#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) ; #FileCustodian#=============================================================================================================== ; Name...........: FileCustodian ; Description ...: Extracts, organizes, manages, and renames media collections as downloaded through various torrent and IRC ; networks. This script should be run with the expectation that it will destroy your entire file structure and as such you are ; responsible for the proper testing of this script on your local machine. By design, there is nothing malicious here, however ; distribution over the internet can allow for all sorts of terrible things to happen to this code. ; ; With all those unpleasantries asside, this code is simple in concept. It takes all the files you download via torrents or IRC ; from the 'done' directories ($wDir) and attempts to sort them out into categories (porn, movies, os, games, televised series...) ; and moves them into a directory respectively. Just below this header you can set those values corresponding to the location you ; want. ; The naming scheme includes spaces (I know, eww) intentionally. It has been designed for optimal compatibility with the MediaBrowser ; extension available for Windows Media Center. I highly recommend this extension. ; ; Should you need to contact me for any reason, you may refer to any email address associated to the account on the site you ; downloaded this from. ; ; Syntax ........: ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: The change log readout has several characters before text. They are explained below: ; | @ = Indicates a soft warning. Eg. An error that has already handled itself ; | ! = Indicates an error that could not be automatically solved. ; | # = Indicates a notice for a file displacement ; | ^ = Indicates a file deletion ; A step-by-step message for diagnosis is available in the misc.log file. ; Enjoy, modify and release, but please keep my name attached. ; Warnings ......: This should _only_ be used in a native windows environment! ; | This script will not directly delete any files, but will move many to the recycle bin for various reasons. ; | This script will delete all files with the words 'german' or 'sample' in them. ; =============================================================================================================================== ;Header Global $ini = @ScriptDir & '\' & 'local.ini' Global $delay = 300000 ;Delay time in minutes Global $cLog = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\logs\changes.log", 41) Global $dLog = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\logs\debug.log", 41) Global $mLog = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\logs\misc.log", 41) Global $wDir, $other_dir, $movie_dir, $series_dir, $porn_dir, $os_dir, $game_dir, $target, $videos, $video, $files, $target_tmp, $msgb, $error, $file, $subfile, $subfiles, $exit, $move_target, $fType, $ed_root, $gc_dir Global $time = @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & " || " Global $footer = @TAB & "LINE: " Global $ver = '' ;Read globals from ini ;If the .ini file already exists If FileExists ($ini) Then ;Sets the values of critical locations $wDir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','wDir') $other_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','other_dir') $movie_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','movie_dir') $series_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','series_dir') $porn_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','porn_dir') $os_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','os_dir') $game_dir = _IniRead ($ini,'Directories','game_dir') ;If the .ini file does not exist Else ;Determine necessary variables $wDir = _InputBox ('wDir','FileCustodian - wDir','Please enter the full path to where your finished downloads are sent. This should be the directory with unsorted downloads immediately after download, for more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\downloads\done') $other_dir = _InputBox ('other_dir','FileCustodian - Other Files','Please enter the full path to where files can be moved if their type cannot be determined. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\downloads\extracted') $movie_dir = _InputBox ('movie_dir','FileCustodian - Movies','Please enter the full path to where your movies are stored locally. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\media\movies') $series_dir = _InputBox ('series_dir','FileCustodian - ','Please enter the full path to where your series files are stored locally. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\media\series') $porn_dir = _InputBox ('porn_dir','FileCustodian - XXX','Please enter the full path to where your... explicit files are stored locally. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\media\other') $os_dir = _InputBox ('os_dir','FileCustodian - OS','Please enter the full path to where operating systems are stored locally. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\useful\os') $game_dir = _InputBox ('game_dir','FileCustodian - Games','Please enter the full path to where your games are stored locally. For more help see the wiki.','c:\system66\media\games') EndIf Global $mDir = $movie_dir & '|' & $series_dir Global $mDirs = StringSplit($mDir, "|") ;Logs the directories chosen. FileWrite ($mLog,'Setting key variables to...' & @CRLF & '$wDir = ' & $wDir & @CRLF & '$movie_dir = ' & $movie_dir & @CRLF & '$series_dir = ' & $series_dir & @CRLF & '$porn_dir = ' & $porn_dir & @CRLF & '$other_dir = ' & $other_dir & @CRLF & '$game_dir = ' & $game_dir & @CRLF & '$os_dir = ' & $os_dir & @CRLF) ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: Main ; Description ...: ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== ;~ FileCopy(@ScriptFullPath, @ScriptDir & '\' & $ver & "\" & 'File.Custodian-' & $ver & '.au3', 9) ;backs up script every time it runs ;Header messages FileWrite ($cLog, '########################################################################' & @CRLF & '# Beginning script... ' & StringTrimRight ($time,3) & @CRLF & '########################################################################' & @CRLF) FileWrite ($dLog, '########################################################################' & @CRLF & '# Beginning script... ' & StringTrimRight ($time,3) & @CRLF & '########################################################################' & @CRLF) FileWrite ($mLog, '########################################################################' & @CRLF & '# Beginning script... ' & StringTrimRight ($time,3) & @CRLF & '########################################################################' & @CRLF) While 1 ;Don't know if this works... FileSetAttrib($wDir & "\*", "-R", 1) ;Removes the Read-Only attribute. _ChangeDir ($wDir,@ScriptLineNumber) $files = FileFindFirstFile("*") If @error Then ;empty dir ElseIf $files = -1 Then ;Error in search string FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Script encountered an error, closing.' & $footer & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else While 1 $exit = 0 ; Resets exit code $fType = 0 ; Resets file type $target = FileFindNextFile($files) ;Cycles through files in watched dirs If @error Then ExitLoop ;empty If @extended = 1 Then $fType = 2 ;directory check FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Working on target: ' & $target & $footer & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $error = FileExists(@WorkingDir & '\' & $target) ;Determine type for $fType If $error = 1 And $fType = 0 Then ;exists and is not a directory $fType = _GetType($target) ElseIf $error = 0 Then ;DNE $fType = 0 ElseIf $fType = 2 Then ;directory Else ;bizzarre unexplainable error FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Script encountered an error, closing. Current dir\file: "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $target & '".' & $footer & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Exit EndIf ;Perform actions based on $fType (archive, directory, file) Switch $fType Case 0 ;File does not exist FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ File "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $target & '" does not exist.' & $footer & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Case 1 ;Archive _Extract($target, $wDir, @ScriptLineNumber) Case 2 ;Directory _ExploreDir($target, @ScriptLineNumber) _GetCategory($target, @ScriptLineNumber, @WorkingDir) Case 3 ;File _PutFile($target, @ScriptLineNumber) EndSwitch FileWriteLine($mLog, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------') ;~ If $exit = 1 Then ExitLoop ;I left this here to remind myself not to do this cause it would just be silly. WEnd EndIf ;Cycles through watched dirs For $i2 = 1 To $mDirs[0] ;Removes the Read-Only attribute. FileSetAttrib($mDirs[$i2] & "\*", "-R", 1) _ChangeDir ($mDirs[$i2],@ScriptLineNumber) $videos = FileFindFirstFile("*") While 1 $video = FileFindNextFile($videos) If @error Then ExitLoop ;empty ;Directory If @extended Then $video = _RenameTarget ($video, 2, @ScriptLineNumber) _ExploreDir ($video, @ScriptLineNumber) ;File Else $video = _RenameTarget ($video, 1, @ScriptLineNumber) EndIf ;Clears the exit code $exit = 0 WEnd Next ;This adds to readability of the $mLog FileWriteLine ($mLog,'########################################################################') FileWrite ($mLog, $time & 'Sleeping...' & @CRLF) ;Clean up FileFindFirst FileClose($videos) FileClose($files) ;Flush files so they can be read during sleep FileFlush($cLog) FileFlush($dLog) FileFlush($mLog) ;Enable exit for testing purposes. ;~ Exit Sleep($delay) WEnd ;==>Main ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _IniRead() ; Description ...: Attempts to read the given variable from an ini file, if the value is not there then it will be asked and added. ; Syntax ........: _IniRead ($irFile, $irSection, $irKey, $irDefault = 0) ; Parameters ....: $irFile - The .ini file to read ; ...............: $irSection - The section in the ini file to look for ; ...............: $irKey - The key inside the section to look for ; ...............: $irDefault (optional) - The default value for the string ; Return values .: Returns the path entered into the inputbox ; |Success: Returns the value of the key ; |Failure: Exits ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: Sets all the variables based on ini values. Defaults to 0, if any of them come up 0 then it will invoke a _InputBox to get it and then write it to file. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniRead ($irFile, $irSection, $irKey, $irDefault = 'NoKey') ;Read the ini Local $irResult = IniRead ($irFile,$irSection,$irKey,$irDefault) ;If the value could not be found If $irResult = 'NoKey' Then ;Asks the user for the value to the section $irResult = _InputBox ($irKey, 'FileCustodian - Warning','Please enter the full path to ' & $irKey & '. For more help see the wiki.','') EndIf Return $irResult EndFunc ;==>IniRead ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _InputBox() ; Description ...: Opens a prompt with the given text and default value to return a value specified by the user. ; Syntax ........: _InputBox ($ibKey, $ibTitle, $ibText, $ibDefault) ; Parameters ....: $ibTitle = The title of the window ; ...............: $ibText = The text in the window ; ...............: $ibKey = The key being used to add this string to the local .ini file ; ...............: $ibDefault = The default answer for the input box ; Return values .: Returns the path entered into the inputbox ; |Success: Returns the path specified ; |Failure: Exits ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: None ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _InputBox($ibKey, $ibTitle, $ibText, $ibDefault) If $exit = 1 Then Exit Local $ibAnswer = InputBox($ibTitle,$ibText,$ibDefault," M") Switch @error ;OK - The string returned is valid Case 0 If Not FileExists ($ibAnswer) Then $msgb = MsgBox (4,'Warning!', 'The directory you specified does not exist. Would you like to create it now?') ;Yes was pressed If $msgb = 6 Then ;Create the directory $error = DirCreate ($ibAnswer) ;Failed to create dir If $error = 0 Then ;Try again $error = _InputBox ($ibKey, $ibTitle,$ibText,$ibDefault) ;Returns the value of return from the function call above Return $error EndIf ;No was pressed Else ;Try again $error = _InputBox ($ibKey, $ibTitle,$ibText,$ibDefault) ;Returns the value of return from the function call above Return $error EndIf EndIf ;Problems Case 1 To 5 ;Can't continue without these values, so exit after confirming. This also gives another shot at launching the prompt if it failed. $msgb = MsgBox (4, 'Warning!', 'The program requires this value to continue. Are you sure you want to cancel setting this value? (program will exit if you hit yes)') If $msgb = 6 Then Exit ;Flags $exit so that we can't get stuck in a perpetually failing prompt $exit = 1 ;If we don't want to exit, then let's try again! $error = _InputBox ($ibKey, $ibTitle,$ibText,$ibDefault) ;Returns the value of return from the function call above Return $error EndSwitch IniWrite ($ini,'Directories', $ibKey,$ibAnswer) Return $ibAnswer EndFunc ;==>_InputBox ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _ExploreDir() ; Description ...: Opens directories to interact with files therein ; Syntax ........: _ExploreDir ($fDir, $line_num) ; Parameters ....: $fDir - Initial directory working in ; ...............: $line_num - Line number from where this func was called ; Return values .: Result of explore ; |1 - Success ; |0 - Failure ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: None ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ExploreDir($fDir, $line_num) If $exit = 1 Then Return FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Exploring dir: ' & $fDir & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $ed_root = @WorkingDir & '\' _ChangeDir ($fDir,@ScriptLineNumber) $subfiles = FileFindFirstFile("*") ;If the dir is empty If @error Then _ChangeDir ($ed_root,@ScriptLineNumber) _RemoveTarget($fDir, 2, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Dir is empty.') ;Clears the dir we just deleted, we don't return because we need to change dirs again $fDir = "" ;error matcing ElseIf $subfiles = -1 Then FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ Error, no files matched the search string.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) _ChangeDir ($ed_root,@ScriptLineNumber) Return 0 Else While 1 ;reset exit code $exit = 0 ;reset fType $fType = 0 $subfile = FileFindNextFile($subfiles) ;No more files If @error Then ExitLoop ;directory check If @extended = 1 Then $fType = 2 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Looking at the subfile: ' & $subfile & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $error = FileExists(@WorkingDir & '\' & $subfile) ;exists and is not a dir If $error = 1 And $fType = 0 Then $fType = _GetType($subfile) ;DNE ElseIf $error = 0 Then $fType = 0 ;Dirs are already set to '2' so we don't need to _GetType EndIf Switch $fType ;File does not exist Case 0 FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ File "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $subfile & '" does not exist.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Archive Case 1 _Extract($subfile, @WorkingDir, @ScriptLineNumber) ;Reloads files to prevent loading removed archive parts $subfiles = FileFindFirstFile('*') ;Directory Case 2 _UnloadDir($subfile, @ScriptLineNumber) ;File Case 3 _RenameTarget($subfile, 1, @ScriptLineNumber) ;Puts the file into season directory if it matches post-rename season filter If StringRegExp ($subfile,"(?i).+\sS\d{2}\sE\d{2}.