#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=rob\bpm-ico\KbMouse.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=http://monter.FM #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Mouse emulator on keyboard #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=monter.FM #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Release date|20.10.2010 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=AutoIt3 ver.|%AutoItVer% #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;ToolTip('Launching KbMouse...', Int(@DesktopWidth / 2), @DesktopHeight - 48, @ScriptName, 1, 2) #include #include #include $fnScript = 'Keyboard Mouse' ;full script name $script = StringLeft(@ScriptName, StringInStr(@ScriptName, '.', 0, -1) - 1) FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) $dt = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC $icon = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '_' & $dt & '.ico' FileInstall('.\rob\bpm-ico\KbMouse.ico', $icon, 1) ;$monter = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '_monter.FM_' & $dt & '.gif' ;FileInstall('.\rob\monter.FM.gif', $monter, 1) OnAutoItExitRegister('OnExit') FileInfo() $title = $fnScript & ' ' & $sVer TraySetIcon($icon) TraySetToolTip($title) Global $version, $countTimes, $rcntUsed, $rcntUpdChk, $anon, $updForce = 0, $onx = 0 $ini = @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.ini' If FileExists($ini) And $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then If _Singleton(@ScriptName, 1) = 0 Then msg() msg($script & ' is running already.', 1500, -1, -1, -1, 2) $runAlr = 1 ;WinSetState($title, '', @SW_SHOW) ;WinActivate($title) Exit EndIf EndIf $dirMonter = @AppDataDir & '\monter.FM' ;directory for monter.FM's scripts $filUpd = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.upd' ;file checking upgrade from monter's server $filBat = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.bat' ;temporary file for killing old exe and launching new version If FileExists($filUpd) Then FileDelete($filUpd) If FileExists($filBat) Then FileDelete($filBat) $version = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) $srvUrl = 'monter.homeip.net' $iniDel = 0 Run('netsh firewall set allowedprogram "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" "' & $script & '" ENABLE', '', @SW_HIDE) If IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', '') = '' Or ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-i') Then Install() StatFtp('i') ;21.06.2010 EndIf If ($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] = '-u') Then UpdateSet() StatFtp('u') ; 21.06.2010 EndIf If $sVer > $version Then UpdateIni() msg() ; zlikwidowany UpdateMsg() ;MsgBox(64, $title & ' - how to use', 'Toggle activate/deactivate: Ctrl+NUM 0' & @CRLF & 'Move Up: NUM 8' & @CRLF & 'Move Down: NUM 2' & @CRLF & 'Move Left: NUM 4' & @CRLF & 'Move Right: NUM 6' & @CRLF & 'Move Up/Left: NUM 7' & @CRLF & 'Move Up/Right: NUM 9' & @CRLF & 'Move Down/Left: NUM 1' & @CRLF & 'Move Down/Right: NUM 3' & @CRLF & 'Click: NUM 5' & @CRLF & 'Right click: NUM -', 60) EndIf IniFRead() Dim $mPos[3] $mousOn = 0 $step = 6 Global $mov, $mgp $adlFrq = 2000 AdlibRegister('UpdateCheck', $adlFrq) HotKeySet('^{NUMPAD0}', 'Mouse_01') Send('^{NUMPAD0}') HotKeySet('+^{F4}', 'ExitF') While 1 Sleep(25) WEnd Func Mouse_01() If $mousOn = 0 Then TrayTip('', 'KbMouse mode ACTIVE', 30) $mPos = MouseGetPos() Global $mov = 6 HotKeySet('{NUMPAD8}', 'Up') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD2}', 'Dn') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD4}', 'Lt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD6}', 'Rt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD7}', 'UpLt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD9}', 'UpRt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD1}', 'DnLt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD3}', 'DnRt') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD5}', 'Clk') HotKeySet('{NUMPADSUB}', 'RClk') $mousOn = 1 Else TrayTip('', 'KbMouse mode