#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: David Berliner Script Function: Format a DVD_RAM disk when the format Button is clicked. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;MonitorWindow() Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;Change to on event mode ;Scan for the FORMAT window to be displayed While 1 Select Case WinActive("Select Action for Deck A","Cannot read deck. It could be unformatted") ; MsgBox(4096,"Window Test...","The format selection window is open.") $EjectHandle = ControlGetHandle("Select Action for Deck A","Cannot read deck. It could be unformatted", "[ID:1]") $FormatHandle = ControlGetHandle("Select Action for Deck A","Cannot read deck. It could be unformatted", "[ID:1468]") $Eject = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($EjectHandle, "EjectPressed") $Format = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($FormatHandle, "FormatPressed") ExitLoop Case Else ;Handle all other cases EndSelect Sleep(500) WEnd While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func EjectPressed() MsgBox(4096,"Eject","We are here") Exit EndFunc Func FormatPressed() MsgBox(4096,"Format","We are here") Exit EndFunc ;MsgBox(4096,"Test","We are here") Exit ;Open a DOS Window and force a FAT32 format ;RunWait( @ComSpec & " /C Format Z:/FS:FAT32 /Q /Y","",@SW_SHOW )