; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: ScrabbleIt ; AutoIt Version : ; Version........: - 5/27/2011 ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Srabble as built from the ground up in pure Auto It. A challenge for myself. ; Author(s) .....: Kris Mills ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; Includes ; Array.au3 ; EditConstants.au3 ; KrisUDF.au3 ; GUIConstantsEx.au3 ; WindowsConstants.au3 ; Variables ; $aDButtons[1][5], $aPButtons[8], $aTButtons[16][16] ; $aP1Tiles[8], $aP2Tiles[8] ; $aScores ; $aTiles ; $aBottomRow ; $aFisrtColumn ; $aLastColumn ; $aTopRow ; $cLetter, $lLeft, $sColorTrigger, $sLetter, $sPassLimit, $sPlay ; $gMain ; $iPlayer, $iPlayer1, $iPlayer2 ; $lTurn ; $aWordList ; Functions ; Close ; _Scrabble_ClickBoardTile ; _Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile ; _Scrabble_ConvertWord ; _Scrabble_CreateBoard ; _Scrabble_FindWord ; _Scrabble_GetLetterScore ; _Scrabble_GetTiles ; _Scrabble_GetWordScore ; _Scrabble_Pass ; _Scrabble_Play ; _Scrabble_RecallTiles ; _Scrabble_SpecialTile ; _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer ; _Scrabble_VerifyWord ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INCLUDES# ==================================================================================================================== #include ;For use with the many arrays in this program #include ;For use with the input controls #include ;For use with the _Array2DClearBlanks function #include ;For use with the Main GUI #include ;For use with the Main GUI ; =============================================================================================================================== FileInstall("ScrabbleWords.txt",@TempDir & "\ScrabbleWords.txt",1) ;Install the ScrabbleWords.txt file into the temp directory OnAutoItExitRegister("Close") ;When the program exits, perform the Close function Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) ;Set the AutoIt GUI mode to On Event _CreateBuild() ;Creates a build upon each running of the program ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== #Region Global $aDButtons[1][5], $aPButtons[8], $aTButtons[16][16] ;Declare the global button values, used first in _Scrabble_CreateBoard ;$aDButtons is the array for the default button parameters ;$aDButtons[$n][0] = The "state" of the button. 0 is default, 1 has a player tile on it that has not been "played", and 2 is "perminantly played" ;$aDButtons[$n][1] = The default color of the button ;$aDButtons[$n][2] = The default label of the button ;$aDButtons[$n][3] = The default hint tip of the button ;$aDButtons[$n][4] = The @GUI_CtrlID of the button ;$aPButtons is the array used for the buttons representing the player's hands ;$aPButtons[1] is the first button, etc. ;$aTButtons is the array for the physical Control IDs of the buttons on the board. Coordinates are 1-15 ;$aTButtons[1][1] = Button Coord 1,1 Global $aP1Tiles[8], $aP2Tiles[8] ;Declares the arrays used to store each player's tiles Global $aScores[27][2] = [["_",0],["E",1],["A",1],["I",1],["O",1],["R",1],["N",1],["T",1],["L",1],["S",1], _ ;Declares the two dimensional array containing ["U",1],["D",2],["G",2],["B",3],["C",3],["M",3],["P",3],["F",4],["H",4],["V",4], _ ;the scores for each tile in the game ["W",4],["Y",4],["K",5],["J",8],["X",8],["Q",10],["Z",10]] Global $aTiles[100] = ["_","_","J","K","Q","X","Z","B","B","C","C","F","F","H","H","M","M","P","P","V", _ ;Declares the array containing each of the "V","W","W","Y","Y","G","G","G","D","D","D","D","L","L","L","L","S","S","S","S", _ ;tiles in the game "U","U","U","U","N","N","N","N","N","N","R","R","R","R","R","R","T","T","T","T", _ "T","T","O","O","O","O","O","O","O","O","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","I", _ "I","I","I","I","I","I","I","I","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E"] Global $aBottomRow[15] = [18,33,48,63,78,93,108,123,138,153,168,183,198,213,228] ;Declare an array containing the Control ID's of the bottom row of buttons Global $aFirstColumn[15] = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] ;Declare an array containing the Control ID's of the first column of buttons Global $aLastColumn[15] = [214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228] ;Declare an array containing the Control ID's of the last column of buttons Global $aTopRow[15] = [4,19,34,49,64,79,94,109,124,139,154,169,184,199,214] ;Declare an array containing the Control ID's of the top row of buttons ;The above four declares ($aBottomRow, $aFirstColumn, $aLastColumn, and $aTopRow) are all used in the _Scrabble_FindWord function to set the limits on word plays Global $cLetter, $lLeft, $sColorTrigger, $sLetter, $sPassLimit = 0, $sPlay = 1 ;Declare various other variables that need to be Global for various functions ;$cLetter is Global as its the identifying "this tile has been selected by the user" variable ;$lLeft is Global for the _Scrabble_GetTiles function ;$sColorTrigger is Global for the _Scrabble__Scrabble_ClickBoardTile and _Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile functions ;$sLetter is Global for the _Scrabble__Scrabble_ClickBoardTile and _ScrabbleClickPlayerTile functions ;$sPassLimit is used to track consecutive passes. After 6 consecutive passes, the game is over ;$sPlay is only used to force the first move to cross the X in _Scrabble_FindWord Global $gMain ;Declaring the main gui so that it can be created and destroyed in different functions Global $iPlayer = 1, $iPlayer1, $iPlayer2 ;Declare the score input boxes for use in several functions ;$iPlayer is initialized to 1 to indicate Player 1 goes first Global $lTurn ;Declare the labels used in the GUI Global $sSize = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KM\ScrabbleIt","Size") ;Declare the $sSize variable as the Size value in the registry If $sSize = "" Then $sSize = 35 ;If there is no size value in the registry, default to 35 Global Const $sWordList = FileRead(@TempDir & "\ScrabbleWords.txt") ;Declare the word list string as the contents of the word list text file #EndRegion ; =============================================================================================================================== _Scrabble_CreateBoard($sSize) ;Create the game board based on the user input size _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(0) ;Perform the first player update function While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func _Scrabble_Size() $sSure = MsgBox(52,"ScrabbleIt","Changing the game board size will end the current game. Are you sure you want to do this?") If $sSure = 7 Then Return $sInput = InputBox("ScrabbleIt","The current size is: " & $sSize & @CRLF & "Valid sizes are 25 - 45.",""," M",150,150) If $sInput < 25 Or $sInput > 45 Then MsgBox(16,"ScrabbleIt","The size you entered is not valid.") Return EndIf GUIDelete($gMain) _Scrabble_CreateBoard($sInput) _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(0) $sPlay = 1 EndFunc ;Code the "blank" squares ;Finish the Size function ;The middle square is a "double word" square ;Add 50 points to the total score if the player uses all 7 tiles ;Still need to code swap and resign ;Problem with the middle X if a piece was placed on it then moved ;Problem with the X being the last letter of the word, won't work ;Problems with the Play button (may be related to NOT having horizontal coded yet) ;Won't allow a word to be played if the previously played letter it's attached to is the first or last letter ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: Close ; Description ...: Performs resource clean up and exits the program ; Syntax.........: Close() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func Close() RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KM\ScrabbleIt","Size","REG_SZ",$sSize) ;Write the size value to the registry Exit ;Close the program EndFunc ;==>Close ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_ClickBoardTile ; Description ...: This function is run every time a player clicks one of the "Board Tiles" ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_ClickBoardTile() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires the following global variables to be declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $cLetter, $sColorTrigger, $sLetter ; ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_ClickBoardTile() Local $iBlank = "" If $sLetter = "_" Then $sLetter = InputBox("ScrabbleIt","Please enter the letter you wish to use.",""," M1",150,150) If StringIsAlpha($sLetter) <> 1 Then MsgBox(16,"ScrabbleIt","Please enter a valid letter.") Return EndIf $iBlank = 1 EndIf If $sLetter <> "" and $aDButtons[@GUI_CtrlId][0] = 0 Then ;If a Player Tile is selected and the Board Tile does not have any other tiles on it, then GUICtrlSetData(@GUI_CtrlId,$sLetter) ;Set the newly selected Board Tile's label to the given letter GUICtrlSetBkColor(@GUI_CtrlId,0xFFE500) ;Set newly selected the Board Tile's color to a mustard yellow, indicating a tile has been placed but not played If $iBlank = 1 Then GUICtrlSetTip(@GUI_CtrlId, "A wildcard is worth 0 points.") If $iBlank = "" Then GUICtrlSetTip(@GUI_CtrlId, $sLetter & " is worth " & _Scrabble_GetLetterScore($sLetter)) ;Set newly selected the Board Tile's hint tip to the given value GUICtrlSetFont(@GUI_CtrlId,10,900) ;Set newly selected the Board Tile's font to slightly larger than normal GUICtrlSetData($cLetter,"") ;Erase the $cLetter variable, indicating no letter is currently selected If $sColorTrigger = 1 Then ;If $sColorTrigger is 1, indicating a Player Tile is selected, then GUICtrlSetBkColor($cLetter,0xD4BFFE) ;Change that Player Tile color to purple, indicating the tile that had been there has been played Else ;If $sColorTrigger is not 1, indicating a Board Tile is selected, then GUICtrlSetFont($cLetter,8.5,400) ;Set the originally selected Board Tile's font back to normal GUICtrlSetBkColor($aDButtons[$cLetter][4], $aDButtons[$cLetter][1]) ;Set the originally selected Board Tile's color back to default GUICtrlSetData($aDButtons[$cLetter][4], $aDButtons[$cLetter][2]) ;Set the originally selected Board Tile's label back to default GUICtrlSetTip($aDButtons[$cLetter][4], $aDButtons[$cLetter][3]) ;Set the originally selected Board Tile's hint tip back to default $aDButtons[$cLetter][0] = 0 ;Set the originally selected Board Tile's state back to default (contains no tile) EndIf $aDButtons[@GUI_CtrlId][0] = 1 ;Set the newly selected Board Tile's state to 1 (a tile has been placed, but not played) $sLetter = "" ;Erase the $sLetter variable, indicating no tile is currently selected EndIf If $aDButtons[@GUI_CtrlId][0] = 1 Then ;If the state of the newly selected Board Tile is 1, indicating a tile has already been placed but not played, then If GUICtrlRead($cLetter) <> "" and StringLen(GUICtrlRead($cLetter)) < 2 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($cLetter,0xFFE500) ;If the previously selected letter was a Player Tile that was not blank, change the Player Tile color back to a mustard yellow to reflect the change $cLetter = @GUI_CtrlId ;Set the Tile that is on the newly selected Board Tile to the currently selected Tile $sLetter = GUICtrlRead($cLetter) ;Set the $sLetter variable to the current label of the newly selected Board Tile $sColorTrigger = 0 ;Set the $sColorTrigger to 0, indicating a Board Tile, and not a Player Tile, is selected EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_ClickBoardTile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile ; Description ...: This function is run every time a player clicks one of the "Player Tiles" ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires the following global variables to be declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $cLetter, $sColorTrigger, $sLetter ; ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile() If @GUI_CtrlId <> $cLetter and GUICtrlRead($cLetter) <> "" and StringLen(GUICtrlRead($cLetter)) < 2 And @GUI_CtrlId > 230 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($cLetter,0xFFE500) ;If the clicked tile is not the previous tile, then change the color back to normal If GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId) <> "" Then ;If the user hasn't selected a blank player tile, then $sColorTrigger = 1 ;Set the $sColorTrigger variable to 1. This variable is used in the _Scrable__Scrabble_ClickBoardTile function to indicate wether or not a Player Tile is selected $cLetter = @GUI_CtrlId ;Set the value of $cLetter (clicked letter) to the current @GUI_CtrlId $sLetter = GUICtrlRead($cLetter) ;Read the clicked letter and get the string value of the letter GUICtrlSetTip($cLetter,"") ;Set the hint tip of the selected tile to blank. This stops the "blank" player tiles from having old hint tips GUICtrlSetBkColor($cLetter,0xFE80B9) ;Change the selected player tile's color to pink to notify the user of the selection EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_ConvertWord ; Description ...: Converts the word array used in the ScrabbleIt program into the word's string value ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_ConvertWord( $iaWord ) ; Parameters.....: $iaWord - An array containing the word to be scored. This array must be in the following format: ; $iaWord[0][0] - The first letter of the word $iaWord[0][1] - The multiplier of the word (or blank if no multiplier) ; $iaWord[$n][0] - The last letter of the word $iaWord[$n][1] - The multiplier of the word (or blank if no multiplier) ; ; An example would be the word DOG with a TL multiplier on D and a TW multiplier on G: ; $aWord[3][2] = [["D","TL"],["O",""],["G","TW"]] ; ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 5/4/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_ConvertWord($iaWord) Local $isWord = "" ;Declare the local word variable For $i = 0 To UBound($iaWord) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each