DEACTIVATED', 30) HotKeySet('{NUMPAD8}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD2}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD4}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD6}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD7}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD9}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD1}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD3}') HotKeySet('{NUMPAD5}') HotKeySet('{NUMPADSUB}') $mousOn = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>Mouse_01 Func Up() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0], $mgp[1] - $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>Up Func Dn() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0], $mgp[1] + $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>Dn Func Lt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] - $mov, $mgp[1], 0) EndFunc ;==>Lt Func Rt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] + $mov, $mgp[1], 0) EndFunc ;==>Rt Func UpLt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] - $mov, $mgp[1] - $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>UpLt Func UpRt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] + $mov, $mgp[1] - $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>UpRt Func DnLt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] - $mov, $mgp[1] + $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>DnLt Func DnRt() $mgp = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($mgp[0] + $mov, $mgp[1] + $mov, 0) EndFunc ;==>DnRt Func Clk() MouseClick('') EndFunc ;==>Clk Func RClk() MouseClick('right') EndFunc ;==>RClk Func ExitF() TrayTip('', 'Closing ' & $script & '...', 2) Sleep(750) Exit EndFunc ;==>ExitF Func IniFRead() ; 29.09.2010 - kasowanie pustych kluczy $sct = IniReadSection($ini, 'Main') If @error Then ;($CmdLine[0] > 0 And $CmdLine[1] <> '-i') msg('No [Main] section or missing ini file.', -2500, -1, -1, -1, 2) Else For $i = 1 To $sct[0][0] If $sct[$i][1] = '' Then IniDelete($ini, 'Main', $sct[$i][0]) Next EndIf $countTimes = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', 0) $rcntUsed = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) $rcntUpdChk = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUpdChk', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) $anon = IniRead($ini, 'Main', 'anon', 0) EndFunc ;==>IniFRead Func Install() ; 19.09.2010 MsgBox(64, $title & ' - how to use', 'Toggle activate/deactivate: Ctrl+NUM 0' & @CRLF & 'Move Up: NUM 8' & @CRLF & 'Move Down: NUM 2' & @CRLF & 'Move Left: NUM 4' & @CRLF & 'Move Right: NUM 6' & @CRLF & 'Move Up/Left: NUM 7' & @CRLF & 'Move Up/Right: NUM 9' & @CRLF & 'Move Down/Left: NUM 1' & @CRLF & 'Move Down/Right: NUM 3' & @CRLF & 'Click: NUM 5' & @CRLF & 'Right click: NUM -' & @CRLF & 'Exiting: Shift+Ctrl+F4', 60) If @Compiled Then $dirLnch = @WorkingDir If Not FileExists($dirMonter) Then DirCreate($dirMonter) FileChangeDir($dirMonter) If @ScriptDir <> $dirMonter Then $del = 1 $instCpyMovTxt = 'Moving' If StringLeft(@ScriptDir, 3) <> StringLeft(@AppDataDir, 3) Then $del = 0 $instCpyMovTxt = 'Copying' EndIf msg('First launching.' & @CRLF & $instCpyMovTxt & ' file to the proper directory, wait a moment...') $list = ProcessList($script & '.exe') For $i = 1 To $list[0][0] $pid = WinGetProcess($script) ProcessClose($pid) Next Sleep(1000) FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', 9) If Not FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\') Then DirCreate(@ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\') FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) msg() $mb = MsgBox(36, $title, 'Create the shortcut on desktop?', 12) If $mb = 6 Or $mb = -1 Then FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) If $mb = 7 And FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') Then FileDelete(@DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') $baTemp = FileOpen($filBat, 1) If $del = 1 Then FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@ping -n 