#include ;Set Hotkeys HotKeySet ("{Esc}", "endnow" ) HotKeySet("^`", "CaptureHotkey") ;Change The '`' To Whatever You Want That'S Not Reserved While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Exit Func CaptureHotkey() ;1. Capture The Text Send("{CTRLDOWN}c") ;Send("{CTRLDOWN}c{CTRLUP}") ;2. Reformat The Text $x = Titlecase(ClipGet()) ClipPut($x) ;3. paste the text send("^v") ;fixes 'CTRL' key from sticking Send("{CTRLUP}{CTRLUP}") EndFunc ;==>CaptureHotkey Func endnow() Exit EndFunc Func Titlecase($_x) $y = StringLeft($_x, 1) $y1 = $y $out = StringUpper($y) $_x = StringTrimLeft($_x, 1) For $i = 0 To StringLen($_x) $y = StringLeft($_x, 1) If Asc($y1) > 90 And Asc($y1) < 97 or (Asc($y1) < 65 Or Asc($y1) > 122) Then $out = $out & StringUpper($y) Else $out = $out & $y EndIf $y1 = StringLeft($_x, 1) $_x = StringTrimLeft($_x, 1) Next Return $out EndFunc ;==>Titlecase