+") Then _PutFile ($subfile, @ScriptLineNumber, 1) EndSwitch WEnd EndIf FileClose($subfiles) _ChangeDir ($ed_root,@ScriptLineNumber) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ExploreDir ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _ChangeDir() ; Description ...: Changes the current directory ; Syntax ........: _ChangeDir ($cd_target, $line_num) ; Parameters ....: $cd_target - Where we are cd'ing into ; ...............: $line_num - The line number where this call was referenced. Used for debugging purposes. ; Return values .: result of cd ; |1 - Success ; |0 - Failure ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: None ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ChangeDir (ByRef $cd_target, $line_num) $error = FileChangeDir($cd_target) If $error = 0 Then ;failed to change Dir If FileExists($cd_target) Then FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Could not change dir from "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & '" to "' & $cd_target & '". Unknown reason.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ Could not change dir from "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & '" to "' & $cd_target & '". Directory does not exist.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) EndIf ;sets exit to skip this operation $exit = 1 Return 0 Else FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'CD to ' & $cd_target & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ChangeDir ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _MoveTarget() ; Description ...: Moves a file or folder ; Syntax ........: _MoveTarget ($mt_file, $destination, $type, $line_num) ; Parameters ....: $mt_file - File/Dir to be moved ($target) ; ...............: $destination - Where the file/folder is being moved ; ...............: $type - Determines file or folder ; | $type = 1 File ; | $type = 2 Directory ; ...............: $line_num - The line number where this call was referenced. Used for debugging purposes. ; Return values .: Result of move ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |Success = new name/location of $mt_file ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: $mt_file and $destination must be full path to file ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _MoveTarget($mt_file, $destination, $type, $line_num) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 ;Make sure there are no trailing backslashes, this causes problems with DirMove() If StringRight ($mt_file,1) = '\' Then $mt_file = StringTrimRight ($mt_file,1) If StringRight ($destination,1) = '\' Then $destination = StringTrimRight ($destination,1) ;First make sure our file exists If FileExists($mt_file) Then ;Next make sure the destination doesn't exist or if it does overwrite it If FileExists($destination) Then Switch $type ;File Case 1 ;If the target is smaller than or equal to the destination copy If FileGetSize($mt_file) <= FileGetSize($destination) Then ;If the names are the _exact_ same If StringToBinary($mt_file) = StringToBinary($destination) Then ;Return 0 for failure Return 0 Else FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'File "' & $mt_file & '" flagged for deletion. The file "' & $destination & '" already exists. ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;$mt_file is smaller than the copy and they don't have the same name thus are not the same file. So delete $mt_file. _RemoveTarget($mt_file, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Copy in destination is larger than original.') ;Returns blank to reset $mt_file Return EndIf ;If the current is larger than the destination ElseIf FileGetSize($mt_file) > FileGetSize($destination) Then FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'File "' & $destination & '" flagged for deletion. The file "' & $mt_file & '" is larger. ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) _RemoveTarget($destination, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Old file is smaller than a new file with the same name.') EndIf ;Dir Case 2 ;If the newer is smaller than or equal to the older If DirGetSize($mt_file) <= DirGetSize($destination) Then ;If the names are the exact same do nothing If StringToBinary($mt_file) = StringToBinary($destination) Then Else FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Dir "' & $mt_file & '" flagged for deletion. The dir "' & $destination & '" already exists. ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) _RemoveTarget($mt_file, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Copy in destination is larger than original.') ;Returns blank to reset $mt_file Return EndIf ;If the current is larger than the destination ElseIf DirGetSize($mt_file) > DirGetSize($destination) Then FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Dir "' & $destination & '" flagged for deletion. The dir "' & $mt_file & '" is larger. ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) _RemoveTarget($destination, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Old dir is smaller than a new dir with the same name.') EndIf EndSwitch EndIf Switch $type ;File Case 1 $error = FileMove($mt_file, $destination, 8) If $error = 1 Then ;success FileWrite($cLog, $time & '# File "' & $mt_file & '" was moved to "' & $destination & '". ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! File "' & $mt_file & '" cannot be moved to "' & $destination & '". Unknown reason, skipping.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $exit = 1 Return 0 EndIf Case 2 ;Dir $error = DirMove($mt_file, $destination, 0) If $error = 1 Then ;success FileWrite($cLog, $time & '# Directory "' & $mt_file & '" was moved to "' & $destination & '". ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Directory "' & $mt_file & '" cannot be moved to "' & $destination & '". Unknown reason, skipping.