#include #include #include #include Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) ;============================================== ;============================================== ;SERVER!! Start Me First !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;============================================== ;============================================== dim $szIPADDRESS = "" ;MsgBox("","",$szIPADDRESS) dim $nPORT = 8000 dim $MainSocket, $GOOEY, $edit, $ConnectedSocket, $szIP_Accepted, $data, $string, $array[1],$arrayS, $stringL,$tempS, $string0 dim $msg, $recv Example() Func Example() ; Set Some reusable info ; Set your Public IP address (@IPAddress1) here. ; Local $szServerPC = @ComputerName ; Local $szIPADDRESS = TCPNameToIP($szServerPC) ; Start The TCP Services ;============================================== UDPStartup() ; Create a Listening "SOCKET". ; Using your IP Address and Port 33891. ;============================================== $MainSocket = UDPBind($szIPADDRESS, $nPORT) ; If the Socket creation fails, exit. If @error <> 0 Then Exit ; Create a GUI for messages ;============================================== $GOOEY = GUICreate("My Server (IP: " & $szIPADDRESS & ")", 400, 200) $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 380, 180) GUISetState() ; GUI Message Loop ;============================================== While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() ; GUI Closed ;-------------------- If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit $data = UDPRecv($MainSocket, 100) ;EndIf sleep(100) ; Update the edit control with what we have received ;---------------------------------------------------------------- If $data <> "" Then dim $string0,$string1,$nullStartPos,$stringL,$controlName,$payload, $payloadX, $payloadY $data=StringTrimLeft($data,2);removes first two characters that are not HEX values ;*****will programatically get name of the control*** ;* ;**************************************************** $stringL=StringLen($data); get the length of the OSC message (is variable by control) $nullStartPos=StringInStr($data,"00"); look for the first null value in the string $controlName=StringTrimRight($data,($stringL-$nullStartPos)+1);gets HEX representation of control name $controlName=_HexToString($controlName);converts HEX name to string ;end name of the control ;*****will programatically get value sent by the control*** ;* ;******************************************************** if StringInStr($data,"2C6666")>0 then $payloadX=StringTrimLeft($data,$stringL-16) ;MsgBox("","",$payloadX) $payloadX=StringTrimRight($payloadX,8) ;MsgBox("","this is the raw payloadX",$payloadX) $payloadX=DEC($payloadX) $payloadX =_WinAPI_IntToFloat($payloadX) ;--------------------------------------------- $payloadY=StringTrimLeft($data,$stringL-8) ;MsgBox("","this is the raw payloadY",$payloadY) $payloadY=DEC($payloadY) $payLoadY=_WinAPI_IntToFloat($payloadY) else $payload=StringTrimLeft($data,$stringL-8); the floating point value in HEX $payload=DEC($payload); convert the HEX to DEC (int) $payload=_WinAPI_IntToFloat($payload) ; convert the INT to a float EndIf if StringInStr($data,"2C6666")>0 then GUICtrlSetData($edit,$controlName &" X/Y>"&$payloadX & "/"&$payloadY & @crlf & GUICtrlRead($edit));render results in edit control Else GUICtrlSetData($edit,$controlName &" >"&$payload & @crlf & GUICtrlRead($edit));render results in edit control EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Func OnAutoItExit() UDPCloseSocket($MainSocket) UDPShutdown() EndFunc