#RequireAdmin #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #Include #include #Include #Include #Include #include #include Break(0) Opt("TrayAutoPause",0) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) FileInstall("dvbs-de.lng", @TempDir & "\dvbs-de.lng", 1) FileInstall("dvbs-en.lng", @TempDir & "\dvbs-en.lng", 1) if StringInStr("0409 0809 0c09 1009 1409 1809 1c09 2009 2409 2809 2c09 3009 3409", @OSLang) then $language = "english" $langcfg = "en" Dim $interface _FileReadToArray(@TempDir & "\dvbs-"&StringLeft($language, 2)&".lng",$interface) else $language = "deutsch" $langcfg = "" Dim $interface _FileReadToArray(@TempDir & "\dvbs-"&StringLeft($language, 2)&".lng",$interface) endif SplashTextOn("LiveSnap", @CRLF & $interface[1], 250, 80);initialisieren start FileInstall("a2.jpg", @TempDir & "\a2.jpg", 1) FileInstall("leer.jpg", @TempDir & "\leer.jpg", 1) FileInstall("oben.jpg", @TempDir & "\oben.jpg", 1) FileInstall("unten.jpg", @TempDir & "\unten.jpg", 1) FileInstall("links.jpg", @TempDir & "\links.jpg", 1) FileInstall("rechts.jpg", @TempDir & "\rechts.jpg", 1) FileInstall("rota0.jpg", @TempDir & "\rota0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("rotal.jpg", @TempDir & "\rotal.jpg", 1) FileInstall("rotar.jpg", @TempDir & "\rotar.jpg", 1) FileInstall("rota0.jpg", @TempDir & "\draw0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("draw.jpg", @TempDir & "\draw.jpg", 1) FileInstall("bold0.jpg", @TempDir & "\bold0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("bold1.jpg", @TempDir & "\bold1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("ital0.jpg", @TempDir & "\ital0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("ital1.jpg", @TempDir & "\ital1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("under0.jpg", @TempDir & "\under0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("under1.jpg", @TempDir & "\under1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("strike0.jpg", @TempDir & "\strike0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("strike1.jpg", @TempDir & "\strike1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("left1.jpg", @TempDir & "\left1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("center1.jpg", @TempDir & "\center1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("right1.jpg", @TempDir & "\right1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("trans1.jpg", @TempDir & "\trans1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("white1.jpg", @TempDir & "\white1.jpg", 1) FileInstall("fonts.txt", @TempDir & "\fonts.txt", 1) FileInstall("irfaneffekte.txt", @TempDir & "\irfaneffekte.txt", 1) FileInstall("sprech.png", @TempDir & "\sprech.png", 1) FileInstall("denk.png", @TempDir & "\denk.png", 1) FileInstall("laut.png", @TempDir & "\laut.png", 1) FileInstall("smilemap.jpg", @TempDir & "\smilemap.jpg", 1) FileInstall("smile31.png", @TempDir & "\smile31.png", 1) FileInstall("smile32.png", @TempDir & "\smile32.png", 1) FileInstall("smile33.png", @TempDir & "\smile33.png", 1) FileInstall("smile34.png", @TempDir & "\smile34.png", 1) FileInstall("smile35.png", @TempDir & "\smile35.png", 1) FileInstall("smile36.png", @TempDir & "\smile36.png", 1) FileInstall("smile37.png", @TempDir & "\smile37.png", 1) FileInstall("smile38.png", @TempDir & "\smile38.png", 1) FileInstall("smile39.png", @TempDir & "\smile39.png", 1) FileInstall("smile40.png", @TempDir & "\smile40.png", 1) FileInstall("smile41.png", @TempDir & "\smile41.png", 1) FileInstall("smile42.png", @TempDir & "\smile42.png", 1) FileInstall("smile1.png", @TempDir & "\smile1.png", 1) FileInstall("smile2.png", @TempDir & "\smile2.png", 1) FileInstall("smile3.png", @TempDir & "\smile3.png", 1) FileInstall("smile4.png", @TempDir & "\smile4.png", 1) FileInstall("smile5.png", @TempDir & "\smile5.png", 1) FileInstall("smile6.png", @TempDir & "\smile6.png", 1) FileInstall("smile7.png", @TempDir & "\smile7.png", 1) FileInstall("smile8.png", @TempDir & "\smile8.png", 1) FileInstall("smile9.png", @TempDir & "\smile9.png", 1) FileInstall("smile10.png", @TempDir & "\smile10.png", 1) FileInstall("smile11.png", @TempDir & "\smile11.png", 1) FileInstall("smile12.png", @TempDir & "\smile12.png", 1) FileInstall("smile13.png", @TempDir & "\smile13.png", 1) FileInstall("smile14.png", @TempDir & "\smile14.png", 1) FileInstall("smile15.png", @TempDir & "\smile15.png", 1) FileInstall("smile16.png", @TempDir & "\smile16.png", 1) FileInstall("smile17.png", @TempDir & "\smile17.png", 1) FileInstall("smile18.png", @TempDir & "\smile18.png", 1) FileInstall("smile19.png", @TempDir & "\smile19.png", 1) FileInstall("smile20.png", @TempDir & "\smile20.png", 1) FileInstall("smile21.png", @TempDir & "\smile21.png", 1) FileInstall("smile22.png", @TempDir & "\smile22.png", 1) FileInstall("smile23.png", @TempDir & "\smile23.png", 1) FileInstall("smile24.png", @TempDir & "\smile24.png", 1) FileInstall("smile25.png", @TempDir & "\smile25.png", 1) FileInstall("smile26.png", @TempDir & "\smile26.png", 1) FileInstall("smile27.png", @TempDir & "\smile27.png", 1) FileInstall("smile28.png", @TempDir & "\smile28.png", 1) FileInstall("smile29.png", @TempDir & "\smile29.png", 1) FileInstall("smile30.png", @TempDir & "\smile30.png", 1) FileInstall("smile43.png", @TempDir & "\smile43.png", 1) FileInstall("smile44.png", @TempDir & "\smile44.png", 1) FileInstall("smile45.png", @TempDir & "\smile45.png", 1) FileInstall("smile46.png", @TempDir & "\smile46.png", 1) FileInstall("smile47.jpg", @TempDir & "\smile47.jpg", 1) FileInstall("smile48.jpg", @TempDir & "\smile48.jpg", 1) FileInstall("i_view32.exe", @TempDir & "\i_view32.exe", 1) FileInstall("i_view32.ini", @TempDir & "\\i_view32.ini", 1) DirCreate(@TempDir & "\plugins") FileInstall("Effects.dll", @TempDir & "\plugins\Effects.dll", 1) FileInstall("irf0.jpg", @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("colorbar.jpg", @TempDir & "\colorbar.jpg", 1) FileInstall("dummy", @TempDir & "\_curlrc", 1) FileInstall("curl.exe", @TempDir & "\curl.exe", 1) $datei2 = @TempDir & "\09876.jpg" $datei3 = @TempDir & "\09876org.jpg" Opt ("TrayIconHide", 1) Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) Global $irfan, $wmark, $filter, $gui2, $orglink, $weck, $charslab, $htmlog, $htmclip, $4log, $tvi, $tvi2, $oForm, $buchlist, $total, $psiz, $rtl2, $iofftb, $c14c, $streamok1 Global $ioffdate, $total, $active, $sound, $apt, $updat, $snip, $shack, $size, $precurl, $newcurl, $buch, $vlcs1, $vlcs2, $bra1, $bra2, $cfgstatus, $siz1, $siz2, $st, $schild Global $stg, $bbctok, $ldi, $waiting, $tempi, $active, $wtrans, $c32, $datei2, $skb, $file, $chars, $result, $res2, $show, $list, $ontop, $typ4, $xo, $yo Global $4c2, $php, $iy, $wmt, $i, $fs2, $php1, $php2, $fb, $buchcount, $buchopt, $ip, $childp, $irfil, $ig11, $ig12, $checklog, $cl2, $d1, $d2, $d3, $wecker, $c16, $c15 Global $weckstunde, $weckminute, $s2, $pretv1, $cov, $x, $y, $datei4pre, $datei4cnt, $4c1, $oSubmit, $otitle, $oQuery, $download, $zoom, $tvswitch, $spontan, $bra1a Global $vwsiz, $opt2, $top, $log, $opt3, $opt4, $col, $opt5, $br1, $br2, $thread, $log2, $ttit, $buch0, $plus, $hash, $aps, $ios, $iou, $GUI_2, $schutzx, $schutzy, $a_font, $32s1 = 22, $32s2 = 20, $32s3 = 16, $cstm2 = @TempDir & "\a.jpg" Global $bereich0, $bereich2, $bereich, $GUI_2, $s_left, $s_top, $s_width, $s_height, $xlclose, $irfanclose, $setupclose, $vlcs2, $vlcs3, $vlcs4, $xdraw, $cr, $draw4s, $draw7s, $xt, $32c1 = "16777215", $32c2 = "0", $32c3 = "16777215", $32c4 = "5592405" global $drawhelpclose, $reactive, $prephp1, $prephp2, $sleepwake, $rota, $datealt, $mo_left, $mo_top, $mo_width, $mo_height, $lsx[2]=[-1, 0], $lsy[2]=[0, 0], $lsx0[2]=[-1, 0], $lsy0[2]=[0, 0], $lsx2[2]=[-1, 0], $lsy2[2]=[0, 0] $maingui = GuiCreate("LiveSnap compact", 305, 135) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Quit") $streamint = 0 $opt3 = "abload.de" $preurl = "" $posturl = "" $snip = GuiCtrlCreateButton("", 38, 4, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetData($snip, "Desktop") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($snip, "_snip") $shack = GuiCtrlCreateButton("", 38, 30, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetData($shack, $interface[9]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($shack, "_shack") $c07p = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\rota0.jpg", 12, 60, 16, 16);GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 4, 90, 15, 15, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetTip ( $c07p, $interface[181]) $c07r = "" GUICtrlSetOnEvent($c07p, "_rotsw") $c14ico = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\draw0.jpg", 30, 60, 16, 16);GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("", 20, 90, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetTip ( $c14ico, $interface[180]) $c14a = "" GUICtrlSetOnEvent($c14ico, "_drawico") $c09 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($interface[29], 217, 116, 90, 14, $SS_CENTER);bereit anzeige GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) $c08 = GUICtrlCreatelabel ("", 3, 115, 213, 17, $SS_SUNKEN+$SS_CENTER);url anzeige GUICtrlSetbkColor(-1,0xe0e0e0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_directurl") $c210 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\oben.jpg", 152, 3, 150, 4) $c211 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\unten.jpg", 152, 84, 150, 4) $c212 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\links.jpg", 152, 7, 4, 77) $c213 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\rechts.jpg", 298, 7, 4, 77) $c21 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\a2.jpg", 156, 7, 142, 77) $c23 = GuiCtrlCreateinput($size, 55, 60, 30, 17, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit (-1, 4) GUICtrlSetTip ( $c23, $interface[192]) $c24 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ($interface[34], 125, 90, 176, 17, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"[img]URL[/img]|HTML", $opt2) $cl2 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("abload.de", 2, 90, 120, 10, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"imagebanana.com|imageshack.us|img-teufel.de|directupload.net|pic-upload.de", $opt3) $c44 = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Filter", 90, 60, 50, 18) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($c44, "_irf00") $dialog = @WindowsDir & "\" SplashOff() GuiSetState(@sw_show, $maingui) $hi = WinGetHandle ("[ACTIVE]") $drawhelpgui = GuiCreate("LiveSnap Symbole", 595, 390, -1, -1);drawhelp start GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_drawhelp") $smile = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\smilemap.jpg", 0, 0, 595, 390) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 10, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 10, 15, 15) $radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 10, 15, 15) $radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 10, 15, 15) $radio5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 10, 15, 15) $radio6 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 70, 15, 15) $radio7 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 70, 15, 15) $radio8 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 70, 15, 15) $radio9 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 70, 15, 15) $radio10 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 70, 15, 15) $radio11 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 140, 15, 15) $radio12 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 140, 15, 15) $radio13 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 140, 15, 15) $radio14 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 140, 15, 15) $radio15 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 140, 15, 15) $radio16 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 200, 15, 15) $radio17 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 200, 15, 15) $radio18 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 200, 15, 15) $radio19 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 200, 15, 15) $radio20 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 200, 15, 15) $radio21 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 260, 15, 15) $radio22 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 260, 15, 15) $radio23 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 260, 15, 15) $radio24 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 260, 15, 15) $radio25 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 260, 15, 15) $radio26 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 10, 325, 15, 15) $radio27 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 80, 325, 15, 15) $radio28 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 150, 325, 15, 15) $radio29 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 325, 15, 15) $radio30 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 290, 325, 15, 15) $radio31 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 10, 15, 15) $radio32 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 70, 15, 15) $radio33 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 140, 15, 15) $radio34 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 200, 15, 15) $radio35 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 260, 15, 15) $radio36 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 370, 325, 15, 15) $radio37 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 10, 15, 15) $radio38 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 70, 15, 15) $radio39 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 140, 15, 15) $radio40 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 200, 15, 15) $radio41 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 260, 15, 15) $radio42 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 325, 15, 15) $radio43 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 10, 15, 15) $radio44 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 70, 15, 15) $radio45 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 140, 15, 15) $radio46 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 200, 15, 15) $radio47a = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\smile47.jpg", 525, 265, 68, 58) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $radio47 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 260, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_indi2") $radio48a = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\smile48.jpg", 525, 330, 68, 58) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $radio48 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 520, 325, 15, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_indi") for $i = $radio1 to $radio46 GUICtrlSetOnEvent($i, "_reindi") next Func _drawhelp() GuiSetState(@sw_hide, $drawhelpgui) endfunc;drawhelp ende $irfangui = GUICreate($interface[53], 280, 510);filter start GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_irf0") GUISetBkColor(0xC8E6F7) $c70 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[54], 5, 185, 75, 15) $c71 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 185, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf1") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 99, 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 1) $c72 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[55], 5, 210, 75, 15) $c73 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 210, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf1") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 127, -127) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) $c74 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[56], 5, 230, 75, 15) $c75 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 230, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf1") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 255, -255) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) $c76 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Gamma: 1", 5, 250, 75, 15) $c77 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 250, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf1") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 699, 1) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 100) $c78 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("reset", 5, 160, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf5") $c79 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\irf0.jpg", 7, 17, 265, 134) $c80 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\irf0.jpg", 7, 365, 265, 134) $c81 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($interface[57], 110, 160, 65, 20) $c82 = GUICtrlCreateGroup($interface[58], 3, 1, 274, 155) DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", "", "wstr", "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) $c83 = GUICtrlCreateGroup($interface[59], 3, 349, 274, 155) DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", "", "wstr", "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) $c84 = GuiCtrlCreateButton($interface[60], 235, 160, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf6") $c87 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[61], 5, 270, 75, 15) $c88 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 270, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf8") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 255, -255) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) $c89 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[62], 5, 290, 75, 15) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xc00000) $c90 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 290, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf8") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 255, -255) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) $c91 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[63], 5, 310, 75, 15) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) $c92 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 310, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf8") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 255, -255) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) $c93 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($interface[64], 5, 330, 75, 15) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000c0) $c94 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(85, 330, 190, 15) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_irf8") GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 255, -255) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 0) _irf8();filter ende global $spontan = 0, $schutz = 0, $leave = 0, $xys[2], $hidraw, $aInfo[4], $tt, $tt0[2], $tt1[2], $message, $insym = 0, $temptip = "" $fastx = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(78) $fasty = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(79) func repic($rp) GUISwitch($maingui) GUICtrlDelete($c21) $c21 = GUICtrlCreatePic ($rp, 156, 7, 142, 77) endfunc While 1 sleep(20) If stringinstr (GUICtrlRead($snip), "Cancel") > 0 Then if $waiting = 0 Then _dis() WinSetState ($hi, "", @SW_ENABLE ) _area($snip, "Cancel", $i, $i, $i, $i) GUIDelete($GUI_2) if $s_width > 5 and $s_height > 5 then $hBitmap = _ScreenCapture_Capture($datei2, $s_left, $s_top, $s_left+$s_width, $s_top+$s_height, false) repic($datei2) Run (FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei2 & " /info=" & FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") endif $streamok1 = "pre" _rota() _plusinfo() $vwsiz = "reset" GUICtrlSetState ($snip, $GUI_ENABLE) If FileExists($datei2) Then if $c14a = 1 then _draw() If FileExists($datei2) Then _wmark($siz2) GUICtrlSetState ($snip, $GUI_ENABLE) _d2() If FileExists (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") Then if GUICtrlRead($c81) <> 1 then _load($snip) if GUICtrlRead($c81) = 1 then GUICtrlSetState ($c81, $GUI_UNCHECKED) else _lableer() endif endif Else GUICtrlSetState ($snip, $GUI_DISABLE) repic(@TempDir & "\a2.jpg") EndIf GUICtrlSetColor($c09, 0x008000) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[29]) _en() $waiting = 0 WinActivate ($hi, $interface[29]) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($snip, "Desktop") endif If stringinstr (GUICtrlRead($shack), "Cancel") > 0 Then if $waiting = 0 Then $typ = "..jpg" $fehler = 0 $quest = 0 _dis() if $datei4cnt = 0 then $datei4pre = FileOpenDialog("Browse...", $dialog, "Images (*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp;*.tif)", 1 + 2 + 4) $datei4cnt = 1 $4c1 = 1 $4c2 = StringLeft ($datei4pre, stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|") - 1) & "\" $datei4pre = StringTrimLeft ($datei4pre, stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|")) endif while $4c1 > 0 if stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|", 0, 1, $4c1) > 0 then $datei4cnt += 1 $4c1 = stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|", 0, 1, $4c1) + 1 else $4c1 = 0 endif wend if $datei4cnt = 1 then $datei4 = $4c2 & $datei4pre if stringleft ($datei4, 1) = "\" then $datei4 = stringtrimleft ($datei4, 1) else $datei4 = $4c2 & StringLeft ($datei4pre, stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|") - 1) $datei4pre = StringTrimLeft ($datei4pre, stringinstr ($datei4pre, "|")) endif GUICtrlSetData($shack, "Cancel (" & $datei4cnt & ")") $dialog = StringLeft($datei4, StringInStr ($datei4, "\", 0, -1)) $typ4 = StringRight ($datei4, 3) $4log = $datei4 If @error Then $fehler = 0 elseif $typ4 <> "bmp" AND $typ4 <> "tif" AND $typ4 <> "jpg" AND $typ4 <> "png" AND $typ4 <> "gif" AND $typ4 <> "" then if $datei4cnt = 1 then MsgBox(16,$interface[18], $interface[68]) $fehler=1 elseif StringLen ($datei4) > 0 then GUICtrlSetData ($c08, $datei4) if (StringLen ($datei4) - StringInStr ($datei4, "\", 0, -1)) > 20 OR StringInStr ($datei4, " ") > 0 then FileCopy ($datei4, @TempDir & "\ptmp." & $typ4, 1) $datei4 = @TempDir & "\ptmp." & $typ4 endif if StringLen (GUICtrlRead($c08)) = 0 then if $datei4cnt = 1 then MsgBox(16,$interface[18], $interface[69]) $datei4 = "" $fehler=1 endif else $fehler=1 EndIf if $fehler=0 then FileDelete (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei4 & " /silent /info=" & @TempDir & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\", @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") $vwsiz = "reset" if $typ4 = "gif" AND int(GUICtrlRead($c23)) = 0 then $streamok1 = "pre" _plusinfo() if $irfil = 1 then MsgBox(16,$interface[70], $interface[71]) $datei5 = $datei2 $datei2 = $datei4 _curl($datei2) repic($datei2) else Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei4 & " /silent /resample /convert=" & $datei2, FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") $streamok1 = "pre" _rota() _plusinfo() repic($datei2) $typ4 = "jpg" if $c14a = 1 then _draw() If FileExists($datei2) Then _wmark($siz2) endif GUICtrlSetState ($shack, $GUI_ENABLE) If FileExists($datei2) Then GUICtrlSetState ($shack, $GUI_ENABLE) $typ = ".jpg" _d2() If FileExists (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") Then if GUICtrlRead($c81) <> 1 then _load($shack) if GUICtrlRead($c81) = 1 then GUICtrlSetState ($c81, $GUI_UNCHECKED) else _lableer() endif endif if $typ4 = "gif" AND int(GUICtrlRead($c23)) = 0 then $datei2 = $datei5 _curl($datei2) endif GUICtrlSetColor($c09, 0x008000) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[29]) else $dialog = @WindowsDir & "\" _lableer() WinActivate ($hi, $interface[29]) EndIf $typ = StringRight ($datei2, 4) $datei4cnt -= 1 if $datei4cnt <= 0 Then $datei4cnt = 0 _en() endif $typ4 = "" $waiting = 0 $4log = 0 WinActivate ($hi, $interface[29]) EndIf if $datei4cnt = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($shack, $interface[9]) EndIf WEnd Func SystemEvents() Switch @GUI_CtrlId Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $leave = 1 Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN DllCall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hWnd", $xys,"int",$WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,"int", $HTCAPTION,"int", 0) Case $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN $tt0 = WinGetPos($hidraw) $tt1 = WinGetpos($xys) DllStructSetData($aInfo[0], 1, $tt1[0]-$tt0[0]-2) DllStructSetData($aInfo[0], 2, $tt1[1]-$tt0[1]-24) $leave = 1 EndSwitch EndFunc func _indi2() GUICtrlSetImage($radio48a, @TempDir & "\smile48.jpg") $insym = 0 Opt('MouseCoordMode', 1) _area($snip, "Desktop", $i, $i, $i, $i) Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2) GUIDelete($GUI_2) GUICtrlSetData($snip, "Cancel") if $s_width > 5 and $s_height > 5 then $hBitmap = _ScreenCapture_Capture(@TempDir & "\smile47a.jpg", $s_left, $s_top, $s_left+$s_width, $s_top+$s_height, false) Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & @TempDir & "\smile47a.jpg"&" /silent /resize=(68,58) /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\smile47b.jpg", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ( "i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") GUICtrlSetImage($radio47a, @TempDir & "\smile47b.jpg") $insym = @TempDir & "\smile47a.jpg" Else GUICtrlSetState($radio47, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($radio1, $GUI_CHECKED) _reindi() endif endfunc func _indi() GUICtrlSetImage($radio47a, @TempDir & "\smile47.jpg") $insym = 0 $insympre = FileOpenDialog("Browse...", $dialog, "Images (*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp;*.tif)", 1 + 2 + 4) $isc2 = StringLeft ($insympre, stringinstr ($insympre, "|") - 1) & "\" $insympre = StringTrimLeft ($insympre, stringinstr ($insympre, "|")) if stringinstr ($insympre, "|", 0, 1, 1) > 0 then $insym = $isc2 & StringLeft ($insympre, stringinstr ($insympre, "|") - 1) Else $insym = $isc2 & $insympre if stringleft ($insym, 1) = "\" then $insym = stringtrimleft ($insym, 1) endif $dialog = StringLeft($insym, StringInStr ($insym, "\", 0, -1)) if StringInStr("jpg|png|gif|bmp|tif", StringRight($insym, 3)) = 0 then GUICtrlSetState($radio48, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($radio1, $GUI_CHECKED) _reindi() Else Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $insym&" /silent /resize=(68,58) /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\smile48a.jpg", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") GUICtrlSetImage($radio48a, @TempDir & "\smile48a.jpg") endif endfunc func _reindi() GUICtrlSetImage($radio47a, @TempDir & "\smile47.jpg") GUICtrlSetImage($radio48a, @TempDir & "\smile48.jpg") $ii = 0 for $i = $radio1 to $radio46 $ii += 1 if GUICtrlread($i) = 1 then $insym = @TempDir & "\smile"&$ii&".png" next endfunc Func _drawico() if $c14a = "" then $c14a = 1 GUICtrlSetImage($c14ico, @TempDir & "\draw.jpg") ElseIf $c14a = 1 Then $c14a = "" GUICtrlSetImage($c14ico, @TempDir & "\draw0.jpg") endif endfunc func _rotsw();rotation start if $c07r = "" then $c07r = " /rotate_l" GUICtrlSetImage($c07p, @TempDir & "\rotal.jpg");GUICtrlSetData ($c07p, "L") elseif $c07r = " /rotate_l" then $c07r = " /rotate_r" GUICtrlSetImage($c07p, @TempDir & "\rotar.jpg");GUICtrlSetData ($c07p, "R") elseif $c07r = " /rotate_r" then $c07r = "" GUICtrlSetImage($c07p, @TempDir & "\rota0.jpg");GUICtrlSetData ($c07p, "") endif endfunc func _rota() if $c07r = " /rotate_l" or $c07r = " /rotate_r" then Run (FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe "&$datei2&$c07r&" /silent /resample /convert=" & $datei2& " /info=" & @TempDir & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ( "i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") repic($datei2) endif;rotation ende endfunc func _draw() Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2) Local $hGUI, $hWnd, $hGraphic, $hPen, $aPos[2], $aOldPos[2], $ieff, $bold = 400, $undo = 0, $redo = 0, $blastmp, $blastmpd $xt = 0 $yt = $y $xt = int(GUICtrlRead($c23)) if $xt > 0 then $streamok1 = "pre" Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei2&" /silent /resize=("& $xt &",0) /aspectratio /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp" & " /info=" & @TempDir & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ( "i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") _plusinfo() $yt = $y endif $dit = "" if $yt > $fasty-200 then $dit = "/resize=(0,"&$fasty-200&") /aspectratio" FileDelete (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") Run (FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe "&$datei2&$dit&" /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp" & " /info=" & FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists( "i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") $streamok1="pre" if $yt > $fasty-200 then _plusinfo() $dxw = $x $dyw = $y if $x < 600 then $dxw = 600 Dim $aRecords _FileReadToArray(@TempDir & "\fonts.txt",$aRecords) $hGUI = GUICreate("LiveSnap Paint ("&$x&" * "&$y&")", $dxw, $y+70) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $x, $y) $draw2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("upload", 550, $y+18, 45, 22) $draw3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 5, $y+10, 20, 20) $draw4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("2", 27, $y+10, 37, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) if StringLen($draw4s) = 0 then $draw4s = 2 GUICtrlSetData(-1, "4|6|8|10|12|14|16|18|20|22|24|26|28|30|32|34|36|38|40|42|44|46|48", $draw4s) if stringlen($cr) = 0 then $cr = "0x0080C0" GUICtrlSetBkColor($draw3, $cr) if StringLen($a_font) = 0 then $a_font = "Arial" $draw5 = GUICtrlCreatecombo("", 435, $y+43, 160, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST+$WS_VSCROLL) $message = "" for $i = 1 to $aRecords[0] $message &= $aRecords[$i]&"|" next GUICtrlSetData($draw5, $MESSAGE, $a_font) $sde = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 435, $y+2, 110, 2) Dim $aRecords $message = "" _FileReadToArray(@TempDir & "\irfaneffekte.txt",$aRecords) $draweffect = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 435, $y+18, 110, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) for $i = 1 to $aRecords[0] $message &= $aRecords[$i]&"|" next GUICtrlSetData($draweffect, $MESSAGE, $aRecords[1]) $drawhelp = GUICtrlCreateButton("i", 435, $y+2, 19, 15) $draw6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("|<<", 456, $y+2, 45, 15) $draw6a = GUICtrlCreateButton("reset", 503, $y+2, 45, 15) $draw6b = GUICtrlCreateButton(">>|", 550, $y+2, 45, 15) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6a, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6b, $GUI_DISABLE) if StringLen($draw7s) = 0 then $draw7s = $interface[162] $draw7 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 69, $y+10, 100, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST+$WS_VSCROLL) GUICtrlSetData($draw7, $interface[162]&"|"&$interface[163]&"|"&$interface[164]&"|"&$interface[165]&"|"&$interface[166]&"|"&$interface[167]&"|"&$interface[168]&"|"&$interface[169]&"|"&$interface[170]&"|"&$interface[171]&"|"&$interface[172], $draw7s);$interface[162]);$MESSAGE, $draw7s) GUICtrlSetTip ( $draw7, $interface[193]) $text1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\bold0.jpg", 5, $y+40, 23, 22) $text2 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\ital0.jpg", 30, $y+40, 25, 22) $text3 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\under0.jpg", 57, $y+40, 25, 22) $text4 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\strike0.jpg", 84, $y+40, 23, 22) $text5 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\left1.jpg", 117, $y+40, 25, 22) $tfeld = GUICtrlCreateedit("", -260, $y+5, 255,60) $text8 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\trans1.jpg", 146, $y+40, 22, 22) $text9 = GUICtrlCreatebutton ($interface[72], 174, $y+2, 255,68) GUICtrlSetFont($text9, $draw4s, $bold, 0, $a_font) GUICtrlSetColor($text9, $cr) if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Text" Then GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_DISABLE) endif $hWnd = WinGetHandle('LiveSnap Paint') GUISetState() $hidraw = WinGetHandle ("[ACTIVE]") _GDIPlus_Startup() $cr = StringReplace($cr, "0x", "0xff") $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hWnd) $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($cr, $draw4s, 2) $pPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($cr, $draw4s, 2) $kPen = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid($cr) $blase = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xffffffff) $hEndCap = _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate (3, 6) _GDIPlus_PenSetCustomEndCap ($pPen, $hEndCap) $i = 1 $text = 0 $fontalign = 0 $dthg = 0 $insym = @TempDir & "\smile1.png" Do sleep(20) if stringlen(GUICtrlRead($tfeld)) > 0 Then if GUICtrlGetState($draw4) = 80 then GUICtrlSetState($draw4, $GUI_DISABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draweffect) = 80 then GUICtrlSetState($draweffect, $GUI_DISABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draw7) = 80 then GUICtrlSetState($draw7, $GUI_DISABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draw5) = 80 then GUICtrlSetState($draw5, $GUI_DISABLE) Else if GUICtrlGetState($draw4) = 144 then GUICtrlSetState($draw4, $GUI_ENABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draweffect) = 144 then GUICtrlSetState($draweffect, $GUI_ENABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draw7) = 144 then GUICtrlSetState($draw7, $GUI_ENABLE) if GUICtrlGetState($draw5) = 144 then GUICtrlSetState($draw5, $GUI_ENABLE) endif $aPos = MouseGetPos() If _IsPressed(01) and WinActive($hidraw) and $aPos[0] >= 0 and $aPos[0] <= $x and $aPos[1] >= 0 and $aPos[1] <= $dyw Then GUISetState (@SW_DISABLE , $drawhelpgui) Local $starttime = _Timer_Init() $kreis = GUICtrlRead($draw4) For $i = $draw2 to $text9 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next GUISwitch($hidraw) $drawsec0 = GUICtrlCreatebutton("", 0, $dyw, $dxw, 70) $drawsec1 = GUICtrlCreatelabel("", $xo, 0, $dxw-$xo, $dyw) $aOldPos[0] = $aPos[0] $aOldPos[1] = $aPos[1] _GDIPlus_PenSetWidth($hPen, GUICtrlRead($draw4)) _GDIPlus_PenSetWidth($pPen, GUICtrlRead($draw4)) if StringInStr($interface[169]&"|"&$interface[170]&"|"&$interface[171]&"|Smiley", GUICtrlRead($draw7)) > 0 then if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[169] then $blase2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile (@TempDir & "\sprech.png") elseif GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[170] then $blase2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile (@TempDir & "\denk.png") elseif GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[171] then $blase2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile (@TempDir & "\laut.png") elseif GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Smiley" then $blase2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile ($insym) endif while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $blase2, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1]) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend if _Timer_Diff($starttime) > 300 then $tt0 = WinGetPos($hidraw) WinSetOnTop($hidraw, "", 1) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hidraw) Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) $guix = $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0] if $guix < 0 then $guix *= -1 $guiy = $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1] if $guiy < 0 then $guiy *= -1 $guiw = $aOldPos[0]+$tt0[0] if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] then $guiw = MouseGetPos(0)+$tt0[0] $guih = $aOldPos[1]+$tt0[1] if $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then $guih = MouseGetPos(1)+$tt0[1] $tt = GUICreate("temptext", $guix, $guiy, $guiw+3, $guih+25, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER,$WS_CLIPCHILDREN), $WS_EX_LAYERED+$WS_EX_TOPMOST) $guiw = 0 $guih = 0 if $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0] < 0 then $guiw = $guix if $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1] < 0 then $guih = $guiy GUISetBkColor(0x010101) GUISetState() $xys = WinGetHandle ("[ACTIVE]") _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes($xys, 