letter in the array $isWord = $isWord & $iaWord[$i][0] ;Concatenate the array letters together into a string Next ;Start the next iteration of the For loop Return $isWord ;Return the word EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_ConvertWord ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_CreateBoard ; Description ...: Creates the main Scrabble board, score boxes, and player tiles all based on the number entered by the user ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_CreateBoard( $sButtonSize = 35 ) ; Parameters ....: $sButtonSize - [optional] The size of the board to be created. Valid entries are 25-45. Default is 35 ; Return values .: Failure - -1, indicates the user input a number outside the 25-45 range ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires the following global variable to be declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $aDButtons[1][5], $aTButtons[16][16], $aPButtons[8] ; ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_CreateBoard($sButtonSize = 35) If $sButtonSize < 25 or $sButtonSize > 45 Then Return -1 ;If the user inputs a value less than 25 or greater than 45, return -1 $gMain = GUICreate("ScrabbleIt - Game Board", (15 * $sButtonSize) + 1, (16 * $sButtonSize) + 92) ;Create the Main GUI window based on the entered value GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Close") ;Set the Close On Event for when the user exits the program $mMain = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") ;Create the Main Menu control $mMain_Exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Exit Esc",$mMain) ;Create the Exit entry under File in the Main Menu GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Close") ;Set the On Event function for the Exit entry $mOptions = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Options") ;Create the Options Main Menu control $mOptions_Size = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Size F5",$mOptions) ;Create the Size entry under Options in the Main Menu GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_Scrabble_Size") ;Set the On Event for the Size entry ;Create the buttons on the game board and give them their special labels/colors For $i = 1 to 15 ;Start a For loop. This loop will create the buttons on the game board and will repeat 15 times For $y = 1 to 15 ;Start a second For loop. This will repeat 15 times each time through the above loop $aTButtons[$i][$y] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 8 + (($i-1) * ($sButtonSize - 1)), 8 + (($y-1) * ($sButtonSize - 1)), $sButtonSize, $sButtonSize) ;Create the next button in line using the loop variables as identifying numbers GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_Scrabble_ClickBoardTile") ;Set the On Event for each game board button GUICtrlSetFont($aTButtons[$i][$y],8.5,400) ;Set the universal font for the buttons GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0xffffff) ;Set the background color of all the game board buttons to white ReDim $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y] + 1][5] ;Add one to the default button array $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][0] = 0 ;Set the default state of the button to 0 $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][1] = 0xffffff ;Set tje defailt color of the button to 0xffffff $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][2] = "" ;Set the default label of the button to blank $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][3] = "" ;Set the default tip hint of the button to blank $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][4] = $aTButtons[$i][$y] ;Set the default @GUI_CtrlID of the button to the @GUI_CtrlID If $i = 8 and $y = 8 Then ;If the $i and $y values are both 8, then GUICtrlSetData($aTButtons[$i][$y],"+") ;Add a + to the square $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$i][$y]][2] = "+" ;Set the default label of the button to + EndIf If (($i = 1 or $i = 8 or $i = 15) and ($y = 1 or $y = 8 or $y = 15)) and not ($i = 8 and $y = 8) Then ;If the button is meant to be a Triple Word square, then _Scrabble_SpecialTile($i, $y, 0xFF3300, "TW", "Words placed over this tile will have a x3 multiplier applied to the score.") ;Apply the Triple Word color and label EndIf If (($i > 1 and $i < 6) or ($i > 10 and $i < 15)) and ($i = $y or $i = 16 - $y) Then ;If the button is meant to be a Double Word square, then _Scrabble_SpecialTile($i, $y, 0xFEBFDC, "DW", "Words placed over this tile will have a x2 multiplier applied to the score.") ;Apply the Double Word color and label EndIf If (($i = 2 or $i = 6 or $i = 10 or $i = 14) and ($y = 2 or $y = 6 or $y = 10 or $y = 14)) and not (($i = 2 and $y = 2) or ($i = 2 and $y = 14) or ($i = 14 and $y = 2) or ($i = 14 and $y = 14)) Then ;If the button is meant to be a Triple Letter square, then _Scrabble_SpecialTile($i,$y,0x80C8FE,"TL","Letters placed over this tile will have a x3 multiplier applied to the score.") ;Apply the Triple Letter color and label EndIf If (($i = 1 or $i = 4 or $i = 12 or $i = 15) and ($y = 1 or $y = 4 or $y = 12 or $y = 15) and ($i <> $y) and ($i <> 16 - $y)) or (($i = 7 or $i = 9) and ($i = $y or $i = 16 - $y)) or (($i = 3 or $i = 13) and ($y = 7 or $y = 9)) or (($y = 3 or $y = 13) and ($i = 7 or $i = 9)) or (($i = 4 or $i = 12) and $y = 8) or (($y = 4 or $y = 12) and $i = 8) Then ;If the button is meant to be a Double Letter square, then _Scrabble_SpecialTile($i,$y,0xCCFE80,"DL","Letters placed over this tile will have a x2 multiplier applied to the score.") ;Apply the Double Letter color and label EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the $y For loop Next ;Perform the next iteration of the $i For loop ;Create the score keeping section $lPlayer1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 1 Score:", 8, (15 * $sButtonSize), 110) ;Create the Player 1 Score label in its appropriate location GUICtrlSetFont(-1,Round(($sButtonSize/4.12),0),900) ;Set the font size based on the button size $iPlayer1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", $sButtonSize - (17+(($sButtonSize-20)/5)), (15 * $sButtonSize) + (17+(($sButtonSize-20)/5)), 70,"",BitOR($ES_CENTER,$ES_READONLY,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL), BitOR($WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,$WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) ;Create the Player 1 Score input in its appropriate location $lPlayer2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 2 Score:", 8, (15 * $sButtonSize) + 50, 110) ;Create the Player 2 Score label in its appropriate location GUICtrlSetFont(-1,Round(($sButtonSize/4.12),0),900) ;Set the font size based on the button size $iPlayer2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", $sButtonSize - (17+(($sButtonSize-20)/5)), (15 * $sButtonSize) + (67+(($sButtonSize-20)/5)), 