#include #include #RequireAdmin ; Create the temp file needed to get Machine Info _GetCPUzInfo() ; detect drive letter of Last Disk Windows Folder (only fixed disks to exclued PE) ;$var = DriveGetDrive("fixed") ;For $i = 1 to $var[0] ; If FileExists($var[$i] & '\Windows') Then ; $windrive = $var[$i] ; EndIf ;Next $windrive = $CmdLine[1] $destarch = $CmdLine[2] if $destarch = "x86" Then $osarch = "WIN_7_X86" if $destarch = "x64" Then $osarch = "WIN_7_X64" ; Create the output $driversdir = @ScriptDir &"\"& _GetLaptop() &"\"& _GetManufacturer() &"\"& _GetModel() &"\"& $osarch ;MsgBox(0,"Drivers","Drivers will be pulled from " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $driversdir & @CRLF & @CRLF & "if they exist...",5) ;DirCopy($driversdir,$windrive & "\Drivers",1) if FileExists($driversdir) Then _MultiFileCopy($driversdir, $windrive & "\Drivers") ;Clean up RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c del /s/q restore.ini",$windrive & "\Drivers",@SW_HIDE) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c del /s/q BackupLog.txt",$windrive & "\Drivers",@SW_HIDE) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\cpuz64.exe") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\mysystem.txt")