#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Version=beta #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=CSicon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=Craftsave.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Craftsave-Minecraft Server Automatic Backups #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Completely Free, no obligation, no warrantee. #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include #include #include #include Sleep( 500 ) ;set some variables for system tray Dim $winstate = "Hide Minecraft Console" Dim $togsh=1 Dim $savetime = "None" Dim $togasaves = 1 Dim $togshide, $togsave, $traysave, $trayexit, $trayfexit, $traysall #Region INI Setup ;Config file setup If FileExists ( "Craftsave.ini" ) Then $window=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Window Name", "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" ) $prefix=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Prefix", "Craftsave_" ) $worlds=StringSplit(IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Worlds", "World,Nether" ), ",", 2 ) $zipfolder=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Backup Folder", @ScriptDir & "\" ) If Not (StringRight ( $zipfolder, 1 ) = "\") Then $zipfolder = $zipfolder & "\" EndIf $broadcast=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Broadcast", "Yes" ) $minbsaves=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Save Time", "120" ) $numbackups=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Days To Keep Backups", "2" ) $fullworldpath=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Path To World Folder", "") $saveall=IniRead ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Saveall Time", "0" ) Else IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Window Name", "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" ) FileOpen ( "Craftsave.ini" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Window Name is the name of the window your server runs in") IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Prefix", "Craftsave_" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Prefix is the beginning of your save file name") IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Worlds", "World,Nether" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Worlds is the list of world folders to backup separated by comma" ) IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Backup Folder", @ScriptDir & "\" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Backup Folder is where your backups are stored, please use the full path") IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Broadcast", "Yes" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Change Broadcast to No to disable broadcasting saves to the server." ) IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Save Time", "120" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Save Time is the amount of time in minutes between automatic saves. Set to 0 to permanently disable autosaves." ) IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Days To Keep Backups", "2" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Days To Keep Backups is the number of days before a backup gets deleted. (1-30) Set to 0 to disable deletion." ) IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Path To World Folder", "" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Path To World Folder is the full path of the folder your world folders are in, leave blank unless you are having issues." ) IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Saveall Time", "0" ) FileWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", ";Saveall Time is the time in minutes between sending save-all to the server, 0 turns this feature off (default)" ) FileClose ( "Craftsave.ini" ) MsgBox ( 0, "Craftsave", "Craftsave.ini config file not found, created. Please adjust the settings in this file to suit your needs.") Exit EndIf #EndRegion INI Setup ;set some variables for controlling saves Dim $saveallstate = 0 Dim $savestate = 0 Dim $lastsave Dim $lastsaveall = _NowCalc() Dim $diffsaveall #Region Systray ;System Tray Setup Opt ( "TrayMenuMode", 7 ) Opt ( "TrayOnEventMode", 1) TraySetClick ( 8 ) $togshide=TrayCreateItem ( $winstate ) TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $togshide, "_togshide" ) $togsave =TrayCreateItem ("Toggle Autosave") _asavestate () TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $togsave, "AStoggle") $traysave=TrayCreateItem ( "Force Save" ) TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $traysave, "Saveit" ) $traysall=TrayCreateItem ( "Force Save-All" ) TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $traysall, "_saveall" ) TrayCreateItem ( "" ) $trayexit=TrayCreateItem ( "Exit Craftsave" ) TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $trayexit, "Exitprog" ) $trayfexit=TrayCreateItem ( "Force Close (Last Resort)" ) TrayItemSetOnEvent ( $trayfexit, "ForceExit" ) TraySetToolTip ( "Last Save: " & $savetime ) Sleep (200) #EndRegion Systray #Region Splash Text ;Get fancy SplashTextOn("","Craftsave Reborn v1" & @CRLF & "Created by(Malface) Fixed By Chernobyl","-1","-1","-1","-1",35,"Courier New","16","400") Sleep ( 3500 ) SplashOff() #EndRegion Splash Text ;save server window If WinExists ( $window )=0 Then $pid=ProcessExists( "cmd.exe" ) If WinExists ( _GetHwndFromPID($pid) ) = 0 Then ;Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;Sets it to search for the closest matching window, not recommended. If Winexists ( $window )=0 Then $errwind=MsgBox (4, "Craftsave Error", "Cannot find the Minecraft Server Window." & @CR & "Click Yes for Craftsave to find it, click No to exit.") If $errwind=6 Then MsgBox (0, "Finding Server Window", "Click Ok, then click inside your server window to make it the active window." & @CR & "Craftsave will wait 20 seconds, then set the active window as your server.") Sleep(20000) $window=WinGetTitle("[active]") If $window=0 Then WinSetTitle ( "[active]", "", "Minecraft Server - Protected By Craftsave") $window="Minecraft Server - Protected By Craftsave" EndIf IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Window Name", $window ) Dim $winid=WinGetHandle ($window) MsgBox (0, "Server Found", "Craftsave found your server and set it to " & $window & "." & @CR & "If you continue to see this message, you may need to run your server in a plain cmd window.") Else Exitprog() EndIf Else Dim $winid=WinGetHandle ($window) ;MsgBox (0, "Wintitlematch", "Your window is " & WinGetTitle ($winid ) ) ;Window Debug Mode EndIf Else $winid=_GetHWndFromPID($pid) ;MsgBox (0, "PIDmatch", "Your window is " & WinGetTitle($winid ) ) ;Window Debug Mode EndIf Else Dim $winid=WinGetHandle ($window) ;MsgBox (0, "INIfile", "Your window is " & WinGetTitle($winid ) ) ;Window Debug Mode EndIf WinActivate ( $winid ) $state = WinGetState ( $winid ) If BitAND ($state, 2) Then $winstate = "Hide Minecraft Console" Else $winstate = "Show Minecraft Console" EndIf TrayItemSetText( $togshide, $winstate ) Saveit() $lastsave= _NowCalc() Sleep( 100 ) ;Main loop with autosave timer While 1 Select Case WinExists ($winid) = 0 Exitprog() Case $saveall > 0 $diffsaveall = _DateDiff ( 'n', $lastsaveall, _NowCalc () ) If $diffsaveall >= $saveall Then _saveall() EndIf Sleep ( 100 ) ContinueCase Case $minbsaves > 0 And $togasaves = 1 $diffsaveit= _DateDiff ( 'n', $lastsave, _NowCalc() ) If $diffsaveit >= $minbsaves Then Saveit() $lastsave=_NowCalc () EndIf Sleep ( 500 ) ContinueLoop EndSelect Sleep (100) ContinueLoop WEnd ;Functions Func _asavestate() If $minbsaves = 0 Then TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 128 ) ElseIf $togasaves=1 Then TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 1 ) Else TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 4 ) EndIf EndFunc Func bm ($st) TrayItemSetState ( $st , 128 ) EndFunc Func _BlankMenu ($tf) If $tf = 0 Then bm ( $togshide ) bm ( $togsave ) bm ( $traysave ) bm ( $traysall ) bm ( $trayexit ) Else TrayItemSetState ( $togshide, 68 ) TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 64 ) _asavestate() TrayItemSetState ( $traysave, 68 ) TrayItemSetState ( $traysall, 68 ) TrayItemSetState ( $trayexit, 68 ) EndIf EndFunc Func AStoggle() ;Controls the toggle switch for autosaves in the system tray If $togasaves=1 Then $togasaves=0 TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 4) Else $togasaves=1 TrayItemSetState ( $togsave, 1) EndIf Sleep ( 100 ) EndFunc Func deleteold() ;checks if files should be deleted and deletes them if they pass all tests FileChangeDir ($zipfolder) $saves = FileFindFirstFile ( "*.zip" ) While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile ( $saves ) If @error Then ExitLoop ElseIf $numbackups > 30 Then ExitLoop ElseIf _IsOld ($file) = 1 And StringLeft ( $file, StringLen( $prefix) ) = $prefix