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $exit = 1 Return 0 EndIf EndSwitch EndIf FileWrite($mLog, $time & $mt_file & ' is now located at ' & $destination & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return $destination EndFunc ;==>_MoveTarget ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _RenameTarget() ; Description ...: Renames file to remove bad syntax and put all files into a standard format ; Syntax ........: _RenameTarget (ByRef $rt_file, $type, $line_num, $rt_root) ; Parameters ....: $rt_file - Dir/File being renamed ($target) ; ...............: $type - Determines file or folder ; | $type = 1 File ; | $type = 2 Directory ; ...............: $line_num - The line number where this call was referenced. Used for debugging purposes. ; ...............: $rt_root (optional) - The root directory. Used for subdirs. ; Return values .: Result of rename ; |Failure: 0 ; |Success: new name of $rt_file ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: Currently only works for files, not directories. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RenameTarget($rt_file, $type, $line_num, $rt_root = @WorkingDir) ;exit check used for files that encounter an error If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Passing "' & $rt_file & '" through the SRE filter.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Language check. Return is blank because file is deleted If StringInStr($rt_file, "german") Then _RemoveTarget($rt_file, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, "File was German.") Return 1 ;Kill off .txt,.nfo, and .sfv files and those annoying Thumbs.db files ElseIf StringRegExp($rt_file, "(?i)(.*\.(sfv|txt|nfo)|Thumbs.db)") Then _RemoveTarget($rt_file, $type, @ScriptLineNumber, "File was a leftover info file.") Return 1 EndIf ;SRE filter - ', become blank, & becomes 'and', spaces and other characters become decimals, and multiple decimals become a single decimal. $move_target = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace ($rt_file,"(?i)[',]",""),'&','and'),' ','.'),"(?i)[\Q/.>[]{};:|!@#$%^*()-_=+<\E]", "."), "\.{2,}", ".") ;Trim trailing decimal If StringRight($move_target, 1) = "." Then $move_target = StringTrimRight($move_target, 1) ;Fix the multiple decimals problem $move_target = StringRegExpReplace ($move_target, "\.{2,}", ".") ;Only perform garbage remove filter on directories to avoid accidently removing extension or season text. If $type = 2 Then ;Garbage remover, gets rid of group text, year, and quality text in file names. While 1 ;Try and grab as much of the name as it can, leaving behind all the grouptext and file info. Local $rm_file_tmp = StringRegExp($move_target, '(?i)(.+)\.(?:HDTV|repack|rerip|nuked|DC|proper|pdtv|dvdscr|DTS|extended|WS|hd|xvid|pdtv|ppv|eng|p|limited|unrated|(?:19|20)\d{2}|CHD|uncut|(?:dvd|bd|br|bluray)rip|r5|(?:720|1080|480)(?:p|i)|bluray)(?:\..*)?\b', 1) ;Actually removes the garbage above If IsArray($rm_file_tmp) Then ;Only keeps text before the garbage filter $move_target = $rm_file_tmp[0] Else ;Fix the multiple decimals problem $move_target = StringRegExpReplace ($move_target, "\.{2,}", ".") ;Since were done removing garbage, move on. ExitLoop EndIf ;kill the trailing dot If StringRight ($move_target,1) = '.' Then $move_target = StringTrimRight ($move_target,1) WEnd EndIf ;Writes the SRE filterd file to console. Useful for debugging. ConsoleWrite ($move_target & @CRLF) Switch $type ;File Case 1 ;local vars used with the series check Local $move_target_tmp, $SeriesName, $SeasonNum, $EpisodeNum, $EpisodeTitle, $Extension ;Series check: Checks for a file with no series #, then a file with a strange combination (s{1}e{2}-e{2} or s{1}e{2}-e{2} or s{1}\.?e{2}) ;Then checks for standard format (eg:s{2}\.?e{2}) #Region ;e{2} ;Checks for exactly 2 digits for when the series number is not included. $move_target_tmp = StringRegExp ($move_target,"(?=(?:\b\D*\d{2}\D{2}.*\b))(.+)\.(\d{2}(?!(?:\d+|.*\d+\D+\d+)))\.?(.*)(\..+)\b",1) If IsArray ($move_target_tmp) Then ;Assign appropriate values $SeriesName = $move_target_tmp[0] ;The season number was blank, assume season one $SeasonNum = '01' $EpisodeNum = $move_target_tmp[1] $EpisodeTitle = $move_target_tmp[2] $Extension = $move_target_tmp[3] #EndRegion ;e{2} Else #Region ;s{1}\D?e{2}-e{2} $move_target_tmp = StringRegExp ($move_target,"(.+)\.\D?(\d{1})\D{0,2}(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.?(.*)(\..+)\b",1) If IsArray ($move_target_tmp) Then ;Assign appropriate values $SeriesName = $move_target_tmp[0] ;The season number was blank, assume season one $SeasonNum = '0' & $move_target_tmp[1] $EpisodeNum = $move_target_tmp[2] & '-' & $move_target_tmp[3] $EpisodeTitle = $move_target_tmp[4] $Extension = $move_target_tmp[5] #EndRegion ;s{1}e{2}-e{2} Else #Region ;\D?s{2}\D?e{2}-e{2} $move_target_tmp = StringRegExp ($move_target,"(.+)\.\D?(\d{2})\D{0,2}(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.?(.*)(\..+)\b",1) If IsArray ($move_target_tmp) Then ;Assign appropriate values $SeriesName = $move_target_tmp[0] $SeasonNum = $move_target_tmp[1] ;Sets the episodes with a '-' between them $EpisodeNum = $move_target_tmp[2] & '-' & $move_target_tmp[3] $EpisodeTitle = $move_target_tmp[4] $Extension = $move_target_tmp[5] #EndRegion ;\D?s{2}\D?e{2}-e{2} Else #Region ;\D?s{1}.?e{2} $move_target_tmp = StringRegExp ($move_target,"(.+)\.\D?(\d{1})\D{0,2}(\d{2}(?!(?:\d+|.*\d+\D+\d+)))\.?(.*)(\..