#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ;Forces Variable declaration Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;Turns on Events Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;Declares Global Variables Global $sES_NUMBER, $sCapture, $sLbl, $sInput, $sCnct, $sDiscnct, $sClose, $shGUI, $sFont, $sX, $sFilePath, $sFileName, $sFindText, $sReplaceText, $sFileContents, $sIPos, $aSplit, $aArray, $Connected ;Sets Constants Global Const $sPath = "C:\EngineConnect\" Global Const $sLogfile = $sPath & "ECRun.log" Global Const $sNetwork_Alive_Lan = 0x1 Global Const $sNetwork_Alive_Wan = 0x2 ;Sets Default Font $sFont = "Arial" ;Opens ECRun.log file, or creates one If FileExists($sLogfile) Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "**************************************************************************") Else _FileCreate($sLogfile) _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - ECRun.log File Created") EndIf ;Creates Marker in ECRun.log _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "**************************************************************************") ;Creates the window and buttons $shGUI = GUICreate ("Amtrak - TCD Engine Connect System", 350 , 450, 600, 75) $sCnct = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 25, 410, 90, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ConnectPressed") $sDiscnct = GUICtrlCreateButton("Disconnect", 131, 410, 90, 20) ;button is initially disabled GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "DisconnectPressed") $sClose = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 235, 410, 90, 20) GUIctrlSetOnEvent(-1, "CLOSEPressed") ;Creates the labels for the text on the window $sLbl = 250 ;Font for next line GUISetFont(10, 600, "", $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Instructions:", 30, 15, $sLbl) GUISetFont(10, 500, 4, $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Connecting:", 30, 35, $sLbl) ;Font for following line GUISetFont(9, 400, "", $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter the Engine Number you wish to access", 30, 55, $sLbl) GUICtrlCreateLabel("then press the Connect button", 30, 70, $sLbl) GUICtrlCreateLabel("The system will build your connection", 30, 85, $sLbl) GUICtrlCreateLabel("and launch the LDVR program", 30, 100, $sLbl) ;Font for next line GUISetFont(10, 500, 4, $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Disconnecting:", 30, 145, $sLbl) ;Font for following line GUISetFont(9, 400, "", $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("#1 Once finished with the LDVR program", 30, 165, $sLbl) GUICtrlCreateLabel("#2 Exit the LVDR Program then Disconnect", 30, 180, $sLbl) ;Font for following line GUISetFont(9, 500, "", $sFont) GUICtrlCreateLabel("You may now connect to another Engine ", 30, 225, $sLbl) GUICtrlCreateLabel("or close the program...", 30, 240, $sLbl) ;Creates the input box GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter Engine Number here:", 30, 300, $sLbl) Global $sCapture = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 30, 320, 75, 25, $sES_NUMBER) ;Field Accepts 5 Decimal Digits aximum GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 5) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sCapture, "ConnectPressed") ;Launches a blank GUI window GUISetState() GUICtrlSetState($sCapture, $GUI_FOCUS) ;Makes Program "Idle" until event happens While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd ;Connect Event Func ConnectPressed() _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Connect Function Started") $sInput = GUICtrlRead($sCapture) ;Checks to see if $sInput is valid If $sInput = '' Or Number($sInput) < 0 Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - Engine Number is out of range") MsgBox(0, "Engine Number", "Please Enter engine number in the range of 0 to 9999") GUICtrlSetState($sCapture, $GUI_FOCUS) ; Return Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Engine Number is " & $sInput) EndIf $sInput = GUICtrlRead($sCapture) ;Checks to see if $sInput is a valid String IsString($sInput) $sX = StringFormat( "%.0d", 2 ) If $sX = @error =1 Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - Engine Number Format is not Correct") MsgBox(0, "", "Wrong Format") EndIf ;only once input is recognized as valid, add prefix $sInput = 'AMT' & $sInput _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Assigning AMT Prefix to " & $sInput) ;Assigns Static IP address to Ethernet NIC SplashTextOn("Status", "Assigning temporary local IP address...", 350, 100, -1, -1, 0, $sFont, 12, 400) Sleep(2000) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "netsh interface ip set address local static 1") ; Sleep(6000) SplashOff() If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - IP Address was NOT Set to") MsgBox(0, "Error", "IP Address was NOT Set to") Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - IP Address Correctly Set to") MsgBox(0, "Success", "IP Address was Set to") EndIf ;Verifies if the ASUS Device Responds Ping("",250) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - ASUS device Does NOT Respond") Msgbox(0, "CRITICAL ERROR", "Cannot See ASUS Device") Exit Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - ASUS device is Responding") EndIf ;Inserts the Persistant Route into the Registry RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes", ",,,1", "REG_SZ","") If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - Persisent Route was NOT Set Correctly") Exit Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - Persisent Route was Set Correctly") EndIf SplashOff() ;Connect button is now disabled GUICtrlSetState($sCnct, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Disconnect button is now enabled GUICtrlSetState($sDiscnct, $GUI_ENABLE) $Connected = True ; RunWait("c:\DVRConfiguration\DVRConfig.exe")"*****************************************************************************" If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - LDVR Program did NOT Open Correctly") Exit Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - LDVR Program Opened Correctly") EndIf Sleep(3000) _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Now Completing the Connect Function") EndFunc ;==>ConnectPressed ;Disconnect Event Func DisconnectPressed() If Not $Connected Then Return _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Now Running the Disconnect Function") SplashTextOn("Status", "Please wait while the connection is removed...", 350, 100, -1, -1, 0, $sFont, 12, 400) Sleep(2000) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "netsh interface ip set address local dhcp") Sleep(6000) If @error Then _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Error - Reseting IP address on Local NIC was NOT done") Else _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "") _FileWriteLog($sLogfile, "Success - Resetting DHCP on Local NIC was Completed") EndIf SplashOff() SplashTextOn("Status", "Please wait for the Ethernet Connection to reset...", 350, 100, -1, -1, 0, $sFont, 12, 400) Sleep(30000) SplashOff() GUICtrlSetData($sCapture, '') ;Disconnect button is now disabled GUICtrlSetState($sDiscnct, $GUI_DISABLE) ;Connect button is now enabled GUICtrlSetState($sCnct, $GUI_ENABLE) $Connected = False EndFunc ;==>DisconnectPressed ;Closed Event Func CLOSEPressed() Exit EndFunc