70,"",BitOR($ES_CENTER,$ES_READONLY,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL), BitOR($WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,$WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) ;Create the Player 1 Score input in its appropriate location $lTurn = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 1's Turn", $sButtonSize * 3.5, (15 * $sButtonSize),110) ;Create the Player Turn label in its appropriate location GUICtrlSetFont(-1,Round(($sButtonSize/4.12),0),900) ;Set the font size based on the button size GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xB20000) ;Set the color to maroon $lLeft = GUICtrlCreateLabel("There are " & UBound($aTiles) - 1 & " tiles left.", $sButtonSize * 3.5, 25 + (15 * $sButtonSize), 160) ;Create the Tiles Left label in its appropriate location GUICtrlSetFont(-1,Round(($sButtonSize/4.12),0),900) ;Set the font size based on the button size GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xB20000) ;Set the color to maroon ;Create the player tile section For $i = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will create each player tile button $aPButtons[$i] = GUICtrlCreateButton("",(($i-1) * ($sButtonSize - 1)) + (8 * $sButtonSize), 5 + (15 * $sButtonSize), $sButtonSize, $sButtonSize) ;Create the player tile buttons GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aPButtons[$i],"_Scrabble_ClickPlayerTile") ;Set the On Event function for each player tile GUICtrlSetFont($aPButtons[$i],10,900) ;Set the font of the Player Tiles to bold Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Create the four buttons used to play the game $bPPlay = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", (8 * $sButtonSize), 13 + ($sButtonSize) + (15 * $sButtonSize), ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2) - 4) ;Create the Play button GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_Scrabble_Play") ;Set the On Event function for the Play button $bPRecall = GUICtrlCreateButton("Recall", (8 * $sButtonSize) + ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2), 13 + ($sButtonSize) + (15 * $sButtonSize), ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2) - 4) ;Create the Recall button GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_Scrabble_RecallTiles") ;Set the On Event function for the Recall button $bPSwap = GUICtrlCreateButton("Swap", (8 * $sButtonSize), 40 + ($sButtonSize) + (15 * $sButtonSize), ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2) - 4) ;Create the Swap button ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_EndTiles") $bPResign = GUICtrlCreateButton("Pass", (8 * $sButtonSize) + ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2), 40 + ($sButtonSize) + (15 * $sButtonSize), ((7 * $sButtonSize)/2) - 4) ;Create the Resign button GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"_Scrabble_Pass") ;Set the On Event function for the Pass button GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gMain) ;Show the Main GUI EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_CreateBoard ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_FindWord ; Description ...: Finds the word just played and returns the results in an array with the tile's type (Blank, TW, TL, DW, DL) ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_FindWord() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 5/27/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_FindWord() Local $sLoop = 0, $sPlayCheck = "" ;Declare the local variables used in this function Dim $aFindWord[1][6], $aWordHandles[1], $aVertWord[1][2], $aHorWord[1][2] ;Declare the local arrays used in this function ;$aFindWord is used to get all of the currently played letters that aren't permanent ;$aWordHandles is used as a 1D array with the played tile's Control ID's in it ;$aVertWord is used to house the letters and their default labels for the _Scrabble_VerifyWord function ;Get all the placed letters that have not been permanently played For $i = 1 to UBound($aDButtons) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the buttons on the board If $aDButtons[$i][0] = 1 Then ;If the given button has been played (state is 1), then ReDim $aFindWord[1 + $sLoop][6] ;Increase the size of the holding array For $y = 0 to 4 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the subsections of the array $aFindWord[$sLoop][$y] = $aDButtons[$i][$y] ;Write the given portion to the new array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aFindWord[$sLoop][5] = GUICtrlRead($aDButtons[$i][4]) ;Add the Control ID to the new array $sLoop += 1 ;Add one to the loop counter EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop If $aFindWord[0][0] = "" Then Return -2 ;If no tiles were placed, then return -2 ;Get a 1D array with the GUI Ctrl IDs For $i = 0 To UBound($aFindWord) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each placed letter ReDim $aWordHandles[1 + $i] ;Increase the holding array $aWordHandles[$i] = $aFindWord[$i][4] ;Write the given Control ID to the new array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Check to see if at least one of the letters has been permanently placed, I.E. the player is building on to previously placed tiles ;Also checks to see if the player, on the first turn, places the tiles over the X If $sPlay <> 1 Then ;If this is NOT the first turn, then For $i = 0 To (_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) - _ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1)) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each tile handle If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] + $i,"","","","","",4)][0] = 2 Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 ;If the tile has been permanently placed, concatenate a 1 to the string Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ElseIf $sPlay = 1 Then ;If this is the first play, then For $i = 0 To (_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) - _ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1)) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each tile handle If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] + $i,"","","","","",4)][2] = "+" Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop If $sPlayCheck = "" Then ;If the $sPlayCheck variable is blank, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","Please place your first word over the star to begin.") ;Display the warning box notifying the player or the error Return -3 ;Return -3 EndIf EndIf $sPlay += 1 ;Increase the turn count by one ;Check if the word is vertical or horizontal ;Vertical If _ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) - _ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) < 15 Then ;If the word is a veritical word, then If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] - 1,"","","","","",4)][0] = 2 Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 ;If the letter directly before the first placed letter has been played, then concatenate a 1 onto the $sPlayCheck