+)\b",1) If IsArray ($move_target_tmp) Then ;Assign appropriate values $SeriesName = $move_target_tmp[0] ;The season number was a single digit, add preceeding '0' $SeasonNum = '0' & $move_target_tmp[1] $EpisodeNum = $move_target_tmp[2] $EpisodeTitle = $move_target_tmp[3] $Extension = $move_target_tmp[4] #EndRegion ;\D?s{1}.?e{2} Else #Region ;\D?s{2}\D?e{2} $move_target_tmp = StringRegExp ($move_target,"(?=(?:\b\D*\d{2}\D*\d{2}\D*\b))(.+)(?= 1 Then $move_target = $SeriesName & ' S' & $SeasonNum & ' E' & $EpisodeNum & ' - ' & $EpisodeTitle ;Checks to see if $EpisodeTitle is blank and kill trailing delineator if it is If StringRight ($move_target,3) = ' - ' Then $move_target = StringTrimRight ($move_target,3) ;Strips decimals and adds extension $move_target = StringReplace ($move_target, '.',' ') & $Extension Local $root_check = StringReplace ($SeasonNum, '0','') ;Checks to see if we are inside a directory to match the season# or not If StringInStr (@WorkingDir,'Season ' & $root_check,2,-1,1,StringLen ($root_check)) Then $move_target = @WorkingDir & '\' & $move_target ;If we are in a season directory that doesn't match the season # ElseIf StringInStr (@WorkingDir,'Season') Then $move_target = $rt_root & '\' & 'Season ' & $root_check & '\' & $move_target ;Put it into a season dir Else ;Sets $move_target to include a season dir $move_target = @WorkingDir & '\' & 'Season ' & $root_check & '\' & $move_target EndIf ;If we are not working with a season file (as determined by $SeasonNo >=\ 1) Else ;Makes an array with 2 parts, the file name and the extension. Local $move_target_name = StringRegExp ($move_target,'(.*\\?)(?!\\)(.+)(\..{1,4}\b)',1) If IsArray ($move_target_name) Then ;Replaces the '.' with a ' ' in the filename and then adds the extension (with its decimal) $move_target = $move_target_name[0] & StringReplace($move_target_name[1], ".", " ") & $move_target_name[2] ;no extension Else ;Flag exit code $exit = 1 FileWrite($dLog, $time & $rt_file & ' has no extension.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Return fail Return 0 EndIf EndIf ;Writes the name to log FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Set moving name as ' & $move_target & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Directory Case 2 ;Replaces decimals with spaces $move_target = @WorkingDir & '\' & StringReplace($move_target, ".", " ") EndSwitch ;If we aren't trying to change the name, no need to call another function If @WorkingDir & '\' & $rt_file = $move_target Then Return $rt_file _MoveTarget(@WorkingDir & '\' & $rt_file, $move_target, $type, @ScriptLineNumber) ;Prevents using the $move_target name for $target If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & $rt_file & ' is now ' & $move_target & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return $move_target EndFunc ;==>_RenameTarget ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _RemoveTarget() ; Description ...: Deletes directory with error check ; Syntax ........: _RemoveTarget($type, $rm_file, $line_num, $reason) ; Parameters ....: $dir - Directory to be removed ; ...............: $type - Determines file or folder ; | $type = 1 File ; | $type = 2 Directory ; ...............: $line_num - The line number where this call was referenced. Used for debugging purposes. ; ...............: $reason - A text string by user input for use in the log ; Return values .: Result of removal ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |1 = Success ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: Sends to recycle bin ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _RemoveTarget($rm_file, $type, $line_num, $reason) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Removing ' & $rm_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $error = FileRecycle($rm_file) Switch $type Case 1 ;File ;success If $error = 1 Then FileWrite($cLog, $time & '^ File "' & $rm_file & '" was deleted. ' & $reason & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! File "' & $rm_file & '" cannot be deleted. Unknown reason. ' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf Case 2 ;Dir ;success If $error = 1 Then FileWrite($cLog, $time & '^ Directory "' & $rm_file & '" was deleted. ' & $reason & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Directory "' & $rm_file & '" cannot be deleted. Unknown reason.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_RemoveTarget ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _PutFile() ; Description ...: Organizes loose files ; Syntax ........: _PutFile($pf_file, $line_num, $series_check) ; Parameters ....: $pf_file - File to be extracted ; ...............: $line_num - line number that called this function ; ...............: $series_check (optional) - Indicates that we are to organize this file into a season directory ; | 0(default) = not a series, perform normal put ; | 1 = Is a series, perform series put ; Return values .: Result of 'put' ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |1 = Success ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: This function attempts to place loose files in the download directory into a directory named after themselves. ; If two or more files have similar names, they will be grouped in the same folder. Similar name is determined by removing all ; numeric characters from the name (excluding extension) for analysis. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _PutFile($pf_file, $line_num, $series_check = 0) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 Switch $series_check ;Do not perform series check Case 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Putting the file ' & $pf_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Gets the name up until the extension $target_tmp = StringRegExp($pf_file, '(?i)(.+)\.(.{1,4}\b)', 1) _MoveTarget (@WorkingDir & '\' & $pf_file, @WorkingDir & '\' & $target_tmp[0] & '\' & $pf_file, 1, @ScriptLineNumber) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_PutFile ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _GetType() ; Description ...: Gets the file type for future operations ; Syntax ........: _GetType ($gt_file) ; Parameters ....: $gt_file - File being analyzed ; Return values .: A number corresponding to type of file, directory, or archive. ; | 0 - $exit flagged ; | 1 - Archive ; | 2 - Directory (declared elsewhere) ; | 3 - File ; | 4 - Part of an archive ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: None ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetType($gt_file) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 ;If it is the first part of the archive If StringRegExp($gt_file, "(?i).*part.{0,4}(0{1,}1|1)\.((t|r)ar|zip)\b") Then Return 1 ;Archive part If StringRegExp($gt_file, "(?i).*(part.{0,2}\d{1,3}\.(t|r)ar|\.r\d\d)\b") Then Return 4 ;General archive If StringRegExp($gt_file, "(?i).*\.((t|r)ar|zip)\b") Then Return 1 ;If it failed all other checks, return 3 for general file Return 3 EndFunc ;==>_GetType ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Extract() ; Description ...: Extracts specified file ; Syntax ........: _Extract($ex_file, $fDir, $line_num) ; Parameters ....: $ex_file - File to be extracted ; ...............: $fDir - Directory working in ; ...............: $line_num - line number that called this function ; Return values .: Result of extraction ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |1 = Success ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: This function simply extracts the directed file into the done directory ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Extract($ex_file, $fDir, $line_num) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Extracting ' & $ex_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Checks to see if WinRar is installed If Not FileExists (@ProgramFilesDir & '\winrar\winrar.exe') Then MsgBox (0,'File Custodian - Critical Error!','Please install winrar into the default location. Program will now exit.') Exit EndIf ;Path to install dir for winrar. Local $extract_code = RunWait('"' & @ProgramFilesDir & '\winrar\winrar.exe" x "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $ex_file & '" "' & $fDir & '"') Switch $extract_code ;extracted successfully Case 0 FileWrite($cLog, $time & '# Extracted archive "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $ex_file & '".' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) _RemoveTarget($ex_file, 1, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Successful extraction - deleting archive.') ;Sets $target_tmp for later comparison to delete extracted archive parts Local $target_tmp = StringRegExpReplace($ex_file, "(?i)(part\d{1,}\.(rar|zip)|\.(\d{3}|(z|r)r\d{2}))\b", "") ;if we have a zip or rar file check for parts and delete them too If StringRegExp($ex_file, "(?i).*\.(rar|zip)\b", 0) Then Local $rar_parts = FileFindFirstFile("*") While 1 Local $rar_part = FileFindNextFile($rar_parts) ;out of files If @error Then ExitLoop ;Checks to see if each file matches the parts filter Switch StringRegExp($rar_part, "(?i).*(part\d{1,}\.rar|\.(\d{3}|r\d{2}))\b", 0) Case 1 Local $rar_part_tmp = StringRegExpReplace($rar_part, "(?i)(part\d{1,}\.(rar|zip)|\.(\d{3}|(z|r)\d{2}))\b", "") If $rar_part_tmp = $target_tmp Then _RemoveTarget($rar_part, 1, @ScriptLineNumber, 'File is a part of an extracted archive.') EndSwitch WEnd EndIf Case 1 FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Failed to extract archive ' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $ex_file & '.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return 0 Case Else FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ Unknown result for extract of ' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $ex_file & '. Extract code = "' & $extract_code & '"' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return 0 EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_Extract ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _UnloadDir() ; Description ...: Pulls files out of a subdir and places them in current dir ; Syntax ........: _UnloadDir ($file, $line_num) ; Parameters ....: $file - subdir to unload ; ...............: $line_num - line number that called this func ; Return values .: Result of 'put' ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |1 = Success ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: Should never be called in watch dir ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _UnloadDir($ud_dir, $line_num) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 ;ignore subtitles directories If StringInStr($ud_dir, "sub") Then Return 1 ;Deletes sample dirs If StringInStr($ud_dir, "sample") Then _RemoveTarget($ud_dir, 2, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Sample dir.') ;Takes all files/folders from dir and moves them to dir's root Return 1 Else Local $ud_dir_root = @WorkingDir _ChangeDir ($ud_dir,@ScriptLineNumber) Local $subfiles = FileFindFirstFile('*') If @error Then _ChangeDir ($ud_dir_root,@ScriptLineNumber) _RemoveTarget($ud_dir, 2, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Empty dir.') Return 1 ElseIf $subfiles = -1 Then _ChangeDir ($ud_dir_root,@ScriptLineNumber) FileWrite($dLog, $time & '! Error in search string. Working on "' & $ud_dir_root & '\' & $ud_dir & '".' