#include #include #include #include ;Application writtien by Bruce Evans and Tim Addy of Synergetics DCS for Southern Research ;to manipulate the TimeClock and Wincati Interviewer applications in the attempt ;to sync the employees time in and time out entries. It also forces them not to ;forget to log out or goto break __steam_window('SOUTHERN RESEARCH GROUP', 600, 300) ; WIDTH NOT SMALLER THEN 400 | HEIGHT NOT SMALLER THEN 200 === TRUST ME Func __steam_window($sWINDOW_TITLE, $iWINDOW_WIDTH, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT) Local $oWINDOW = GUICreate($sWINDOW_TITLE, $iWINDOW_WIDTH, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX), $WS_EX_LAYERED) ; BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_LAYERED)) GUISetFont(12, 400, 0, 'Tahoma') GUISetBkColor(0x494E49) GUICtrlCreatePic('hdr.bmp', 0, 0, $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 16, 20, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('hdr.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 16, 0, 11, 5, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('hdr.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 16, 16, 11, 4, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('hdr.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 5, 0, 5, 20, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 20, 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x686A65) GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iWINDOW_WIDTH - 1, 20, 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x686A65) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 1, $iWINDOW_WIDTH, 1) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x686A65) Local $oCLOSE = GUICtrlCreatePic('cls.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 16, 5, 11, 11, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) Local $oLABELHEADER = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sWINDOW_TITLE, 6, 0, $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 22, 20, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xD8DED3) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x5A6A50) #cs ============================== EXAMPLE SECTION ================== #ce ============================== ;Login Button Local $oBUTTON_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton('LOG IN', 10, 30, 140, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetState ( $oBUTTON_1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON ) ;Cancel Button Local $oBUTTON_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton('CANCEL', 10, 60, 140, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlCreateGraphic(1, 20, 160, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x464646) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x464646) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(158, 20, 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x3D423D) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(159, 20, 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x424742) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(160, 20, 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 21) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x454A45) ;Code to create label above entry text boxes $oLABELTOP = GUICtrlCreateLabel('WINCATI AND TIMECLOCK DUAL LOGIN', 180, 31, $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 200, 20, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xC4B550) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(170, 51, $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 180, 1) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x636763) ;Code for Enter ID Number control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Enter ID number:', 250, 70, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) ;Code for Enter ID Number control Input Box global $oInput_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 70, 90, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_1 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 7) GUICtrlSetState($oInput_1,$GUI_FOCUS) ;Code for Select Job Code control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Select Job Code:', 250, 100, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) ;Code for Select Job Code control Input Box global $oInput_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 100, 50, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_2 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) ;Code for Costing Code control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Costing Code:', 250, 130, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;Code for Costing Code control Input Box local $oInput_3 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 130, 50, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_3 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 2) ;Code for Interviewer ID control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Interviewer ID:', 250, 160, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) ;Code for Interviewer ID control Input Box local $oInput_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 160, 50, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_4 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) ;Code for Station Number control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Station Number:', 250, 190, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) ;Code for Station Number control Input Box local $oInput_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 190, 50, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_5 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) ;Code for Study List control Label GUICtrlCreateLabel('Study List:', 250, 220, 150, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xE6ECE0) ;Code for Study List control Input Box local $oInput_6 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 420, 220, 50, 20,0x2000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') local $oLimit_6 = GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) ; THIS CONTROL NEEDS TO BE LAST DUE TO OVERLAY ISSUES GUICtrlCreateGraphic(170, 30, $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 180, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 40) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x686A65) #cs ============================== EXAMPLE SECTION ================== #ce ============================== GUICtrlCreatePic('cnr.bmp', 0, 0, 1, 1, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('cnr.