0x010101) $tGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($xys) _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($tGraphic, $blase2, $guiw, $guih, $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1]) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "SystemEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, "SystemEvents") While Not $leave Sleep(10) WEnd $leave = 0 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($tGraphic) GUIDelete($tt) GUISwitch($hidraw) WinSetOnTop($hidraw, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hidraw) Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 0) GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) $guiw = $tt1[0]-$tt0[0]-2 $guih = $tt1[1]-$tt0[1]-24 if $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0] < 0 then $guiw -= ($aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0]) if $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1] < 0 then $guih -= ($aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1]) $blastmpd = $blase2 $i = 0 if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Smiley" and GUICtrlread($radio47) = 1 then $i = 1 if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Smiley" and GUICtrlread($radio48) = 1 and StringInStr("jpg|bmp|tif", StringRight($insym, 3)) = 1 then $i = 1 if $i = 1 then $blastmp = $insym ;/transpcolor=(r,g,b) Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $blastmp&" /silent /resize=("&$aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0]&","&$aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1]&") /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\blastmp.png", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists( "i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") $blastmpd = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile (@TempDir & "\blastmp.png") endif _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $blastmpd, $guiw, $guih, $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1]);$blase _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($blastmpd) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($blase2) endif endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[163] then while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawEllipse($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend $aPos = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawEllipse($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[164] then while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend $aPos = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[166] then while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $hPen) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend $aPos = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $hPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $hPen) endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[167] then while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $kPen) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend $aPos = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] < $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aPos[1], $aPos[0]-$aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] < $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aPos[1]-$aOldPos[1], $kPen) if $aOldPos[0] > $aPos[0] and $aOldPos[1] > $aPos[1] then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $aOldPos[0]-$aPos[0], $aOldPos[1]-$aPos[1], $kPen) endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[165] then while _IsPressed(01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawline($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $pPen) sleep(20) GUICtrlSetImage($draw1, @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp") wend $aPos = MouseGetPos() GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawline($hGraphic, $aOldPos[0], $aOldPos[1], $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $pPen) endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = $interface[162] then while _IsPressed(01) if _Timer_Diff($starttime) > 180 then $handPos = MouseGetPos() _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse($hGraphic, $handPos[0]-($kreis/2), $handPos[1]-($kreis/2), $kreis, $kreis, $kPen) if $kreis < 20 then sleep(20) $aPos = MouseGetPos() if $kreis < 20 then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphic, $handPos[0], $handPos[1], $aPos[0], $aPos[1], $hPen) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse($hGraphic, $aPos[0]-($kreis/2), $aPos[1]-($kreis/2), $kreis, $kreis, $kPen) endif wend endif if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Text" and stringlen (GUICtrlRead($tfeld)) > 0 then sleep(305) $hFamily = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate ($a_font) $hFont = _GDIPlus_FontCreate ($hFamily, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $text);, 2) $tLayout = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate ($aPos[0], $aPos[1]-(GUICtrlRead($draw4)/2), 0, 0) $hFormat = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate () _GDIPlus_StringFormatSetAlign($hFormat, $fontalign) $aInfo = _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureString ($hGraphic, GUICtrlRead($tfeld), $hFont, $tLayout, $hFormat) $tt0 = WinGetPos($hidraw) WinSetOnTop($hidraw, "", 1) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hidraw) Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) $tt = GUICreate("temptext", DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],3), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],4), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],1)+$tt0[0]+3, DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],2)+$tt0[1]+25, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER,$WS_CLIPCHILDREN), $WS_EX_LAYERED+$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUISetBkColor(0x010101) GUISetState() $xys = WinGetHandle ("[ACTIVE]") _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes($xys, 0x010101) $tGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($xys) $ttLayout = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate (0, 0, DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],3), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],4)) if $dthg = 1 then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($tGraphic, 0, 0, DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],3), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],4), $blase) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawStringEx ($tGraphic, GUICtrlRead($tfeld), $hFont, $ttLayout, $hFormat, $kPen) ;GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "SystemEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN, "SystemEvents") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, "SystemEvents") While Not $leave Sleep(10) WEnd $leave = 0 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($tGraphic) GUIDelete($tt) GUISwitch($hidraw) WinSetOnTop($hidraw, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hidraw) Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 0) if $dthg = 1 then _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGraphic, DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],1), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],2), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],3), DllStructGetData($aInfo[0],4), $blase) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawStringEx ($hGraphic, GUICtrlRead($tfeld), $hFont, $aInfo[0], $hFormat, $kPen) _GDIPlus_FontDispose ($hFont) _GDIPlus_FontFamilyDispose ($hFamily) _GDIPlus_StringFormatDispose ($hFormat) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) endif GUICtrlSetData($tfeld, "") GUICtrlDelete($drawsec0) GUICtrlDelete($drawsec1) if _Timer_Diff($starttime) > 300 then GUISwitch($hidraw) $drawsec0 = GUICtrlCreatebutton($interface[73], 0, $dyw, $dxw, 70) GUICtrlSetFont($drawsec0, 10, 800) GUICtrlSetColor($drawsec0, 0xED1C24) $y = WinGetPos($hGUI) $undo += 1 $redo = 0 GUICtrlSetData($draw6, "|<< "&$undo) GUICtrlSetData($draw6b, ">>|") $hBitmap = _ScreenCapture_Capture(@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", $y[0]+(($y[2]-$xo-($dxw-$xo))/2), $y[1]+(($y[3]-$yo-70)-(($y[2]-$xo-($dxw-$xo))/2)), $y[0]+(($y[2]-$xo-($dxw-$xo))/2)+$xo, $y[1]+(($y[3]-$yo-70)-(($y[2]-$xo-($dxw-$xo))/2))+$yo, false) GUICtrlDelete($drawsec0) endif _Timer_KillAllTimers($hidraw) For $i = $draw2 to $text9 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next if $undo = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($draw6, $GUI_DISABLE) if $undo = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($draw6a, $GUI_DISABLE) if $redo = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($draw6b, $GUI_DISABLE) if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) <> "Effekt (optional)" then ControlClick ( $hidraw, "", $sde) if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Text" Then GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_DISABLE) endif $a_font = GUICtrlRead($draw5) $draw4s = GUICtrlRead($draw4) GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $bold, $text, $a_font) GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE , $drawhelpgui) EndIf $aOldPos[0] = $aPos[0] $aOldPos[1] = $aPos[1] $mMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $mMsg[0] case $radio1 to $radio46 _reindi() GUICtrlSetData($tfeld, "") GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) GUICtrlSetData($draw7, "Smiley") case $radio47, $radio48, $drawhelp if $mMsg[0] = $radio47 then _indi2() if $mMsg[0] = $radio48 then _indi() if $mMsg[0] = $drawhelp then GuiSetState(@sw_show, $drawhelpgui) if $mMsg[0] = $drawhelp then $drawhelpclose = WinGetHandle ("[active]") GUICtrlSetData($tfeld, "") GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) GUICtrlSetData($draw7, "Smiley") case $text9 GUICtrlSetData($draw7, "Text") GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, 174, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, -260, $dyw+2) case $draw5 $a_font = GUICtrlRead($draw5) GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $bold, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) case $draw7 if GUICtrlRead($draw7) = "Text" Then GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, 174, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, -260, $dyw+2) Else GUICtrlSetData($tfeld, "") GUICtrlSetState($tfeld, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) endif case $text1 if $text = 0 or $text = 2 or $text = 4 or $text = 6 or $text = 8 or $text = 10 or $text = 12 or $text = 14 Then $text += 1 $bold = 800 GUICtrlSetImage($text1, @TempDir & "\bold1.jpg") Else $text -= 1 $bold = 400 GUICtrlSetImage($text1, @TempDir & "\bold0.jpg") EndIf GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $bold, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) case $text2 if $text <> 2 and $text <> 3 and $text <> 6 and $text <> 7 and $text <> 10 and $text <> 11 and $text <> 14 and $text <> 15 Then $text += 2 GUICtrlSetImage($text2, @TempDir & "\ital1.jpg") Else $text -= 2 GUICtrlSetImage($text2, @TempDir & "\ital0.jpg") endif GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), 400, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) case $text3 if $text <> 4 and $text <> 5 and $text <> 6 and $text <> 7 and $text < 12 Then $text += 4 GUICtrlSetImage($text3, @TempDir & "\under1.jpg") Else $text -=4 GUICtrlSetImage($text3, @TempDir & "\under0.jpg") endif GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), 400, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) case $text4 if $text < 8 Then $text += 8 GUICtrlSetImage($text4, @TempDir & "\strike1.jpg") Else $text -= 8 GUICtrlSetImage($text4, @TempDir & "\strike0.jpg") endif GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), 400, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) case $text5 if $fontalign = 0 Then $fontalign = 1 GUICtrlSetImage($text5, @TempDir & "\center1.jpg") elseif $fontalign = 1 Then $fontalign = 2 GUICtrlSetImage($text5, @TempDir & "\right1.jpg") Else $fontalign = 0 GUICtrlSetImage($text5, @TempDir & "\left1.jpg") endif case $text8 if $dthg = 0 then $dthg = 1 GUICtrlSetImage($text8, @TempDir & "\white1.jpg") Else $dthg = 0 GUICtrlSetImage($text8, @TempDir & "\trans1.jpg") endif case $draweffect, $sde if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) <> "Effekt (optional)" then For $i = $draw2 to $text9 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next $ieff = "" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "H-Spiegel" then $ieff = "/hflip" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "V-Spiegel" then $ieff = "/vflip" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Negativ" then $ieff = "/invert" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Graustufen" then $ieff = "/gray" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Blur 2" then $ieff = "/effect=(2,10,255)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Oil Paint" then $ieff = "/effect=(4,150,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Edge Detection" then $ieff = "/effect=(5,5,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Explosion" then $ieff = "/effect=(7,15,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Pixelize" then $ieff = "/effect=(8,10,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Sepia" then $ieff = "/effect=(14,0,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Raindrop" then $ieff = "/effect=(15,0,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Fragment" then $ieff = "/effect=(18,12,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Zoom Blur" then $ieff = "/effect=(23,120,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Rock" then $ieff = "/effect=(24,4,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Relief" then $ieff = "/effect=(25,0,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Find Edges" then $ieff = "/effect=(26,2,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Fish Eye" then $ieff = "/effect=(27,20,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Noise" then $ieff = "/effect=(29,75,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Snow" then $ieff = "/effect=(30,25,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Circular Waves" then $ieff = "/effect=(31,15,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Metallic" then $ieff = "/effect=(35,64,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Metallic - Gold" then $ieff = "/effect=(36,64,0)" if GUICtrlRead($draweffect) = "Metallic - Ice" then $ieff = "/effect=(37,64,0)" GUISwitch($hidraw) $drawsec0 = GUICtrlCreatebutton($interface[73], 0, $dyw-70, $dxw, 70) GUICtrlSetFont($drawsec0, 10, 800) GUICtrlSetColor($drawsec0, 0xED1C24) $undo += 1 $redo = 0 GUICtrlSetData($draw6, "|<< "&$undo) GUICtrlSetData($draw6b, ">>|") Run (FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe "&@TempDir & "\" &$undo-1&"09876draw.bmp "&$ieff&" /silent /convert=" & @TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ( "i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") GUICtrlDelete($drawsec0) GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) For $i = $draw2 to $text9 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next GUICtrlSetState ($draw6b, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($draweffect, "Effekt (optional)") Endif case $draw6, $draw6a, $draw6b if $undo > 0 then if $mMsg[0] = $draw6 then $undo -= 1 $redo += 1 elseif $mMsg[0] = $draw6a then $redo += $undo $undo = 0 endif GUICtrlSetData($draw6, "|<< "&$undo) endif if $redo > 0 then if $mMsg[0] = $draw6b then $redo -= 1 $undo += 1 GUICtrlSetData($draw6, "|<< "&$undo) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6a, $GUI_ENABLE) endif GUICtrlSetData($draw6b, ">>| "&$redo) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6b, $GUI_ENABLE) endif if $undo = 0 then GUICtrlSetState ($draw6, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($draw6a, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($draw6, "|<<") endif if $redo = 0 then GUICtrlSetData($draw6b, ">>|") GUICtrlSetState ($draw6b, $GUI_DISABLE) endif GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) GUICtrlSetData($tfeld, "") GUISwitch($hidraw) GUICtrlDelete($draw1) $draw1 = GUICtrlCreatePic (@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp", 0, 0, $xo, $yo) case $draw2 $i = 0 if $yt > $fasty-200 then $xt = 0 if $yt > $fasty-200 and msgbox(68,"LiveSnap",$interface[74]&$xo&" * "&$yo&$interface[75]) = 7 then $i = -1 endif case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE if $mMsg[1] = $irfanclose Then _irf0() elseif $mMsg[1] = $drawhelpclose Then _drawhelp() else $i = -1 endif case $draw3 $cr = StringReplace($cr, "0xff", "0x") $crold = $cr $cr = _ChooseColor(2, $cr, 2) if $cr = -1 then $cr = $crold GUICtrlSetBkColor($draw3, $cr) GUICtrlSetColor($text9, $cr) $cr = StringReplace($cr, "0x", "0xff") _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($hPen, $cr) _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($pPen, $cr) _GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($kPen, $cr) if Stringlen (GUICtrlRead($tfeld)) = 0 then GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) endif case $draw4 $draw4s = GUICtrlRead($draw4) GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $bold, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) EndSwitch if $draw4s <> GUICtrlRead($draw4) or $a_font <> GUICtrlRead($draw5) then GUICtrlSetPos ( $tfeld, -260, $dyw+5) GUICtrlSetPos ( $text9, 174, $dyw+2) $draw4s = GUICtrlRead($draw4) $a_font = GUICtrlRead($draw5) GUICtrlSetFont($text9, GUICtrlRead($draw4), $bold, $text, GUICtrlRead($draw5)) endif until $i <= 0 $cr = StringReplace($cr, "0xff", "0x") $draw4s = GUICtrlRead($draw4) $draw7s = GUICtrlRead($draw7) $a_font = GUICtrlRead($draw5) _GDIPlus_ArrowCapDispose ($hEndCap) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($hPen) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($pPen) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($kPen) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($blase) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt('MouseCoordMode', 