;5/15/2008. The following code calculates a date suffix for the Vantage MRP log file then logs into Vantage, runs MRP regeneration, and logsout. ;MRP Regeneration is as of this writing a 2.5 hour process. ;Added code to log start and end time to a file and send an email with same. 5/21/2008. #include #include #include Dim $FileName Dim $StartTime ;Assign $FileName the destination file that logs the start and end times of this script $FileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.Stamp\My Documents\MRPLog" $StartTime = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5) ;Opening the file MRPLog and appending the start date and time to the file FileOpen($FileName,1) FileWrite($FileName,@CRLF) FileWrite($FileName,"Start MRP " & $StartTime) ;For use in the email ;Calculating date suffix for MRPLog file name in Vantage Dim $logdate1 Dim $logdate2 Dim $logdate3 Dim $logtime1 Dim $logtime2 Dim $logtime3 Dim $logyear Dim $logfiledate Dim $var Dim $EndTime $var = StringInStr(_Now(),"/",0,2) + 1 $logyear = StringMid(_Now(),$var,4) ;Extracting 4 digit year from today's date ;Extract 1 or 2 digit month from today's date If StringInStr(_Now(),"/") = 2 Then ;Looking for first occurrence of / $logdate1 = 0 & StringMid(_Now(),1,1) ;If / in position 2 Extract first character only and prefix with 0 Else $logdate1 = StringMid(_Now(),1,2) ;Extract 1st and 2nd character EndIf ;Extract 1 or 2 digit day from today's date. If 1st occurrence of / is position 2 and 2nd occurence of / is position 4 Or ;If 1st occurrence of / is position 3 and 2nd occurence of / is position 5 then prefix the day with a 0. If (StringInStr(_Now(),"/") = 2 and StringInStr(_Now(),"/",0,2) = 4) or (StringInStr(_Now(),"/") = 3 and StringInStr(_Now(),"/",0,2) = 5) Then If StringInStr(_Now(),"/",0,2) = 4 then ;If 2nd occurrence of / is position 4 $logdate2 = 0 & StringMid(_Now(),3,1) Else $logdate2 = 0 & StringMid(_Now(),4,1) EndIf Else If StringInStr(_Now(),"/",0,2) = 5 then $logdate2 = StringMid(_Now(),3,2) Else $logdate2 = StringMid(_Now(),4,2) EndIf EndIf ;Extracting the 1 or 2 digit hour from the current time(24 hour format) If StringInStr(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),":") = 2 Then ;If the 1st occurrence of : is position 2 $logtime1 = 0 & StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),1,1) Else $logtime1 = StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),1,2) EndIf ;Extracting the 2 digit minute from the current time(24 hour format) If StringInStr(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),":") = 2 Then $logtime2 = StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),3,2) Else $logtime2 = StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),4,2) EndIf ;Extracting the 2 digit second from the current time(24 hour format) If StringInStr(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),":") = 2 Then $logtime3 = StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),6,2) Else $logtime3 = StringMid(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5),7,2) EndIf $logfiledate = $logdate1 & $logdate2 & $logyear & $logtime1 & $logtime2 & $logtime3 ;Write $logfiledate to log file for debug purposes FileOpen($FileName,1) FileWrite($FileName,@CRLF) FileWrite($FileName,"File name " & $logfiledate & " created " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5)) ;End Calculation ;Dim $LogQues ;Login to Vantage and Run MRP Regen Run("V:\mfgsys61\mfg.exe V:\mfgsys61\Vantage.MFG") _WinWaitActive("System Login") send("mrpuser{TAB}runmrp{ENTER}") ;Log into Vantage _WinWaitActive("Vantage - Dubuque Stamping and Manufacturing - Main Plant") ;Main Window. Code added 7/7/2008. ;sleep(2500) send("{DOWN}{ENTER}") ;Production Management sleep(1000) send("{DOWN}{ENTER}") ;Material Requirements Planning sleep(1000) send("{DOWN}{ENTER}") ;General Operations sleep(1000) send("{DOWN}{ENTER}") ;Process MRP _WinWaitActive("Process MRP") send("{RIGHT}{TAB 3}") ;Move to Regeneration and then to MRP log file window sleep(1000) send("MRPLog" & $logfiledate) ;MRPLog suffixed with date and time calcualted above sleep(2500) send("{TAB}{ENTER}") ;Tab to OK and Enter - Launch MRP If WinActive("Question") = 0 Then ;Is the Window "View Log Yes/No" Active. If not activate it. WinActivate("Question") EndIf _WinWaitActive("Question") send("{TAB}{ENTER}") ;View Log File? Tab to No and Enter _WinWaitActive("Information") send("{ENTER}") ;MRP complete. Enter. sleep(1000) Send ("!{F4}") ;Command to exit Vantage _WinWaitActive("Vantage") Send("{TAB}{ENTER}") ;Exit Vantage? Tab to Yes. Enter. $EndTime = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5) ;Open MRPlog file and append the ending date and time to the file FileOpen($FileName,1) FileWrite($FileName,@CRLF) FileWrite($FileName,"End MRP " & $EndTime) ;Begin Send email to MJD ;Settng varaibles for email function $s_SmtpServer = "" $s_FromName = "MHoneywell" $s_FromAddress = "MHoneywell" $s_ToAddress = "MikeDunn@dbqstamp.com" $s_Subject = "MRP Log" Dim $as_Body[3] ;Dim $err ;Dim $Response $as_Body[0] = "MRP Started " & $StartTime & @CRLF $as_Body[1] = "MRP Finished. " & $EndTime & @CRLF $as_Body[2] = "AutoIT MRP Script Ended " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5) ;Send email function. The value of $Response indicates success or failure $Response = _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body) $err = @error ;End Send email to MJD ;Begin Send email to Mitch ;Settng varaibles for email function $s_SmtpServer = "" $s_FromName = "MHoneywell" $s_FromAddress = "MHoneywell" $s_ToAddress = "mitch@dbqstamp.com" $s_Subject = "MRP Log" Dim $as_Body[3] ;Dim $err ;Dim $Response $as_Body[0] = "MRP Started " & $StartTime & @CRLF $as_Body[1] = "MRP Finished. " & $EndTime & @CRLF $as_Body[2] = "AutoIT MRP Script Ended " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5) ;Send email function. The value of $Response indicates success or failure $Response = _INetSmtpMail($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body) $err = @error ;End Send email to Mitch ;Want to know when script actually finishes FileOpen($FileName,1) FileWrite($FileName,@CRLF) FileWrite($FileName,"AutoIT MRP Script Ended " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),1) & " " & _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(),5)) ;Used for testing ;If $Response = 1 Then ;MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Mail Sent") ;Else ;MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & $err) ;EndIf