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 1, 0, 1, 1, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('cnr.bmp', 0, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 1, 1, 1, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlCreatePic('cnr.bmp', $iWINDOW_WIDTH - 1, $iWINDOW_HEIGHT - 1, 1, 1, $SS_NOTIFY, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ;This is the start of the app that open the main window GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Local $eMSG = GUIGetMsg() Switch $eMSG Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;Local $iWINDOW_TRANS ;For $iWINDOW_TRANS = 255 To 0 Step -10 ;If $iWINDOW_TRANS > 0 Then WinSetTrans($oWINDOW,'',$iWINDOW_TRANS) ;Sleep(10) ;Next Exit Case $oCLOSE ;Local $iWINDOW_TRANS ;For $iWINDOW_TRANS = 255 To 0 Step -10 ;If $iWINDOW_TRANS > 0 Then WinSetTrans($oWINDOW,'',$iWINDOW_TRANS) ;Sleep(10) ;Next Exit Case $oBUTTON_2 ;Local $iWINDOW_TRANS ;For $iWINDOW_TRANS = 255 To 0 Step -10 ;If $iWINDOW_TRANS > 0 Then WinSetTrans($oWINDOW,'',$iWINDOW_TRANS) ;Sleep(10) ;Next Exit ;This is the login code. It executes the Time Clock via the ICON on the desktop it ;must be there and named exactly as the entry under the SHELLEXECUTE() statment Case $oButton_1 ;Need to add edit checks here, make sure there is data in the text boxes if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Enter ID Number Error","There must be a ID Number, the program will exit now!") Exit endif if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_2) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Select Job Code Error","There must be a Job Code, the program will exit now!") Exit endif if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_3) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Costing Code Error","There must be a Costing Code, the program will exit now!") Exit endif if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_4) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Interviewer ID Error","There must be a Interviewer ID, the program will exit now!") Exit endif if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_5) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Station Number Error","There must be a Station Number, the program will exit now!") Exit endif if GuiCtrlRead($oInput_6) = "" then MsgBox(4096,"Study List Error","There must be a Study List, the program will exit now!") Exit endif GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;**** Start of warning box to user about not touching mouse or keyboard during automation process ;************************************************************************************************************************ $WarnVar = GuiCreate("DUAL LOGIN *** Usage WARNING ***", 440, 160,-1, -1 , $DS_MODALFRAME) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlCreateLabel('DO NOT TOUCH KEYBOARD OR MOUSE', 30, 10, 338, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateLabel('UNTIL YOU SEE THE WINCATI', 30, 35, 300, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateLabel('INTERVIEWER SCREEN', 30, 60, 275, 20, BitOR($SS_RIGHT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) Local $oOK_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton('OK', 170, 85,80,40) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetState ( $oOK_1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON ) GuiSetState() $MyOK = 0 While $MyOK = 0 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $oOK_1 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd ;************************************************************************************************************************ ;**** End of warning box to user about not touching mouse or keyboard during automation process ;**** Start of dual login process ;************************************************************************************************************************ ;*** Launch the time clock software, NOTE this link must be a the location shouwn in the shellexecute ShellExecute ( "F:\CALL CENTER - OPERATIONS\SRG Folder\On-Screen TimeClock.lnk","", "" ) ;*** Now Wait 5 seconds for the Time Clock to load, my vary on different machines, may have to increase for slowest system Sleep(5000) ;*** This ENTER is to launch the "Clock IN" process Send("{ENTER}") ;*** Now wait 1 second for the input box to open Sleep(1000) ;*** Now input the varible from input 1 Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) ;*** ENTER again to accespt the input Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_2)) Sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_3)) Sleep(4000) ;This is the login to the Interviewer code. It executes the WinCati via the ICON on the desktop it ;must be there and named exactly as the entry under the SHELLEXECUTE() statment ShellExecute ( "F:\CALL CENTER - OPERATIONS\SRG Folder\Interviewer.lnk","", "" ) ;**** Now Wait 5 seconds for the Interviewer to load, my vary on different machines, may have to increase for slowest system Sleep(5000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_4)) Sleep(1000) Send("{TAB}") Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_5)) Sleep(1000) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(1000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_6)) Sleep(1000) Send("{TAB}") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) WinActivate("Costing Code Selection") Send("{ENTER}") ;*************************************************************************************************** ;**** We want to minimize both the duallogon and time clock windows so the Interviewer is on top *** ;*************************************************************************************************** WinSetState ( "TimeClock Plus","", @SW_MINIMIZE ) WinSetState ( "SOUTHERN RESEARCH GROUP","", @SW_MINIMIZE ) ;**** Now call the Check WinCati function to loop until the WinCati Interviewer window close. ;********************************************************************************************* CheckWincati() ;EndFunc EndSwitch ;?????????? WEnd ;???????????????????? EndFunc ;**** This is the loop that watches for the interviewer windows to close ;********************************************************************************* func CheckWincati() While WinExists("WinCati 4.1 Interviewer") = 1 ;**** Checking every 2 seconds to see if it has closed ;***************************************************** sleep("2000") ContinueLoop Wend ;Set global vars for next bit of code before moving on. Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) ;**** If the WinCati Interviewer closes then run the "Log out of interviewer" function ;*************************************************************************************** ;Logoutofintview() CreateLogoutWindow() EndFunc Func CreateLogoutWindow() ;**** Change window processing to On Event Mode!!!!! Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) global $Radio_1 global $Radio_2 global $Radio_3 global $Radio_4 global $MyLoopCounter global $Logoutmsg global $MyExitDialog if WinExists("Log Out Type Selection") = 1 then ;WinClose("Log Out Type Selection") WinSetState ( "Log Out Type Selection","", @SW_RESTORE ) GUICtrlDelete($Radio_1) GUICtrlDelete($Radio_2) GUICtrlDelete($Radio_3) GUICtrlDelete($Radio_4) ;$Radio_1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out Completely", 30, 20, 190, 15) ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Option1checked") ;$Radio_2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out for Paid Break", 30, 40, 190, 15) ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Option2checked") ;$Radio_3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out for UN-Paid Break",30, 60, 190, 15) ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Option3checked") ;$Radio_4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Go Back Into Interviwer",30, 80, 190, 15) ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Option4checked") Else $MyExitDialog = GuiCreate("Log Out Type Selection", 260, 120,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) endif $Radio_1 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out Completely", 30, 20, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Radio_1, "Option1checked") $Radio_2 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out for Paid Break", 30, 40, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Radio_2, "Option2checked") $Radio_3 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Log Out for UN-Paid Break",30, 60, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Radio_3, "Option3checked") $Radio_4 = GuiCtrlCreateRadio("Go Back Into Interviwer",30, 80, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Radio_4, "Option4checked") GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW,$MyExitDialog) $MyLoopCounter = 60 While 1 if $MyLoopCounter <= 0 Then Option1checked() EndIf sleep(1000) $MyLoopCounter = $MyLoopCounter - 1 WEnd EndFunc Func Option1checked() WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(5000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(5000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out of the System" GUICtrlSetState($Radio_1,$GUI_UNCHECKED) MyExit() EndFunc Func Option2checked() WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("P") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out on PAID Break" GUICtrlSetState($Radio_2,$GUI_UNCHECKED) MyExit() EndFunc Func Option3checked() WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("N") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out on NON-PAID Break" GUICtrlSetState($Radio_3,$GUI_UNCHECKED) MyExit() EndFunc Func Option4checked() GUICtrlSetState($Radio_4,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ShellExecute ( "F:\CALL CENTER - OPERATIONS\SRG Folder\Interviewer.lnk","", "" ) WinSetState ( "Log Out Type Selection","", @SW_MINIMIZE ) WinClose("Log Out Type Selection") sleep(1500) CheckWincati() EndFunc Func MyExit() if ProcessExists("wintck32.exe") Then ProcessClose("wintck32.exe") EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"Time Clock Automation","You are now logged out!") MsgBox(4096,"Time Clock Automation",$Logoutmsg) Exit EndFunc ;**** This section runs for the user to choose if they want to logout, 3 different ways or go back into Interviewer" func Logoutofintview() msgbox(4096,"Here","1") ;Global $MyExitDialog global $MyLoopCounter ;msgbox(4096,"Window Exist",WinExists("Log Out Type Selection")) ;if WinExists("Log Out Type Selection") = 1 then ;GUICtrlDelete($MyExitDialog) ;GUICtrlDelete($Radio_1) ;GUICtrlDelete($Radio_2) ;GUICtrlDelete($Radio_3) ;GUICtrlDelete($Radio_4) ;GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW + @SW_ENABLE,$MyExitDialog) ;GUICtrlSetState($Radio_1,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ;GUICtrlSetState($Radio_2,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ;GUICtrlSetState($Radio_2,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ;GUICtrlSetState($Radio_2,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ;GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$MyExitDialog) ;else CreateLogoutWindow() ;EndIf $MyExit = 0 $MyLoopCounter = 60 $Logoutmsg = "Error in Logout, see Administrator" ;GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) While $MyExit = 0 $msg = GuiGetMsg() ;if $MyLoopCounter = 0 Then ;Timer to force log out after 60 seconds ;same as $radio_1 below ;WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") ;Send("{TAB}") ;Sleep(2000) ;Send("{ENTER}") ;Sleep(2000) ;Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) ;Sleep(2000) ;Send("{ENTER}") ;Sleep(5000) ;Send("{ENTER}") ;Sleep(5000) ;$Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out of the System Automatilly" ;$MyExit = 1 ;Else Select ;Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;ExitLoop Case $msg = $Radio_1 ;Log out completely ;GUISetState(@SW_HIDE + @SW_DISABLE) ;Time Clock - logout WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(5000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(5000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out of the System" $MyExit = 1 Case $msg = $Radio_2 ;GUISetState(@SW_HIDE + @SW_DISABLE) ;Time Clock - Paid Break WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("P") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out on PAID Break" $MyExit = 1 Case $msg = $Radio_3 ;GUISetState(@SW_HIDE + @SW_DISABLE) ;Time Clock - Non-Paid Break WinActivate("TimeClock Plus") Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("N") Sleep(2000) Send(GuiCtrlRead($oInput_1)) Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(2000) $Logoutmsg = "You have Logged out on NON-PAID Break" $MyExit = 1 Case $msg = $Radio_4() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE + @SW_DISABLE,$MyExitDialog) GUICtrlSetState($Radio_4,$GUI_UNCHECKED) ShellExecute ( "F:\CALL CENTER - OPERATIONS\SRG Folder\Interviewer.lnk","", "" ) sleep(1500) $MyExit = 1 CheckWincati() Case Else ;;; EndSelect ;EndIf ;sleep("1000") ;$MyLoopCounter = $MyLoopCounter - 1 WEnd if ProcessExists("wintck32.exe") Then ProcessClose("wintck32.exe") EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"Time Clock Automation","You are now logged out!") MsgBox(4096,"Time Clock Automation",$Logoutmsg) Exit EndFunc