLabel() ; Description.....; Adds text to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddLabel($sText) ; Parameters......; $sText - The text that needs to be added ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddHeader() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddLabel($sText) $sSource &= $sText EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddInput() ; Description.....; Adds a input to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddInput($sName, $iSize, $iMaxlength, $iPass = 0) ; Parameters......; $sName - The input name ; $iSize - The input size ; $iMexLength - The input max string length ; $iPass - Make the input an password on, 0 = no ~ 1 = yes ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddButton(), _XHTML_AddBr() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddInput($sName, $iSize, $iMaxlength, $iPass = 0) If $iPass = 1 Then $sSource &= '' ElseIf $iPass = 0 Then $sSource &= '' Else ___ERROR("$iPass must equal to 0 or 1!") EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddButton() ; Description.....; Adds a button to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddButton($sName $sValue, $sType = "button") ; Parameters......; $sName - The button name ; $sValue - Text displayed on the button ; $sType - The button type (Range: button, submit, reset) ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddInput(), _XHTML_AddBr() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddButton($sName, $sValue, $sType = "button") $sSource &= '' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_AddBr() ; Description.....; Adds a br tag to the code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_AddBr($iNumber = 1) ; Parameters......; $iNumber - How many br tags you need ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddInput(), _XHTML_AddButton() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_AddBr($iNumber = 1) If Not IsNumber($iNumber) Then ___ERROR("$iNumber must be a valid integer!") Else For $i = 1 To $iNumber $sSource &= "
" Next $sSource &= @CRLF EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_StartSelect() ; Description.....; Opens a Select tag. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_StartSelect($sName) ; Parameters......; $sName - The name of this object ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; _XHTML_AddOption(), _XHTML_EndSelect() ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_StartSelect($sName) $sSource &= '' EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_Custom() ; Description.....; Enables the user to create his own code. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_Custom($sCode) ; Parameters......; $sCode - Code ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; - ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_Custom($sCode) $sSource &= $sCode EndFunc ; #FUNCTION # ======================================================= ; Name............; _XHTML_Save() ; Description.....; Good for saving other formats like PHP. ; Syntax..........; _XHTML_Save($sPath) ; Parameters......; $sPath - The file that should be created ; Return Values...; - ; Author..........; Almar Mulder (AlmarM) ; Modified........; - ; Remarks.........; - ; Related.........; - ; Link............; - ; Example.........; Yes ; =================================================================== Func _XHTML_Save($sPath) FileWrite($sPath, "...") If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ___ERROR("$sPath is not a correct path!") Else FileDelete($sPath) FileWrite($sPath, $sSource) $sSource = "" EndIf EndFunc ; Description....; Good for cleaning up the code a bit. ; Syntax.........; _LineFeed($iNumber = 1) ; Parameters.....; $iNumber - How many times you want a line feed between your code Func _LineFeed($iNumber = 1) For $i = 1 To $iNumber $sSource &= @CRLF Next EndFunc Func ___ERROR($sERROR) ConsoleWrite("+---------------------------------------------------------------------+" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("+--- ERROR: " & $sERROR & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("+---------------------------------------------------------------------+" & @CRLF) EndFunc