; aPodder - Podcast Downloader with Time Scheduler and TrayTip ; Fles are Downloaded to Folders under: My Documents\Downloads\Temp -- Change \Temp fields (3 fields per podcast) to folder needed per podcast address ; Shown is for two Podcast Addresses. Add additional Podcast for More ; Works only with webpages that have formatting ; Last Update: 01-08-2010 ; Added: Clear TrayTip after each download session While 1 Sleep(245) If @HOUR = 11 and @MIN = 10 and @SEC = 00 Then;<======== CHANGE TIME NEEDED TO DOWNLOAD Dim $objHTTP Dim $objReturn Dim $Result Dim $packageQueryUrl = "http://";<============== INSERT WEB ADDRESS WITHIN QUOTES $objHTTP = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") $objHTTP.Open("Get", $packageQueryUrl, False) $objHTTP.Send $Result = $objHTTP.ResponseText $nOffset = 0 $a = 0 While $a <= 3;<================================= Change Number of Podcast to Download PLUS 1 $a = $a + 1 $links = StringRegExp($Result, '(?i)(?s)(?:.*?)(.*?)', 1, $nOffset) If @error = 0 Then $nOffset = @extended Else ExitLoop EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($links) - 1 $out = StringRegExpReplace($links[$i], '\s', '', 1) If Not StringInStr($out, ".mp3", 0) Then Else $get = $links[0] $get = StringRegExpReplace($get, '\s', '') $name = StringRegExp($get, '(?i)(?s)(?:.*)/(.*?).mp3', 1) If Not FileExists(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\") Then DirCreate(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\") ConsoleWrite("MP3 Link: " & $get & @CRLF & "MP3 Name: " & $name[0] & ".mp3" & @CRLF) InetGet($get, @MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\" & $name[0] & ".mp3", 0, 1) While @InetGetActive Sleep(250) TrayTip("Downloading Podcast", "File: " & $name[0] & ".mp3 " & "Bytes = " & @InetGetBytesRead, 10, 16) WEnd EndIf Next WEnd Sleep(5000) TrayTip("", "", 5) EndIf If @HOUR = 12 and @MIN = 10 and @SEC = 00 Then;<======== CHANGE TIME NEEDED TO DOWNLOAD Dim $objHTTP Dim $objReturn Dim $Result Dim $packageQueryUrl = "http://";<============== INSERT WEB ADDRESS WITHIN QUOTES $objHTTP = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") $objHTTP.Open("Get", $packageQueryUrl, False) $objHTTP.Send $Result = $objHTTP.ResponseText $nOffset = 0 $a = 0 While $a <= 4;<================================= Change Number of Podcast to Download PLUS 1 $a = $a + 1 $links = StringRegExp($Result, '(?i)(?s)(?:.*?)(.*?)', 1, $nOffset) If @error = 0 Then $nOffset = @extended Else ExitLoop EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($links) - 1 $out = StringRegExpReplace($links[$i], '\s', '', 1) If Not StringInStr($out, ".mp3", 0) Then Else $get = $links[0] $get = StringRegExpReplace($get, '\s', '') $name = StringRegExp($get, '(?i)(?s)(?:.*)/(.*?).mp3', 1) If Not FileExists(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\") Then DirCreate(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\") ConsoleWrite("MP3 Link: " & $get & @CRLF & "MP3 Name: " & $name[0] & ".mp3" & @CRLF) InetGet($get, @MyDocumentsDir & "\Downloads\temp\" & $name[0] & ".mp3", 0, 1) While @InetGetActive Sleep(250) TrayTip("Downloading Podcast", "File: " & $name[0] & ".mp3 " & "Bytes = " & @InetGetBytesRead, 10, 16) WEnd EndIf Next WEnd Sleep(5000) TrayTip("", "", 5) EndIf WEnd