;Every function you want to explicity write your own dynamic interpreter for: you enter the UPPERCASE name in here, ;Then you create a function called Return_, which passes (through return) the function that will be used ;as the dynamic builtin caller.. ;For example, for the Exp builtin function, you would insert a string element into the $function_overrides array that was: "EXP", ;Then create a function with the name Func Return_EXP(), and then return whatever you want to appear for that command in the ;generated file. EG: 'Return "Func Exp( $expression)" & @CRLF & "return Exp( $expression) & @CRLF & "EndFunc" global $function_Overrides[2] = ["GUICTRLCREATELABEL", "MOUSECLICKDRAG"] ;These two functions are coded as the parser fails for them. The parser fails because of a badly written Helpfile. Func Return_GUICTRLCREATELABEL() return "Func _DynEXEC_GUICTRLCREATELABEL( $text, $left, $top, $width=Default, $height=Default, $style=Default, $exStyle=Default)" & _ @CRLF & " local $ret = GUICTRLCREATELABEL($text,$left,$top,$width,$height,$style,$exStyle)" & @CRLF & _ " SetError(@error,@extended)" & @crlf & _ " Return $ret" & @crlf & _ "Endfunc" EndFunc FUnc Return_MOUSECLICKDRAG() return "Func _DynEXEC_MOUSECLICKDRAG( $button, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $speed=Default)" & @CRLF & _ " local $ret = MOUSECLICKDRAG($button,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,$speed)" & @CRLF & _ " SetError(@error,@extended)" & @CRLF & _ " Return $ret" & @CRLF & _ "Endfunc" EndFunc