$inipath = @WindowsDir if not fileexists(@DesktopDir & "\StoogeLog!.lnk") Then filecreateshortcut(@autoitexe, @DesktopDir & "\StoogeLog!.lnk") EndIf if not fileexists(@DesktopDir & "\StoogeLog Setup.lnk") Then filecreateshortcut(@autoitexe, @DesktopDir & "\StoogLog Setup!.lnk", "", "!Baaalls!") EndIf $user = iniread($inipath & "\stoogelog.ini", "Login", "User", "Not Found") if ($cmdline[0] > 0) or $user = "Not Found" Then if not Setup() Then Exit EndIf $user = iniread($inipath & "\stoogelog.ini", "Login", "User", "Not Found") $pass = iniread($inipath & "\stoogelog.ini", "Login", "User", "Not Found") run(@programfilesdir & "\World Of Warcraft\Wow.exe") AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) WinWait("World of Warcraft") dim $xy[4] WinActivate("World of Warcraft") blockinput(1) ;msgbox (0, $xy[0] & " by " & $xy[1],"") ;while $xy[0] < 300 $xy = WinGetPos("World of Warcraft") ;WEnd ;mousemove($xy[0]-1, $xy[1]-1,0) ;while pixelchecksum($xy[0]+100,$xy[1]+75,$xy[0]+104,$xy[1]+79) <> 2291477401 ; sleep(200) ;WEnd sleep(2000) MouseClick("left", $xy[0]+$xy[2]/2, $xy[1]+$xy[3]*.55833333333333,1,0) sleep(100) send("{HOME}+{END}{DEL}") send($user & "{TAB}") ;sleep(500) ;gWinActivate("World of Warcraft") ;MouseClick("left", $xy[0]/2, $xy[1]*.65277777777778,1,0) ;MouseClick("left", 480, 470,1,0) send($pass & "{ENTER}") blockinput(0) ;msgbox (0, "", pixelchecksum(100,75,104,79)) Exit func Setup() $user = inputbox ("Account name", "Enter Account Name", "", "", "", 90) if $user = "" then return 0 Else iniwrite($inipath & "\stoogelog.ini", "Login", "User", $user) EndIf $pass = inputbox("Password", "Enter Password:","","*","",90) if $pass = "" then msgbox (0, "Error", "Must have password") return -1 Else iniwrite($inipath & "\stoogelog.ini", "Login", "Password", $pass) EndIf return -1 EndFunc