#include-once ; Error codes returned by BASSMOD_GetErrorCode() Global Const $BASS_OK = 0 ; all is OK Global Const $BASS_ERROR_MEM = 1 ; memory error Global Const $BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN = 2 ; can;t open the file Global Const $BASS_ERROR_DRIVER = 3 ; can;t find a free/valid driver Global Const $BASS_ERROR_HANDLE = 5 ; invalid handle Global Const $BASS_ERROR_FORMAT = 6 ; unsupported format Global Const $BASS_ERROR_POSITION = 7 ; invalid playback position Global Const $BASS_ERROR_INIT = 8 ; BASS_Init has not been successfully called Global Const $BASS_ERROR_ALREADY = 14 ; already initialized/loaded Global Const $BASS_ERROR_NOPAUSE = 16 ; not paused Global Const $BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE = 19 ; an illegal type was specified Global Const $BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM = 20 ; an illegal parameter was specified Global Const $BASS_ERROR_DEVICE = 23 ; illegal device number Global Const $BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY = 24 ; not playing Global Const $BASS_ERROR_NOMUSIC = 28 ; no MOD music has been loaded Global Const $BASS_ERROR_NOSYNC = 30 ; synchronizers have been disabled Global Const $BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL = 37 ; requested data is not available Global Const $BASS_ERROR_DECODE = 38 ; the channel is a "decoding channel" Global Const $BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM = 41 ; unsupported file format Global Const $BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN = -1 ; some other mystery error ; Device setup flags Global Const $BASS_DEVICE_8BITS = 1 ; use 8 bit resolution, else 16 bit Global Const $BASS_DEVICE_MONO = 2 ; use mono, else stereo Global Const $BASS_DEVICE_NOSYNC = 16 ; disable synchronizers ; Music flags Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_RAMP = 1 ; normal ramping Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_RAMPS = 2 ; sensitive ramping Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP = 4 ; loop music Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_FT2MOD = 16 ; play .MOD as FastTracker 2 does Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_PT1MOD = 32 ; play .MOD as ProTracker 1 does Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_POSRESET = 256 ; stop all notes when moving position Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_SURROUND = 512 ;surround sound Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_SURROUND2 = 1024 ;surround sound (mode 2) Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_STOPBACK = 2048 ;stop the music on a backwards jump effect Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_CALCLEN = 8192 ;calculate playback length Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_NONINTER = 16384 ; non-interpolated mixing Global Const $BASS_MUSIC_NOSAMPLE = 0x400000 ; don't load the samples Global Const $BASS_UNICODE = 0x80000000 ; BASSMOD_MusicIsActive return values Global Const $BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED = 0 Global Const $BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING = 1 Global Const $BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED = 3 ; Globals used to store information (don't do anything to them in your script!!) Global $__BASSMOD_SoundScaler = 1 Global $__BASSMOD_SoundFrequency = 44100 Global $__BASSMOD_SoundChannels = 2 Global $__BASSMOD_SoundBits = 2 Global $hBassModDLL = DllOpen(@ScriptDir & "\bassmod.dll") If $hBassModDLL = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "Error", 'The "BASSMOD.DLL" not found.' & @LF & _ 'Please place a "BASSMOD.DLL" in the current directory') Exit EndIf ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _Bassmod_Init ; Description.....: Initializes BASSMOD ; Syntax..........: _Bassmod_Init([$sDevice = -1[, $sFreq = 44100[, $sFlag = 0]]]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sDevice - [optional] The device to use... 0 = first, -1 = default, -2 = no sound, -3 = decode only ; $sFreq - [optional] Output sample rate (default is 44100) ; $sFlag - [optional] Any combination of these flags: $BASS_DEVICE_8BITS = Use 8 bit resolution, else 16 bit, ; + BASS_DEVICE_MONO = Use mono, else stereo, $BASS_DEVICE_NOSYNC = Disable synchronizers (default is 16 bit, ; + stereo, enable synchronizers) ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; Modified........: Alexander Samuelsson (aka AdmiralAlkex) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _Bassmod_Init($sDevice = -1, $sFreq = 44100, $sFlag = 0) If BitAND($sFlag, $BASS_DEVICE_MONO) = $BASS_DEVICE_MONO Then $_BASSMOD__SoundChannels = 1 If BitAND($sFlag, $BASS_DEVICE_8BITS) = $BASS_DEVICE_8BITS Then $_BASSMOD__SoundBits = 1 If $__BASSMOD_SoundFrequency <> 44100 Then $__BASSMOD_SoundFrequency = $sFreq Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_Init", "int", $sDevice, "dword", $sFreq, "dword", $sFlag) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_Bassmod_Init ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_GetDeviceDescription ; Description.....: Retrieves the text description of a device ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_GetDeviceDescription([$sDevice = -1]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sDevice - [optional] The device to use... 0 = first, -1 = default ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the text description of a device ; Failure - Returns the empty string (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_GetDeviceDescription($sDevice = -1) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "ptr", "BASSMOD_GetDeviceDescription", "int", $sDevice) Local $DevDescript = DllStructCreate("char[256]", $aRet[0]) Return DllStructGetData($DevDescript, 1) EndFunc ;==>BASSMOD_GetDeviceDescription ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_GetVersion ; Description.....: Retrieves the version number of the BASSMOD.DLL that is loaded ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_GetVersion() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: The BASSMOD version ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_GetVersion() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_GetVersion") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_GetVersion ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode ; Description.....: Retrieves the BASSMOD error code for the most recent BASSMOD function call ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: If no error occured during the last BASSMOD function call then BASS_OK is returned ; If error occured one of the BASS_ERROR values is returned ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_GetCPU ; Description.....: Retrieves the current CPU usage of BASSMOD ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_GetCPU() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: The BASSMOD CPU usage as a percentage of total CPU time ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_GetCPU() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "float", "BASSMOD_GetCPU") Return Round($aRet[0], 2) EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_GetCPU ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_SetVolume ; Description.....: Sets the digital output master volume ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_SetVolume([$sVolLevel = 100]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sVolLevel - [optional] The volume level... 