; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set up our defaults ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 0) ;AutoItSetOption("PixelCoordMode", 0) ;AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) ;AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include #include ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Initialize global variables ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Global $sChoice Global $iIndex2, $iState, $iChoices Global $gSelector, $gOk, $gCancel Dim $aDrives Dim $agItem[7] Dim $aChoices[7] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Script specific functions ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; If (@OSVersion = "WIN_XP") Then $iGSpace = 25 Else $iGSpace = 5 EndIf ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MAIN ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If ($sChoice = "") Then $aChoices[0] = "Choice01" $aChoices[1] = "Choice02" $aChoices[2] = "Choice03" $aChoices[3] = "Choice04" $aChoices[4] = "Choice05" $aChoices[5] = "Choice06" $aChoices[6] = "Choice07" GUICreate("Selector", 180, 180, (@DesktopWidth - 180) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 180) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $gSelector = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(25, 10, 130, 7*16, $TVS_CHECKBOXES) Global $iIndex2 For $iIndex2 = 0 To 6 $agItem[$iIndex2] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($aChoices[$iIndex2], $gSelector) Next GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW, $gSelector) $gLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "Choices=", 20, 130, 130) $gOk = GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK", 20, 180-30, 60) ; add the button that will close the GUI GUICtrlSetResizing ($gOk,$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKSIZE+$GUI_DOCKVCENTER) GUICtrlSetState($gOk, $GUI_DISABLE) $gCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Annuler", 100, 180-30, 60) ; add the button that will close the GUI GUICtrlSetResizing ($gCancel,$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKSIZE+$GUI_DOCKVCENTER) GUICtrlSetState($gCancel, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) GUISetState() $iState = 0 $iChoices = 0 While 1 $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case ($iMsg = $gCancel) Or ($iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE) $sDomainName = "" $iChoices = -1 ExitLoop Case $iMsg = $gOk GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $gSelector) If ($iChoices > 1) Then $iConfirm = MsgBox(36, "Confirmation", "Do you confirm your " & $iChoices & " choices?") Else $iConfirm = MsgBox(36, "Confirmation", "Do you confirm your choice?") EndIf If $iConfirm = 6 Then ExitLoop GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gSelector) Case Else For $iIndex2 = 0 To 6 If ($iMsg = $agItem[$iIndex2]) Then If (BitAND(GuiCtrlRead($agItem[$iIndex2]), $GUI_CHECKED)) Then GUICtrlSetState($gOk, $GUI_ENABLE) $iState = $iState + 2^$iIndex2 $iChoices = $iChoices + 1 Else $iState = $iState - 2^$iIndex2 $iChoices = $iChoices - 1 If ($iState = 0) Then GUICtrlSetState($gOk, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next EndSelect GUICtrlSetData ( $gLabel, "Choices=[" & $iChoices & "]") WEnd EndIf If ($iChoices < 0) Then MsgBox(0, "DEBUG", "Choices < 0!" & @CRLF & "Must have CANCEL / CLOSED...") ElseIf ($iChoices = 0) Then MsgBox(0, "DEBUG", "No selection!" & @CRLF & "How can that be?") Else For $iIndex2 = 0 To 6 If (BitAND($iState, 2^$iIndex2)) Then MsgBox(0, "DEBUG", "Selected: " & $aChoices[$iIndex2]) EndIf Next EndIf Exit