variable If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[UBound($aWordHandles) - 1] + 1,"","","","","",4)][0] = 2 Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 ;If the letter directly after the last placed letter has been played, then concatenate a 1 onto the $sPlayCheck variable If $sPlayCheck = "" Then ;If the $sPlayCheck variable is blank, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","Please attach your word to a previously played word.") ;Display the warning box notifying the player or the error Return -2 ;Return -2 EndIf $sVertTotal = _ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) - _ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) ;Get the total number of letters in the word ;Get the valid user tiles, including all in between the first and last and one on either side, if edge tile is not on the top or bottom row If _ArraySearch($aTopRow,$aWordHandles[0]) = -1 Then ;If the top tile is NOT in the top row, then $aVertWord[0][0] = GUICtrlRead($aWordHandles[0] - 1) ;Write the current label to the array $aVertWord[0][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] - 1,"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array EndIf For $i = 1 To $sVertTotal + 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for all the MIDDLE letters of the word ReDim $aVertWord[$i + 2][2] ;Increase the holding array size $aVertWord[$i][0] = GUICtrlRead(_ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) + ($i - 1)) ;Write the current label to the array $aVertWord[$i][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,_ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) + ($i - 1),"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop If _ArraySearch($aBottomRow,_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1)) = -1 Then ;If the bottom tile is NOT in the bottom row, then $aVertWord[$sVertTotal + 2][0] = GUICtrlRead(_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) + 1) ;Write the current label to the array $aVertWord[$sVertTotal + 2][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) + 1,"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array EndIf ;Check for, and remove TW, DW, TL, DL from the array For $i = 0 To UBound($aVertWord) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each letter in the array If $aVertWord[$i][0] = "TW" Or $aVertWord[$i][0] = "DW" Or $aVertWord[$i][0] = "TL" Or $aVertWord[$i][0] = "DL" Then $aVertWord[$i][0] = "" ;If the array contains TW, DW, TL, or DW, erase it Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Check for blanks in the middle of the word For $i = 1 To UBound($aVertWord) - 2 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each middle letter in the array If $aVertWord[$i][0] = "" Then ;If the current label is blank, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","Your word has blank spaces in it. Please correct and hit play again!") ;Report the error to the user Return -1 ;If there are blanks in the middle of the word, return -1 EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Remove the blanks from the array and return the result $aVertWord = _Array2DClearBlanks($aVertWord,2) ;Remove all blank lines from the array Return $aVertWord ;Return the word array Else ;If the word is a horizontal word, then ;Horizonal If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] - 15,"","","","","",4)][0] = 2 Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 ;If the letter directly before the first placed letter has been played, then concatenate a 1 onto the $sPlayCheck variable If $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[UBound($aWordHandles) - 1] + 15,"","","","","",4)][0] = 2 Then $sPlayCheck = $sPlayCheck & 1 ;If the letter directly after the last placed letter has been played, then concatenate a 1 onto the $sPlayCheck variable If $sPlayCheck = "" Then ;If the $sPlayCheck variable is blank, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","Please attach your word to a previously played word.") ;Display the warning box notifying the player or the error Return -2 ;Return -2 EndIf $sHorTotal = ((_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) - _ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1))/15) + 1 ;Get the total number of letters in the word ;Get the valid user tiles, including all in between the first and last and one on either side, if edge tile is not on the first or last column If _ArraySearch($aFirstColumn,$aWordHandles[0]) = -1 Then ;If the top tile is NOT in the first column, then $aHorWord[0][0] = GUICtrlRead($aWordHandles[0] - 15) ;Write the current label to the array $aHorWord[0][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,$aWordHandles[0] - 15,"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array EndIf For $i = 1 To $sHorTotal ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for all the MIDDLE letters of the word ReDim $aHorWord[$i + 2][2] ;Increase the holding array size $aHorWord[$i][0] = GUICtrlRead(_ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) + (($i - 1) * 15)) ;Write the current label to the array $aHorWord[$i][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,_ArrayMin($aWordHandles,1) + (($i - 1) * 15),"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop If _ArraySearch($aLastColumn,_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1)) = -1 Then ;If the last tile is NOT in the last row, then $aHorWord[$sHorTotal + 1][0] = GUICtrlRead(_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) + 15) ;Write the current label to the array $aHorWord[$sHorTotal + 1][1] = $aDButtons[_ArraySearch($aDButtons,_ArrayMax($aWordHandles,1) + 15,"","","","","",4)][2] ;Write the default label to the array EndIf ;Check for, and remove TW, DW, TL, DL from the array For $i = 0 To UBound($aHorWord) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each letter in the array If $aHorWord[$i][0] = "TW" Or $aHorWord[$i][0] = "DW" Or $aHorWord[$i][0] = "TL" Or $aHorWord[$i][0] = "DL" Then $aHorWord[$i][0] = "" ;If the array contains TW, DW, TL, or DW, erase it Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Check for blanks in the middle of the word For $i = 1 To UBound($aHorWord) - 2 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each middle letter in the array If $aHorWord[$i][0] = "" Then ;If the current label is blank, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","Your word has blank spaces in it. Please correct and hit play again!") ;Report the error to the user Return -1 ;If there are blanks in the middle of the word, return -1 EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Remove the blanks from the array and return the result $aHorWord = _Array2DClearBlanks($aHorWord,2) ;Remove all blank lines from the array Return $aHorWord ;Return the horizontal word EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_FindWord ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_GetLetterScore ; Description ...: Reads the score of the given letter from the score array and returns it ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_GetLetterScore( $sLetter ) ; Parameters ....: $sLetter - The given letter to find the score of ; Return values .: The score of the letter ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires the following global variable to be declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $aScores[27][2] = [["_",0],["E",1],["A",1],["I",1],["O",1],["R",1],["N",1],["T",1],["L",1],["S",1], _ ; ["U",1],["D",2],["G",2],["B",3],["C",3],["M",3],["P",3],["F",4],["H",4],["V",4], _ ; ["W",4],["Y",4],["K",5],["J",8],["X",8],["Q",10],["Z",10]] ; ; Modified.......: 4/20/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_GetLetterScore($sLetter) Return $aScores[_ArraySearch($aScores,$sLetter)][1] ;Reads the score of the given letter from the score array and returns it EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_GetLetterScore ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_GetTiles ; Description ...: Returns a given amount of tiles randomly from the $aTiles array, while also removing them from play ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_GetTiles( $sAmount ) ; Parameters ....: $sAmount - The number of tiles to return from the $aTiles array ; Return values .: An array with the new tiles ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires #include and the following variable declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $lLeft ; ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_GetTiles($sAmount) Local $sRadom ;Declare the local variable $sRandom to be used internally in this function Dim $aNewTiles[2] ;Declare the array to be used internally in this function If $sAmount = 0 Then Return ;If the player needs no new tiles, return For $i = 1 to $sAmount ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the tiles ReDim $aNewTiles[2 + $i] ;Increase the $aNewTiles array by one $sRandom = Random(0,UBound($aTiles)- 1,1) ;Pick a random tile from the $aTiles array and write to $aNewTiles[$i] = $aTiles[$sRandom] ;Write the random tile from the $aTiles array to the $aNewTiles array _ArrayDelete($aTiles,$sRandom) ;Delete the random tile from the $aTiles array, removing it from future play Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop GUICtrlSetData($lLeft,"There are " & UBound($aTiles) - 1 & " tiles left.") ;Set the "Tiles Left" label to the new number Return $aNewTiles ;Return the given number of new tiles EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_GetTiles ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_GetWordScore ; Description ...: Calculates the score for the given word, including multipliers ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_GetWordScore( $aWord ) ; Parameters ....: $aWord - An array containing the word to be scored. This array must be in the following format: ; $aWord[0][0] - The first letter of the word $aWord[0][1] - The multiplier of the word (or blank if no multiplier) ; $aWord[$n][0] - The last letter of the word $aWord[$n][1] - The multiplier of the word (or blank if no multiplier) ; ; An example would be the word DOG with a TL multiplier on D and a TW multiplier on G: ; $aWord[3][2] = [["D","TL"],["O",""],["G","TW"]] ; ; Return values .: The score of the word ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 4/20/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_GetWordScore($aWord) Local $sScore = 0, $sTW = 1, $sDW = 1 ;Declare the local variables for use in this function For $i = 0 to UBound($aWord) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each letter given $sLetterScore = _Scrabble_GetLetterScore($aWord[$i][0]) ;Get the letter score of the given letter If $aWord[$i][1] = "TW" Then $sTW = $sTW * 3 ;If the qualifier of the letter is TW, multiply $sTW by 3 If $aWord[$i][1] = "DW" Then $sDW = $sDW * 2 ;If the qualifier of the letter is DW, multiply $sDW by 2 If $aWord[$i][1] = "TL" Then $sLetterScore = $sLetterScore * 3 ;If the qualifier of the letter is TL, multiply the current letter score by 3 If $aWord[$i][1] = "DL" Then $sLetterScore = $sLetterScore * 2 ;If the qualifier of the letter is DL, multiply the current letter score by 2 $sScore = $sScore + $sLetterScore ;Add the letter score to the overall word score Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop Return $sScore * $sTW * $sDW ;Return the word score including the triple and double word multipliers EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_GetWordScore ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_Pass ; Description ...: Performs the pass function in Scrabble. Swaps players and adds one to the pass limit variable ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_Pass() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 5/27/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_Pass() $sPass = MsgBox(36,"ScrabbleIt","Are you sure you wish to pass?") ;Prompt the user to be sure they want to pass If $sPass = 7 Then Return ;If they don't, then return If $sPassLimit = 6 Then ;If the $sPassLimit variable is 6, then MsgBox(48,"ScrabbleIt","There have been six consecutive passes. The game is a draw.") ;Notify the users the game has ended Return ;Return out of the function EndIf If $iPlayer = 1 Then ;If it is player one's turn, then For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile $aP1Tiles[$i] = GUICtrlRead($aPButtons[$i + 1]) ;Read the values of each player tile Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aP1Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP1Tiles,0) ;Clear all blank entries from the tile list _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(1) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 1 For $i = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i],"") ;Set the player tile labels to blank GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i],0xFE80B9) ;set the player tile colors to a pink color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt","Please swap players") ;Prompt the users to swap places _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(2) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 2 GUICtrlSetData($lTurn,"Player 2's Turn") ;Change the player label to show Player 2's turn $iPlayer = 2 ;Set the turn variable $iPlayer to 2 ElseIf $iPlayer = 2 Then ;If it is player two's turn, then For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile $aP2Tiles[$i] = GUICtrlRead($aPButtons[$i + 1]) ;Read the values of each player tile Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aP2Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP2Tiles,0) ;Clear all blank entries from the tile list _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(2) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 2 For $i = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i],"") ;Set the player tile labels to blank GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i],0xFE80B9) ;set the player tile colors to a pink color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt","Please swap players") ;Prompt the users to swap places _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(1) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 1 GUICtrlSetData($lTurn,"Player 1's Turn") ;Change the player label to show Player 1's turn $iPlayer = 1 ;Set the turn variable $iPlayer to 1 EndIf $cLetter = "" ;Set the $cLetter to blank, indicating no letter is chosen $sLetter = "" ;Set the $sLetter to blank, indicating no letter is chosen $sPassLimit += 1 ;Increase the $sPassLimit by 1 EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_Pass ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_Play ; Description ...: Run when the player hits the "Play" button. Checks the given word for validty, scores it, and swaps players ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_Play() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 5/27/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_Play() Local $sPlayWord ;Declare the local variables for use in this function Dim $aPlayWord ;Initialize the $aPlayWord array $aPlayWord = _Scrabble_FindWord() ;Run the _Scrabble_FindWord function and save the result If $aPlayWord = -1 or $aPlayWord = -2 or $aPlayWord = -3 Then Return -1 ;If the above function errored out, then return -1 $sPlayWord = _Scrabble_ConvertWord($aPlayWord) ;Convert the arrayed word into a string for verification If _Scrabble_VerifyWord($sPlayWord) = True Then ;If the word is an acceptable word, then $sPoints = _Scrabble_GetWordScore($aPlayWord) ;Get the score of the word using the word array MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt","You played " & $sPlayWord & " for a total of " & $sPoints & " points.") ;Notify the user of the play and the points If $iPlayer = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($iPlayer1,GUICtrlRead($iPlayer1) + $sPoints) ;Add the points to player one's score as needed If $iPlayer = 2 Then GUICtrlSetData($iPlayer2,GUICtrlRead($iPlayer2) + $sPoints) ;Add the points to player two's score as needed ;Change the tile to permenantly played For $i = 1 to UBound($aDButtons) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the buttons on the board If $aDButtons[$i][0] = 1 Then ;If the given button has been played (state is 1), then $aDButtons[$i][0] = 2 ;Set the state of the button to 2 (permenantly played) GUICtrlSetBkColor($aDButtons[$i][4],0xFFCC00) ;Change the color to a darker yellow/orange to indicate its state EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;Change the player turn and update the tile arrays and buttons If $iPlayer = 1 Then ;If it is player one's turn, then For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile $aP1Tiles[$i] = GUICtrlRead($aPButtons[$i + 1]) ;Read the values of each player tile Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aP1Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP1Tiles,0) ;Clear all blank entries from the tile list _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(1) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 1 For $i = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i],"") ;Set the player tile labels to blank GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i],0xFE80B9) ;set the player tile colors to a pink color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt","Please swap players") ;Prompt the users to swap places _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(2) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 2 GUICtrlSetData($lTurn,"Player 2's Turn") ;Change the player label to show Player 2's turn $iPlayer = 2 ;Set the turn variable $iPlayer to 2 ElseIf $iPlayer = 2 Then ;If it is player two's turn, then For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile $aP2Tiles[$i] = GUICtrlRead($aPButtons[$i + 1]) ;Read the values of each player tile Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aP2Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP2Tiles,0) ;Clear all blank entries from the tile list _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(2) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 2 For $i = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each player tile GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i],"") ;Set the player tile labels to blank GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i],0xFE80B9) ;set the player tile colors to a pink color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt","Please swap players") ;Prompt the users to swap places _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer(1) ;Run the _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer function for player 1 GUICtrlSetData($lTurn,"Player 1's Turn") ;Change the player label to show Player 1's turn $iPlayer = 1 ;Set the turn variable $iPlayer to 1 EndIf $cLetter = "" ;Set the $cLetter to blank, indicating no letter is chosen $sLetter = "" ;Set the $sLetter to blank, indicating no letter is chosen $sPassLimit = 0 ;Initialize the $sPassLimit variable ElseIf _Scrabble_VerifyWord($sPlayWord) = False Then ;If the word is not an acceptable word, then $sPlay -= 1 ;Remove one from the play count MsgBox(64,"ScrabbleIt",$sPlayWord & " is not a valid word.") ;Notify the user of the invalidity of the word EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_Play ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_RecallTiles ; Description ...: Recalls all tiles that have been placed, but not played (in state 1) from the game board ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_RecallTiles() ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_RecallTiles() For $i = 1 to UBound($aDButtons) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for every button on the game board If $aDButtons[$i][0] = 1 Then ;If the current button's state is 1, indicating there is a tile that has been placed but not played on it, then For $y = 1 to 7 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the Player Tiles If GUICtrlRead($aPButtons[$y]) = "" Then ;If the current button is blank (no tile is on it), then GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$y],GUICtrlRead($aDButtons[$i][4])) ;Set the label of the "blank Player Tile" to the label of the current Board Tile GUICtrlSetTip($aPButtons[$y], GUICtrlRead($aDButtons[$i][4]) & " is worth " & _Scrabble_GetLetterScore(GUICtrlRead($aDButtons[$i][4]))) ;Set the hint tip of the "blank Player Tile" to the hint tip of the current Board Tile GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$y],0xFFE500) ;Set the color of the "blank Player Tile" to a mustard yellow, to indicate a tile is now on it ExitLoop ;Exit the For loop early EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop GUICtrlSetFont($aDButtons[$i][4],8.5,400) ;Set the Board Tile back to it's default font GUICtrlSetBkColor($aDButtons[$i][4], $aDButtons[$i][1]) ;Set