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf While 1 Local $subfile = FileFindNextFile($subfiles) ;No more files If @error Then ExitLoop ;Dir check If @extended Then _MoveTarget(@WorkingDir & '\' & $subfile, $ud_dir_root & '\', 2, @ScriptLineNumber) ;Season filter (goal is already formatted season folders) ElseIf StringRegExp($ud_dir, "(?i)Season\s\d{1,3}\b") Then _RenameTarget ($subfile,1,@ScriptLineNumber, $ud_dir_root) Else ;This is where the file actually gets moved to the root _MoveTarget(@WorkingDir & '\' & $subfile, $ud_dir_root, 1, @ScriptLineNumber) FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Moved "' & @WorkingDir & '\' & $subfile & '" to "' & $ud_dir_root & '\".' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & ',' & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) EndIf WEnd _ChangeDir ($ud_dir_root,@ScriptLineNumber) FileClose($subfiles) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_UnloadDir ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _GetCategory() ; Description ...: Determines category of folder for classification ; Syntax ........: _GetCategory ($file, $line_num, $gc_root) ; Parameters ....: $gc_file - Directory being reviewed ; ...............: $line_num - line number that called this function ; ...............: $gc_root - Directory started in ; Return values .: Result of categorization ; |0 = Failure or Error ; |1 = Success ; Return values .: $category ; Author ........: DoubleMcLovin ; Remarks .......: Values of $category are: ; | 0 - Exit ; | 1 - Movie ; | 2 - Game ; | 3 - Porn ; | 4 - OS ; | 5 - Other ; | 6 - Series ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetCategory($gc_file, $line_num, $gc_root) If $exit = 1 Then Return 0 FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Getting category of ' & $gc_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;Reset $category Local $category ; The next three are done in this order because the Movie filter will pick up the Series and Porn If StringRegExp($gc_file, "(?i).*(season|s)\D{0,1}\d{1,2}.*", 0) Then ;Series filter FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Found a series: ' & $gc_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $category = 6 ElseIf StringRegExp($gc_file, "(?i).*\.(xxx|p(or|r(o|0))n|ass|puss|tit|fuck).*", 0) Then ;Porn filter FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Found some pr0n: ' & $gc_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $category = 3 ElseIf StringRegExp($gc_file, "(?i)(.+)\.(?:HDTV|repack|rerip|nuked|DC|proper|pdtv|dvdscr|extended|WS|hd|xvid|pdtv|ppv|eng|p|limited|unrated|(?:19|20)\d{2}|uncut|(?:dvd|bd|br|bluray)rip|r5|(?:720|1080|480)(?:p|i)|bluray)\.(?:.*)", 0) Then ;Movie filter FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Found a movie: ' & $gc_file & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) $category = 1 ;general filter Else _ChangeDir ($gc_file,@ScriptLineNumber) $subfiles = FileFindFirstFile("*") ;If the dir is empty If @error Then _ChangeDir ($gc_root,@ScriptLineNumber) _RemoveTarget($gc_file, 2, @ScriptLineNumber, 'Empty dir.') Return 1 ;error matcing ElseIf $subfiles = -1 Then FileWrite($dLog, $time & '@ Error, no files matched the search string.' & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Else While 1 ;Looks at subfiles to determine the category. $subfile = FileFindNextFile($subfiles) ;Out of files If @error Then ExitLoop FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Looking at ' & $subfile & $footer & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) ;iso check If StringRight($subfile, 3) = "iso" Then If FileGetSize($subfile) >= 5872025600 Then ;700MB+ ;Test for popular software brands. Looks at name of directory, not file. If StringRegExp($gc_file, "(?i).*(microsoft|windows|linux|ubuntu|x(86|64)|adobe|OS(X|.+X)).*", 0) Then $category = 4 Else ;size must be > 700MB, and not include major software names, must be .iso. Indicates game $category = 2 EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd EndIf FileClose($subfiles) EndIf ;If all else fails, assign it to 'other' If $category = 0 Then $category = 5 Switch $category Case 1 $gc_dir = $movie_dir Case 2 $gc_dir = $game_dir Case 3 $gc_dir = $porn_dir Case 4 $gc_dir = $os_dir Case 5 $gc_dir = $other_dir Case 6 $gc_dir = $series_dir EndSwitch ;Ensures proper formatting for _MoveTarget by ensuring there is always a trailing backslash to $gc_dir and $gc_root While 1 If StringRight($gc_dir, 1) = '\' Then $gc_dir = StringTrimRight($gc_dir, 1) ElseIf StringRight($gc_root, 1) = '\' Then $gc_root = StringTrimRight($gc_root, 1) Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $gc_dir = $gc_dir & "\" $gc_root = $gc_root & "\" FileWrite($mLog, $time & 'Set media dir to ' & $gc_dir & 'o' & $line_num & "," & 'i' & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) Local $fail = _ChangeDir ($gc_root,@ScriptLineNumber) $fail = _MoveTarget($gc_root & $gc_file, $gc_dir & $gc_file, 2, @ScriptLineNumber) ;If the _MoveTarget() function failed If $fail = 0 Then Return 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_GetCategory