Then FileDelete ( $file ) Sleep ( 500 ) Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd FileClose($saves) Sleep ( 100 ) EndFunc Func _IsOld ( $filedate ) ;checks if file is old enough to delete based on ini setting $arrDate= FileGetTime ( $filedate, 1, 0) $datestring= $arrDate[0] & "/" & $arrDate[1] & "/" & $arrDate[2] & " " & $arrDate[3] & ":" & $arrDate[4] & ":" & $arrDate[5] If _DateDiff ('D', $datestring, _NowCalc() ) > $numbackups Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func Saveit() ;Saves the world, sends messages to server window If $savestate="0" Then If $saveallstate = 1 Then While $saveallstate = 1 Sleep ( 100 ) WEnd EndIf $savestate="1" TraySetToolTip( "Backup In Progress" ) _BlankMenu (0) ;Add the full path to the world folders from the ini If $fullworldpath = "" Then $path=StringTrimRight (@ScriptDir, 9 ) ElseIf StringRight ( $fullworldpath, 1) = "" Then $path=$fullworldpath & "\" Else $path=$fullworldpath EndIf Dim $pathworlds[UBound($worlds)] For $world In $worlds _ArrayAdd ($pathworlds, $path & $world) _ArrayDelete ($pathworlds, 0) Next Dim $leavesaveit=0 ;Check that the world folders are all there. For $pathworld In $pathworlds If FileExists($pathworld)=0 Then $fullworldpath=InputBox ("Craftsave Error", $pathworld & " folder not found. Please enter the full path to the location of your world files.") If $fullworldpath=1 Then Exit EndIf If StringRight ($fullworldpath, 1 ) = "\" Then IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Path To World Folder", $fullworldpath ) $leavesaveit=1 ExitLoop Else $fullworldpath = $fullworldpath & "\" IniWrite ( "Craftsave.ini", "Settings", "Path To World Folder", $fullworldpath ) $leavesaveit=1 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next If $leavesaveit=0 Then ;Stop saves in Minecraft SendToMC ( "save-off" ) If $broadcast = "Yes" Then SendToMC ( "say +Craftsave is backing up World files..." ) EndIf ;Create the zip file Local Const $zipfile=$zipfolder & $prefix & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & ".zip" _Zip_Create ($zipfile) Sleep ( 500 ) For $folder In $pathworlds If IsString ( $folder) Then ;For people with trailing commas _Zip_AddFolder ($zipfile, $folder, 0) Sleep ( 500 ) EndIf Next ;Restart saves in Minecraft SendToMC( "save-on" ) If $broadcast = "Yes" Then SendToMC ( "say ...completed World backup." ) EndIf $savetime = _Now () TraySetToolTip ( "Last Save: " & $savetime ) ;Delete old backups If $numbackups < 30 AND $numbackups > 0 Then deleteold() $savestate = "0" _BlankMenu (1) Else $savestate = "0" _BlankMenu (1) EndIf Else $savestate= "0" $leavesaveit= "0" MsgBox ( 0, "Settings Changed", "Your folder has been changed to the new setting. Use Force Save from the tray menu to try again." ) TraySetToolTip ( "Last Save: " & $savetime ) EndIf Else MsgBox (0, "Craftsave Error", "Craftsave is currently in the middle of a save, try again soon.",20) EndIf EndFunc Func SendToMC( $command ) ;Send Command to Minecraft Server Window $statebit=WinGetState ( $winid ) IF NOT BitAND( $statebit, 2 ) Then WinActivate ( $winid ) EndIf Controlsend ( $winid,"","", $command & "{ENTER}" ) Sleep ( 100 ) EndFunc ;Function for getting HWND from PID Func _GetHwndFromPID($procid) If $procid = 0 Then Return 0 Else $hWnd = 0 $winlist = WinList() Do For $i = 1 To $winlist[0][0] If $winlist[$i][0] <> "" Then $iPID2 = WinGetProcess($winlist[$i][1]) If $iPID2 = $procid Then $hWnd = $winlist[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Until $hWnd <> 0 Return $hWnd EndIf EndFunc;==>_GetHwndFromPID Func _saveall () _BlankMenu (0) If $savestate = 1 Then While $savestate = 1 Sleep ( 100 ) WEnd EndIf If $saveallstate = 1 Then While $saveallstate = 1 Sleep ( 100 ) WEnd EndIf If $savestate = 0 Then $saveallstate = 1 SendToMC ( "save-all" ) $lastsaveall = _NowCalc () Sleep ( 120000 ) EndIf $saveallstate = 0 _BlankMenu (1) EndFunc Func _togshide () WinActivate ($winid) If $togsh = 1 Then WinSetState ($winid, "", @SW_HIDE ) $winstate= "Show Minecraft Console" TrayItemSetText ( $togshide, $winstate ) $togsh = 0 Else WinSetState ($winid, "", @SW_SHOW ) $winstate= "Hide Minecraft Console" TrayItemSetText ( $togshide, $winstate ) $togsh = 1 EndIf Sleep ( 100 ) EndFunc Func Exitprog() ;exits the program if no saves are in progress If $savestate = 0 Then Exit Else MsgBox(0, "Craftsave", "Please wait for all saves to complete.", 10) EndIf EndFunc Func ForceExit() Exit EndFunc