1) if $i = 0 then GUISwitch($hidraw) $drawsec0 = GUICtrlCreatebutton("upload...", 0, $dyw-70, $dxw, 70) GUICtrlSetFont($drawsec0, 10, 800) GUICtrlSetColor($drawsec0, 0xED1C24) Run (FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe "&@TempDir & "\" &$undo&"09876draw.bmp /silent /jpgq=100 /convert=" & $datei2 & " /info=" & FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") elseif $i = -1 then $vwsiz = "vlcfehler" FileDelete($datei2) _exx() endif GUIDelete($hGUI) endfunc Func _Quit() if msgbox(68,"LiveSnap",$interface[22]) = 6 then Exit EndFunc func _picfile() $i = 0 while not FileExists($datei2) sleep(20) $i += 1 if $i > 150 then ExitLoop WEnd endfunc func _dlv() $vwsiz = "reset" repic($datei2) $xdraw = 0 if $xdraw = 1 or $c14a = 1 then Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei2 & " /silent /info=" & FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) If ProcessExists( "i_view32.exe") Then processWaitClose ( "i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") endif $streamok1 = "pre" _rota() if $xdraw = 1 or $c14a = 1 then _plusinfo() if $c14a = 1 then _draw() endif If FileExists($datei2) Then _wmark($irfan) endfunc Func _snip() _tv($snip, "Desktop", $i, $streamok1);if GUICtrlRead($snip) = "Desktop" then EndFunc Func _shack() _tv($shack, $interface[9], $i, $streamok1) EndFunc Func _tv($tv1, $tv2, byref $i, Byref $streamok1) Switch GUICtrlRead($tv1) Case $tv2 $ip = 0 if $tv1 = $snip or $tv1 = $shack then if int(guictrlread($c23)) > 2500 then msgbox(16,$interface[18], $interface[79]) if int(guictrlread($c23)) <= 2500 and $waiting = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($tv1, "Cancel") Else if $waiting = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($tv1, "Cancel") endif Case else _exx() GUICtrlSetData($tv1, $tv2) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _tvi($tvi, $tvi2) GUICtrlSetState ($tvi, $GUI_ENABLE) _d2() If FileExists (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") Then if GUICtrlRead($c81) <> 1 then _load($tvi) if GUICtrlRead($c81) = 1 then GUICtrlSetState ($c81, $GUI_UNCHECKED) _en() GUICtrlSetData($tvi, $tvi2) GUICtrlSetColor($c09, 0x008000);GUICtrlSetColor($c09,0x000000) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[29]) else GUICtrlSetData($tvi, $tvi2) _lableer() _en() endif Endfunc func _exx() $schutz = 0 $spontan = 0 $datei4cnt = 0 $waiting = 0 $apt = 0 $weck = 2 $i = -1 $ip = -1 $streamok1 = 4711 $streamok2 = 47110815 GUICtrlSetData ($c08, "") repic(@TempDir & "\a2.jpg") FileDelete (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[86]) _en() endfunc Func _curl($curl) $precurl = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\_curlrc", 2) if $opt3 = "imageshack.us" then $newcurl = "-F fileupload=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--location-trusted" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://ufo.imageshack.us/""" elseif $opt3 = "abload.de" then $newcurl = "-F img0=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://www.abload.de/upload.php""" elseif $opt3 = "imagebanana.com" then $newcurl = "-F upload[]=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-F send=Hochladen!" & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--location-trusted" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://www.imagebanana.com/""" elseif $opt3 = "pic-upload.de" then $newcurl = "-F file=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-F Submit= Bild Hochladen " & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://www.pic-upload.de/index.php?to=upload""" elseif $opt3 = "directupload.net" then $newcurl = "-F bilddatei=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://www.directupload.net/index.php?mode=upload""" elseif $opt3 = "img-teufel.de" then $newcurl = "-F upload_image=@" & $curl & @CRLF & "-H ""Expect:""" & @CRLF & "-o curl.txt" & @CRLF & "--url ""http://www.img-teufel.de/upload.html""" else MsgBox(16, $interface[18], $interface[97]) Exit endif FileWrite($precurl, $newcurl) FileClose($precurl) EndFunc Func _wmark($wm4) $psiz = int(GUICtrlRead($c23)) if $c14a = 1 and $xt = 0 then $psiz = 0 if $psiz > 0 then Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " &$datei2 &" /silent /resize=("& $wm4 &",0) /aspectratio /resample /convert=" & $datei2 & " /info=" & @TempDir & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) if $psiz <= 0 then Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " &$datei2 & " /info=" & FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\test.txt", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") if $vwsiz <> "vlcfehler" Then repic($datei2) EndFunc Func _d2() $skb = (FileGetSize ($datei2) / 1024) if GUICtrlRead($c81) = 1 and StringRight ($datei2, 3) = "jpg" Then FileCopy($datei2, @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg", 1) Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg /silent /advancedbatch /sharpen="&GUICtrlRead($c71)&" /contrast="&GUICtrlRead($c73)&" /bright="&GUICtrlRead($c75)&" /gamma="&GUICtrlRead($c77)/100&" /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\irf1.jpg", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists( "i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ( "i_view32.exe") GUICtrlSetImage ($c79, @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg") GUICtrlSetImage ($c80, @TempDir & "\irf1.jpg") endif if StringRight ($datei2, 3) = "jpg" then;irfanquali if $irfil = 1 then Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & $datei2 & " /silent /advancedbatch /sharpen="&GUICtrlRead($c71)&" /contrast="&GUICtrlRead($c73)&" /bright="&GUICtrlRead($c75)&" /gamma="&GUICtrlRead($c77)/100&" /resample /convert=" & $datei2, FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) if $irfil = 1 then processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") if $irfil = 1 then repic($datei2);GUICtrlSetImage ($c21, $datei2) endif;irfanquali if GUICtrlRead($c81) = 1 then repic(@TempDir & "\a2.jpg");GUICtrlSetImage ($c21, @TempDir & "\a2.jpg") local $foo = Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\curl.exe", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD), $line While $ip = 0 and ProcessExists ("curl.exe") $line = StderrRead($foo) $line = StringRegExp($line, '\d+', 3) if NOT @error then if $line[0] = 100 then $line[0] = 99 GUICtrlSetData ($c09, "uploading " & $line[0] & " %") endif sleep(50) if $waiting = 0 then exitloop Wend Processclose ("curl.exe") GUICtrlSetData ($c09, "uploading 100 %") if FileExists (@TempDir & "\curl.txt") = 0 Then FileInstall("dummy", @TempDir & "\curl.txt", 1) EndFunc func _load($ldi) $file = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\curl.txt", 0) $chars = FileRead($file) FileClose($file) _filter($datei2) if stringlen ($chars) > 100 then $chars = "Error" $show = $chars if $preurl = "[img]" then $show = StringTrimLeft ($chars, 5) $chars = $chars & $posturl if stringinstr ($show, ".jpg") > 0 or stringinstr ($show, ".gif") > 0 and $show <> $orglink then GUICtrlSetColor($c08,0x000000) GUICtrlSetData ($c08, $show) if $opt2 = $interface[34] then _li($ldi, "", " ", "", "", "") if $opt2 = "HTML" then _li($ldi, "", "") if stringinstr($opt2, "[img]") > 0 then _li($ldi, "[URL=", "][IMG]", "[/IMG][/URL]", "[img]", "[/img]") endif EndFunc func _li($ldi, $li1, $li2, $li3, $li4, $li5) if stringinstr ($orglink, ".jpg") > 0 or stringinstr ($orglink, ".gif") > 0 then ClipPut($li1 & $orglink & $li2 & $show & $li3 & @CRLF) Else ClipPut($li4 & $show & $li5 & @CRLF) EndIf endfunc func _dis() $opt3 = GUICtrlRead($cl2) $opt2 = GUICtrlRead($c24) _irfan() _ini2() FileDelete ( @TempDir & "\curl.txt" ) FileDelete (@TempDir & "\test.txt") FileDelete ( $datei2 ) $4log = 0 $waiting = 1 $charslab = "" $x = "" $y = "" For $i = $snip to $c08 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_DISABLE) next GUICtrlSetState ($c09, $GUI_ENABLE) if $sleepwake = 1 then GUICtrlSetState ($c08, $GUI_ENABLE) if $sleepwake = 0 then GUICtrlSetData ($c08, "") if $sleepwake = 0 then ClipPut ("") GUICtrlSetColor($c09,0xff0000) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, "preparing upload...") $orglink = "" GUISetState (@SW_DISABLE, $irfangui) EndFunc func _en() For $i = $snip to $c08 GUICtrlSetState ($i, $GUI_ENABLE) next GUISetState (@SW_ENABLE, $irfangui) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[29]) EndFunc func _ini2() _curl($datei2) if $opt2 = "[img]URL[/img]" or $opt2 = $interface[35] then $preurl = "[img]" if $opt2 = "[img]URL[/img]" then $posturl = "[/img]" if $opt2 = $interface[35] then $posturl = "[/img]" & @CRLF endfunc func _irfan() $irfan = "" $iy = 0 if $size > 0 then $irfan = $size if $irfan <> "" then $iy = 1 $siz1 = 0 $siz2 = "" if int(guictrlread ($c23)) > 0 then $siz2 = guictrlread ($c23) if $siz2 <> "" then $siz1 = 1 EndFunc func _filter($filter) if $opt3 = "imageshack.us" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "url_image_path"" value=""") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $result + 22) $result = StringInStr($chars, """") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1) $result = StringInStr($chars, "/") $res2 = StringLeft ($chars, $result -1) $chars = $preurl & "http://" & $res2 & ".imageshack.us/" & $chars elseif $opt3 = "abload.de" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "";}}") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1) while StringInStr($chars, ":"") > 0 $res2 = StringInStr($chars, ":"") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $res2 + 6) wend $chars = $preurl & "http://www.abload.de/img/" & $chars elseif $opt3 = "imagebanana.com" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "][IMG]") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $result + 5) $result = StringInStr($chars, "[") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = $preurl & StringReplace(StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1), "/thumb", "") elseif $opt3 = "pic-upload.de" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "[IMG]") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $result + 4) $result = StringInStr($chars, "[/IMG]") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = $preurl & StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1) $chars = StringReplace ($chars, "/thumb", "") elseif $opt3 = "directupload.net" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "[URL=http://www.directupload.net][IMG]") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $result + 37) $result = StringInStr($chars, "[/IMG]") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = $preurl & StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1) elseif $opt3 = "img-teufel.de" then $result = StringInStr($chars, "[IMG]http://www.img-teufel.de/uploads/") $chars = StringTrimLeft($chars, $result + 4) $result = StringInStr($chars, "[/IMG]") $res2 = StringLen ($chars) $chars = $preurl & StringTrimRight($chars, $res2 - $result + 1) Else MsgBox(16, $interface[18], $interface[113]) Exit EndIf endfunc Func _lableer() GUICtrlSetColor($c09, 0x008000);GUICtrlSetColor($c09,0x000000) GUICtrlSetData ($c09, $interface[29]) ClipPut ("") repic(@TempDir & "\a2.jpg") $time2 = "" $charslab = "" EndFunc Func IsVisible($handle) If BitAnd(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc func _plusinfo() $chars = FileRead(@TempDir & "\test.txt") $result = StringInStr($chars, "dimensions") $charslab = StringTrimleft ($chars, $result + 12) $result = StringInStr($charslab, "Pixels") $res2 = StringLen ($charslab) $charslab = StringTrimRight($charslab, $res2 - $result - 4) $x = Stringleft ($charslab, StringInStr($charslab, " ") -1) $y = Stringtrimleft ($charslab, StringInStr($charslab, " x") +2) $y = Stringleft ($y, StringInStr($y, " Pixel")-1) if $streamok1 = "pre" then $streamok1 = StringTrimLeft($chars, StringInStr($chars, "number")) $streamok1 = StringLeft ($streamok1, StringInStr($streamok1, "current")) $xo = $x $yo = $y endif $charslab = "" EndFunc func _irfanslide($irf1, $irf2, $irf3) GUICtrlSetData($irf1, $irf2 & GUICtrlRead($irf1+1) / $irf3) endfunc func _irf00() GuiSetState(@sw_show, $irfangui) $irfanclose = WinGetHandle ("[active]") endfunc func _irf0() GuiSetState(@sw_hide, $irfangui) endfunc func _irf1() _irf2() _irfprev() endfunc func _irf2() _irfanslide($c70, $interface[122], 1) _irfanslide($c72, $interface[123], 1) _irfanslide($c74, $interface[124], 1) _irfanslide($c76, "Gamma: ", 100) _irfanslide($c87, $interface[126], 1) _irfanslide($c89, $interface[127], 1) _irfanslide($c91, $interface[128], 1) _irfanslide($c93, $interface[129], 1) endfunc func _irf5() GUICtrlSetData($c71, 1) GUICtrlSetData($c73, 0) GUICtrlSetData($c75, 0) GUICtrlSetData($c77, 100) GUICtrlSetData($c88, 0) GUICtrlSetData($c90, 0) GUICtrlSetData($c92, 0) GUICtrlSetData($c94, 0) _irf2() $irfil = 0 FileInstall("irf0.jpg", @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg", 1) FileInstall("i_view32.ini", @TempDir & "\i_view32.ini", 1) GUICtrlSetImage ($c79, @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg") GUICtrlSetImage ($c80, @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg") endfunc func _irf6() MsgBox(64, $interface[130], $interface[131] & @CRLF & @CRLF & $interface[132] & @CRLF & @CRLF & $interface[133]) endfunc func _irf8() $irfanbatch = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\i_view32.ini", 2) FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"[Batch]") FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvSaturationVal="&guictrlread ($c88)) FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColRVal="&guictrlread ($c90)) FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColGVal="&guictrlread ($c92)) FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColBVal="&guictrlread ($c94)) if guictrlread ($c88) <> 0 then FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvSaturation=1") else FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvSaturation=0") endif if guictrlread ($c90) <> 0 then FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColR=1") else FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColR=0") endif if guictrlread ($c92) <> 0 then FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColG=1") else FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColG=0") endif if guictrlread ($c94) <> 0 then FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColB=1") else FileWriteLine($irfanbatch,"AdvColB=0") endif FileClose($irfanbatch) _irf1() EndFunc func _irfprev() $irfil = 0 if GUICtrlRead($c71) > 1 or GUICtrlRead($c73) <> 0 or GUICtrlRead($c75) <> 0 or GUICtrlRead($c77)/100 <> 1 or GUICtrlRead($c88) <> 0 or GUICtrlRead($c90) <> 0 or GUICtrlRead($c92) <> 0 or GUICtrlRead($c94) <> 0 then $irfil = 1 FileDelete (@TempDir & "\irf1.jpg") Run(FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\i_view32.exe " & @TempDir & "\irf0.jpg /silent /advancedbatch /sharpen="&GUICtrlRead($c71)&" /contrast="&GUICtrlRead($c73)&" /bright="&GUICtrlRead($c75)&" /gamma="&GUICtrlRead($c77)/100&" /resample /convert=" & @TempDir & "\irf1.jpg", FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" , @SW_HIDE) processWaitClose ("i_view32.exe" , 5) If ProcessExists("i_view32.exe") Then ProcessClose ("i_view32.exe") GUICtrlSetImage ($c80, @TempDir & "\irf1.jpg") EndFunc Func _directurl() if StringInStr (guictrlread($c08), "http://") > 0 Then $show = guictrlread($c08); $opt2 = GUICtrlRead($c24) if $opt2 = $interface[34] then _li($ldi, "", " ", "", "", "") if $opt2 = "HTML" then _li($ldi, "", "") if stringinstr($opt2, "[img]") > 0 then _li($ldi, "[URL=", "][IMG]", "[/IMG][/URL]", "[img]", "[/img]") ;clipput($show) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($c08, 0xC8E6F7) GUICtrlSetData($c08, $interface[137]) sleep(400) GUICtrlSetbkColor($c08,0xe0e0e0) GUICtrlSetData($c08, $show) endif EndFunc func _area($a1, $a2, byref $a3, byref $a4, byref $a5, byref $a6) $var = WinList() For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] If $var[$i][0] <> "" AND $var[$i][0] <> "start" AND IsVisible($var[$i][1]) Then WinSetState ($var[$i][0], "", @SW_DISABLE ) Next $GUI_2 = GUICreate("", 1, 1, -1, -1, 0x80000000 + 0x00800000, 0x00000008) GUISetBkColor(0x0c6eec) WinSetTrans($GUI_2, "", 130) local $s_left = "", $s_top = "", $s_width = "", $s_height = "", $mgp[2] $i = _Timer_Init() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("", $fastx+50, $fasty+50, -15, -25, -1, 0x00000080) GUISetBkColor(0xffffff) WinSetTrans($hGUI, "", 40) WinSetOnTop($hGUI, "", 1) GUISetCursor(3) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While Not _IsPressed(01) if _Timer_Diff($i) > 400 then GUICtrlSetData($a1, $a2) if _Timer_Diff($i) > 800 then $i = _Timer_Init() GUICtrlSetData($a1, "") endif $mgp = MouseGetPos() Sleep(50) WEnd GUICtrlSetData($a1, $a2) WinMove($GUI_2, "", $mgp[0], $mgp[1], 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI_2) While _IsPressed(01) $mgp_2 = MouseGetPos() If $mgp_2[0] > $mgp[0] And $mgp_2[1] > $mgp[1] Then local $s_left = $mgp[0], $s_top = $mgp[1], $s_width = $mgp_2[0] - $mgp[0], $s_height = $mgp_2[1] - $mgp[1] ElseIf $mgp_2[0] > $mgp[0] And $mgp_2[1] < $mgp[1] Then Local $s_left = $mgp[0], $s_top = $mgp_2[1], $s_width = $mgp_2[0] - $mgp[0], $s_height = $mgp[1] - $mgp_2[1] ElseIf $mgp_2[0] < $mgp[0] And $mgp_2[1] > $mgp[1] Then Local $s_left = $mgp_2[0], $s_top = $mgp[1], $s_width = $mgp[0] - $mgp_2[0], $s_height = $mgp_2[1] - $mgp[1] ElseIf $mgp_2[0] < $mgp[0] And $mgp_2[1] < $mgp[1] Then Local $s_left = $mgp_2[0], $s_top = $mgp_2[1], $s_width = $mgp[0] - $mgp_2[0], $s_height = $mgp[1] - $mgp_2[1] EndIf WinMove($GUI_2, "", $s_left, $s_top, $s_width, $s_height) if $streamint = 0 then WinSetOnTop($hGUI, "", 1) ToolTip($s_width & "x" & $s_height) sleep(50) WEnd ToolTip("") GLOBAL $s_left = $s_left, $s_top = $s_top, $s_width = $s_width, $s_height = $s_height GUIDelete($hGUI) $var = WinList() For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] If $var[$i][0] <> "" AND IsVisible($var[$i][1]) Then WinSetState ($var[$i][0], "", @SW_ENABLE ) Next endfunc