0 (min) - 100 (max), default is 100 ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_SetVolume($sVolLevel = 100) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_SetVolume", "int", $sVolLevel) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_SetVolume ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_GetVolume ; Description.....: Retrieves the current volume level ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_GetVolume() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the volume level ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_GetVolume() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_GetVolume") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_GetVolume ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_Free ; Description.....: Frees all resources used by the digital output, including the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_Free() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: None ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_Free() DllCall($hBassModDLL, "none", "BASSMOD_Free") EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_Free ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicLoad ; Description.....: Loads a MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicLoad($sFile[, $sFlag = $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sFile - Filename ; $sFlag - [optional] A combination of flags, default is $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicLoad($sFile, $sFlag = $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP) Local $FileBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[256]") DllStructSetData($FileBuffer, 1, $sFile) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicLoad", "int", False, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FileBuffer), "int", 0, _ "int", 0, "int", $sFlag) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicLoad ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicPlay ; Description.....: Plays the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicPlay() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicPlay() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicPlay") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>BASSMOD_MusicPlay ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicPlayEx ; Description.....: Plays the MOD music, using the specified start position and flags ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicPlayEx([$sPos = 0[, $sFlag = $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP[, $sReset = False]]]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sPos - [optional] Position to start playback from (in second), default is 0 ; $sFlag - [optional] A combination of flags, default is $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP ; $sReset - [optional] Stop all playing notes and reset BPM, default is False ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicPlayEx($sPos = 0, $sFlag = $BASS_MUSIC_LOOP, $sReset = False) If $sPos Then $sPos = BitOR(BitAND($sPos, 0xFFFF), BitShift(0xFFFF, -16)) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicPlayEx", "int", $sPos, "int", $sFlag, "int", $sReset) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>BASSMOD_MusicPlayEx ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicPause ; Description.....: Pauses the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicPause() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicPause() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicPause") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicPause ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicStop ; Description.....: Stops the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicStop() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicStop() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicStop") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicStop ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition ; Description.....: Retrieves the playback position of the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Array with the following format: ; |$aPos[0] - Current order ; |$aPos[1] - Current row ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; Modified........: Alexander Samuelsson (aka AdmiralAlkex) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "dword", "BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition"), $aPos[2] $aPos[0] = BitAND($aRet[0], 0xFFFF) $aPos[1] = BitShift($aRet[0] / $__BASSMOD_SoundScaler, 16) Return $aPos EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicGetLength ; Description.....: Retrieves the length of the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicGetLength([$sFlag = False]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sFlag - [optional] Sort of length to get... False = the order length, True = millisecond ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the music's length ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2, for more info see the help file ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; Modified........: Alexander Samuelsson (aka AdmiralAlkex) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicGetLength($sFlag = False) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicGetLength", "int", $sFlag) If $sFlag = True Then Return $aRet[0] / ($__BASSMOD_SoundFrequency * $__BASSMOD_SoundBits * $__BASSMOD_SoundChannels) ElseIf $sFlag = False Then Return $aRet[0] EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicGetLength ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicGetName ; Description.....: Retrieves the MOD music's name ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicGetName() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the music's name ; Failure - Returns empty string (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicGetName() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "ptr", "BASSMOD_MusicGetName") If Not $aRet[0] Then Return 0 Local $MusicName = DllStructCreate("char[256]", $aRet[0]) Return DllStructGetData($MusicName, 1) EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicGetName ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume ; Description.....: Retrieves the volume level of a channel or instrument in a MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume([$sChan = 0[, $sInst = 0]]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sChan - [optional] If the $sInst is 0, then the $sChan is a channel number (0 = 1st channel) ; $sInst - [optional] If the $sInst is 1, then the $sChan is an instrument number (0 = 1st instument) ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the requested volume level ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume($sChan = 0, $sInst = 0) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume", "int", BitOR(BitAND($sChan, 0xFFFF), BitShift($sInst, -16))) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicSetVolume ; Description.....: Sets the volume level of a