#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=CernerCitrixNet.exe #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opt("TrayAutoPause",1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) $g_szVersion = "Cerner Citrix Net Automation Script" If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit ; It's already running AutoItWinSetTitle($g_szVersion) BlockInput(1) Select Case @ComputerName = "nwbmm28p" or @ComputerName = "nwbmm2dr" or @ComputerName = "nlbmd212" or @ComputerName = "nlbmd222" ; MsgBox(64,"INTEGRIS Health Cerner PathNet TAT Application Launcher", "The PathNet TAT Application will resume in 60 seconds." & @CR & "Please Wait...",60) $USERNAME = "labbtat" $PASS = "pvview" Call("PathNet") Case Else BlockInput(0) MsgBox (4096, "INTEGRIS Health Cerner Net Application Launcher", "The Cerner Net Application Launcher has not been modified " & @CR & _ "for use with " & @ComputerName & "." & @CR & @CR & "For assistance please call Angela Lilienthal with the INTEGRIS " & @CR & _ "Information Technology department at 405.552.0827. " & @CR & @CR & "ComputerName: " & @ComputerName & " IP Address: " & @IPAddress1) Exit(1) EndSelect BlockInput(0) Exit(0) Func PathNet() ShellExecute("") WinWaitActive("HNAM Logon - \\Remote") ;, "P227") ConsoleWrite("Window active!" & @CRLF) ControlFocus("HNAM Logon", "P227", 1001) ControlSetText("HNAM Logon", "P227", 1001, $USERNAME) ControlFocus("HNAM Logon", "P227", 1003) ControlSetText("HNAM Logon", "P227", 1003, $PASS) ControlClick("HNAM Logon", "P227", 1) ; WinWaitActive("Select Service Resource") #comments-start WinSetState("Select Service Resource", , @SW_MAXIMIZE) #comments-end ;Do ; Sleep(3000) ; Send("IBMC") ; Send("{SPACE}") ; Send("lab") ; Send("{ENTER}") ; Sleep(3000) ; Send("{ENTER}") ; WinActivate("PathNet Lab Management: TAT Monitor", "") ; Until WinActive("PathNet Lab Management: TAT Monitor", "") EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit(1)