4 autoitscript.com' & @CRLF & '@if exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" del "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"') FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@ping -n 1 autoitscript.com' & @CRLF & '@if exist "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe' & '" "' & $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe' & @CRLF & '@exit' & @CRLF & '@cls') FileClose($baTemp) If FileExists($dirLnch & '\' & $ini) Then FileDelete($dirLnch & '\' & $ini) If FileExists($dirLnch & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') Then FileDelete($dirLnch & '\' & $script & '.*.lng') Sleep(2000) ;If IsDeclared('monter') And FileExists($monter) Then FileDelete($monter) If IsDeclared('icon') And FileExists($icon) Then FileDelete($icon) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $filBat & '" -u', '', @SW_HIDE) For $i = 1 To 2 If ProcessExists(@ScriptName) Then ProcessClose(@ScriptName) Sleep(2000) Next $iniDel = 1 Exit EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Install Func UpdateSet() FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @ProgramsDir & '\monter.FM\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') Then FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) Else $mb = MsgBox(36, $title, 'Create the shortcut on desktop?', 12) If $mb = 6 Or $mb = -1 Then FileCreateShortcut($dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', @DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk', $dirMonter, '', $title, $dirMonter & '\' & $script & '.exe', '', 0) If $mb = 7 And FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') Then FileDelete(@DesktopDir & '\' & $fnScript & '.lnk') EndIf EndFunc ;==>UpdateSet Func UpdateIni() ;update ini, convert to new keys/values, deletes old entries IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'version', $sVer) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUpdChk', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) EndFunc ;==>UpdateIni Func UpdateCheck() ; 19.10.2010 - works for main (single) file in the project, every 20h checking for updates module, .ex_ optional AdlibUnRegister('UpdateCheck') If _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc()) - $rcntUpdChk >= 72000 Or $rcntUsed = $rcntUpdChk Or $updForce = 1 Then $rcntUpdChk = _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc()) $pcol = 'ftp://' For $i = 1 To 3 InetGet($pcol & $srvUrl & '/skrypty/bin/' & $script & '.upd', $filUpd, 1, 0) If @error Then ExitLoop Sleep(750) If FileExists($filUpd) And FileGetSize($filUpd) > 30 Then ExitLoop If $i = 1 Then $pcol = 'http://' If $i = 2 Then HttpSetProxy(2, $srvUrl & ':8068') Next ToolTip('') HttpSetProxy(1) If Not FileExists($filUpd) Then Sleep(2500) If Not FileExists($filUpd) Or FileGetSize($filUpd) < 30 Then If $updForce = 1 Then msg('Network error. Update failed.', -4000, -1, -1, -1, 3) $rcntUpdChk = _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc()) - 61200 Else $nFile = IniReadSectionNames($filUpd) $nFile = $nFile[1] $nVer = IniRead($filUpd, $nFile, 'version', '') $nVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace($nVer, '.', '')) / 1000) $nSize = IniRead($filUpd, $nFile, 'size', '999999999') If $nVer > $sVer Then $pcol = 'ftp://' For $i = 1 To 3 msg('Downloading the newest version, wait a moment... (' & $i & '/3)') InetGet($pcol & $srvUrl & '/skrypty/bin/' & $nFile, @TempDir & '\' & $nFile, 1, 0) If @error Then ExitLoop If FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\' & $nFile) = $nSize Then ExitLoop If $i = 1 Then $pcol = 'http://' If $i = 2 Then $nFile = StringLeft($nFile, StringInStr($nFile, '.', 0, -1) - 1) & '.ex_' ;If $i = 2 Then HttpSetProxy(2, $srvUrl & ':8068') Next $nFile = IniReadSectionNames($filUpd) $nFile = $nFile[1] If FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\' & $nFile) < IniRead($filUpd, $nFile, 'size', 0) Then msg('Download failed. Check your internet settings.', -4000, -1, -1, -1, 3) $rcntUpdChk = _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc()) - 