#CS -- About ---------------------------- SciTE UDF Control & Get Info 20 September 2010 By : Ashalshaikh --> Ahmad Alshaikh Two Functions By : Snippet Holder Authors -- Functions ------------------------ ## General :- _SciTEWinGetEditId _SciTEWinGetHandle _SciTESave _SciTE_Send_Command --> By : Snippet Holder Authors _SciTEGetEditPos _SciTEFind ## File :- _SciTEIsFileSaved _SciTEIsFileOpened _SciTEGetCorrentFile ## Tabs :- _SciTETabCommand _SciTETabsCount _SciTECorrentTabNum ## Edit Control :- _SciTEEditSend _SciTEEditCommand _SciTEGoToLine _SciTEInsertText --> By : Snippet Holder Authors _SciTEEditGetCurrentLine _SciTEEditGetCurrentCol #CE ------------------------------------- #include ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;### General ------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _SciTEWinGetEditId() Return 'Scintilla1' EndFunc ;==>_SciTEWinGetEditId Func _SciTEWinGetHandle() Return WinGetHandle("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "") EndFunc ;==>_SciTEWinGetHandle #CS ;~ _SciTE_Send_Command($sCmd) ;~ $sCmd : http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDirector.html ;- Example:- ;~ _SciTE_Send_Command(find:string) ;~ By Snippet Holder #CE Func _SciTE_Send_Command($sCmd) Local $Scite_hwnd = WinGetHandle("DirectorExtension") Local $CmdStruct = DllStructCreate('Char[' & StringLen($sCmd) + 1 & ']') If @error Then Return DllStructSetData($CmdStruct, 1, $sCmd) Local $COPYDATA = DllStructCreate('Ptr;DWord;Ptr') DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 1, 1) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sCmd) + 1) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($CmdStruct)) Local $sss = _SendMessage($Scite_hwnd, 0x004A, 0, DllStructGetPtr($COPYDATA), 0, "hwnd", "ptr") $CmdStruct = 0 Return $sss EndFunc ;==>_SciTE_Send_Command Func _SciTESave() Local $Scite_hwnd = _SciTEWinGetHandle() Do WinActivate($Scite_hwnd, '') Until WinActive($Scite_hwnd) <> 0 Send('^s') EndFunc ;==>_SciTESave ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;### File --------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _SciTEGetCorrentFile() Local $tTitle = WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()) Local $tSplitBy = '*' If StringInStr($tTitle, 'Untitled') Then SetError(2) ; No File Return '' EndIf If StringInStr($tTitle, '- SciTE') Then $tSplitBy = '-' Local $SS = StringSplit($tTitle, $tSplitBy) If StringRight($SS[1], 1) = ' ' Then $SS[1] = StringTrimRight($SS[1], 1) If FileExists($SS[1]) Then Return $SS[1] Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEGetCorrentFile Func _SciTEIsFileSaved() Local $tmp = StringInStr(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), '*') If Not @error Then $tmp = 1 Return $tmp EndFunc ;==>_SciTEIsFileSaved Func _SciTEIsFileOpened() Local $tmp = StringInStr(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), 'Untitled') If Not @error Then $tmp = 1 Return $tmp EndFunc ;==>_SciTEIsFileOpened ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;### Tabs --------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------ #CS Sends a command to a Tab You can use :- "CurrentTab", "" Returns the current Tab shown of a SysTabControl32 "TabRight", "" Moves to the next tab to the right of a SysTabControl32 "TabLeft", "" Moves to the next tab to the left of a SysTabControl32 #CE Func _SciTETabCommand($command) Return ControlCommand(_SciTEWinGetHandle(), "", 'SciTeTabCtrl1', $command) EndFunc ;==>_SciTETabCommand Func _SciTETabsCount() If StringInStr(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), ']') Then Local $SS = StringSplit(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), " ") Return StringTrimRight($SS[$SS[0]], 1) Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SciTETabsCount Func _SciTECorrentTabNum() If StringInStr(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), '[') Then Local $SS = StringSplit(WinGetTitle(_SciTEWinGetHandle()), "[") Local $tSS = StringSplit($SS[2], ' ') Return $tSS[1] Else Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SciTECorrentTabNum ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;### Tabs --------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _SciTEGetEditPos() Local $PosSciTE = WinGetPos(_SciTEWinGetHandle()) Local $PosSciTEEdt = ControlGetPos(_SciTEWinGetHandle(), "", _SciTEWinGetEditId()) Local $returnArr[4] $returnArr[0] = $PosSciTEEdt[0] + $PosSciTE[0] $returnArr[1] = $PosSciTEEdt[1] + $PosSciTE[1] + 50 $returnArr[2] = $PosSciTEEdt[2] $returnArr[3] = $PosSciTEEdt[3] Return $returnArr EndFunc ;==>_SciTEGetEditPos Func _SciTEEditSend($String) Return ControlSend(_SciTEWinGetHandle(), "", _SciTEWinGetEditId(), $String) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEEditSend #CS Sends a command to a Edit You Can use :- "GetCurrentLine", "" Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit "GetCurrentCol", "" Returns the column # where the caret is in an Edit "GetCurrentSelection", "" Returns name of the currently selected item in a ListBox or ComboBox "GetLineCount", "" Returns # of lines in an Edit "GetLine", line# Returns text at line # passed of an Edit "GetSelected", "" Returns selected text of an Edit #CE Func _SciTEEditCommand($command, $opt = '') Return ControlCommand(_SciTEWinGetHandle(), "", _SciTEWinGetEditId(), $command, $opt) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEEditCommand Func _SciTEFind($String) _SciTE_Send_Command("find:" & $String) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEFind Func _SciTEGoToLine($LineN) _SciTE_Send_Command("goto:" & $LineN) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEGoToLine Func _SciTEInsertText($DataToInsert) Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) $DataToInsert = StringReplace($DataToInsert, "\", "\\") $DataToInsert = StringReplace($DataToInsert, @TAB, "\t") $DataToInsert = StringReplace($DataToInsert, @CRLF, "\r\n") _SciTE_Send_Command("insert:" & $DataToInsert) EndFunc ;==>_SciTEInsertText