the Board Tile back to it's default color GUICtrlSetData($aDButtons[$i][4], $aDButtons[$i][2]) ;Set the Board Tile back to it's default label GUICtrlSetTip($aDButtons[$i][4], $aDButtons[$i][3]) ;Set the Board Tile back to it's default hint tip $aDButtons[$i][0] = 0 ;Set the Board Tile's state back to 0, indicating it has no tile on it EndIf Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $sLetter = "" ;Initialize the $sLetter variable $cLetter = "" ;Initialize the $cLetter variable EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_RecallTiles ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_SpecialTile ; Description ...: Creates the special tiles (TW, DW, TL, DL), sets their default values, and changes their physical look ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_SpecialTile( $sI, $sY, $sColor, $sCaption, $sTip ) ; Parameters ....: $sI - The $i column value of the button ; $sY - The $y column value of the button ; $sColor - The hex color of the button ; $sCaption - The label to be shown on the button ; $sTip - The hint tip for the button ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_SpecialTile($sI, $sY, $sColor, $sCaption, $sTip) $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$sI][$sY]][1] = $sColor ;Set the given button's default color to the given color $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$sI][$sY]][2] = $sCaption ;Set the given button's default label to the given label $aDButtons[$aTButtons[$sI][$sY]][3] = $sTip ;Set the given button's default hint tip to the given hint tip GUICtrlSetBkColor($aTButtons[$sI][$sY],$sColor) ;Set the button's color to the given color GUICtrlSetData($aTButtons[$sI][$sY],$sCaption) ;Set the button's label to the given label GUICtrlSetTip($aTButtons[$sI][$sY],$sTip) ;Set the button's hint tip to the given hint tip EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_SpecialTile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer ; Description ...: Updates the player's tile arrays as well as the "Player Tiles" ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer( $sPlayer ) ; Parameters ....: $sPlayer - The current player to update. 0 is for the start of the game, 1 is player 1, and 2 is player 2. Default is 0 ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires #include and the following variables declared at the beginning of the script: ; ; Global $aP1Tiles[8], $aP2Tiles[8] ; ; Modified.......: 4/23/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_UpdatePlayer($sPlayer = 0) Dim $aNTiles ;Initialize the $aNTiles array ;This section updates both players at the beginning of the game If $sPlayer = 0 Then ;If the given player number is 0, then $aNTiles = _Scrabble_GetTiles(7) ;Get all 7 new tiles For $i = 1 To 7 ;Start a For loop. Will repeat 7 times $aP1Tiles[$i] = $aNTiles[$i] ;Assign the new tile values to Player 1's tiles Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $aNTiles = _Scrabble_GetTiles(7) ;Get all 7 new tiles For $i = 1 To 7 ;Start a For loop. Will repeat 7 times $aP2Tiles[$i] = $aNTiles[$i] ;Assign the new tile values to Player 2's tiles Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop $sPlayer = 1 ;Set the $sPlayer value to 1, thus running Player 1's update as well EndIf ;This section updates player 1's tiles only If $sPlayer = 1 Then ;If the given player number is 1, then $aP1Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP1Tiles,0) ;Clear the blank spaces out of Player 1's tile array If UBound($aP1Tiles) <> 8 Then ;If the player tiles aren't full, then $aNTiles = _Scrabble_GetTiles(7 - UBound($aP1Tiles)) ;Get the remainder of the tiles from the main tile group For $i = 1 to UBound($aNTiles) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the new tiles _ArrayAdd($aP1Tiles,$aNTiles[$i]) ;Add any new tiles needed to Player 1's tile array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop EndIf For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat 7 times GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i + 1],$aP1Tiles[$i]) ;Set the given button's label to the tile letter GUICtrlSetTip($aPButtons[$i + 1],$aP1Tiles[$i] & " is worth " & _Scrabble_GetLetterScore($aP1Tiles[$i])) ;Set the given button's hint tip to the given letter's score GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i + 1],0xFFE500) ;Set the background color of the given button to a mustard yellow color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop Return ;Exit the function EndIf ;This section updates player 2's tiles only If $sPlayer = 2 Then ;If the given player number is 2, then $aP2Tiles = _Array2DClearBlanks($aP2Tiles,0) ;Clear the blank spaces out of Player 2's tile array If UBound($aP2Tiles) <> 8 Then ;If the player tiles aren't full, then $aNTiles = _Scrabble_GetTiles(7 - UBound($aP2Tiles)) ;Get the remainder of the tiles from the main tile group For $i = 1 to UBound($aNTiles) - 1 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat for each of the new tiles _ArrayAdd($aP2Tiles,$aNTiles[$i]) ;Add any new tiles needed to Player 1's tile array Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop EndIf For $i = 0 to 6 ;Start a For loop. This will repeat 7 times GUICtrlSetData($aPButtons[$i + 1],$aP2Tiles[$i]) ;Set the given button's label to the tile letter GUICtrlSetTip($aPButtons[$i + 1],$aP2Tiles[$i] & " is worth " & _Scrabble_GetLetterScore($aP2Tiles[$i])) ;Set the given button's hint tip to the given letter's score GUICtrlSetBkColor($aPButtons[$i + 1],0xFFE500) ;Set the background color of the given button to a mustard yellow color Next ;Perform the next iteration of the For loop ;$aP1Tiles[7] = "" ;Set the $aP2Tiles to blank, as the spot is needed but not used Return ;Exit the function EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_UpdatePlayer ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Scrabble_VerifyWord ; Description ...: Checks the veracity of the given word against a list of legal Scrabble words ; Syntax.........: _Scrabble_VerifyWord ( $sWord ) ; Parameters ....: $sWord - The word to check the veracity of ; Return values .: True - The word was found and is a legal Scrabble word ; False - The word was not found and is not a legal Scrabble word ; Author ........: Kris Mills ; Remarks .......: Requires the ScrabbleWords.txt text file containing the complete list of legal Scrabble words ; Also requires the following global variable declared at the top of the script: ; ; Global $sWordList = FileRead("ScrabbleWords.txt") ; ; Modified.......: 4/20/2011 - Created, commented, and added function header ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Scrabble_VerifyWord($sWord) If StringInStr($sWordList,$sWord) <> 0 Then Return True ;If the word is found in the word list, then return True If StringInStr($sWordList,$sWord) = 0 Then Return False ;If the word is not found in the word list, then return False EndFunc ;==>_Scrabble_VerifyWord