#RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/sf /sv /Convert_Vars=1 /Convert_Funcs=1 /Convert_Strings=1 /Convert_Numerics=1 /SCI=1 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: Sn3akyP3t3 Script Function: Send text only email from Gmail SMTP with SSL authentication. Requirements: Blat and Stunnel executables. Stunnel configuration file must be configured properly. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set these values ; Note that I don't recommend hardcoding username and password into the script. If saved as clear text in the script then it is up to you to safely guard them. ; If anyone has suggestions on how to properly do this securely then please contact me via the Autoit Forums. $sPassword = "" ; smtp authentication pwd $sUsername = "@gmail.com" ; full gmail email address required ;smtp server and port given to stunnel config $sSmptServerAddress = "" $sSmptPort = "1099" $sBlatDirectory = "Q:\My Dropbox\Utilities\blat262\full" $sStunnelDirectory = "Q:\My Dropbox\Utilities\blat262\stunnel-4.36" $sSubject = "Subject is missing from command line" $sBody = "Body is missing from the command line" If $CmdLine[0] == 2 Then $sSubject = $CmdLine[1] $sBody = $CmdLine[2] EndIf startStunnel($sStunnelDirectory) pullPassword() EmailUsingBlat($sBlatDirectory, $sUsername, $sPassword, $sSmptServerAddress, $sSmptPort, "toEmailAddress12345678@reallyDoesNotExist.com", "fromEmailAddress12345678@reallyDoesNotExist.com", $sSubject, $sBody) killStunnel() Func startStunnel($sStunnelDir) ; Usage: stunnel [ [-install | -uninstall | -start | -stop] [-quiet] [] ] | -help | -version | -sockets Run($sStunnelDir & "\stunnel.exe") EndFunc Func killStunnel() ProcessClose("stunnel.exe") If ProcessExists("stunnel.exe") Then ProcessClose("stunnel.exe") EndFunc Func EmailUsingBlat($sBlatDir, $sUn, $sPw, $sSmtpSvr, $sSmtpPt, $sTo, $sFrm, $sSubj, $sBdy) ; If you are trying to debug then I suggest temporary enabling of logging add the next line to the last of the parameters ; & '" -log "' & @ScriptDir & '\blat.log"' ShellExecuteWait($sBlatDir & "\blat.exe", "-u " & $sUn & " -pw " & $sPw & " -serverSMTP " & $sSmtpSvr & " -portSMTP " & $sSmtpPt & " -to " & $sTo & " -f " & $sFrm & ' -subject "' & $sSubj & '" -body "' & $sBdy, $sBlatDirectory, "", @SW_HIDE) EndFunc