61200 Else If FileExists($filBat) Then FileDelete($filBat) Sleep(1000) $baTemp = FileOpen($filBat, 1) FileWriteLine($baTemp, '@echo off' & @CRLF & 'echo Updating in progress ' & $script & '...' & @CRLF & 'ping -n 6 autoitscript.com' & @CRLF & 'if exist "' & @TempDir & '\' & $nFile & '" del "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $script & '.exe"' & @CRLF & 'move "' & @TempDir & '\' & $nFile & '" "' & @ScriptDir & '\"') FileWriteLine($baTemp, 'ping -n 3 autoitscript.com' & @CRLF & 'if exist "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $nFile & '" "' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $nFile & '" -u' & @CRLF & 'exit' & @CRLF & 'cls') FileClose($baTemp) EndIf If FileExists(@TempDir & '\' & $nFile) And FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\' & $nFile) = $nSize Then IniWrite(@TempDir & '\' & $nFile & '-ver.upd', 'Main', 'version', $sVer) msg('Update completed. Launching new version ' & StringLeft($nFile, StringInStr($nFile, '.', 0, -1) - 1) & ' ' & $nVer & '...', -3000, -1, -1, -1) Else msg('Filesize did not match. Something went wrong.', -3000, -1, -1, -1, 2) EndIf IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUpdChk', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())) If FileExists($filUpd) Then FileDelete($filUpd) Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $filBat & '" -u', '', @SW_HIDE) ;If IsDeclared('monter') And FileExists($monter) Then FileDelete($monter) If IsDeclared('icon') And FileExists($icon) Then FileDelete($icon) ;If IsDeclared('picDrop') And FileExists($picDrop) Then FileDelete($picDrop) If ProcessExists($script & '.exe') Then ProcessClose($script & '.exe') Exit Else If $updForce = 1 Then msg('There is no update at this time.', -2000, -1, -1, -1) EndIf EndIf EndIf If FileExists($filUpd) Then FileDelete($filUpd) $rcntUsed = _DateDiff('s', '1980/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc()) If $adlFrq = 2000 Then $adlFrq = 120000 AdlibUnRegister('UpdateCheck') EndIf $updForce = 0 AdlibRegister('UpdateCheck', $adlFrq) EndFunc ;==>UpdateCheck Func StatFtp($op) ; 19.09.2010 $fStat = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.sta' $hStat = FileOpen($fStat, 1) If $op = 'i' Then $oper = 'inst' ElseIf $op = 'x' Then $oper = 'unin' Else If IniRead(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '-ver.upd', 'Main', 'version', '') <> '' Then $oper = IniRead(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '-ver.upd', 'Main', 'version', '') & ' =>' Else $oper = '?.?? =>' EndIf EndIf If Not IsDeclared('anon') Then Global $anon = 0 If $anon = 1 Then $dataPrv = ' | ' Else $dataPrv = ' | ' & @UserName & ' | ' & @ComputerName & ' | ' EndIf FileWriteLine($hStat, @MDAY & '.' & @MON & '.' & @YEAR & ', ' & @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & $dataPrv & @IPAddress1 & ' | ' & _GetIP() & ' | ' & FileGetSize(@ScriptFullPath) & ' b | ' & $oper & ' ' & $sVer) FileClose($hStat) $fTemp = @TempDir & '\' & $script & '.ftp' $hFtp = FileOpen($fTemp, 2) FileWriteLine($hFtp, 'open monter.homeip.net') FileWriteLine($hFtp, 'anonymous') FileWriteLine($hFtp, $script) FileWriteLine($hFtp, 'cd skrypty/stats') FileWriteLine($hFtp, 'append ' & $fStat) FileWriteLine($hFtp, 'quit') FileClose($hFtp) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ftp -s:' & $fTemp, '', @SW_HIDE) Sleep(1000) If FileExists($fStat) Then FileDelete($fStat) If FileExists($fTemp) Then FileDelete($fTemp) If FileExists(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '-ver.upd') Then FileDelete(@TempDir & '\' & $script & '-ver.upd') EndFunc ;==>StatFtp Func _GetIP() ; modified Larry/Ezzetabi & Jarvis Stubblefield script Local $ip, $t_ip If InetGet('http://www.adres-ip.pl/?rnd1=' & Random(1, 65536) & '&rnd2=' & Random(1, 65536), @TempDir & '\~ip.tmp') Then $ip = FileRead(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp', FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp')) FileDelete(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp') $ip = StringTrimLeft($ip, StringInStr($ip, '

