#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Automate TestDirector Spreadsheet format ; Start and log into DTT ; Assumption - Open last model checkbox should be activated ; Assumption - The model should have been previously opened on the currently used machine Run("C:\Program Files\Critical Logic\DTT.exe") WinWaitActive("DTT Logon") ControlClick("DTT Logon", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]") ControlSend("DTT Logon", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean\Desktop\DTT Validation\Automation models\Automation_TestDirectorSpreadsheet.dtt") Send("{ENTER}") ; Wait for DTT and model to open ; Assumption - The model being used should be the last opened model ; Assumption - The model has been generated WinWaitActive("DTT - Functional Modeling") ; Open Reports menu ControlClick("DTT - Functional Modeling", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC; INSTANCE:12]") WinWaitActive("Reports") ControlClick("Reports", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6OptionButton; INSTANCE:6]"); Activate TD Spreadsheet radio button ControlClick("Reports", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6PictureBoxDC; INSTANCE:3]"); Trigger Reports button WinWaitActive("QC/TD Spreadsheet") ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:9]"); Target Subject textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:9]", "A Subject"); Enter Subject ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:8]"); Target Test Name textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:8]", "Test@"); Enter TestName - Note that the test name should always end with "@" ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:7]"); Target Designer textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:7]", "The Designer"); Enter Designer ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:6]"); Target Status textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:6]", "The Status"); Enter Status ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:3]"); Target Function textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:3]", "A Function"); Enter Function ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:2]"); Target Creation Date textbox ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:2]", "01/01/1970"); Enter Date ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:5]"); Target the Description textarea ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:5]", "A Description"); Enter Description ; Following code will be used to change the displayed tab textarea box, all 3 tabs are currently the same CLASS/INSTANCE so ; solution will be needed to specifically identify selection of the CLASS/INSTANCE without accidentally selecting an ; unexpected tab. Possibilities could be mouse position or tab then right button. Best solution would be for TEXT to be ; added to the screen for each individual tab. ; Section of code commented until solution found! ;Send("{RIGHT}"); Change tab of textarea ;ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:4]", "A Test Objective"); Enter Test Objective ;Send("{RIGHT}"); Change tab of textarea ;ControlSend("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[CLASS:ThunderRT6TextBox; INSTANCE:1]", "A Comment") ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Technical Description]"); Activate the Show Technical Description radio button ; If statements to determine if Checkboxes are activated, if activated then deactivate If(ControlCommand("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Create line for Actual Results]", "IsChecked", ""))Then(ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Create line for Actual Results]")EndIf If(ControlCommand("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Context Once]", "IsChecked", ""))Then(ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Context Once]")EndIf If(ControlCommand("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Effects in Description]", "IsChecked", ""))Then(ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Effects in Description]")EndIf If(ControlCommand("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Trace Points]", "IsChecked", ""))Then(ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Show Trace Points]")EndIf ; Trigger Export button and Save ; Assumption - If this script has previously been run then the .csv file should be deleted before attempting to run this script again ControlClick("QC/TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:Export]") WinWaitActive("Export TD Spreadsheet") ControlClick("Export TD Spreadsheet", "", "[TEXT:&Save]") ; Run the report comparison tool - Code may be added or included to this script