#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=H:\My Documents\Website Work\computer-facilities.com\favicon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=logon.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Computer Facilities automated logon script for Windows Domain based networks running 32bit XP/Vista and Windows 7 OS. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=independent automated logon script #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Computer Facilities #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Made By| Peter R. Atkin #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=date|7th Feb 2010 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/striponly #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include #include #include #include #include Global Const $_SingleTonKey = "07c9623c-2ffb-4e6e-8fd9-f824ede2e9ac" ; e.g. GUID Global $Paused ;Function keys to pause or terminate the script HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_TogglePause") HotKeySet("{END}", "_Terminate") Global $ostemp Global $network_printers[2] ;last printer becomes the default $network_printers[0] = "\\dc-2008\hp4700n" $network_printers[1] = "\\dc-2008\hp4250n" Global $var_printer = UBound($network_printers) - 1 Global $cmd = UBound($CmdLine) - 1 Global $network_drives[24] Global $number_of_network_drives ;$strURL = "http://www.computer-facilities.com" ;_SetIEHomepage($strURL) _single_instance() ; comment this line out if in multi user enviroment. _EnumerateDrives() _OSGet() If $ostemp = "vista_win7" Then ;this is only needed if your accessing external none windows based NAS devices using Vista or Windows 7 ;read this for more help with Vista and windows 7: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-CA/w7itpronetworking/thread/4606ad12-1f23-4231-8597-8e515422d57d $operation="Vista and Windows 7" $public = "\\" $accounts = "\\" $source = "\\" $chaos = "\\" $homebase = "\\" $operation = "Vista Mode" ElseIf $ostemp = "winnt" Then $public = "\\public" $accounts = "\\CF-NAS1" $source = "\\CF-NAS1" $chaos = "\\CF-NAS1" $homebase = "\\CF-NAS1" $operation = "XP Mode" ElseIf $ostemp = "server" Then Exit Else MsgBox(16, "OS Incompatability", "this domain fully supports Windows NT/XP/2000, 2003, 2008, Vista and Windows 7 workstations, with partial support for Windows 64bit OS and none for the rest sorry!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "OS version " & @OSVersion) EndIf If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then Else ReadCmdLineParams() EndIf TrayTip("Logon script running", $operation, 7, 1) ProgressOn("Welcome " & @UserName, "login onto " & @LogonServer & " (" & $operation & ")", "Automated Domain Access Progress", 50, 50, 16) _AD_Open() If _AD_isMemberOf("cfu users", @UserName) Then ; cannot use 'domain users' seems to be some techci reason why that will not work, and make sure you usergroups do not have groups within as they seem not to be read. RunAsWait("Administrator", "cfu", "password", 4, "net time " & @LogonServer & " /SET /Y", @SW_HIDE) ProgressSet(10, "Removing old network shares please wait...") If $number_of_network_drives > 0 Then _delmappeddrive("*") EndIf ProgressSet(15, "Adding default shares") _mapdrive("h:", $homebase & "\user$\" & @UserName) _mapdrive("p:", $public & "\public") ProgressSet(25, "Domain Users home share") ProgressSet(35, "Setting up network printers") _add_network_printers() EndIf If _AD_isMemberOf("Domain Admins", @UserName) Then _mapdrive("s:", $source & "\source") ProgressSet(40, "Setup admin shares") EndIf If _AD_isMemberOf("quoteworks", @UserName) Then _mapdrive("w:", $accounts & "\quotewerks") ProgressSet(50, "Setup quoteworks share") EndIf If _AD_isMemberOf("core", @UserName) Then _mapdrive("x:", $accounts & "\core$") _mapdrive("q:", $accounts & "\quickbooks$") _mapdrive("t:", $accounts & "\clients$") _mapdrive("u:", $accounts & "\suppliers$") ProgressSet(70, "Setup core shares") EndIf If _AD_isMemberOf("Engineers", @UserName) Then _mapdrive("s:", $source & "\source") ProgressSet(80, "Setup engineer share") EndIf _AD_Close() _users() ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") Sleep(500) ProgressOff() Sleep(500) _welcome() Func _users() Switch @UserName Case "peter" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "tasha" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") _mapdrive("m:", "\\\Tasha Mabonga-Atkin's Tim") Case "accounts" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "engineers" ;_mapdrive("n:", $chaos & "\localcoms$") Case "administrator" MsgBox(32, "OS Version Machine Diags", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_users Func _welcome() $local_domain = EnvGet("userdomain") $domain_server = EnvGet("logonserver") TCPStartup() MsgBox(64, "Your IP is: " & TCPNameToIP(@ComputerName) & " network", "Welcome " & @UserName & " to the " & $local_domain & " Network" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "you are running " & @OSVersion & " Version OS" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you have any problems or questions with your account please contact Computer Facilities support on 0414-533784" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enjoy" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Logon script in " & $operation & " login on from " & @ComputerName & " using Server " & $domain_server) TCPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>_welcome Func _add_network_printers() For $x = 0 To $var_printer Step 1 _PrinterAdd($network_printers[$x], 1) Next EndFunc ;==>_add_network_printers Func _mapdrive($DriveLtr, $DrivePath) DriveMapAdd($DriveLtr, $DrivePath, 1) Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox(16, "OMG Error", "An unknown error occured on " & $DrivePath & " trying to be mapped as local drive " & $DriveLtr) Case 2 MsgBox(16, "Access Error", "Access to the remote share " & $DrivePath & " was denied") Case 3 MsgBox(16, "Delete Drive Error", "The device/drive " & $DriveLtr & " is already assigned") Case 4 MsgBox(16, "Device Error", "Invalid device " & $DriveLtr & " name") Case 5 MsgBox(16, "Remote Drive Error", "Invalid remote share :" & $DrivePath) Case 