') + 14) $ip = StringTrimRight($ip, StringLen($ip) - StringInStr($ip, '/') + 2) $ip = StringStripWS($ip, 8) $t_ip = StringSplit($ip, '.') If $t_ip[0] = 4 And StringIsDigit($t_ip[1]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[2]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[3]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[4]) Then Return $ip EndIf EndIf If InetGet('http://www.displaymyip.com/?rnd1=' & Random(1, 65536) & '&rnd2=' & Random(1, 65536), @TempDir & '\~ip.tmp') Then $ip = FileRead(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp', FileGetSize(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp')) FileDelete(@TempDir & '\~ip.tmp') $ip = StringTrimLeft($ip, StringInStr($ip, '
') + 15) $ip = StringTrimRight($ip, StringLen($ip) - StringInStr($ip, '/') + 2) $ip = StringStripWS($ip, 8) $t_ip = StringSplit($ip, '.') If $t_ip[0] = 4 And StringIsDigit($t_ip[1]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[2]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[3]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[4]) Then Return $ip EndIf EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_GetIP Func FileInfo() If @Compiled Then ;section identifying script's version and release date from #AutoIt3Wrapper fields :-) Global $sVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace(FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath), '.', '')) / 1000) ;script's version in x.xx format Global $dateRlse = FileGetVersion(@ScriptFullPath, 'Release date') Else Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_' For $ln = 1 To 50 $srchRes = StringInStr(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $ln), $strRes) If $srchRes > 0 Then $lr = $ln ExitLoop EndIf Next $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=' Dim $lnRes[3] For $i = 1 To 2 For $ln = $lr To $lr + 16 $srchRes = StringInStr(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $ln), $strRes) If $srchRes > 0 Then $lnRes[$i] = $ln ExitLoop EndIf Next $strRes = '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Release date|' Next Global $sVer = StringFormat('%.2f', Number(StringReplace(StringTrimLeft(FileReadLine(@ScriptFullPath, $lnRes[1]), 32), '.', '')) / 1000) $rd = FileGetTime(@ScriptFullPath, 0, 0) _FileWriteToLine(@ScriptFullPath, $lnRes[2], '#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=Release date|' & $rd[2] & '.' & $rd[1] & '.' & $rd[0], 1) Global $dateRlse = $rd[2] & '.' & $rd[1] & '.' & $rd[0] FileSetTime(@ScriptFullPath, $rd[0] & $rd[1] & $rd[2] & $rd[3] & $rd[4] & $rd[5], 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>FileInfo Func msg($txt = '', $ms = 1500, $title = -1, $ttX = -1, $ttY = -2, $icn = 1, $tray = -1) If $ms >= 0 And $ms < 250 Then $ms = 250 If $ms = -1 Then $ms = 1500 If $ms < -1 Then $ms = Abs($ms) $clr = 1 EndIf If $title = -1 Then $scN = StringSplit(@ScriptName, '.') $title = $scN[1] If IsDeclared('fnScript') And IsDeclared('sVer') Then $title = $fnScript & ' ' & $sVer EndIf If $ttX = -1 Then $ttX = Int(@DesktopWidth / 2) If $ttY = -1 Then $ttY = Int(@DesktopHeight / 2) If $ttY = -2 Then $ttY = @DesktopHeight - 64 If $icn = 2 Then $txt = 'Warning!' & @CRLF & $txt If $icn = 3 Then $txt = 'ERROR!' & @CRLF & $txt If $tray = -1 Then ToolTip($txt, $ttX, $ttY, $title, $icn, 2) If $tray = 1 Then TrayTip($title, $txt, $ms, $icn) Sleep($ms) If IsDeclared('clr') Then ToolTip('') EndFunc ;==>msg Func OnExit() BlockInput(0) If Not IsDeclared('runAlr') Then If $iniDel = 0 Then IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUsed', $rcntUsed) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'rcntUpdChk', $rcntUpdChk) $countTimes = $countTimes + 1 IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'countTimes', $countTimes) IniWrite($ini, 'Main', 'anon', $anon) Else If FileExists($ini) Then FileDelete($ini) EndIf $onx = 1 ;If IsDeclared('monter') And FileExists($monter) Then FileDelete($monter) If IsDeclared('icon') And FileExists($icon) Then FileDelete($icon) EndIf EndFunc ;==>OnExit