channel or instrument in a MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicSetVolume([$sChan = 0[, $sInst = 0[, $sVolLevel = 100]]]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sChan - [optional] If the $sInst is 0, then the $sChan is a channel number (0 = 1st channel) ; $sInst - [optional] If the $sInst is 1, then the $sChan is an instrument number (0 = 1st instument) ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicSetVolume($sChan = 0, $sInst = 0, $sVolLevel = 100) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetVolume", "int", BitOR(BitAND($sChan, 0xFFFF), BitShift($sInst, -16)), "int", $sVolLevel) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicSetVolume ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicSetAmplify ; Description.....: Sets the MOD music's amplification level ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicSetAmplify([$sVolLevel = 100]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sVolLevel - [optional] Amplification level 0 (min) - 100 (max) the default when a MOD music is loaded is 50 ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicSetAmplify($sVolLevel = 100) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetAmplify", "int", $sVolLevel) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicSetAmplify ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition ; Description.....: Sets the playback position of the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition([$sPos = 0]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sPos - [optional] ; |If array: Position in order [0] and row [1] ; |If not array: Position in seconds ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; Modified........: Alexander Samuelsson (aka AdmiralAlkex) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition($sPos = 0) If IsArray($sPos) Then Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition", "int", BitOR(BitAND($sPos[0], 0xFFFF), BitShift($sPos[1], -16))) Else Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition", "int", BitOR(BitAND($sPos, 0xFFFF), BitShift(0xFFFF, -16))) EndIf Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicSetPosition ; #FUNCTION# ================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPanSep ; Description.....: Sets the MOD music's pan seperation level ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPanSep([$sSep = 100]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sSep - [optional] Pan seperation 0 (min) - 100 (max), 50 = linear (default when a MOD music is loaded) ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicSetPanSep($sSep = 100) Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetPanSep", "int", $sSep) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicSetPanSep ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPositionScaler ; Description.....: Sets the MOD music's _BASSMOD_MusicGetPosition() scaler ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicSetPositionScaler([$sScale = 1]) ; Parameter(s)....: $sScale - [optional] The scaler... 1 (min) - 256 (max)... the default when a MOD music is loaded is 1 ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns True ; Failure - Returns False (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2, for more info see a help file ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; Modified........: Alexander Samuelsson (aka AdmiralAlkex) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicSetPositionScaler($sScale = 1) $__BASSMOD_SoundScaler = $sScale Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicSetPositionScaler", "int", $sScale) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicSetPositionScaler ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicEnumChannel ; Description.....: Count the number of channels in a MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicEnumChannel() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the number of channels ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicEnumChannel() Local $aRet, $iCount = 0 Do $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume", "int", BitOR(BitAND($iCount, 0xFFFF), BitShift(0, -16))) $iCount += 1 Until $aRet[0] = -1 Return $iCount - 1 EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicEnumChannel ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicEnumInstrument ; Description.....: Count the number of instruments in a MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicEnumInstrument() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the number of channels ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicEnumInstrument() Local $aRet, $iCount = 0 Do $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicGetVolume", "int", BitOR(BitAND($iCount, 0xFFFF), BitShift(1, -16))) $iCount += 1 Until $aRet[0] = -1 Return $iCount - 1 EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicEnumInstrument ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicIsActive ; Description.....: Checks if the MOD music is active (playing) ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicIsActive() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: $BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED - The MOD music is not active ; $BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING - The MOD music is playing ; $BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED - The MOD music is paused ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2, for more info see a help file ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicIsActive() Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicIsActive") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicIsActive ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicDecode ; Description.....: Gets decoded sample data from the MOD music ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicDecode() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: Success - Returns the number of bytes actually decoded ; Failure - Returns -1 (Use _BASSMOD_ErrorGetCode to get the error code) ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2, for more info see a help file ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicDecode() Local $tBUFFER = DllStructCreate("ubyte[1000]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hBassModDLL, "int", "BASSMOD_MusicDecode", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBUFFER), "int", 1000) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_BASSMOD_MusicDecode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================================================== ; Name............: _BASSMOD_MusicFree ; Description.....: Frees the MOD music's resources ; Syntax..........: _BASSMOD_MusicFree() ; Parameter(s)....: None ; Return value(s).: None ; Note(s).........: Tested on AutoIt and Windows XP SP2 ; Author(s).......: R.Gilman (a.k.a. rasim) ; ============================================================================================================== Func _BASSMOD_MusicFree() DllCall($hBassModDLL, "none", "BASSMOD_MusicFree") EndFunc ;==>BASSMOD_MusicFree Func OnAutoItExit() If $hBassModDLL <> -1 Then DllClose($hBassModDLL) EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit