#include #include #include Local $ICON_ROOT = @WindowsDir & "\System32\Icons" Local $ICON_PAD = 10 ; Padding Between Icons Local $ICON_X = 20 ; Start Point For Icons X Position Local $ICON_Y = 10 ; Start Point For Icons Y Position Local $LABEL_X = 10 ; Start Point For Label X Position Local $LABEL_Y = 45 ; Start Point For Label Y Position ; Set our search to search for any file name. $Search = FileFindFirstFile($ICON_ROOT & "\*.lnk") ;The array returned from this function is a single dimension array containing the following elements: ;$array[0] = Shortcut target path ;$array[1] = Working directory ;$array[2] = Arguments ;$array[3] = Description ;$array[4] = Icon filename ;$array[5] = Icon index ;$array[6] = The shortcut state (@SW_SHOWNORMAL, @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, @SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) ; Start a loop to loop through the Icons Folder. While 1 If $Search = -1 Then ExitLoop EndIf ; Fill in our File variable and move on $File = FileFindNextFile($Search) ; This really will never happen If @error Then ExitLoop ; Set some variables to be used for file manipulation $FullFilePath = $ICON_ROOT & "\" & $File $FileAttributes = FileGetAttrib($FullFilePath) ; Skip if we are looking at a Directory If Not StringInStr($FileAttributes,"D") Then ; Let's Pull properties of it $Link=FileGetShortcut($FullFilePath) $LinkName = StringTrimRight( $File, 4) EndIf WEnd ; GUI GuiCreate("Application Launcher", 640, 480) $icon = GUICtrlCreateIcon($Link[0], $Link[5], $ICON_X, $ICON_Y) GuiCtrlCreateLabel($LinkName, $LABEL_X, $LABEL_Y, 100, 20) ; GUI MESSAGE LOOP GuiSetState() While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WEnd