;;This is the UDP Client ;;Start the server first #include HotKeySet("{F9}", "hkQuit") UDPStartup() $uClient = UDPOpen("", 65530) MsgBox(0, "Client Socket#", $uClient) If $uClient = -1 Then Exit While 1 Sleep(1000*3) $uStatus = UDPSend($uClient, _NowCalc(), "", 65530) If $uStatus = 0 Then MsgBox(0, $ScriptName, "Error occured when sending UDP message" & @CRLF & @Error) Exit EndIf WEnd Func OnAutoItStart() Global Const $ScriptName = "UDP Test 0.2 - Client" If WinExists($ScriptName) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle($ScriptName) EndFunc Func OnAutoItExit() UDPCloseSocket($uClient) UDPShutdown() EndFunc Func hkQuit() Exit EndFunc