6 MsgBox(16, "Password Error", "Invalid password") Case Else ;MsgBox(64, "Completed!", "Mapped " & $DriveLtr & " to share " & $DrivePath) EndSwitch Sleep(500) EndFunc ;==>_mapdrive Func _delmappeddrive($drived) Local $i = $number_of_network_drives If $drived = "*" Then Do DriveMapDel($network_drives[$i] & ":") Sleep(500) $i = $i - 1 Until $i = 0 Else DriveMapDel($drived) Switch @error Case 0 ;MsgBox(16, "Error", "An unknown error occured trying to delete local drive :" & $network_drives[$i] & ":") Case Else ;MsgBox(64, "Completed!", "Deleted " & $network_drives[$i]) EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>_delmappeddrive Func _EnumerateDrives() Local $x = 1 Local $y = 1 For $dl = 72 To 89 ; (H-Y) $network_drives[$x] = Chr($dl) $drive = Chr($dl) & ":\" $drive_letter = Chr($dl) DriveGetFileSystem($drive) If @error = 0 Then ;MsgBox(16, "Network Drive", "Drive in Use " & $drive & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Array Varible :" & $network_drives[$x]) $x = $x + 1 Else ;MsgBox(16,"New Drive " & $network_drives[$y], "Free Drive " & $drive_letter) $y = $y + 1 EndIf Next $number_of_network_drives = $x - 1 Return $number_of_network_drives ;MsgBox(16, "Drives", "Number of network drives in use are " & $number_of_network_drives) EndFunc ;==>_EnumerateDrives Func _CMD($command, $workingdir = '') Return RunWait('"' & @ComSpec & '" /c ' & $command, $workingdir, @SW_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>_CMD Func _OSGet() Switch @OSVersion Case "WIN_7" $ostemp = "vista_win7" Case "WIN_XP" $ostemp = "winnt" Case "Win_2000" $ostemp = "winnt" Case "WIN_VISTA" $ostemp = "vista_win7" Case "WIN_2008" $ostemp = "server" Case "WIN_2008R2" $ostemp = "server" Case "WIN_2003" $ostemp = "server" Case Else MsgBox(32, "OS Version Machine Diags", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) Exit EndSwitch _ArchGet() EndFunc ;==>_OSGet Func _ArchGet() Switch @OSArch Case "X86" Case Else MsgBox(32, "32/64bit Architecture", "User " & @UserName & " on computer " & @ComputerName & " running OS " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSArch & " Architecture", 10) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_ArchGet ;$strURL = "http://www.computer-facilities.com" ;If _SetIEHomepage($strURL) Then msgbox(0,"Homepage Set","Successfull") Func _SetIEHomepage($strURL) Return RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Start Page", "REG_SZ", $strURL) EndFunc ;==>_SetIEHomepage ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterAdd() ; Description: Connects to a Network Printer. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - Computer Network name and printer share name (\\Computer\SharedPrinter). ; $fDefault - Set to 1 if Printer should be set to default (optional). ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure, If Printer already exist @error = 1. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterAdd($sPrinterName, $fDefault = 0) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n" & $sPrinterName & " /q") If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $fDefault = 1 Then _PrinterDefault($sPrinterName) EndIf Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterAdd ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterDefault() ; Description: Set a printer to default. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - The name of the printer. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterDefault($sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n" & $sPrinterName) Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterDefault ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterDelete() ; Description: Delete a connection to a network printer. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - Computer Network name and printer share name. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterDelete($sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dn /n" & $sPrinterName) If _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Then Return 0 Else Return 1 EndIf Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PrinterDelete ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PrinterExist() ; Description: Check if a Printer Exist. ; Parameter(s): $sPrinterName - The name of the printer. ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure. ; Author(s): Sven Ullstad - Wooltown ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PrinterExist($sPrinterName) Local $hService, $sPrinter, $sPrinterList $hService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & "\\" & @ComputerName & "\root\cimv2") If Not @error = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf $sPrinterList = $hService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Printer") For $sPrinter In $sPrinterList If StringUpper($sPrinterName) = StringUpper($sPrinter.name) Then Return 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_PrinterExist Func ReadCmdLineParams() For $ic = 1 To $cmd Select Case $CmdLine[$ic] = "-update" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$ic] = "-newcomputer" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$ic] = "-repair_domain_profile" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$ic] = "-pc_diags" ; put code here Case $CmdLine[$ic] = "-backup_user_profile" ; put code here Case Else Exit EndSelect Next EndFunc ;==>ReadCmdLineParams Func _single_instance() ;Stop script from running more than once, use http://guidgen.com to make the $_SingleTonKey ;see http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=108203&st=0&p=762946&hl=_Singleton&fromsearch=1&#entry762946 for more information ;may need to remove this if your in a terminal enviroment If WinExists($_SingleTonKey) Then MsgBox(16, "Another instance running", "this script is not ment to be running several instanaces at the same time") Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>_single_instance Func _TogglePause() $Paused = Not $Paused While $Paused Sleep(100) ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', (1), (8), (1), (8)) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>_TogglePause Func _Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Terminate