; Author: Giulio Muscarello - Giulio M - Arcadiagiulio ; Time control ; Find string "???" and change into prohibited time interval. E.g. Case ??? To ??? ---> Case 10 to 18 ; After, search string "redclarinet" and change password. ; If someone tries to enter the forbidden time zones, hear a beep, the message will read "Access Prohibited (...)" and shut down the system. ; And, the access wil be registered into the file "connectiontime.log" in the directory where this script is installed. #NoTrayIcon ;Nobody will see that script is active Dim Const $psswd = "redclarinet" $declaredpsswd = InputBox("Password", "Insert your password: if you want to access as Limited-time user insert 'child'.") Select Case $declaredpsswd = $psswd $usertype = "ADULT" Case $declaredpsswd = "child" $usertype = "CHILD" Case Else $usertype = "HACKR" Select Case $usertype = "CHILD" Switch @HOUR Case ??? To ??? ; Prohibited hours; 24 hours format Beep() SplashTextOn ("Prohibited access", "Prohibited access. It's " & @HOUR & ": you cannot access now. System will shut down.") Sleep(2000) SplashOff Shutdown(1) Case ??? To ??? ; 1st time zone ;Choose the content Case ??? To ??? ; 2nd time zone ;Choose the content Case ??? To ??? ; 3rd time zone ;Choose the content... EndSwitch eNDsELECT EndSelect EndSwitch Case $usertype = "ADULT" SplashTextOn("Adult Access", "Access as Adult.") Sleep(2000) SplashOff Case $usertype = "HACKR" SplashTextOn( "Wrong password", "Wrong password. This can be an attempt to hack time limitation script: for safety, the system will reboot.") Sleep(2000) SplashOff Shutdown(6, "Hacking attempt") #include ; In the ??? field, insert the text file where to register Date and Hour of connection _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "Connectiontime.log","A Child/Guest user starts Windows at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ".", 0) EndSelect